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Kirken Update er en nyhedstjeneste udsprunget af Folkekirkens Missions Nyhedsbrev. Red: Kristen Skriver Frandsen.
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Kirken Update

Oversigter 2009: [Se her]

05-01-2011 - Udgivelse On-line International Bulletin of Missionary Research
Udgivelser - forskning

Content January 2011. Edinburgh 2010 Centennial World Missionary Conference: A Report. Janet Carroll. - A Current Snapshot of North American Protestant Missions. A. Scott Moreau. - Christianity 2011: Martyrs and the Resurgence of Religion. Todd M. Johnson, David B. Barrett, and Peter F. Crossing. - Ls mere - [International Bulletin of Missionary Research]
Reconfiguring Home: Telugu Biblewomen, Protestant Missionaries, and Christian Marriage. James Elisha Taneti.

USA, New Haven - Wikipedia
Til top p siden

05-01-2011 - Top 50 over nationer, hvor kristne forflges
Religionskonflikt - forflgelse

the list covers persecution of Christians of all denominations in the entire country. The focus is on persecution for the faith, not persecution for political, economic, social, ethnic or accidental reasons Ls mere - [Open Doors]

Globalt - Wikipedia
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05-01-2011 - Kors p offentlig krigsmindeplads er mod USAs konstitution

Judges for U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit decided 3-0 in the case of Trunk v. City of San Diego that the Mt. Soledad cross paying homage to fallen soldiers is unconstitutional. Ls mere - [The Christian Post]

USA, Californien - Wikipedia
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05-01-2011 - Demonstrationer mod kirkedrab i Alexandria

Hundreds of supporters of Egyptian Christians protesting a New Year's bombing that killed nearly two dozen of their members marched Tuesday night on a church in a Cairo suburb, where they were met by an equal number of security officers in riot gear. - Other reactions: (Read more: Christian Islam Forum) Ls mere - [CNN]

gypten, Alexandria - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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03-01-2011 - Kirke p Cypern forhindret i at holde julegudstjeneste

Turkish Cypriot police entered the Church of Saint Sinesios and demanded that worship activities cease because the government had not granted the congregation permission for the service. "It is wrong and a symbol of religious intolerance and repressive policies of the Turkish Cypriot authorities supported by Turkey's occupation troops to require such a small church community to seek permission to hold Christmas Liturgy," said Leonard Leo, USCIRF chair. Ls mere - [USCIRF]

Cypern - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
Til top p siden

03-01-2011 - Kampagne rettet mod skabsateister

[O]ur target is not the Christians, but all the atheists and agnostics still in the closet who are still pretending, still playing the game, still putting up a facade." Ls mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
Til top p siden

02-01-2011 - Gudstjenester i fri stil - for unge
Spiritualitet (troens liv og former)

A new style of service is making its way across and around Denmark - aimed at the 13 to 17-year-olds - and on their premises. Ls mere - []

Danmark - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
Til top p siden

01-01-2011 - Angreb p kirke i Alexandria nytrsdag slr 21 ihjel

At least 21 people were killed early Saturday in a New Year's day car bomb attack on a church in Alexandria, hitting Egypt's Christian community, the biggest in the Middle East.Obama condemns. - - 3 january 2011: (Copts returns) Ls mere - [Yahoo News]

gypten - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
Til top p siden

31-12-2010 - 500-ret for reformationen anledning til anerkendelse af paven?

Topstory of Kristeligt Dagblad (in danish): Will protestants in the 500-year annivesary for the Reformation recognize Pope as leader? See also background: (German Catholich paper reports..) - German bishop supports the idea) (Se her) Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Europa - Wikipedia
Til top p siden

23-12-2010 - Vil det blive jul i Irak?

Victimized by violence, displacement, discrimination, and marginalization, Iraq's Christians have been emigrating in mass numbers. Those remaining in Iraq fear for their lives and safety. Ls mere - [Washington Post]

Irak - Wikipedia
Til top p siden

22-12-2010 - Ingen jule-amnesti i Turkmenistan
Religionskonflikt - forflgelse

Turkmenistan has not released any of its nine known religious prisoners of conscience in its latest prisoner amnesty, Forum 18 News Service has learnt. The latest prisoner of conscience sentenced for exercising the right to freedom of religion or belief - Protestant pastor Ilmurad Nurliev, given a four year jail term with forcible "medical" treatment in October - is amongst those excluded Ls mere - [Forum 18]

Turkmenistan - Wikipedia
Til top p siden

22-12-2010 - ENInews gr ind eller ndres

The most used source for information and news here in KirkenUpdate is undergoing a major reconstruction.. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Schweitz, Geneve - Wikipedia
Til top p siden

22-12-2010 - Den lutherske kirke i Guinea gr til kamp mod AIDS
Mission - helbredelse og sundhed

Dansk Missionsrds Udviklingsafdeling har netop bevilget 32.000 dollars, eller nsten 200.000 kr., til et etrigt pilotprojekt i Den lutherske Kirke i Guinea. Projektets forml er at starte aids-rdgivning, forebygge hiv-smitte og yde omsorg til hiv/aids-ramte i tre amter i Guineas store skovregion. Ls mere - [Dansk Etioper Mission]

Guinea - Wikipedia
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
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21-12-2010 - Biskop mod kvinders ordination og homo-accept fortstter som leder

Archbishop Janis Vanags, widely known for his strong stand against the ordination of women and opposition to homosexuality, is to remain as the leader of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Letland - Wikipedia
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
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20-12-2010 - Militrprster mske problem med nye holdning til homoseksuelle
Etik - seksualitet

Senate vote 65-31 have done away with the 1993 ban on open homosexualite.. "The first official casualty of this hurried vote may well be the religious freedom of chaplains and service members," said ADF Litigation Counsel Daniel Blomberg in a statement... Ls mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
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20-12-2010 - Betlehem ved juletid - stadig et sted for kristen spiritualitet
Politik - kirkens vilkr

Despite political conflict involving Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, Bethlehem remains the centre of Christian spirituality, especially at Christmas, says the Palestinian minister of tourism Khouloud Deibes. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Israel, Betlehem - Wikipedia
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19-12-2010 - 40% amerikanere tilslutter sig creationismen
Teologi - fundamentalisme

A new Gallup poll reveals that 40 percent of Americans believe in creationism - that is, that God created humans in their present form about 10,000 years ago. The statistic marks a slight decrease compared to years past such as in 2008 when 44 percent reported believing in strict creationism. Ls mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
Til top p siden

15-12-2010 - Biskop blander politik og forkyndelse ved Folketingest bning
Politik - religion

When he likened the Samaritan to a Somali asylum seeker, it was clear that there would be repercussions from MPs who consider such a topical reference as a politicising of the gospel... Ls mere - [Det mellemkirkelige Rd]

Danmark, Kbenhavn - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
Til top p siden

10-12-2010 - Udgivelse: Dalit Theology ..
Udgivelser - forskning

(Sathianathan Clarke) identifies some fundamental misunderstanding of mission by those who have not considered Dalit issues as a pertinent mission-discourse. He sees ecumenical interfaith forums to be one of the potential grounds for endorsing Dalit cause by overcoming mere victimhood by determined resistance. From a review of "Dalit Theology in the Twenty-first Century: Discordant Voices, Discerning Pathways" Ls mere - [Post Colonial Journal]

Indien - Wikipedia
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09-12-2010 - Ikke af kirken godkendt biskop valgt som leder af rd (Kina)
Organisation og ledelse

The eighth National Assembly of Catholic Representatives has elected the new leaders of government-controlled organisations. The unlawfully nominated bishop Joseph Ma Yinglin of Kunming is the new president of the government-sanctioned Bishops' Conference of the Catholic Church in China (BCCCC), whilst Bishop Fang Xinyao of Linyi (Shandong) is the new head of the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association (CCPA). The assembly, the conference and the association are all irreconcilable with the Catholic faith. Ls mere - []

Kina, Beijing - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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09-12-2010 - Ddsdom for at vre kristen prst, konverteret fra islam
Religionskonflikt - forflgelse

A Christan pastor in Iran has been sentenced to death for allegedly renouncing his Muslim religion and another faces a possible indictment on the same charge of apostasy, according to a prominent activist group working for human rights in Iran.. Ls mere - [CNN]

Iran - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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08-12-2010 - Kristus og jul - meningsforskelle henover generationer (England)

A poll of 1,000 adults .. found that just under half (46%) agreed with the statement that the birth of Jesus is "irrelevant" to their Christmas, compared with 51% who believe His birth is relevant...Surprisingly, people aged 18 to 24 were more likely than any other age group to disagree with the statement (55%), challenging the common assumption that Christ's birth is only meaningful to older generations. Ls mere - [Christian Today]

England - Wikipedia
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07-12-2010 - Systematiske angreb p kristne i Indien

More attacks against Christians in Karnataka. On December 5 groups of Hindu extremists have made four different attacks against Protestant Christians. Ls mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Indien, Karnataka - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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07-12-2010 - Nytrsforst: Mere af Guds mission ind i dagliglivet

Church Mission Society is looking for 1,000 people to make Kingdom-minded resolutions this New Year..."We're giving people the chance to make a resolution that matters - and providing a space for them to share tips, ask for prayer and tell their stories. "We think the impact of 1,000 people taking a small step in mission could have a fantastic ripple effect." Ls mere - [Christian Today]

England - Wikipedia
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07-12-2010 - Kirke og arbejdskamp p Filipinerne
Politik - sociale forhold

Life is not sweet for workers at a sugar estate owned by the family of Philippines' President Benigno Aquino III, a visiting church group has found... Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Fillipinerne, Manila - Wikipedia
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06-12-2010 - Varme vanter til kumenisk vintervejr?

