Kirken Update
20-12-2011 - Occupy Wall Street og Trinity Church i
Politik - sociale forhold
, Arrests as Occupy Wall Street movement
turns to church The church's rector, the Reverend James
H Cooper, expressed sadness over the protesters' actions on
Saturday. "OWS protestors call out for social and economic
justice; Trinity has been supporting these goals for more than
300 years," Dr. Cooper said in a statement. "We do not, however,
believe that erecting a tent city at Duarte Square enhances their
mission or ours." Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Til top på siden
20-12-2011 - Julekrybber er truende og ekskluderende for
dem udenfor
The Nativity stays! 5,000 outraged Texans join
rally in support of Chr Texas: It (The Nativity Scene
outside a government building) sends a message of intimidation
and exclusion to non-Christians and non-believers this time of
year,' Læs mere - [Daily
Til top på siden
19-12-2011 - Star Wars religion i Tjekkiet
, 'Star Wars' Chosen As Religion In Czech
Republic On New Census The Jedi Temple may have been
destroyed in the Great Jedi Purge, but that hasn't deterred some
people from worshipping The Force. According to, the results of the Czech Republic's new census
that were unveiled this month reveal that 15,070 citizens of the
country listed their religion as Knights of the Jedi. While that
may pale in comparison to the 1.08 million people who
self-identified as Catholics and over four million who declined
to list their faith, it's still a sizable portion of people who
believe -- or jokingly claim to, in reaction to an intrusive
census.. Læs
mere - [Huffpost Religion]
Tjekkiet -
Til top på siden
19-12-2011 - Det kinesiske kommunistparti advarer
medlemmerne mod religion
, China party official warns members over
religion Religious practice among Chinese Communist Party
members is increasing and threatens its unity and national
leadership, a top party official said in remarks reported
Monday.. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Kina -
Til top på siden
19-12-2011 - Canadiske hedninge fejrer solhverv
Spiritualitet (troens liv og former)
, Pagans celebrate the 'rebirth' of sun in
rituals to be held quietly, i On Vancouver Island, pagans
are lighting cauldron fires and dancing through giant evergreen
hoops to symbolize being reborn. Læs mere - [Vancouver
Canada,Toronto -
Til top på siden
15-12-2011 - Top-22 over religiøse nyheder - et
Kirkens liv
Faith Response to
Osama bin Laden's Death Voted No. One Religion Story The
death of Osama bin Laden-which spurred discussions among people
of faith on issues of forgiveness, peace, justice and retribution
was voted the No. 1 Religion Story of 2011 by the nation's
leading religion journalists. The 2011 survey of Religion
Newswriters Association (RNA) members marks the 30th year the
professional organization of religion beat specialists has
conducted the poll Læs mere - [Religious News
Til top på siden
14-12-2011 - Plant ikke bare ét træ, men mange
- op til Lutherjubilæet 2017
, Another tree planting in Luther Garden
signals unity On a cold, blustery day in the German town
of Wittenberg, Bishop Yuri Novgorodov of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in Kazakhstan patted down the dark soil at the base of a
freshly-planted linden tree. Læs
mere - [Canadian Mennonite]
Tyskland -
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top på siden
13-12-2011 - Spiritualitet på arbejdspladsen -
kapitalens forlængede arm?
Kirke og økonomi
, God Wants You to Work Harder, and to Stop
Complaining Aiming at nothing less than a wholesale
change in human consciousness, workplace spirituality has the
trappings of a full-fledged religious movement-but whose
religion? And what's behind it? It turns out that underneath
these aspirations to transform the world is a powerfully
conservative ideology, and a boatload of conservative money.
Which should invite all of us to ask: what is at stake when we
bring God to work? Læs mere - [Religion Dispatches]
Til top på siden
13-12-2011 - Den subatomare "Gud"-partikel tæt
på at blive bevist eller af-bevist
Videnskab og tro
, Scientists close in on linchpin of
physics, the 'God particle' Called the Higgs boson, this
particle - if spotted - would all but complete the fundamental
theory of particle physics, known as the Standard Model. Læs mere - [Washington
Schweitz -
Udenfor religion
Til top på siden
12-12-2011 - Kristi grav i Singho, Japan
Sære ting - oddities
Jesus Christ was their
ancestor, they keep His grave in Japan! Stranger than "Da
Vinci code" and for real! - When He was 21 years old, Jesus
Christ came to Japan and studied theology for 12 years. He came
back to Judea at the age of 33 in order to preach, but people
there rejected His teachings and arrested Him to crucify Him.
However, it was His little brother Jsus Chri who... Læs mere - [Zezetique]
Japan -
Til top på siden
09-12-2011 - Urkirke-modeller for mission og
Mission - arbejdsmåder
, Early Church Models of Evangelism and
Missions Early Church Models of Evangelism and Missions:
Evangelism and the Early Church. By Jerry Root.
What can we learn from the approaches employed by the early
Church to reach others for Christ? Root shares five points..
When You Cannot Preach: A Case for Relational
Evangelism. By Dion Forster. One may be surprised to
see how simple, yet different, Jesus' model of evangelism is when
compared to many popular models used today.. Prayer in the
Early Church. By John Godson. Godson looks at how the
early Church prayed, where they prayed, and for what they
prayed.. Ekklesia: A Call to Unity in the Body of
Christ. By Dale Schlafer. We should be so connected
relationally with other followers of the Lord Jesus that the
non-believing world thinks we are one, the author writes.. New
Prayer Tools to Fuel the Prayer Movement. By Carol
Madison. The author shares two resources to expand prayer
movements both nationally and internationally.. Læs mere - [Lausanne World Pulse]
Global Online - Lausanne World Pulse -
Til top på siden
09-12-2011 - 62% skotter siger ja, men kirkerne nej til
homoseksuelt ægteskab
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Religious groups in Scotland
overwhelmingly disapprove of gay marriage Although a
recent survey showed 62 percent of Scots favor gay marriage, the
country's main religious denominations overwhelmingly disapprove
of it--though many observers think religious voices are less
influential than they used to be. Læs mere - [The
Christian Century]
England, Scotland -
Til top på siden
08-12-2011 - Præst fyret for at lade udøbte
deltage i nadver sagsøger kirken
, Japanese pastor sues over dismissal
A Japanese pastor has sued the United Church of Christ
in Japan, over his dismissal for giving communion to congregants
who were not baptized. Læs
mere - [Anglican Communion News Service]
Japan -
Til top på siden
08-12-2011 - Lausanne World Pulse hører op
Udgivelse - Online
Goodbye for Now! But Stay
Tuned This summer, the international Lausanne Movement
leadership and our team from the Billy Graham Center (BGC) at
Wheaton College realized we have different goals for ongoing
communications. Thus, we mutually and amiably agreed to conclude
LWP at the end of 2011.. Læs mere - [Lausanne World Pulse]
Global Online - Lausanne World Pulse -
Til top på siden
08-12-2011 - En luthersk biskops bøn til katolske
- om homoseksuelt ægteskab
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Gay marriage
- a Lutheran leader's plea to Catholic bishops First, I
would go to the wall to defend your right to work for the
adoption of the so-called marriage protection amendment. Having
said that, I must tell you that I believe you are making a
significant mistake. Over my 35 years as an active and retired
bishop I have come to know hundreds of gay and lesbian persons...