No official statement was released after the 4 December audience at the Vatican, but the WCC general secretary, the Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, told journalists in Rome there had been a "a very open and friendly" conversation - and WWC leader brought a symbolic present.. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Italien, Rom - Wikipedia
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06-12-2010 - Endnu to kristne myrdet i Bagdad

Violence perpetrated by Islamic extremists has forced hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Christians to flee the country. Since 2003, the Christian population has shrunk from 1.2 million to 600,000, by some estimates. Ls mere - [Christian Today]

Irak - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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02-12-2010 - Mde mellem WCCs generalsekretr og paven i Rom

The general secretary of the World Council of Churches, the Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit meets the Pope the 4. of december. .."There are expectations for the ecumenical movement that have not been fulfilled, and there are tensions arising in and between churches," says Tveit. Cardinal Kurt Koch, [has been reported] as saying there is a crisis of ecumenism because of two "profoundly different mentalities" that shape the way Catholics and Protestants describe the nature of the Church. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]
"The churches and ecclesial communities born of the [Reformation] have renounced the original objective of ecumenism as visible unity and have substituted it with the concept of mutual recognition as churches.."

Schweitz, Geneve - Wikipedia
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02-12-2010 - Lausanne III - som at mangle Brasilien i VM i fodbold..
Mission - konferencer og mder

.. om de kinesiske kristne ufrivillige udeblivelse fra konferencen. - artiklen fortller om den store omhu for en rigtig fordeling af delegater fra hele verden - som s fik en skvhed i forhold til de asiatiske kirker, videre om kriser, (IT-attacks) som konferencen kom ud i .. men citerer Archbishop Henry Orombi fra Uganda: "It is a joy to see heaven begin here." Ls mere - [ChristianityToday]

Sydafrika, Cape Town - Wikipedia
Kristendom - evangelikal
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01-12-2010 - iPhone kritiseret for at lukke konservativ "app" (vedr. gteskab mm)
Etik - seksualitet

Organizers behind the Manhattan Declaration, an ecumenical document that upholds the traditional understanding of marriage, among other things, are urging Apple to restore its iPhone app. - The Manhattan Declaration app was reportedly pulled from the App Store some time over the Thanksgiving holiday after some denounced it as anti-gay. Ls mere - [Christian Post]

USA, New York, Manhattan - Wikipedia
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01-12-2010 - Hjesteret vil ikke forbyde Christmas Carols i skolen (USA)

The U.S. Supreme Court recently refused to consider a challenge to a ban on religious carols in public schools. The decision underscored how singing "songs of good cheer" can be complicated. Some Christians believe that leading up to Christmas, churches should not sing carols that celebrate the birth of Christ. Others question the theology of some carols. Ls mere - [ChristianityToday]

USA - Wikipedia
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01-12-2010 - Evangelikal politisk teologi og kirke
Politik - tro

Overview of challenges for evangelical political engagement: "Political Advocasy Tracker" Ls mere - [ChristianityToday]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - evangelikal
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29-11-2010 - strigsk, katolsk kirkelukning afdkker nationale modstninger
Kirke og kultur

The head of the Roman Catholic Church in Austria has denied being "anti-Polish" after members of Polish congregations in Vienna protested against his decision to offer one of the city's Catholic churches to Serbian Orthodox Christians. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

strig, Wien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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25-11-2010 - Rapport om religis frihed i verden
Udgivelser - forskning

The 2010 Report on Religious Freedom in the World by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) was released yesterday in Rome. It shows that the situation is serious in many parts of the world, particularly in Asia. In the Near East, Iraq represents an especially bad case where anti-Christian violence is taking on the form of systematic persecution, as the latest episodes indicate.. Ls mere - []

Italien, Rom - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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25-11-2010 - Luthersk kirkeleder (LVF) vil dialog
Organisation og ledelse

Lutherans worldwide need to avoid isolation and to open themselves to people in other churches and of other faiths, the Rev. Martin Junge has said at his installation as the new general secretary of the Lutheran World Federation. "Our faith in the triune God grants us the spiritual resources to resist the tendency to withdraw to self-isolation and self-centred monologue..." Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Schweitz, Geneve - Wikipedia
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top p siden

25-11-2010 - Konfiskationer, lukning af adgang til religise hjemmesider

..foreign religious websites have had access from within Uzbekistan blocked. These actions appear to be part of a policy of isolating religious believers from their fellow-believers in other countries. Ls mere - [Forum 18]

Uzbekistan - Wikipedia
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24-11-2010 - Konservative anglikanere trkker sttte til dokument om enhed
Organisation og ledelse

Just as the Church of England General Synod was giving its backing to a mechanism to preserve unity in the Anglican Communion, conservative Anglican leaders were issuing a statement declaring that they can no longer give it their support... Ls mere - [Christian Post]

England - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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23-11-2010 - Brug af kondomer OK, hvis formlet er mindskelse af risiko for HIV
Etik og moral

"The announcement [by the pope] will make cooperation easier with faith-based organizations, in the fight against HIV and AIDS," said the head of UNAIDS. - Confusion i US about the statement of the Pope: (Se her) Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Schweitz, Geneve - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top p siden

20-11-2010 - Presbyteriansk Malawi-synode kritiserer katolsk biskops politiseren
Politik og kirke

The Blantyre synod of the Presbyterian Church of Central Africa, in Malawi, has criticised the country's Roman Catholic bishops for issuing a pastoral statement critical of the government. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Malawi - Wikipedia
Kristendom, presbyteriansk
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20-11-2010 - Boycottet Dalit-kvinde begr selvmord
Religionskonflikt - forflgelse

A Dalit woman leader, who fought on behalf of two Dalit cooks who were sacked due to upper-caste protests, hanged herself late Friday, an organisation working for Dalit rights said Saturday. Ls mere - [All India Christian Council]

Indien, Orissa - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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19-11-2010 - Kan folkekirken sige noget i EU (Konference)
Politik og kirke

Iflge Lissabontraktaten er den europiske union forpligtet p at opretholde en ben, gennemsigtig og regelmssig dialog med kirker og religist eller filosofisk funderede organisationer i anerkendelse af deres identitet og specifikke bidrag... Hvordan kan folkekirken vre med til at nuancere det religise billede af Europa med sin tilstedevrelse? Kan folkekirken sige noget i EU, nr den traditionelt ikke har noget at skulle have sagt? Kan den leve med at lade vre? Ls mere - []

Danmark, Kbenhavn - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
Til top p siden

17-11-2010 - Jdiske, muslimske og en kristen leder beder om regn i Palstina
Religionsmde - flles religis praksis

Unseasonably dry weather in the Holy Land region, with no predictions of rain in the near future, has led a group of about 60 local Jewish and Muslim religious leaders, plus one Christian, to join in praying for rain. The Christian involved was a Roman Catholic priest from Bethlehem. "They are joint needs. They [the people] need the same things, and they ask for them from the same God," Rabbi Yehuda Stolov tells Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Israel, Jerusalem - Wikipedia
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09-11-2010 - Evangelische Kirche Deutschland valgt ny leder
Organisation og ledelse

His two predecessors - Kssmann and the Berlin bishop, Wolfgang Huber - were known as media personalities who did not shy away from confrontation or controversy. Schneider is seen by analysts as having a different public personality, being more of a team-player and reconciler of divergent opinions within the EKD. But as the son of a steel worker from the industrial Ruhr area of western Germany, he has spoken out on poverty and on social and economic issues Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Tyskland - Wikipedia
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
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08-11-2010 - Gene Robinson trkker sig tilbage som biskop i 2013
Organisation og ledelse