Læs mere - [Star
Til top på siden
07-12-2011 - Strid om bøn ved
, Judgement reserved over Bideford Town
Council prayers Bideford Town Council spoke out after the
National Secular Society (NSS) told the High Court its actions
were "unlawful". The council warned if the NSS action was upheld
it could have "far-reaching consequences" - including the
abolition of the Coronation Oath. Læs mere - [BBC]
England -
Til top på siden
07-12-2011 - Homoseksuelles rettigheder over
religiøs frihed - Hillary Clinton
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton yesterday put the Obama administration clearly
on the opposite side of Christians seeking religious freedom in
the debate over human sexuality, prompting praise from gay rights
activists and criticism from GOP presidential candidate Rick
Perry...In remarks on Tuesday in Geneva to the United Nations,
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said religious and cultural
beliefs are standing in the way of homosexual human rights
worldwide. Læs mere - [Christian
Schweitz, Geneve -
Til top på siden
07-12-2011 - Europas radikale højre fokusere
på kamp mod islam
, Europe's radical right focuses on fighting
Islam As daylight broke on June 4, worshippers found a
mosque in southern Denmark defaced with drawings of the Prophet
Muhammad and slogans urging Muslims to "go home." In late
October, a dismembered pig was buried on the planned construction
site of a planned mosque on the outskirts of Copenhagen. Both
acts were the work of the Danish Defence League, a year-old
far-right group that claims it's not opposed to foreigners in
general, just Muslims. "We are not racists. We are not Nazis,"
insists Bo Vilbrand, the group's 24-year-old spokesman. As if to
prove his point he says the Danish Defence League welcomes blacks
and Jews.. Læs mere - [AP - Associated Press]
Danmark -
Til top på siden
07-12-2011 - Debat om den dronningens religiøse
rolle og biskoppers politiske
Politik - religion
, Questioning the Queen's religious role
opens up a real can of worms Why would the Church want
to rid itself of such an influential figure, doing away half a
millennium of history in the process? No - any reform moves will
have to be forced upon it by politicians...Given the enormous
struggle by peers to resist any kind of change - and let's face
it, after 100 years of blocking reform they're quite good at it
- the Church of England will be hoping it can hide behind the
smoke and avoid any change to its current privileged position.
Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
06-12-2011 - Strid mellem stat og kirke på grund af
møde for homoseksuelles ret
Seksualitet - det civile liv
meeting sparks row between Ethiopia church and government
A meeting organised by an African gay lobby group ahead
of an AIDS conference in Ethiopia has sparked a rare spat between
the government and religious groups. Religious leaders demand the
cancellation of the gathering scheduled for Saturday, organised
by African Men for Sexual Health and Rights, saying it would
violate the country's conservative culture. State officials,
however, are unwilling to budge having lobbied hard to win
hosting rights for the influential 16th International Conference
on AIDS and STIs in Africa due to start a day later. Læs
mere - []
Etiopien -
Til top på siden
05-12-2011 - Baptist præst voldsomme bøder for
møde i eget hjem
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Sergei Kozin, a Baptist, has been fined 80 times the
minimum monthly wage after a police raid on a group of Baptists
who were reading on holiday together.. Læs mere - [Forum
Uzbekistan -
Kristendom, baptist
Til top på siden
04-12-2011 - Konservativ episkopal biskop i søgelys
pga holdning til homo-spørgsmål
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
SC bishop being
investigated amid Episcopal schism over the ordination
The conservative leader of the Episcopal diocese of South
Carolina, which has roots stretching to before the American
Revolution, is the first bishop facing discipline from the
national church over the ongoing schism over the ordination of
gay ministers.The conservative leader of the Episcopal diocese
of South Carolina, which has roots stretching to before the
American Revolution, is the first bishop facing discipline from
the national church over the ongoing schism over the ordination
of gay ministers. (The case is anyhow dismissed) Læs mere - [Timesnews]
Kristendom, episkopal
Til top på siden
02-12-2011 - Kirkernes Verdensråd: Fokus på
vold mod kvinder (Workshop i Cuba)
Seksualitet - det civile liv
WCC workshop focuses on "transformative
masculinities" in Cuba Violence against women is endemic
both in conflict zones and so called peaceful situations.
According to a study conducted by the University of Lausanne, in
Switzerland, more than 26 percent of women there experience
physical violence throughout their adult life. In a country of
a similar size but with fewer economic opportunities such as the
Dominican Republic, every 36 hours a woman is killed by her
partner or husband. Læs mere - [World Council of Churches (WCC)]
Cuba -
Til top på siden
02-12-2011 - Foto-"safari" omkring bibelen - King James
Bible of King James First printed 400 years ago, the King
James Bible molded the English language, buttressed the "powers
that be"-one of its famous phrases-and yet enshrined a gospel of
individual freedom. No other book has given more to the
English-speaking world... Læs mere - [National
Globalt -
Til top på siden
02-12-2011 - Den skotske kirke kæmper mod retten til
homoseksuelt ægteskab
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Kirk joins fight against homosexual
marriages The Church of Scotland said it could not agree
with a change in the law to allow same-sex weddings, arguing that
it would fundamentally alter the understanding of marriage in
Scotland as the union of one man with one woman. Læs
mere - [Scotsman]
England, Cantebury -
Kristendom, presbyteriansk
Til top på siden
01-12-2011 - Religiøse ledere til konference om AIDS
i Toronto
Sygdom og sundhed
, Religious Leaders Gather in Toronto to
Review Commitment to HIV Next week, leading up to World
AIDS Day on December 1, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish and
Muslim leaders from around the world will meet at the national
office of The Presbyterian Church in Canada in Toronto to assess
progress in fulfilling this commitment. Læs mere - [CNW]
Canada,Toronto -
Til top på siden
01-12-2011 - Obama prædiker kristendom ved
tænding af juletræet ved Det Hvide Hus
Politik - religion
Obama delivers very
Christian message at Christmas tree lighting President
Barack Obama delivered an unusually stark Christian message at
the White House Christmas tree lighting Thursday night, saying
Christ's message "lies at the heart of my Christian faith and
that of millions of Americans." Læs mere - [CNN]
Til top på siden
30-11-2011 - Den ny konstitution på vej i Tyrkiet -
mange åbne spørgsmål
, The new Constitution drafting process and
freedom of religion.. The process of drafting Turkey's
new Constitution has produced expectations that this will lead
to progress in protecting freedom of religion or belief. Many
questions are open, and the possible answers that the drafting
process produces need to be monitored closely. The issues that
affect the legal framework for protecting religious freedom are
many. Læs mere - [Forum
Tyrkiet -
Til top på siden
29-11-2011 - Kina ordinerer Vaktikan-godkendt biskop, men
strid om gæster
Politik og kirke
Læs mere - [Washington
The ordination of Peter Luo Xuegang as coadjutor bishop of Yibin
diocese has the blessing of the Vatican, a recent point of
agreement in its decades-long rift with the state-backed church.
The source of friction this time is the possible presence of an
excommunicated bishop at the ceremony.
Kina -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
29-11-2011 - Helligdagstræ! - hjælp de fattige
i stedet for at kæmpe for JULEtræ!