Openly gay Bishop V. Gene Robinson, whose 2003 election caused a major schism within the U.S. Episcopal (Anglican) Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion, has announced he will retire in early 2013.. (elected in 2003)..the international furore of his election has taken a "toll on me, my family and you". Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

USA, Washington - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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05-11-2010 - Kirker mod fattigdom

2010 er r for bekmpelse af fattigdom. Den 22. november er der konference p Diakonhjskolen i rhus om sagen. "Kirker mod fattigdom" er et projekt under Dansk Diakonird og Folkekirkens mellemkirkelige Rd i forbindelse med det europiske r 2010 for bekmpelse af fattigdom og social eksklusion. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Danmark, rhus - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
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04-11-2010 - Kristne og muslimer i flles kriselsningsgruppe - globalt

From closing statement at meeting in Geneva: "Religion is often invoked in conflict creation, even when other factors, such as unfair resource allocation, oppression, occupation and injustice, are the real roots of conflict." (Also see:'Protect religious minorities' says Muslim at talks with Christians ) Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Schweitz, Geneve - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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04-11-2010 - De fleste prster vil bruge medierne - ogs centralt
Mission - medier

Isr aktivistiske og karismatiske prster mener, folkekirken br have en central mediestrategi. 61 pct. danske prster er enige eller delvist enige i, at folkekirken br have en flles mediestrategi (Undersgelse af Peter Fischer-Nielsen). Ls mere - [Ugebrevet Sndagmorgen]

Danmark - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
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01-11-2010 - Blodbad i syrisk katolsk kirke i Bagdad - over 40 drbte
Religionskonflikt - forflgelse

Det dramatiske og blodige gidseldrama i en katolsk kirke i Iraks hovedstad, Bagdad, sluttede med omkring 43 ofre. - Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]
(Se ogs The Tablet)

Irak - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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28-10-2010 - Katolske biskopper: to-statslsning i Israel nu
Politik og kirke

Catholic bishops from the Middle East have urged the United Nations to take steps to end Israel's occupation of Arab territories to enable a "two-State" solution for the region... The holy city of Jerusalem will be able to acquire its proper status, which respects its particular character, its holiness and the religious patrimony of the three religions: Jewish, Christian and Muslim.
Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Se ogs Status p Mellemst-synoden.

Italien, Rom - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top p siden

22-10-2010 - Kristen og muslimsk gudstjeneste i Hagia Sofia?
Religionsmde - flles religis praksis

A Turkish government adviser says Christians and Muslims should be allowed to worship again in Istanbul's Hagia Sophia basilica, eight decades after it was turned into a museum by the country's secularist authorities. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Polen - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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18-10-2010 - Kirkernes Verdensrds leder taler ved Capetown 2010
Organisation og ledelse

We are called to be one, to be reconciled, so that the world may believe that God reconciles the world to himself in Christ," the WCC general secretary, the Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, said in a 17 October address on the opening day of the 3rd Lausanne Congress for World Evangelization. It is the first time a WCC general secretary has addressed a congress of the Lausanne Movement, which takes its name from the Swiss city where the first such gathering was held in 1974. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sydafrika, Cape Town - Wikipedia
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18-10-2010 - Beklager fravr af kinesisk delegation ved Lausanne III
Mission - konferencer og mder

"The presence and contribution of Chinese delegates would have enriched all the Congress participants and contributed to a more complete understanding of our common humanity and the diversity of ethnicity and cultural expression that enriches us all," Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sydafrika, Cape Town - Wikipedia
Kristendom - evangelikal
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16-10-2010 - Tredje Lausanne Kongres i Cape Town

Leaders of a Christian movement focused on world evangelization marked the one-year count down to their third major gathering in over three decades. Cape Town 2010 will be held Oct. 16-25, 2010, at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. Ls mere - [Christian Post]

Sydafrika, Cape Town - Wikipedia
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16-10-2010 - Lausanne III Cape Town 2010
Mission - konferencer og mder

The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization (Lausanne III) will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, 16-25 October 2010. The Congress, held in collaboration with the World Evangelical Alliance, will bring together 4,000 leaders from more than 200 countries to confront the critical issues of our time - other world faiths, poverty, HIV/AIDS, persecution, among others - as they relate to the future of the Church and world evangelization. Ls mere - []

Sydafrika, Cape Town - Wikipedia
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12-10-2010 - Frste kvindelige generalsekretr for kirkelig WWCA
Organisation og ledelse

Soon after a study commissioned by the World Association of Christian Communication found that men continue to hog the global news headlines, despite the presence of women growing, the group installed its first female executive head. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Schweitz, Geneve - Wikipedia
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12-10-2010 - Den ortodokse kirke g p YouTube
Mission - arbejdsmder

The Russian Orthodox Church has joined the YouTube family by opening its own channel on the popular video hosting site to "bring God's word closer to lives of modern youth," Patriarch Kirill said in a video recorded for the channel. Ls mere - [The Moscow Times]

Rusland, Moskva - Wikipedia
Kristendom, ortodoks
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11-10-2010 - Sydafrikas "moralske kompas" trkker sig tilbage
Personalia og biografi

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, often described as South Africa's moral compass, officially retired on his 79th birthday saying he wishes to devote time to his wife, Leah, and family. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sydafrika - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top p siden

11-10-2010 - Svensk kirkeleder: Den officielle kineskiske kirke mindre interessant

Changes in the make up of Chinese Christianity may make the officially-sanctioned China Christian Council less important, says the head of the (Lutheran) Church of Sweden, who is visiting the world's most populous country Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sverige, Stockholm - Wikipedia
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10-10-2010 - Paven bner topmde om de kristnes vilkr i Mellemsten
Politik - kirkens vilkr

Pope Benedict on Sunday opened a crisis summit of Middle East bishops to discuss the future of Christians in the region and insisted they have a right to live in their homelands. Ls mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Vatikanet - Wikipedia
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10-10-2010 - Israels regering sttter kontroversiel jdisk statsloyalitetsed
Politik - religion

The Israeli cabinet has approved a controversial bill that would require all non-Jews taking Israeli citizenship to swear loyalty to Israel as a "Jewish and democratic state".. The law, which has angered Israel's Arab minority, still has to be passed by the Knesset, the Israeli parliament...Arabs make up 20% of Israel's population. Ls mere - [BBC]

Israel - Wikipedia
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08-10-2010 - Religion 2.0 - Tendenser og trends i det nye rtusind
Udgivelser - forskning

Religion er nu kommet i version 2.0 i Danmark! Det er Center for Samtidsreligion, der udsender sin rlige rapport under ovenstende titel. Klik og se en forbilledlig flot e-publikation med lige s flot formidling af videnskabelige forskningsresultater. -ksf. Ls mere - [Center for Samtidsreligion]

Danmark, rhus - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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07-10-2010 - Prsident Ahmadinejad opfordrer paven: flles kamp mod islamofobi
Religionsmde - dialog

"The democratic-religious system of Iran seeks cooperation and strengthening of ties with the Vatican and a constructive cooperation on Islamophobia (in the West)" Ls mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Iran - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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06-10-2010 - PEW research: Frre end 50% er nu imod same-sex marriage (USA)

The shift in opinion on same-sex marriage has been broad-based, occurring across many demographic, political and religious groups. Notably, pluralities of white mainline Protestants and white Catholics now favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally - the first time this has occurred in Pew Research Center surveys. Ls mere - [Pew Research Center for the People & the Press]

USA - Wikipedia
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05-10-2010 - Porvoo-aftalen tiltrdt af Danmark

Although the Church of Denmark participated in discussions leading up to the Porvoo Agreement some 15 years ago, it never signed the document because of differences over the status of women. Ls mere - [Christian Today]
With women now being accepted into the priesthood by the Anglican Churches in the Porvoo Communion, the Church in Denmark announced last year that there was no longer any barrier to becoming a full member.

Danmark, Kbenhavn - Wikipedia
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05-10-2010 - Kristne, konverterede bygningsarbejder anklaget for at bryde ramadanen

Judicial officials say an Algerian court has acquitted two recent converts to Christianity on trial for offending Islam by eating lunch during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Ls mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Algeriet - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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04-10-2010 - Kristendom er blegnet erindring for de fleste unge

Most youngsters consider Christianity irrelevant to their lives but they are not as hostile towards religion as their parents' generation, researchers in the Church of England have found. Ls mere - [Christian Today]

England - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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04-10-2010 - Kristen-muslimsk kritik af minister for accept af homosexualitet
Seksualitet - det civile liv

Some Kenyan Christian and Muslim leaders have expressed anger at a government minister's suggestion that the country's people should learn to with live homosexuality. Faith leaders said they want an apology from the minister. Others are calling on President Mwai Kibaki to sack Esther Murugi, the special programmes' minister, accusing her of making "irresponsible comments" during a speech in Mombasa, the capital of the coastal region... Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Kenya, Nairobi - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
Til top p siden

01-10-2010 - Partnerskab - tema i Lausanne World Pulse
Mission - gensidig

This month we address how Biblical Partnerships Can Advance the Gospel. In a globalized, urbanized, highly-relational world, working with people from a diversity of backgrounds is not only good, but can be very impactful for the Kingdom of God. But how do we go about it? What are our parameters? Barriers? Listen in as leaders from around the world share how they have engaged in partnerships which have been solidly biblical and intentionally missional. Ls mere - [Lausanne World Pulse]

USA - Wikipedia
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01-10-2010 - Kirken har arbejdet p "Big Society" siden Jesus
Politik - sociale forhold

There is nothing innovative about the Coalition's vision of a Big Society of volunteers serving their communities. It is what Christians have been doing since Jesus walked the earth, says the new Bishop of Stafford. Ls mere - [Christian Today]

England - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top p siden

30-09-2010 - Sydafrikanske biskopper med politisk kritik af Swaziland
Politik - magtkritik

Archbishop Thabo Makgoba of Cape Town, the leader of the church, said on 30 September he could not remain silent on the issue of democracy in Swaziland, "where power and wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, and political debate is hardly permitted"... Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sydafrika, Cape Town - Wikipedia
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30-09-2010 - Romesk-katolske: Protestmde forhindret
Politik - kirkens vilkr

Roman Catholic activists accused Hong Kong's government on Thursday of trying to block an upcoming prayer meeting aimed at showing solidarity with underground believers on the Chinese mainland. Ls mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Kina, Hongkong - Wikipedia
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30-09-2010 - Obama: Jeg har valgt at vre kristen
Politik - religion

Eighteen per cent of Americans may be convinced their President is a Muslim, but Barack Obama insists he is a Christian.. Ls mere - [Christian Today]

USA - Wikipedia
Til top p siden

30-09-2010 - Kristen advokatfamile myrdet af ekstremister i Pakistan
Religionskonflikt - forflgelse

Islamic extremists killed a Christian lawyer, his wife and their five children in northwestern Pakistan this week for mounting a legal challenge against a Muslim who was charging a Christian exorbitant interest, local sources said. Ls mere - [Worldwide Faith News]

Pakistan, Islamabad - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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30-09-2010 - Folkekirken melder sig ind i Porvoo
Kirkens former og struktur

Den 3. oktober indtrder folkekirken i Porvoo Fllesskabet, som er et samarbejde mellem de anglikanske og de lutherske kirker i Nordeuropa. Tiltrdelsen markeres med festgudstjeneste i Kbenhavns Domkirke Ls mere - []

Danmark - Wikipedia
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30-09-2010 - Finlands frste kvindelige biskop gr ind for same-sex marriage

Finland's first female Lutheran bishop has been consecrated at a service in Helsinki Cathedral...The Helsinki Times reported that one of the differences between the two candidates concerned marriage, with Askola being willing to bless same-sex couples, whereas Poutiainen held that marriage is solely between a man and a woman. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Finland - Wikipedia
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30-09-2010 - Facebook som kirkeligt medium
Mission - medier

Peter Fischer-Nielsen vurderer det sociale netvrk FB som sted, hvor mennesker kan mde kristendom - hvad det krver af kirken.En sprgeskemaundersgelse, som jeg sidste r udfrte blandt landets sogneprster, viser, at hver tredje prst under 40 r bruger Facebook i deres arbejde. .. undersgelse af danskernes internetvaner viser, at 19 procent af de unge under 29 r inden for det seneste r har mdt religion p Facebook, mens frre har mdt religion p de snvert religise hjemmesider. Ls mere - [Kirken i Kbenhavn]

Danmark - Wikipedia
Til top p siden

28-09-2010 - Bsser og lesbiske ikke et egentligt hovedemne i afrika
Seksualitet - det civile liv

Bishop Soares said that the main problems facing Angolan Christians are not gay and lesbian rights, abortion or the ordination of women as priests but poverty, disease, malaria, and the re-emergence of tuberculosis, HIV and AIDS, as well as the need for wider democracy.... We ordained the first three women on 25 March this year," he said. "It was a great celebration, with about 2000 people, in the presence of the vice-president of the National Assembly.. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

England, London - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top p siden

27-09-2010 - Kristne socialister for Ed Miliband som leder af labour
Politik og kirke

Stephen Beer, a spokesman for the Christian Socialist Movement, said the group "very much welcomes" Ed Miliband's election. "Most CSM members voted for him as their first preference and Ed has expressed strong support for CSM," he said. "He has also highlighted our work to better connect Labour with local communities including church groups. We're looking forward to working closely with him." Ls mere - [Christian Today]

England - Wikipedia
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26-09-2010 - Pastor arresteret for masse-omvendelser
Religionskonflikt - forflgelse

Activists belonging to Bharatiya Janata Party and Bajrangdal attacked Gnanodya Church at Yellapura in Karwar district of Karnataka on 26 September 2010.The miscreants forcibly entered the church while the worship service was going on. They also informed the police, complaining about the Pastor that he was involved in forcible conversions in the area. Ls mere - [All India Christian Council]
In the presence of the police, the miscreants started to vandalise the church.

Indien, Karnataka - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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25-09-2010 - Rowan Willams. Homoseksuelle biskopper i clibat er ok
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede

Dr. Rowan Williams spoke of his personal support for bishops who are gay but said they must remain celibate. "There's no problem about a gay person who's a bishop. It's about the fact that there are traditionally, historically, standards that the clergy are expected to observe," he said. When asked what was wrong with a gay bishop having a partner, the Anglican spiritual leader said the scriptural and traditional approach "doesn't give much ground for being positive about it." Ls mere - [Christian Post]

England - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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24-09-2010 - Muslimer bakker den ortodokse kirkes krav om religionsundervisning op
Religionsmde - dialog

The head of Bulgaria's Muslim community has announced his backing for a campaign by the country's Orthodox Church to make religious education compulsory in schools Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Bulgarien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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22-09-2010 - Mega-kirkeprst under anklage for seksuelt misbrug
Etik - seksualitet

Bishop Eddie Long has been an outspoken critic of what he has described in his writing as "fractured families," "with openly gay family members and relationships." Ls mere - [ABCnews]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom, baptist
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22-09-2010 - Frste ordination af kvindelig prst i Mekane Yesus-kirken
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede

Mary Nyahieng yiech who is the first women pastor of the EECMY-WGBS is the mother of six children, three daughters and three sons. Her ordination brings the number of the pastors of the synod to 47.. Mary was baptized on September 3, 1980 at Presbyterian Church of Sudan in South Sudan. Her participation in the church activities precedes her baptism for several years. Her baptism delayed owing to the shortage of pastors in her area.. Ls mere - [Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus]

Etiopien - Wikipedia
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20-09-2010 - Bio-olieprojekter truer fdevareforsyningen i Afrika
Politik - milj

A Kenyan theologian and ecologist is warning that foreign companies using land in Africa to grow food and bio-fuel crops are undermining food security for millions of poor people on the continent. Ls mere - [Eurozine]

Kenya, Nairobi - Wikipedia
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15-09-2010 - Etiopisk kirke stiller folkekirken et ultimatum
Seksualitet - det civile liv

Som andre steder i Afrika afviser Mekanene Yesus Kirken homoseksuel aktivitet. Jeg mener ikke, at man kan lade den danske folkekirkes indre anliggender bestemme fra Etiopien, og jeg synes godt, vi kan leve med, at man har forskelligt syn p homoseksuelle i Afrika og Europa," siger Niels Henrik Gregersen ..Hvis folkekirken bner for, at registreret partnerskab kan indgs i sognekirkerne, er der kirker i Afrika, som ikke vil modtage biskopper p officielt besg. P den mde kan folkekirkens sttte til homoseksuelle f kumeniske konsekvenser rundt om i verden," vurderer generalsekretr i Dansk Ethioper Mission Sune Skarsholm. Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Etiopien - Wikipedia
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
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11-09-2010 - Kristendom i Kina
Mission - udbredelse

Stor baggrundsartikel - om mangel p undervisere, forholdet mellem huskirker og den officielle kirke - fx sekteriske bevgelser Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Kina - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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10-09-2010 - Florida-prst frafalder plan om at afbrnde koran