, Lincoln Chafee, Rhode Island Governor,
Defends 'Holiday' Tree In State The governor said Tuesday
that lawmakers upset with his decision to call the blue spruce
erected in the Statehouse a holiday tree instead of a Christmas
tree should focus their energy on feeding the poor. Læs mere - [Huffpost
Til top på siden
29-11-2011 - Anti-atomkraft erklæring frigives af
katolske biskopper
Politik - miljø
, Japanese bishops release delayed
anti-nuclear message Pressure from business people and
different views of the crisis after the 11 March 2011 earthquake,
tsunami and nuclear power plant disaster, caused Japanese
Catholic bishops to delay an anti-nuclear message for six months,
according to a church official.. Læs mere - [Ekklesia]
Japan -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
28-11-2011 - Tutu: Dette er det eneste hjem, vi har -
klimakonference i Durban
Politik - miljø - klima
Religious voices advocate for climate justice
at Durban This is the only home we have," said Archbishop
Desmond Tutu referring to the crucial significance of our planet
and its survival. He was speaking in an interfaith rally in
Durban, urging the United Nations conference on climate change
(COP17) to deliver a fair, ambitious and binding treaty to
address climate change effectively. Læs mere - [World Council of Churches (WCC)]
Irland -
Til top på siden
25-11-2011 - Ny Testamente udgivet af jødiske
Udgivelser - forskning
Focusing on the Jewish Story
of the New Testament The book she (Amy-Jill Levine) has
just edited with a Brandeis University professor, Marc Zvi
Brettler, "The Jewish Annotated New Testament" (Oxford University
Press), is an unusual scholarly experiment: an edition of the
Christian holy book edited entirely by Jews. Læs mere - [New York Times]
Til top på siden
25-11-2011 - Kirken og protestbevægelserne: "Occupy
Wall Street" og "The Tea Party"
Politik - tro
, Religion News: Occupy Wall Street and the
tea party The Public Religion Research Institute, in
partnership with the Religion News Service, recently released the
results of a new national survey that finds equal numbers of
Americans say both the Occupy Wall Street and tea party movements
share their values (29 percent each). Læs
mere - [WorldWide
Religious News (WWRN)]
Til top på siden
24-11-2011 - Kristne og muslimer i fælles kamp mod
Sygdom og sundhed
Aids Deaths Drop By More Than Half - Ministry Chairman
of the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya, Dr Wellington Mutiso said
churches and mosques could be used to encourage more people to
get tested."Religious leaders play a key role in prevention of
HIV in Kenya," Læs mere - [All
Africa Conference of Churches]
Kenya -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
23-11-2011 - Voksende, men anderledes, religøs lobby
i Washington
Politik - tro
, A growing, changing God lobby in D.C
No matter how small the group, everyone feels the need
to open an office in Washington, D.C., so that their voices can
be heard," said political scientist Allen D. Hertzke of the
University of Oklahoma.. Læs
mere - [Worldwide Faith News]
Til top på siden
23-11-2011 - Ret fastholder forbud mod polygami
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Provincial court upholds ban on polygamy
A Canadian provincial court on Wednesday upheld the
country's ban on polygamy, saying the harm that plural marriage
causes to women and children outweighed any infringement of
religious freedoms. The landmark case was brought by the British
Columbia government to test the constitutionality of a
120-year-old ban on polygamy in Canada. Læs
mere - [WorldWide
Religious News (WWRN)]
Canada,Toronto -
Til top på siden
23-11-2011 - Protestantiske som muslimske forkyndere
må ikke inviteres
, Not banned, merely "recommends refraining
from inviting" The organisers of a conference in
Kazakhstan have been told that five foreign Protestant guest
speakers could not come. Ershat Ongarov of the Agency of
Religious Affairs (ARA) wrote stating that the ARA "recommends
refraining from inviting" them. This follows an ARA ban on a
well-known Russian Muslim author visiting.. Læs mere - [Forum
Kazakhstan -
Til top på siden
23-11-2011 - Kort krise: Jesus forbudt på SMS i
Pakistan - nu tilladt
Ok for the word Jesus Christ in text
messages ..The incident has been overcome and the case
is officially closed: as reported to Fides by political sources
in Pakistan, the word "Jesus Christ" has been permanently deleted
from the list of prohibited terms to be used in text messages,
which will be officially distributed to telephone companies. [Two days
before!] Læs mere - [Agenzia Fides]
Pakistan, Islamabad -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
23-11-2011 - Den danske regering fremsætter
lovforslag om ægteskab for homoseksuell
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
Danish Government proposes
law on same-sex marriage The Danish Government has
proposed legislation to institute same-sex marriage in Denmark
at the same time enabling same-sex couples to get married in
church. The news comes shortly after the new Minister for Church
Affairs, Manu Sareen, has taken office. Mr Sareen being a
long-term advocate for equal rights for same-sex couples. Læs mere - []
Danmark -
Kristendom - folkekirken
Til top på siden
22-11-2011 - Vrede kirker trækker investeringer
tilbage fra Wall Street
Politik - økonomi
, Angry churches pull money from big banks
A small but growing number of religious communities
across the country are removing their money from Wall Street
banks to protest what they see as unfair mortgage foreclosures
and unwillingness to lend to small businesses. Læs mere - [Washington
Til top på siden
22-11-2011 - Nigeria vil lovgive mod homoseksuelt
ægteskab - med straframme
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Gay Marriage to Be Criminalized Under
Nigeria Law Nigeria is poised to ban and criminalize gay
marriage in a bill that is gaining widespread support in the
country's legislature..Nigeria is a deeply religious country,
split almost in half by Christians and Muslims. Though the two
groups in Africa's most populous country have clashed on a number
of issues, sources say gay marriage is not one of them. Læs
mere - [Christian Post]
Nigeria -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
21-11-2011 - Pavens farvel til Afrika: Håbets
Pope Benedict bids farewell to Benin
I wanted to visit Africa once more; it is a continent for
which I have a special regard and affection, for I am deeply
convinced that it is a land of hope. I have already said this
many times. Here are found authentic values which have much to
teach our world; Læs mere - [The Vatican Today]
Benin -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
21-11-2011 - Den religiøse lobbyisme i Det hvide Hus
er 5-doblet
Politik - religion
, Study finds five-fold increase in lobbying
by religious groups Religious advocacy is broadly defined
in this study to encompass a wide range of efforts to shape
public policy on religion-related issues," the Pew study states.
"But it also includes other efforts to affect public policy, such
as activities aimed at the White House and federal agencies...[
(See also Washinton Post). Læs mere - [The Hill]
Til top på siden
20-11-2011 - Ærkebiskop skuffet over David Camerons
mht homoseksuelt ægteskab
Etik - seksualitet
Archbishop 'very
disappointed' with gay marriage move The head of the
Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales has said he is "very
disappointed" with David Cameron's plan to legalise gay marriage.