(The pastor) said Thursday that he would cancel the event - at least for now - hours after President Obama condemned it as a "recruitment bonanza for al-Qaeda" and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates telephoned the minister as a worldwide fury grew. Ls mere - [Washington Post]

USA, Washington - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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09-09-2010 - Kristendommen top-11 - kontroversielle personer
Personalia og biografi

.. New Statesman laver ofte denne type lister. Her over kontroversielle personer. Fra Luther til Jerry Falwell Ls mere - [New Statesman]

USA - Wikipedia
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06-09-2010 - Rom fordmmer tysk film om Pave Johanne

..that's not too surprising, really. After all, just this summer, the Vatican has pronounced that to allow women to become priests would be as sinful as child abuse. Anyone attempting their ordination will risk immediate excommunication. This new definition of the crime, part of a more general revision of serious offences against church law, including sexual abuse of children by priests, came days after the Church of England's General Synod voted in favour of legislation to consecrate women bishops. So if the Vatican won't tolerate the notion of women priests, let alone bishops, no wonder it's touchy about any suggestion that there could ever have been a woman Pope. Ls mere - [Eurozine]

Vatikanet - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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06-09-2010 - Kan Luther masseproduceres?
Kunst og kultur

Eight hundred colourful miniature figures of the 16th-century Protestant Reformer Martin Luther on display on the central market square.. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Tyskland - Wikipedia
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top p siden

02-09-2010 -
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede

A Kenyan Anglican bishop has criticised counterparts in central and southern Africa for saying they will not dissociate themselves from the U.S. Episcopal (Anglican) Church over the consecration of homosexuals and lesbians to the episcopate. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sydafrika - Wikipedia
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01-09-2010 - Kristendom og det offentlige rum - tema i Lausanne World Pulse

Christians in the Public Arena
Ls mere - [Lausanne World Pulse]
By Ram Gidoomal. The author shares six Christian principles for public service.
Business as Ministry
By Dion Forster. The author shares an example from South Africa of how mission is being done in the workplace.
Stewardship and Discipleship: Two Sides of the Same Coin
By Brett Elder. It is urgent for the future of the Church that we recover a whole-life model of discipleship that understands every legitimate human activity as responding to a call from God.
Christians in Public Service: Biblical Foundations, Lessons, Dangers.
By John Godson. The author offers reasons Christians should get involved in politics and advice for those pursuing this realm of civic life and those supporting those in politics.

USA - Wikipedia
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01-09-2010 - Hav fokus p de humane aspekter i Israel-Palstina konflikten
Politik - fredsappel

Politicians need to focus on the human face of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and not discard it in favour of their own political agendas, the head of the World Council of Churches has said in the Middle East. "Politicians need to act and prevent this human tragedy," WCC general secretary, the Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, told ENInews.. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Israel, Jerusalem - Wikipedia
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27-08-2010 - Indiens fderale jernbaner sender Mother Theresa expres rundt i Indien
Politik - sociale forhold

"Mother has become a household name here and the people are proud that she belonged to this city," said Mamta Bannerji, a Hindu who is India's federal railways minister and who hails from Kolkata, before she flagged off the special train funded by the railway ministry. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Indien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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25-08-2010 - Franske protestanter kritiserer udvisning af romaer
Politik - sociale forhold

The Protestant Federation of France (FPF) said in a 24 August statement that it was "concerned about the new direction of policies concerning the Roma population, one of Europe's most impoverished populations" Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Geneve - Wikipedia
Kristendom, protestantisk
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13-08-2010 - Kristne og muslimkse grupper undsiger koranafbrnding

Christian and Muslim groups have condemned a planned public burning of the Quran by a Florida church on the 9th anniversary of the 11 September 2001 attacks in the United States. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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13-08-2010 - Klimandringer viser at vi er "n menneskehed"
Politik - milj - klima

Climate change is creating an awareness that people everywhere are part of one humanity, and bringing churches together to combat the threat, says the head of the World Council of Churches. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Geneve - Wikipedia
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12-08-2010 - Taiz 70 r

World Christian leaders are paying tribute to the ecumenical community of Taiz in eastern France, which is marking its foundation in 1940 by Brother Roger Schutz, who died in 2005. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Schweitz, Geneve - Wikipedia
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11-08-2010 - Bn om regn i den russisk ortodokse kirke
Politik - milj - klima

The Russian Orthodox Church has continued to pray for relief from the heat and drought that has gripped Russia for two months, as one archbishop condemned some retailers for profiteering from the extreme weather conditions. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Rusland, Moskva - Wikipedia
Kristendom, ortodoks
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02-08-2010 - Bliv grn opfordrer miljaktivist den indiske kirke
Politik - milj

Churches in India have been urged to promote "earth citizenship" by Vandana Shiva, an Indian environmentalist honoured for placing women and ecology at the heart of development discourse. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Indien - Wikipedia
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01-08-2010 - Lidelse og forflgelse. Tema i Lausanne Worl Pulse

We focus on Living Acts 9:16 in Today's World. Suffering and persecution are a very real part of the Christian walk. It is estimated that at least one in ten Christians are being persecuted today for the faith. Why is this so? What can this teach us as we continue to share the gospel?
Ls mere - [Lausanne World Pulse]
Prayer that "Fights"
By John Godson: The reason why spiritual warfare is so important is that prayer is not only about talking to God, but about defeating the devil and his evil plans.
To Speak of Jesus Is to Speak of Martyrdom
By Thomas Schirrmacher: The suffering of the Christian is distinctive because it continues Christ's sufferings.
The Persecuted Church: An Exploration of International Laws in Support of Religious Freedom
By Bjrn A. Wegge: A discussion of the issues related to international legal protection of the freedom of religion and belief.

USA - Wikipedia
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26-07-2010 - Mugabe fordmmer kirker der tillader homoseksuelle gteskaber
Etik - seksualitet

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has lashed out at churches that allow same-sex marriages, and said gay rights would not be included in a new constitution being written for the southern African country. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Zimbabwe - Wikipedia
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25-07-2010 - 336 re-konverteret fra kristendom til hinduisme
Religionskonflikt - re-konversion

At least 336 tribal Christians were "re-converted" to Hinduism on October 17 in a mass ceremony organized by the World Hindu Council in Orissa. The ceremony took place in the remote village of Baridia in Sundargarh district, about 280 miles west of Bhubaneswar, the state capital of Orissa. Those who decided to change their religion belonged to several nearby villages. It was the largest purification programme carried out by us," Gauri Prasad Rath, state secretary of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) or World Hindu Council, said. Ls mere - [All India Christian Council]

Indien, Orissa - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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23-07-2010 - Palstinensisk biskop prsident for Det lutherske Verdensforbund
Organisation og ledelse

The bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) is the Rt. Rev. Dr. Munib A. Younan. .. elected for rpesident for LWF Ls mere - [Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Holy Land]

Jordan - Wikipedia
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21-07-2010 - Tutu trkker sig tilbage
Organisation og ledelse

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu has announced his intention to wind down his public engagements, when he turns 79 in October. "I think I have done as much as I can.." Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sydafrika, Cape Town - Wikipedia
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21-07-2010 - Det lutherske verdensforbunds generalsekretr om kvinders ordination
Organisation og ledelse

"We are called to be an inclusive communion," said Noko, a Zimbabwean educated in South Africa and Canada. "Without living that calling, we cannot be effective witnesses for justice and inclusiveness in our societies." .. Member churches are therefore urged to take appropriate steps towards the ordination of women, and, where it is not the case, to put in place policies of equality" Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Tyskland, Stuttgart - Wikipedia
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top p siden

15-07-2010 - Church of England str overfor kamp om kvindelige biskopper

Rowan Williams said, "We have not yet cracked how to do that." He asserted that "unfinished business" remains and that the church is "only part of the way through the process" towards women bishops. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

England - Wikipedia
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10-07-2010 - Utidig indblanding fra andre kristne kirke i Kenyas lovgivning?
Politik - religion

These clergy-who represent [protesting against foreign critics] nearly all of the major mainline, evangelical, Pentecostal, Anglican, and Catholic churches-have been particularly irked by proposals [in new constitution] to permit Islamic courts and expand the list of who is able to approve life-saving abortions. Ls mere - [ChristianityToday]

Kenya - Wikipedia
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08-07-2010 - Kampagnegruppe bag kvindelige biskopper klar til synoden i York

Women in the Church of England can be ordained as priests but they may not hold the higher office of bishop, even though the synod has given support to the principle of changing church law to allow female bishops. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