Læs mere - [The
England -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
19-11-2011 - Kopterne lever i stadig frygt efter
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
After Egypt's Revolution,
Christians Are Living in Fear When liberal Muslims joined
Coptic Christians as they marched through Cairo's Maspero area
on Oct. 9 to protest the burning of a Coptic church, bands of
conservative Muslim hooligans wielding sticks and swords began
attacking the protesters. Læs mere - [New York Times]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - koptisk
Til top på siden
18-11-2011 - Koptere angrebet under
, Egyptian Coptics attacked, dozens slightly
injured Hundreds of Coptics marching in Cairo Thursday
were attacked by unknown assailants. Thirty-two people were
injured including two police officers.. Læs mere - [CNN]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - koptisk
Til top på siden
17-11-2011 - Paven besøger den hurtigst voksende
katolske kirke - kirkne i Afrika
African Catholic Church tested by
scandals and rivals The continent has the world's fastest
growing number of Catholics -- rising by eight million between
2007 and 2008 alone -- and often sends its dynamic priests to
work in increasingly deserted churches across the secularised
West. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
14-11-2011 - 150 præster truer med at træde af
pga ordination af homoseksuelle
Etik - seksualitet
, Gay clergy row threatens mass resignations
from Church of Scotland The Church of Scotland is braced
for mass resignations over moves to allow the ordination of gay
ministers, with up to 150 conservative and evangelical ministers
threatening to quit, the Guardian can reveal. The rebellion began
after the Church of Scotland became the first major presbyterian
church in the world to allow openly gay and lesbian ministers to
take up parishes at its general assembly in May, despite evidence
that 20% of its elders and office-bearers could leave in protest.
mere - [The Gaurdian]
Skotlands, Glasgow -
Kristendom, presbyteriansk
Til top på siden
11-11-2011 - Præster til muslimer i Detroit: Vi
elsker jer
, Pastors Prepping for TheCall Detroit Tell
Muslims 'We Love You' Pastors in Detroit are trying to
calm Muslim communities that are cautiously upping security at
Islamic mosques and schools on Friday as the 24-hour prayer event
TheCall kicks off. The group of clergy are proclaiming messages
of brotherly love for Muslims and renewal for the Motor City. Læs mere - [Christian
Til top på siden
11-11-2011 - Kirker i Kenya angrebet under
, Church attacked in Kenya as threats hamper
relief work After grenade attacks on a church in northern
Kenya blamed on Islamic extremists, religious leaders said they
were redoubling inter-faith peace efforts. At the same time,
about 100 kilometers away, Christian relief agencies were
carrying out humanitarian work in Dadaab, the world's biggest
refugee camp, despite security threats. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Kenya -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
11-11-2011 - Fængselsmoskeer, -kirker og bederum
, Prison mosques, churches, and prayer rooms
closed down Kazakhstan has recently closed mosques,
churches and prayer rooms in prisons, citing two laws restricting
freedom of religion or belief before they came into force.. Læs mere - [Forum
Kazakhstan -
Til top på siden
11-11-2011 - Bedemaraton om overvindelse af onder - her i
blandt islam (Detroit)
, Detroit prayer event puts Muslim community
on edge An area with one of the largest Muslim
communities in the United States is bracing itself for a 24-hour
prayer rally by a group that counts Islam among the ills facing
the nation. Læs mere - [Yahoo News]
Til top på siden
10-11-2011 - Tintin en ægte katolsk helt
A catholic hero Tintin is not
a Catholic identifiable as such: he never prays to God during his
brushes with death and you never see him in a Church. A brief
allusion to St. John the Evangelist hints at a residue of the
Catechism. The guardian angels of Captain Haddock and Snowy, at
war with an imaginary devil, make you smile. Religion - Incas,
sun cults, Buddhists, Muslims - is that of others, to be
respected as it perpetuates a culture Læs mere - [L'Osservatore]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
10-11-2011 - Katolske biskopper i konfrontation med
Politik - etik (globalisering)
Bishops gear up for fight with Obama The bishops'
strategy is centered around their new Committee for Religious
Liberty, which was unveiled just days after the bishops'
president, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, warned President
Obama that his decision not to defend a federal ban on gay
marriage could "precipitate a national conflict between church
and state of enormous proportions. Læs mere - [Washington
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
09-11-2011 - Religionsfrihed har stigende vanskelige
kår i Rusland
Freedom of religion in
Russia faces increased limits "Although the [officially
atheist] Soviet Union collapsed 20 years ago ... religious
believers still face serious problems," said the Rev. Michael
Bourdeaux, president of the Oxford, U.K.-based Keston Institute,
which studies religion in Russia and Eastern Europe. "What really
worries me is that no one is holding Russia to account... Læs
mere - [The Christian Century]
Rusland -
Til top på siden
09-11-2011 - Hajj - pilgrimsrejsen for muslimer også
genstand for teologisk strid
, Hajj: What It Has Become and What It
Should Be Again The Saudi-Wahhabi rulers of Arabia have
striven to make Hajj conform to their narrow conception of Islam,
and to a considerable degree they have succeeded. The Saudis
restrict the number of pilgrims (hujjaj) coming into the kingdom,
as a means of ideological control. Those who go to the Prophet's
Mosque in Medina to pray in praise of Muhammad, in a
long-standing Hajj observance, are vulnerable to beatings and
arrest by the morals patrols or mutawiyin if they commit the
supposed heresy of praying in the direction of Muhammad's body,
which the Wahhabis allege dilutes Islamic monotheism and imitates
Christian worship of Jesus. Læs mere
- [Huffpost Religion]
Saudiarabien -
Til top på siden
08-11-2011 - Homoseksualitet set med Southern Baptists
Bibelsyn - lære - etik og moral
New Southern Baptist Curriculum Bashes Gays
As a Southern Baptist child I was taught that
homosexuality was wrong. That lesson did not come from fiery
anti-gay sermons from the pulpit. No one ever quoted any
scriptures to prove it, and it was never, ever mentioned in
Sunday School lessons. Instead, it just seemed to be common
knowledge. Oh, for the good old days when the gays weren't so
uppity and open. Today, teenagers in many Southern Baptist
churches are hearing about homosexuality through a curriculum
called "Known." Læs mere - [Religion Dispatches]
Kristendom, baptist
Til top på siden
08-11-2011 - Det kristne venstre kæmper for
fagforeninger og mod stram abortlov
Politik - religion
Extremism on the Ballot
State ballot issues loom large as voters flock to the
polls today... Læs mere - [Faith
In Public Life]
[Succesfully: Ohio, The
Union and in Mississipi, Abortion Measure.
Til top på siden
08-11-2011 - Demokraterne sjældnere i kirke
, Fewer Democrats in Church? Majority
'Seldom or Never' Attend A Gallup poll released Monday
highlights the religious spilt between Democrats and Republicans,
showing that 52 percent of Democrats seldom or never attend
church. And the percentage of Democrats who attend church weekly
has dropped two percentage points - down from 29 to 27 percent
- since the first quarter of 2008. Læs
mere - [WorldWide
Religious News (WWRN)]
Til top på siden
08-11-2011 - Amerikanske præsidentkandidater skal tro
- mindre vigtigt hvad
Politik - tro
, Voters find religious belief important in
leader Two-thirds of Americans believe it is important
for a presidential candidate to have strong religious beliefs,
even if those beliefs are different than their own, a survey
released on Tuesday found Læs
mere - [Reuters]
Til top på siden
06-11-2011 - Mongoliets mormonkirke sender
missionærer til USA
Mission - gensidig
, Christianity's growth divides Mongolians
The.. existence (of these missionaries) is a mark of how
successful the Mormon church has been at converting young
Mongolians since the early 1990s, when the fall of communism
brought religious freedom to the traditionally Buddhist nation.
Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Mongoliet -
Til top på siden
04-11-2011 - Libanesiske, maronitiske biskopper:Undgå
konflikt med verdenssamfundet
Politik - religion
Bishops: Avoid skirmish with world
community The Council of Maronite Bishops decried
Thursday the state of political divisions in Lebanon, urging
rival leaders to work to safeguard their country and prevent any
foreign intervention. They also warned against putting Lebanon
in a confrontational position with the international community
over a widening rift over a U.N.-backed court. Læs mere - [The Daily Star]
Libanon -
Kristendom, maronitisk
Til top på siden
01-11-2011 - Sct. Pauls Cathedral og OWS - moratorium og
Politik - tro
City and St Paul's suspend
legal action against Occupy London Bishop of London,
Richard Chartres, is asked to help it decide how to handle the
protests after three resignations amongst its clergy. Chartres
said today: "The alarm bells are ringing all over the world. St
Paul's has now heard that call. Today's decision means that the
doors are most emphatically open to engage with matters
concerning not only those encamped around the cathedral but
millions of others in this country and around the globe. Læs mere - [The
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
01-11-2011 - International Bulletin of Missionary Research
- oktober 2011
, International Bulletin of Missionary
Research - October 2011 Religions and the Common Good.
By Jonathan J. Bonk. - Interreligious Dialogue: Conversations
That Enable Christian Witness. By Terry C. Muck. - Christian
Witness in a Multi-Religious World: Recommendations for Conduct
World Council of Churches Pontifical Council for Interreligious
Dialogue World Evangelical Alliance. - Introduction to the Accra
Charter of Religious Freedom and Citizenship. By Lamin Sanneh.-
Accra Charter of Religious Freedom and Citizenship... Læs mere - [International Bulletin of Missionary
Global Online - International Bulletin -
Til top på siden
31-10-2011 - Dean for St Pauls Cathedral trækker
Politik - tro
Dean of St Paul's Cathedral resigns over
Occupy London protest row The perceived dithering and
divisions of church officials over the protest camp outside St
Paul's in London have claimed a second major scalp with the
resignation of the cathedral's dean, the Right Rev Graham
Knowles. Læs mere - [The
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
29-10-2011 - Muslimsk minister: England skal være
mere kristent
Religionsmøde - dialog
Britain should become more
Christian, says Baroness Warsi Minister and baroness
Sayeeda Warsi: "We need to create a country where people don't
feel like they have to leave religion at the door. That means
being proud of Christianity, not downgrading it. It means
encouraging people to say that their faith inspires what they
do". Læs mere - [The
England -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
29-10-2011 - Megakirke i det tidligere DDR, Berlin?
Kirkeliv - statistik
Rapid growth - dream and nightmare for
Berlin suburb's Lutheran Church While pews across the
continent are emptying, her (Elke Rosenthal) Lutheran
congregation in this leafy suburb of Berlin has tripled in size
in recent years, outgrowing its two small churches and eager to
break ground for a much larger structure. [The rest of the
article tells that it among other things is due to many westerns
having moved to this suburb in Berlin] Læs
mere - [Reuters]
Tyskland -
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top på siden
28-10-2011 - Er social refærdighed en del af
evangeliet - evangelikal diskussion
Politik - sociale forhold
Debate: Is Social
Justice Essential to Church's Mission? "If justice is
only an implication, it can easily become optional and,
especially in privileged churches, non-existent," according to
Jim Wallis (President of Sojourners) in a debate with Albert
Mohler (President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) Læs
mere - [Christian Post]
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
28-10-2011 - Dommedagsrealiteter i stedet for Halloween
Mission - arbejdsmåder
Local Church Offers 'Judgement
House,' Not Haunted House This Halloween, a local church
in Ohio is asking the community one sobering question: What if
your worst nightmare was only a mild hint of your coming
eternity?..Not intended to scare people into believing, however,
the church simply seeks to present a biblical perspective on the
afterlife. "We're not trying to make people wet their pants or
have a heart attack," Schofield told ABJ. "It's not our heart to
scare people into a relationship with Christ." Læs
mere - [ChristianityToday]
Til top på siden
27-10-2011 - Kirker søger fred og retfærdighed
gennem dialog i Assisi
Religionsmøde - dialog
Churches seek peace and
justice through dialogue in Assisi The event brought
religious leaders from diverse backgrounds, and is a continuation
of a tradition initiated by Pope John Paul II, who held this
meeting in the town of Assisi 25 years ago. Following the example
of Francis of Assisi, Tveit highlighted the role of "young change
makers". Læs mere - [World Council of Churches (WCC)]
Italien, Assisi -
Til top på siden
27-10-2011 - Ingen fælles bøn i Assisi -
religionsmøde må ikke blive synkretisme
Assisi Gives an Encore. But Revised and
Corrected Bennedict XVI (Ratzinger) "In order not to
misinterpret the meaning of what John Paul II wanted to achieve
in 1986 and what, to use his own words, he habitually called the
'spirit of Assisi,' it is important not to forget the attention
paid on that occasion to ensuring that the interreligious Prayer
Meeting did not lend itself to syncretist interpretations founded
on a relativistic concept. Læs mere - []
Italien, Assisi -
Kristendom - andre religioner
Til top på siden
27-10-2011 - Den episkopale kirke er nu under 2 millioner
Kirkeliv - statistik
, Episcopalians now below 2 million
Membership has been steadily declining since the 1960s,
when it and several other historic Protestant denominations were
at the peak of their membership and cultural influence. There
have been long-running debates over the causes of the declines.
Theories include liberal trends in theology and/or sexuality, the
wearisome fighting over those issues and the declining birth
rates of the denominations' largely white, better-educated
membership. Læs mere
- [Courier Journal]
Kristendom, episkopal
Til top på siden
26-10-2011 - Kirken i Sudan trængt efter landets
, Anti-Christian Backlash After South
Sudan's Secession Emboldened by government calls for a
Sudan based on Islamic law since the secession of South Sudan,
Muslim residents have attacked Christians trying to finish
constructing their church building near Khartoum. Meanwhile,
local authorities are threatening to demolish three other church
buildings that already exist. Læs mere
- [ChristianityToday]
Sudan, Khartoum -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
25-10-2011 - Tyske Autobahn-kirker
Kirkens liv
Germany's autobahn churches "We
seek to care for our guests fully -- not just for their cars but
also for their body, soul and spirit," said Anna Isabell
Strohofer, whose parents opened the ecumenical Light on Our Path
Church ten years ago at the family-run Strohofer service station
close to Nuremberg in southern Germany. "It was the aim of our
family to create a place where drivers can recover mentally." Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Tyskland -
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top på siden
25-10-2011 - Præst,som sympatiserede med
anti-kapitalistdemo, har trukket sig
Politik - økonomi
London Anglican cleric quits over
"occupy" protest at St Paul's The Chancellor of St Paul's
Cathedral in London has resigned after a row among church and
local authorities over whether to try to evict a 200-tent protest
camp occupying the square outside. Canon Chancellor Giles Fraser
had made clear his sympathy with the aims of the anti-capitalist
protest camp and asked police to leave the Anglican cathedral's
steps early in the occupation. He said on Thursday he had gone
with "great sadness." Læs mere - [Reuters]
England, London -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
24-10-2011 - Vrøvl - Vatikanet støtter ikke
Occupy Wall Street
Politik - økonomi
, The Pope, Chaplain to OWS? Rubbish
This brief document "Peace and Justice" from the lower
echelons of the Roman Curia no more aligns "the Vatican," the
Pope, or the Catholic Church with Occupy Wall Street than does
the Nicene Creed. Those who suggest it does are either grossly
ill-informed or tendentious to a point of irresponsibility. Læs mere
- [National Review]
Vatikanet -
Til top på siden
24-10-2011 - Kirken skal altid være kritisk i forhold
til regering og magt
Politik - tro
The church will always be a critic on
government Yang said Christian missions shouldn't be
solely evangelistic or preaching, but should include reaching out
to the weak, the poor, and liberating the oppressed. In this
regard, the church will always be a critic, a prophet, and the
opposition party to the government to keep it from veering into
paths of evil and injustice. Læs mere - [Enews-pctpress]
Taiwan -
Til top på siden
22-10-2011 - Dommedag udeblev - igen - og profeten
diffunderet væk
Spiritualitet (troens liv og former)
Radio prophet gone
from airwaves on new Judgment Day eve An evangelical
broadcaster whose end-of-the-world prophecy earlier this year
stirred a global media frenzy has vanished from the public eye
and airwaves ahead of his recalibrated doomsday date, set for
Friday. Læs mere - [Yahoo News]
Til top på siden
20-10-2011 - Heksedoktorer - meget få "kristne" -
ofrer tusindvis af børn
Troldom, hekse og magi
, Ugandan witch doctors sacrifice thousands
of children PETER M SEWAKIRYANGA: You will find that the
biggest, we have a very, very big number of people that believe
in witchcraft. MARK COLVIN: So it's possible to go to church on
Sundays and believe in witchcraft the other days of the week?