England, London - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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07-07-2010 - Diskrimination af kvindelige teologer og prster i Indien
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede

More than 40 women theologians and officials from theological colleges from across India took part in the seminar entitled "Feminist Theologies: Stocktaking and moving beyond". It was organized by the women's studies department of Bangalore's United Theological College to mark its centenary. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Indien - Wikipedia
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02-07-2010 - Religise ledere skal passe p ikke at stimulere konflikter
Politik - fredsappel

Faith leaders in Africa have a responsibility to act as peacemakers rather than fuel strife, says a Lutheran theologian from Eritrea...Still, said Yacob Tesfai, "Generally speaking, Africans have not been fighting on the basis of religion. The question is now: 'How long will that last?'" Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Eritrea - Wikipedia
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30-06-2010 - WWC nr ikke udenvidere til konsensus om homo-gteskaber

Tveit noted that different churches had different positions on such issues. He said the WCC had a role in fostering conversations, and in opening space for discussing issues where churches have different viewpoints. "I don't foresee that the World Council of Churches will have one point of view on either of these issues in the near future," he stated. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Rusland, Moskva - Wikipedia
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22-06-2010 - Kirken i Sudan appelerer til ndvendig lsning af Darfur-konflikt
Politik - fredsappel

The head of the Sudan Council of Churches has called for the urgent resolution of the conflict in Darfur after two German aid workers became the latest victims of abduction in the region. The Rev. Ramadan Chan Liol, the general secretary of the council, which includes Orthodox, Protestant and Roman Catholic churches, said the grouping denounces the continuing violence in Darfur. He warned it may complicate a referendum for the south scheduled for 2011. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Kenya, Nairobi - Wikipedia
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22-06-2010 - "World Communionon Reformed Churches" som vej til WCC

General secretary Tveit said the new grouping, "brings together what might be called more ecumenically-oriented churches and more evangelically-oriented churches, even though I am not particularly keen on such labels". Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Geneve - Wikipedia
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21-06-2010 - Dansk Ethiopermission flytter sekretariat til rhus
Mission - organisationerne

Beslutningen er foranlediget af den forestende oplsning af samarbejdet mellem de fire missionsselskaber i Ydre Missions Hus i Christiansfeld og de muligheder en flytning af sekretariatet til rhus bner. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Danmark - Wikipedia
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20-06-2010 - Sociale medier afhjlper "prstemangel" og social rdgivning

Modern information technology can help a traditional Protestant church in the Philippines strike a balance between spirituality and social advocacy, and draw new pastors, church leaders say. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Fillipinerne, Manila - Wikipedia
Kristendom, protestantisk
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18-06-2010 - Sammenslutning af to store reformerte kirkeorganisationer
Organisation og ledelse

World Communion of Reformed Churches er sluttet sammen af Reformed Ecumenical Council og World Alliance of Reformed Churches. Sammen reprsenterer de 80 mill. protestanter Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

USA - Wikipedia
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18-06-2010 - Dansk Ethioper Mission flytter til rhus
Mission - organisationerne

Med flytningen til rhus nsker DEMs bestyrelse at indlede et nyt netvrkssamarbejde med Menighedsfakultetet p deres adresse. Bestyrelsen ser gerne et samarbejde som ogs rummer og inkluderer andre missionsorganisationer og kirkelige foreninger i en bestrbelse p at skabe synergi og nytnkning mellem organisationernes ledelse, medarbejdere og de mange frivillige. Det flles ml m vre at inspirere og udruste til deltagelse i Guds mission svel lokalt som globalt. Ls mere - [Dansk Etioper Mission]

Danmark - Wikipedia
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17-06-2010 - VM-kiggere risikerer forflgelse i Somalia
Religionskonflikt - forflgelse

Football fever has taken hold in Africa, but some Islamic rebel groups in Somalia are stopping people from watching the World Cup because they say that soccer originates from old Christian traditions. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Somalia - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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14-06-2010 - Politik og kristendom - evangelikalsk og amerikansk
Politik - milj

Issue number one this week in American politics is the ever-widening oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. For some political activists, the spill is both a political and a spiritual crisis. For others, the environmental threat to worry about is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Ls mere - [ChristianityToday]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - evangelikal
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11-06-2010 - Konference for ny- og gammeldanske prster

Fokus for konferencen 2010 bliver migrantmenighederne ligesom forholdet til de vrige kirker i Danmark vil vre i fokus. Ls mere - [Danske kirkers Rd]

Danmark, Middelfart - Wikipedia
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09-06-2010 - Missionskonferencen 2010 9.-10. juni
Mission - konferencer og mder

Afholdt - 100 deltagere samlet bredt fra hele det kirkelige spektrum i Danmark Ls mere - [Folkekirkens Missions Nyhedsbrev]

Danmark, Nyborg - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
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09-06-2010 - Demonstration for kvinders ordination p Peterskirkens Plads

A group of women have demonstrated in Rome's St Peter's Square calling for women's ordination, saying they want "full and equal participation" in the Roman Catholic Church. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Italien, Rom - Wikipedia
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06-06-2010 - Edinburgh 2010 slutter
Mission - konferencer og mder

Christians from all around the world closed a mission conference in Edinburgh commemorating a similar meeting 100 years earlier with reminders from world church leaders that their faith is essentially about giving and sharing. (Se Edinburgh 2010) Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

England, Edinburgh - Wikipedia
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06-06-2010 - Det rige Nord vil kun have trommer og dans fra missionrer fra syd
Mission - gensidig

Christian missionaries from the global South find it hard to break into the "closed societies" of the North, Tanzanian church leader the Rev. Fidon R. Mwombeki has told delegates attending the 2010 World Missionary Conference. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

England, Edinburgh - Wikipedia
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04-06-2010 - Trossamfundsledere i Jerusalem: religion skal have en ledende rolle
Politik - fredsappel

Instead of allowing itself to be misused by Jewish, Christian and Muslim extremist groups, religion must be prophetic, a catalyst of reconciliation, and offer peace education, said Younan, who is bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Israel, Jerusalem - Wikipedia
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04-06-2010 - Advarsel mod evangelisation blandt allerede kristne
Mission - arbejdsmder

Kireopoulos cited the experience in Russia and other Eastern European countries after the fall of the Soviet Union, when missionaries, "generally, but not only from evangelical or fundamentalist Protestant communities in the U.S., took advantage of the weak". Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]
World Mission Conference Edinburgh 2010 He said the situation could be seen as one in which people saw the other groups as "heathens" who needed to be converted, "rather than as brothers and sisters whose Orthodox Christian self-understanding was just beginning to resurrect after some seven decades in a virtual tomb"... warned about the televangelist in Iraq as well ..

Rusland - Wikipedia
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03-06-2010 - Frste kvindelige biskop i Findland
Organisation og ledelse

Irja Askola received 591 votes to 567 for her rival Matti Poutiainen, the Finnish church council communications centre said. The Helsinki Times reported that one of the differences between the two candidates concerned marriage, with Askola being willing to bless same-sex couples, whereas Poutiainen holds that marriage is solely between a man and a woman. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Finland - Wikipedia
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
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02-06-2010 - Tysk politiker inspireret af Tutu med i brud p Gazablokaden
Politik - magtkritik

I really hope that the Christian community and the WCC and others will really support us peace-loving people in the world to protest against this massacre and to really support our demands to lift the blockade to Gaza and see the Israeli security penalised who shot innocent people," Annette Groth, a member of the Bundestag, the lower house of the German parliament Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Israel, Gaza - Wikipedia
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01-06-2010 - Kirkelig ndhjlpsorganisationer under mistanke for "proselytising"
Mission - hindringer for

Two international church-backed humanitarian organizations that operate in Afghanistan have been stopped from doing their work while officials investigate allegations that they have been engaging in proselytising, which they strongly deny. Afghanistan has suspended the activities of Norwegian Church Aid, also known as NCA, and U.S.-based Church World Service pending an investigation into allegations they were preaching Christianity in the Islamic nation where religious conversion is a criminal offence, Reuters Alertnet service reported on 31 May. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Afghanistan - Wikipedia
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31-05-2010 - Palstinensiske kristne opfordrer til protest mod angreb p konvoj
Politik - magtkritik

Palestinian Christian organizations have urged protests by church groups around the world against an Israeli assault on ships bringing aid to Gaza, which Israel says has led to the deaths of at least 10 activists on board the convoy. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Israel, Gaza - Wikipedia
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26-05-2010 - Sydafrikanske biskopper krver lsladelse af bssebar i Malawi
Lresprgsml - homoseksuelt gteskab

Southern Africa's Anglican bishops have called on the government of South Africa to press for the release of two Malawi men jailed after sharing a traditional ceremony of engagement in a same sex relationship. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]
"We, the bishops of the Anglican Church in Southern Africa call upon the government of South Africa to seek the release of Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga, who were recently sentenced in Malawi to 14 years imprisonment with hard labour, after they shared in a traditional ceremony of engagement," the bishops said on 26 May.

Sydafrika, Cape Town - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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26-05-2010 - Prsident Medvedev mder Patriarkerne af Konstantinopel og Moskva
Politik og kirke

President Medvedev called Bartholomeos' visit "a very important event, and, undoubtedly, it contributes to the strengthening of the dialogue that has always existed between the two sister churches"... Medvedev and Bartholomeos also spoke of the importance of Church-State relations. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Rusland, Moskva - Wikipedia
Kristendom, ortodoks
Til top p siden

26-05-2010 - Hjesteret underkender ny konstitution med srlige muslimske domstole

Muslim and Christian leaders in Kenya are at odds over a court ruling that described as illegal and discriminatory a constitutional provision for Muslim courts. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Kenya, Nairobi - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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01-05-2010 - Godsejere dmt for at have drbt nonne pga politisk aktivitet
Politik - magtkritik

Dorothy Stang had worked in the Amazon for 30 years to preserve the rainforest and protect the rights of rural workers against large-scale farmers to take their land. Ls mere - [BBC]
She was shot dead as she walked along a muddy rainforest track.. Se ogs EniNews

Brasilien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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30-04-2010 - Lutheranere ser tegn p mulig fllesforstelse af nadveren

A German Protestant bishop has urged Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches to draw up a joint declaration on their shared beliefs about the Eucharist, one of the issues that has divided them for hundreds of years since the Reformation. "Our understandings of the Eucharist or Lord's Supper are no longer that far apart," said Lutheran Bishop Friedrich Weber. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Finland - Wikipedia
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28-04-2010 - Nepals kristne holder vgnenat for en ny skulr konstitution
Politik - skularisering

Hundreds of Christians have held their first public vigil in the Nepalese capital to pressure the government into implementing a new, secular constitution within a stipulated deadline. Their vigil comes during a period of growing anxiety that the country's political parties may bungle their task on the basic law of the country and that Nepal could become a Hindu State again. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Nepal - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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25-04-2010 - Marokko udviser missionrer
Mission - hindringer for

Marokkos protestantiske kirker beskylder amerikanske evangeliske organisationer for at skade de kristne ved at drive mission i strid med loven Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Marokko - Wikipedia
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23-04-2010 - Ret til bn vigtigere end protestbevgelse
Politik - religion

Det kirkelige hjre er mere optaget af en distriktdommers afgrelse, at National Day of Prayer er "unconstitutional" than of the political right wing TEa-party protest Ls mere - [ChristianityToday]

USA - Wikipedia
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20-04-2010 - Muslimsk Miss USA - fremskridt eller umoral?
Etik og moral

Europe's burqa debate and a steady stream of media images showing veiled women have led to a widespread impression that all Muslims are obsessed with covering the female body. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]
It might be a surprise, then, that many Muslim Americans are toasting Rima Fakih, who made history on 16 May by becoming the first Muslim crowned Miss USA, Religion News Service reports.

USA, Washington - Wikipedia
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16-04-2010 - Dommer: National Day of Prayer er "unconstitutional" - Obama uening

The Obama administration had argued that the National Day of Prayer was legal because it simply acknowledged the role of religion in the United States, according to the Associated Press. But Crabb [the judge] wrote that "it is because the nature of prayer is so personal and can have such a powerful effect on a community that the government may not use its authority to try to influence an individual's decision whether and when to pray." Ls mere - [CBS]

USA - Wikipedia
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15-04-2010 - Frste kvindelige generalsekretr for Christian Conference og Asia
Organisation og ledelse

The first woman elected as general secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia has vowed to help heal wounds "not only in our societies, but also within our churches" in the world's most populous continent. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Indonesien - Wikipedia
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08-03-2010 - Muslimer drber hundredevis kristne i Jos
Religionskonflikt - forflgelse

State Information Commissioner Gregory Yenlong confirmed that about 500 persons were killed in the attacks, which took place mainly in Dogo Nahawa, Zot and Rastat villages. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Nigeria, Jos - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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01-03-2010 - Til Vatikanet for at hre kirkeklokker

Lektor Hans Raun Iversen med skarp kritik af de sekularistiske tendenser i regeringen. Bl. a. sammenlignes Karen Jespersen med Ayatollah Khomeini Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark - Wikipedia
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19-02-2010 - Spiritualitet og kristentro
Spiritualitet (troens liv og former)

De nste 3 inspirationsdage vil blive afholdt p Tommerup Efterskole den 19.-21. februar 2010. Temaet vil blive "Forankring". Inspirationen er bl.a. at en drage bedst fr vind under vingerne, nr den er forankret. Ls mere - [Spiritualitet og kristen tro]

Danmark, Tommerup Efterskole - Wikipedia
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12-02-2010 - Metodister rede til at indg i den anglikanske kirke

David Gamble, president of the Methodist Conference: "We are prepared to go out of existence, not because we are declining or failing in mission, but for the sake of mission." Methodists were "prepared to be changed and even to cease having a separate existence as a Church" if that served the needs of the Kingdom of God". Ls mere - [Timesonline]

England - Wikipedia
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12-02-2010 - 7 ddssynder p verdensplan. Danmark p 2. plads i misundelse
Etik og moral

Australien topper p listen i den samlede score..! Ls mere - [Timesonline]

Globalt - Wikipedia
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09-02-2010 - rkebiskops udfordring: strid om kvindelige og homoseksuelle biskopper
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede

The Archbishop of Canterbury will fight threats of disintegration in the Church of England with what is expected to be a forceful intervention at the General Synod today... Ls mere - [Timesonline]

England - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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01-02-2010 - Jesus: Ingen biskopper i Overhuset
Politik og kirke

If Jesus were on earth today, he would ask why the Church of England still has 26 of its bishops in Britain's unelected upper chamber of parliament, the House of Lords, a British commentator on Christian affairs has said... Britain is the only Western democracy that has unelected clerics in its parliament. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

England - Wikipedia
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27-01-2010 - Church and Mission in a Multireligious Third Millenium
Mission - konferencer og mder

CHURCH AND MISSION IN A MULTIRELIGIOUS THIRD MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. 27-29anuar 2010 inviterer rhus Universitet, Det teologiske fakultet og Center for Samtidsreligion til en konference som ogs er en del af fejringen af 100-ret for Verdensmissionskonferencen i Edingburgh 1910. Engelsk, europisk og nordisk teologisk tradition vil i sjlden grad vre reprsenteret og samlet til en fremlggelse af de mest aktuelle emner fra den missionsteologiske og ekklesiologiske forskning. Ls mere - [rhus Universitet]

Danmark, rhus - Wikipedia
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27-01-2010 - Canadisk militr foranstalter Jesusord i kikkertsigter slettet
Etik og moral

Trijicon had put biblical citations on firearm sights in use by forces in Afghanistan and Iraq... Alongside the serial number on one type of Trijicon gun sight, an inscription reads JN8:12. In the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, John 8:12 reads: "Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life'.". Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Canada,Toronto - Wikipedia
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25-01-2010 - n-dages konference om missional kirke den 25. januar i Kbenhavn
Mission - konferencer og mder

mulighed for at mde to af de frende kirkekonsulenter og praktiske teologer, nr det glder arbejdet med udviklingen af missionale menigheder. Det er Pat Taylor Ellison og Patrick Kiefert fra Church Innovation instituttet i St. Paul, Minnesota. Konferencen foregr p Diakonissestiftelsen mandag den 25. januar kl. 9 - 17. (Ls invitation) Ls mere - []

Danmark, Kbenhavn - Wikipedia
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23-01-2010 - Kvindelige prster gr imod den katolske kirke i hb om forandring
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede

"Our goal is to bring about full equality of women in the Roman Catholic Church," said Meehan, 62. "We love the faith. We love the spirituality. That's why we remain Catholic" Ls mere - [Washington Post]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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22-01-2010 - Tegneren Kurt Westergaard voksede op med gudsfrygt og djvleskrk

Bladtegneren Kurt Westergaard kender den religise fundamentalisme fra sin tidligste barndom i Himmerland Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark - Wikipedia
Til top p siden