PETER M SEWAKIRYANGA: Most people that are practising witchcraft
don't believe in god. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Uganda, Kampala -
Til top på siden
20-10-2011 - De spansktalenede i USA konverter til
pentekostale kirker
Konversion til anden kristen trosretning
, U.S. Hispanics leaving Catholic Church for
Evangelical churches Hispanics who join the American
Pentecostal churches are mostly second and third generation
Hispanics. This is because religious cultural restrictions
prevent first generation Catholics from taking a decision to
change religion. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Til top på siden
18-10-2011 - Jesus er den perfekte konservative
Politik - religion
Herman Cain
calls Jesus 'the perfect conservative Never before and
not since has there ever been such a perfect conservative" as
Jesus Christ.. Læs mere - [Houston
Til top på siden
18-10-2011 - Dekret som forbyder religiøs
, Decree Banning Discrimination: A Small
Step for Coptic Christians Egypt's Supreme Council of the
Armed Forces has issued a decree fining anyone who practices
discrimination, including religious discrimination, in an attempt
to deflect negative attention towards Egypt's military rule. Læs mere - [Christian
Ægypten -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
18-10-2011 - Bøder for at holde gudstjeneste i eget
, "It's not a crime if believers worship in
my house" Fined several weeks' average wages in late
September for leading unregistered religious worship was Pastor
Aleksei Abramovich. His church in Zhodino near Belarus' capital
Minsk belongs to the Baptist Council of Churches, whose
congregations refuse on principle to gain the state registration
which officials insist is compulsory...The Church of God, an
independent Protestant church in Zhodino, has given up trying to
gain state registration as repeated attempts have failed.
Architecture officials will not sign off that his newly-built
church is complete. Læs mere - [Forum
Belarus -
Kristendom, baptist
Til top på siden
17-10-2011 - St Pauls Cathedral huser "Occupy"
Politik - religion
'Occupy' protests: St Paul's
invaded but canon asks the police to move When police
took to the steps of St Paul's Cathedral yesterday to protect it
from hundreds of demonstrators protesting against the global
financial system they were met with an unusual response. The
Canon Chancellor of the cathedral asked police to leave, and
instead welcomed some of the protesters to the Sunday morning
service. Læs mere - [The
England, London -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
17-10-2011 - Church of England tættere på at
udpege kvindelige biskopper
, Church of England edges nearer to allowing
women bishops The Church of England cleared another
legislative hurdle to appointing women bishops, but
traditionalist opponents warned on Monday the move was not a
foregone conclusion. Some Anglican provinces already have women
bishops, including Australia, the United States and Canada, but
the ordination of women and homosexuals as bishops as well as
same-sex marriages remain the most divisive issues facing the
Anglican Communion, which has 77 million members worldwide. Læs mere - [Reuters]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
17-10-2011 - Anita Caspari død - foregangskvinde
i "efter-Vatikan II"'s historie
Personalia og biografi
Caspary, religious visionary, dies in Los Angeles Caspary
played a decisive role in post-Vatican II church history when her
renewal-directed community ran up against the dictates of
conservative Los Angles Cardinal James Frances McIntyre, leading
to the community's canonical separation from the church. Læs
mere - [National Catholic Reporter]
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
16-10-2011 - Sufi-orientet islam advarer mod
, Sufi Maha Panchayat denounces Wahabi
extremism The All India Ulama & Mashaikh Board (AIUMB)
on Sunday gave a call to Sunni Muslims across India to reject and
rebuff hardline Wahabism so that Islam could return to its
tolerant, Sufi roots. The board represents 80% of the msulims in
India. Læs mere - [The Hindu]
Indien -
Til top på siden
13-10-2011 - For Gud og landet - Meagkirker og
økonomi i Korea
Økonomi - lokal kirkelig
, For God and country The Protestant
church, in particular, seems to have produced a tribe of flashy,
mansion-dwelling pastors. This is partly a result of the
character of Korean Protestantism: a common theme, for instance,
at the Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul is that a poor Christian
is not a good Christian. Læs mere - [The Economist]
Korea -
Til top på siden
13-10-2011 - "Guds søn" eller "den elskede
søn fra Gud" - oversættelse for muslimer
Teologi - oversættelse
Wycliffe, SIL -
Guidelines on Translating 'Son of God' Among Muslims Russ
Hersman, senior vice president of Wycliffe, offered "beloved son
from God" as one such alternative that balances "faithfulness to
the Word of God with faithfulness to God's intended message." He
said this option avoids mistaken Muslim assumptions that Jesus
is the "procreated son of God." Læs
mere - [ChristianityToday]
Til top på siden
11-10-2011 - Dødehavsrullerne læs- og
søgbare online
Videnskab og tro
, Google makes 5 Dead Sea Scrolls searchable
"You have the capability with high-resolution definition
to look at the scrolls in a comfortable setting - to enlarge
them, to magnify them, to translate them into English and to
search for words, phrases or verses that you want to find on your
own," said James Snyder, director of the Israel Museum. "It
really allows for your own interactive research with the
material." (World Wide Religious News). Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Israel -
Til top på siden
11-10-2011 - Den "røde" biskop stiller op som
præsident i Honduras
Politik - religion
Honduran bishop to run
for office because politics 'screwed the poor' Bishop
Luis Santos Villeda will run for president as a candidate of a
progressive faction of the Liberal Party, whose last president,
Manuel Zelaya, was deposed in a 2009 coup...not everyone would
be pleased with a Bishop Santos candidacy. Bishop Luis Santos
Villeda of Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras, distributes Communion
in Masaguara on Oct. 4. "The decision of the bishop to get
involved in politics after stepping down as bishop does damage
to the church and damage to politics," said Jesuit Father Ismael
Moreno, director of Radio Progreso.. Læs mere -
[National Catholic
Honduras -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
10-10-2011 - Ikke én eneste kristen kirke tilbage
i Afghanistan
, Not a Single Christian Church Left in
Afghanistan, Says State Departme There is not a single,
public Christian church left in Afghanistan, according to the
U.S. State Department...In the intervening decade, U.S. taxpayers
have spent $440 billion to support Afghanistan's new government
and more than 1,700 U.S. military personnel have died serving in
that country. The last public Christian church in Afghanistan was
razed in March 2010.. Læs mere - []
Afghanistan -
Til top på siden
10-10-2011 - Dødstallet vokser i sammenstød
mellem muslimer og koptiske kristne
, Death toll rises in Egypt Christian
clashes as tension continues The violence - the deadliest
in Egypt since President Hosni Mubarak was toppled by a popular
revolution in February - has brought the country back to the
tense, violent period before the uprising, Prime Minister Essam
Sharaf said Monday. "Instead of going forward, we found ourselves
scrambling for security," Sharaf said on state television in an
early morning speech, noting that the incident had produced
"martyrs, both civilian and from the military. Læs mere - [CNN]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
07-10-2011 - Teolog i bevægelsen "Occupy Wall
Politik - sociale forhold
Seminarian Rix Thorsell, wearing a clerical collar,
marched on 5 October with other members of Brooklyn's Greenpoint
Reformed Church in a "Occupy Wall Street" protest that has
captured national and international attention. "Jesus stood with
the 99 percent [of society that is not wealthy..] Læs mere - [Daily
Til top på siden
07-10-2011 - Sang tak i kirken: Nobelprismodtager -
Politik - magtkritik
Liberian Peace
Activist Learns of Nobel Peace Prize While on Book Tour
Visiting New York Ms. Gbowee did express admiration for
the Occupy Wall Street movement that is spreading to other cities
in the United States.. Books: "Mighty Be Our Powers: How
Sisterhood, Prayer and Sex Changed a Nation at War" - "Pray The
Devil Back to Hell" -(See more) Læs mere - [New York Times]
USA, New York -
Til top på siden
07-10-2011 - Den presbyterianske kirke ordinerer den
første homoseksuelle præst
Etik - seksualitet More
than two decades after Scott Anderson told his California
congregation that he was gay and therefore must resign as its
pastor, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) is preparing to welcome
him back. Anderson will be ordained Saturday as the
denomination's first openly gay minister, marking the latest
mainline Protestant church to move toward accepting homosexual
relationships. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Kristendom, presbyteriansk
Til top på siden
06-10-2011 - Rowan Williams møder Mugabe
Politik - religion
Archbishop of Canterbury
to meet Mugabe amid Anglican rift Dr Rowan Williams will
become the first senior British dignitary to visit Mr Mugabe in
Zimbabwe since Baroness Amos travelled to the country in 2001 to
check on his pledge to halt violent land reforms. Læs mere -
Dr. Williams is expected to urge the 87-year-old leader to rein
in his renegade bishop Nolbert Kunonga, who split with the
Anglican Province of Central Africa in 2008 over the ordination
of homosexuals and has since, with the backing of Mr Mugabe's
security forces, seized 40 per cent of church property.
Zimbabwe -
Til top på siden
05-10-2011 - Baptister omkostningdækker for kirker,
der søger kvindelige præster
, Baptist Fellowship Offering Cash .. to
Churches Considering Female.. CBFMO leadership decided
in September to pay interview, travel, and other expenses
incurred by search committees that include a woman in their list
of candidates in hopes of expanding the number of women in church
leadership Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Kristendom, baptist
Til top på siden
04-10-2011 - Israel ikke kun for jøder - men
også fundamentalistiske kristne
, How the GOP has learned to love Israel
unconditionally "Israel is not just for Jews anymore,"
said Noam Neusner, a former domestic policy adviser to President
George W. Bush and now a communications consultant to Christians
United For Israel. "There are 5 million American Jews and 50
million evangelicals, some of whom are Hispanic, African
American, Korean. Every Sunday morning they are reading scripture
and reading it seriously. Læs mere - []
Kristendom - jødedom
Til top på siden
01-10-2011 - Lausanne World Pulse Oktober-November
Udgivelse - Online
, Themed Articles The Lausanne
Movement: Celebrating God's Faithfulness. By Lindsay
Brown. Brown sums up what God did at Cape Town 2010 and how God
continues to use the gathering to impact the Church globally. -
Læs mere - [Lausanne World Pulse]
Cape Town 2010, One Year Following: A Report from Africa.
By Michael Cassidy. Cassidy shares key outcomes of Lausanne III
from an African perspective. - Cape Town 2010: Eurasia One
Year Following. By Anatoliy Glukhovskyy. Participants from
Eurasia share at least five highlights from Cape Town 2010. -
The Cape Town Commitment's Relevancy: A Danish
Perspective. By Morten Hørning Jensen. Three reasons
the author thinks the Cape Town Commitment will have a
long-lasting impact. - The Contribution of Women to Lausanne's
Ministry. By Robyn Claydon. Claydon shares why Lausanne III,
more than the previous congresses, was a milestone for women in
Global Online - Lausanne World Pulse -
Til top på siden
01-10-2011 - Iransk præst dødsdømt for
voldtægt i stedet for for frafald fra islam
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Iranian pastor to be put
to death for rape, not apostasy Christian Pastor Youcef
Nadarkhani will be put to death for several charges of rape and
extortion, charges that differ greatly from his original sentence
of apostasy, the semi official Fars News agency reported Friday.
In a translated Iranian Supreme Court brief from 2010 the charge
of apostasy, however, is the only charge leveled against
Nadarkhani. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Iran -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
01-10-2011 - Amerikanske bibellæsere
foretrækker ord-til-ord oversættelse
Bibelsyn - lære - etik og moral
, Bible Readers Prefer Word-for-Word
Translations Americans who make Bible reading a part of
their everyday life prefer word-for-word translations of the
original Greek and Hebrew over thought-for-thought translations,
according to a new study released by LifeWay Research. Læs mere - [Christian
Til top på siden
30-09-2011 - Muslimer brænder kirker og kristnes
boliger i Ægypten
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Hard-line Muslims in Egypt Attack Coptic
Church, Homes A group of hard-line Muslims attacked a
church building in Upper Egypt this afternoon, torching the
structure and then looting and burning nearby Christian-owned
homes and businesses. The 3,000-strong mob of hard-line and
Salafi Muslims gutted the Mar Gerges Church in the Elmarenab
village of Aswan, Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
29-09-2011 - 100.000 kristne flygter fra
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Persecution Sees 100,000 Christians Flee
Egypt Increased tension between Islam and Christianity
has resulted in the emigration of 100,000 Christians from Egypt
since March 2011, which commentators are saying will
detrimentally affect Egypt's demographic diversity and economic
stability. Læs mere
- [Christian Post]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
28-09-2011 - Luthersk præst Dean ved anglikansk
katedral i Winnipeg
, Lutheran pastor appointed dean of Anglican
cathedral in Canada In a historic move, the Anglican
diocese of Rupert's Land appointed a Lutheran pastor, the Rev.