22-01-2010 - Religis vold truer Nigerias stabilitet

Vold mellem kristne og muslimer i byen Jos har kostet flere hundrede menneskeliv. Flg ogs med p Mission Afrikas hjemmeside, som har samarbejdspartner i Nigeria: "Kristi Lutherske Kirke i Nigeria" (Se her). Se yderligere WorldWide Religous News Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Nigeria, Jos - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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22-01-2010 - Moderat patriark valgt i den serbiske kirke
Personalia og biografi

Irinej Gavrilovic, a moderate who recently called for better ties with the Roman Catholics, was chosen Friday as the new head of the influential Serbian Orthodox Church. Ls mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Serbien - Wikipedia
Kristendom, ortodoks
Til top p siden

22-01-2010 - Lokalt krav om mulitreligis sognekirke
Kirkens former og struktur

Man kunne forestille sig, at prster og menighedsrd fra begyndelsen fremsatte en erklring om, at man ikke vil missionere eller omvende mennesker - udtaler Sune Kobber - i forbindelse med opfrelse af ny kirke i Himmelev Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
Til top p siden

21-01-2010 - delggelse af ny kirke i Kabylie, Algeriet

Before setting it on fire, the assailants ransacked the Tafat Church building in Tizi Ouzou, a city 100 kilometers (62 miles) east of Algiers. The perpetrators damaged everything within the new building, including electrical appliances. Ls mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Algeriet, Kabylie - Wikipedia
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21-01-2010 - Kan Afghanistan-krigen forsvares moralsk?
Politik - fredsappel

I Tyskland har lederen af den evangeliske kirkes rd, Margot Kssmann, skabt en heftig debat om landets deltagelse i de fredsbevarende styrker i Afghanistan.. (af Heidi Dachs) Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]
Se ogs Katolsk rkebiskop bakker op

Tyskland - Wikipedia
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20-01-2010 - Hb og arbejde p mirakel i Kana
Religionernes udbredelse

Byen Kana, hvor NT fortller Jesus forvandlede vand til vin, har en historie i nyere tid meget parallel med Bethlehems: Kufr Kana was entirely Christian at the beginning of the 20th century, but Muslims began settling in the village first as traders, and then as refugees fleeing fighting during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, locals said. Now the village is home to 16,000 Muslims and 4,000 Christians... Attempts to change the decline of members.. Ls mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Israel, Kana - Wikipedia
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19-01-2010 - Kirke i mission - Kursus p Menighedsfakultet
Mission - konferencer og mder

Hovedtaler bliver den norske professor i Kirkehistorie, Oskar Skarsaune, der holder to dobbeltforedrag om henholdsvis: 1. "Vi fandt Messias - Jesustroende jder i de frste fem rhundreder" 2. "The uniqueness of Christ - hvis ikke Jesus er jdernes Messias, kan han s vre hedningernes?" Ls mere - [Menighedsfakultetet]

Danmark, rhus - Wikipedia
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19-01-2010 - Historisk afstemning om adgang for kvinder til at blive prst
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede

The vote occurred at the Sixth General Assembly of the Fellowship of the Middle East Evangelical Churches (FMEEC), an association of Anglican, Lutheran and Reformed churches in the region Ls mere - [Christian Today]

Jordan - Wikipedia
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18-01-2010 - Kristne tvinges til at forlade lejre i Orissa pga af EU-besg

The camps' residents - Christians caught up in attacks in 2008 - say they are being forced to move out so that the authorities can project an image of peace in the area, reports Bosnewslife agency. Ls mere - [Christian Today]

Indien, Orissa - Wikipedia
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16-01-2010 - Flere lgger frivilligt arbejde i den svenske kirke
Kirkens liv

De kommer sjldent til sndagens gudstjeneste. De er mske slet ikke medlem af kirken. Men hver mned stter de adskillige timer af til at engagere sig i kirkernes sociale arbejde, koncerter eller arrangementer for brn. Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Sverige - Wikipedia
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14-01-2010 - Kristne forflges verden over
Religionskonflikt - forflgelse

Oversigtsartikel (p dansk ved Svend Lbner) fra "bne Dre." Ls mere - [Ugebrevet Sndagmorgen]

Globalt - Wikipedia
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14-01-2010 - Jordsklv p Haiti

Haiti's capital "looks like a war zone", and one million people are without shelter following the devastating earthquake that shook the Caribbean nation, the ACT Alliance global network of churches and related agencies has warned. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Haiti - Wikipedia

Til top p siden

13-01-2010 - Kirkehjlp til Haiti efter jordsklvet

Church aid agencies are responding to a major humanitarian disaster in Haiti after the Caribbean nation was struck by a devastating earthquake leaving countless people homeless and possibly many thousands dead. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Schweitz, Geneve - Wikipedia
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12-01-2010 - Obama Faith Council diskutere religise symboler

For example, if a church gets money for a soup kitchen, would it have to remove or put a cloth over all crosses, pictures, etc., every time it gets ready to feed the hungry? Ls mere - [Washington Post]

USA - Wikipedia
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12-01-2010 - Kbenhavns biskop vrt for krisemde mellem irakiske, religise ledere

De otte ledere reprsenterer sunni- og shia-muslimer samt kristne, og er alle centralt placerede ledere med stor folkelig gennemslagskraft. Ls mere - []

Danmark, Kbenhavn - Wikipedia
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11-01-2010 - Kristnes krig mod slavehandlere
Politik - sociale forhold

For 400 r siden trngte religion og realpolitik dybt ind i den sydamerikanske jungle. Europiske magtinteresser og slavehandlere truede det indianske guarani-folk, men de fik hjlp fra en uventet kant. Jesuiterprster oprettede missioner i det nuvrende Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Bolivia og Brasilien, og det fik det indianske samfund til at blomstre og besgende europere til at sprre jnene op Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Brasilien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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07-01-2010 - Julen fejres i Betlehem under protester mod salg af jord til Israel
Politik - magtkritik

On Orthodox Christmas Eve, Palestinians in the town of Jesus' birth held up placards reading, "The Holy Land is not for sale," and chanting slogans as a procession led by the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III walked through Manger Square toward the Church of the Nativity Ls mere - [Christian Today]

Israel, Betlehem - Wikipedia
Kristendom, ortodoks
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07-01-2010 - Enkle kirker vokser mest
Kirkens former og struktur

Mens de historiske kirker i Europa str over for en stabil nedgang i medlemstallet, vokser skaldte 'enkle kirker' med 22 pct. om ret. Ls mere - [Ugebrevet Sndagmorgen]

Europa - Wikipedia
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07-01-2010 - 69% af danske prster nsker ikke at skille kirke og stat

Lektor Geert Halbck: Men jeg er ikke i tvivl om, at jeg ser den nuvrende situation med en eller anden uafklaret balance som den foretrukne Ls mere - [Ugebrevet Sndagmorgen]

Danmark - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
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06-01-2010 - Udmeldelse pga holdning til homoseksualitet Finland - Danmark
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede

De mange udmeldelser i den finske kirke kommer .. fra mennesker, som reagerer mod, at kirken her er prget af en konservativ holdning til homoseksuelle og forelbig ikke er kommet lngere end til et forslag om at indfre en frivillig bn for homoseksuelle par i kirken. I Danmark derimod vil det frst og fremmest blive konservative kristne fra kirkens hjreflj, der vlger at forlade folkekirken, hvis det ender med, at der indfres et officielt ritual, som de mener er imod kirkens grundlag Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Europa - Wikipedia
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05-01-2010 - COP15 har overladt srbare samfund til sig selv - eller Gud
Politik - milj - klima

Vulnerable communities have been left own their own to adapt to climate change or perish, with only God to count on, because of the failure of a United Nations conference in Copenhagen to agree legally-binding commitments, a Kenyan theologian and ecologist has warned. Ls mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Kenya, Nairobi - Wikipedia
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02-01-2010 - Kirkens hjreflj til kamp mod fattigdom
Politik - sociale forhold

Som i USA mder vi ogs i Danmark at kirkens hjreflj engagerer sig i social interesseret politik. Ls mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark - Wikipedia
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02-01-2010 - CHristian Post's nytrs top-10 for 2009
Kirkens liv

1. Struggles over homosexuality intensify - 2. The era of Obama opens - 3. Abortion battle rages on; Pro-lifers pick up momentum - 4. Global warming stirs talks, sparks actions - 5. Rick Warren draws national spotlight - 6. Famed leaders move on; New leaders step up - 7. Charles Darwin supporters mark 200th anniversary - 8. 'The End' feels closer for many - 9. Evangelical youth add social justice to moral conservatism - 10. Reformed Christians celebrate Calvin quincentenary Ls mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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