Paul Johnson, as dean of the diocese and incumbent for St. John's
Cathedral in Winnipeg, Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Canada,Toronto -
Til top på siden
27-09-2011 - En ny bølge af forfølgelse af
baptister, muslimer og Jehovas Vidner
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, A new wave of persecution has begun once
more "They refuse to register in accordance with our
Religion Law, so it's their problem," Mereke Myrzabekova of
Zhezkazgan's Internal Policy Department told Forum 18. She
admitted they would not have been raided had they been watching
football or drinking vodka together "because that's not
religion". Læs mere - [Forum
Kazakhstan -
Til top på siden
26-09-2011 - Iransk præst idømmes
dødsstraf, hvis han ikke frasiger sin kristendom
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Pastor Nadarkhani refuses to recant during
trial Iranian pastor Yousef Nadarkhani has twice refused
to recant his Christian faith during two court hearings held in
Rasht, Gilan Province on 25 and 26 September. Sources close to
CSW indicate that recanting will again be demanded at sessions
scheduled for 27 and 28 September, and that if he continues to
refuse, he will be executed thereafter. Læs mere - [Christian
Solidarity Worldwide]
Iran -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
25-09-2011 - Politisk korrekt: BBC: "før vor
tidsregning" i stedet for før Kristus
, BBC turns its back on year of Our Lord
The BBC's religious and ethics department says the
changes are necessary to avoid offending non-Christians...The
Corporation has replaced the familiar Anno Domini (the year of
Our Lord) and Before Christ with the obscure terms Common Era and
Before Common Era. Læs mere -
England -
Til top på siden
24-09-2011 - Har Paven rehabiliteret Luther? Protestanter
og katolikker uenige
Luther rehabilitated?
Catholics and Protestants disagree Among
Catholic-Protestant splits on display during Pope Benedict's
visit to Germany is a disagreement over whether Martin Luther,
the 16th century reformer who launched the split in western
Christianity, has now been rehabilitated. Læs mere - [Reuters Our World Now]
Tyskland -
Til top på siden
22-09-2011 - Evangelikal påvirkning af Ortokse i
, Growing in the Word .. the
Ethiopian Orthodox have learned from the expansion of
evangelicals Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Etiopien -
Til top på siden
20-09-2011 - Muslimer deltager i genopbygning af kristen
skole i kashmir
Religionsmøde - fælles handlen
, Muslims helping to rebuild Christian
school in Kashmir Muslims in Kashmir, in the northwest
of the Indian subcontinent, are supporting the re-building of a
Christian school that was destroyed by fire during anti-Christian
violence one year ago. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Indien -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
20-09-2011 - Megakirker større del - af en
skrumpende kage!
Kirkeliv - statestik
, A rough decade for American congregations
While megachurches - congregations with more than 2,000
members - continued to grow in popularity, they still represent
only a fraction of American congregations, at one-half of 1%.
"And while it appears to be true they are attracting an ever
bigger slice of the religious attender pie, it is a bigger slice
of a shrinking pie," - from Hartford Institute for Religion
Research. Læs mere
- [Religion Clause]
Til top på siden
20-09-2011 - Luthersk præst vækker uro ved
uortodoks og omdiskuteret healing
Kirkens liv
Throng to Miracle Cure .. a 76-year-old retired Lutheran
pastor who has made global headlines for dispensing an herbal
"miracle cure" he claims can heal any ailment: cancer, HIV/AIDS,
and other terminal diseases. Mwasapila has drawn hundreds of
thousands in a culture where superstition remains widespread and
the health system is dilapidated. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Tanzania -
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top på siden
15-09-2011 - Silicon Valley-kapital støtter
konservative kristnes politisering
Politik - religion
, Silicon Valley gives conservative
Christians a boost Silicon Valley, the politically
liberal technology hub, is an unlikely incubator of conservative
Christian activism. But a group of its venture capitalists is
backing an ambitious project that seeks to affect the 2012
election by registering 5 million new conservative Christians to
vote. Læs mere - [Los Angeles Times]
Til top på siden
15-09-2011 - Messianske jøder hængt ud for
deres tro
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Messianic Jews Singled Out in Israeli Town Messianic
Jews in a suburb west of Jerusalem continue to be harassed for
following their faith, this time by someone anonymously placing
flyers in public areas singling out members of Messianic
congregations. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Israel, Jerusalem -
Jødedom - kristendom
Til top på siden
11-08-2011 - Protest mod amerikansk flådebase i
Politik - magtkritik
Læs mere - [UCAnews]
Indien -
Til top på siden
04-08-2011 -
, Læs mere - [Christian
Til top på siden
27-07-2011 - The tragedy in Norway (Utøy)
, Comments concerning church: Olav Fykse Tveit (16/8) - Læs mere - []
Til top på siden
26-07-2011 - Er Anders Breivik kristen?
Politik - tro
, Is Anders Breivik a `Christian' terrorist?
The mass murders in Oslo have raised a host of agonizing
questions, but few have such an ancient lineage and contemporary
resonance as whether Anders Behring Breivik, the right-wing
extremist behind the attacks that killed 76 Norwegians last
Friday (July 22), is a Christian. Læs
mere - [Religious News Service]
Norge -
Til top på siden
25-07-2011 - Breiviks kristendom drejer sig om kultur -
ikke tro
Politik - tro
, Breivik's Christianity About Culture Not
Piety Early reports of the terrorist attacks in Norway
described Anders Behring Breivik, as a fundamentalist Christian,
and of course as bloggers and commentators repeated the
description, fundamentalists Christians objected. While Brievik's
1500+ page manifesto makes clear that the American term
"fundamentalist" is inappropriate, he clearly considers himself
to be a Christian. Læs mere - [Religion Dispatches]
Norge -
Til top på siden
10-07-2011 - KBh. biskop i York: Undgå
forskræmt forsvar af forældet
Bibelsyn - lære - etik og moral
Danish Porvoo
Bishop: Don't hide behind anxious defence of the Bible..
Understanding of faith or the church could not be
furthered by "hiding behind an anxious defence of the Bible and
outdated view of gender roles or an unrealistic view of freer
sexual morals". From the pulpit of York Minster, that's quite a
radical position to hold. If it had been an archbishop saying
that it would have been heresy. All of the sermon can be seen
here: (Read more) Læs
mere - [The Gaurdian]
England -
Til top på siden
08-07-2011 - Indiens græsrodsvækst for den
kristne kirke
Mission - vækst
, India's Grassroots Revival With
its people turning to Christ in waves, India hosts more believers
now than at any time in its 4,000-year history.. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Indien -
Til top på siden
07-07-2011 - Syriens kristne støtter Assad
Politik - religion
Christians Back Assad "We do not support those who are
calling for the fall of the regime, simply because we are [for]
the process of reform and changes,".. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Syrien -
Til top på siden
07-07-2011 - Biskop takker muslimer, jøder, kristne
for den godt nok tabte kamp..
Bibelsyn - lære - etik og moral
Some Afterthoughts State of New York has accepted
same-sex marriage. Bishop Timothy Dolan: You will understand my
special word of gratitude to people of faith - evangelicals,
Mennonites, Jews, Moslem, Catholics, Amish, and so many more, led
often by African-American and Latino believers - who simply
believe that marriage is a given, at the very foundation of
civilization, which the state has the duty to defend and protect,
not to mutate. Læs mere - [Archdiocese of New
Til top på siden
04-07-2011 - Dalitter tvinges til at konvertere til
'are converting to Hinduism' Bishop Anthony Poola of
Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh says many Dalit Christians are
converting to Hinduism because they are being denied benefits
resulting from scheduled caste (SC) status. Læs mere - [UCAnews]
Indien -
Kristendom - hinduisme
Til top på siden
02-07-2011 - Pentecostal bevægelse vokser hurtigere
end befolkningstallet
Økumene - udbredelse kirkeretninger
, Assemblies of God Growing Faster Than U.S.
Population The Assemblies of God, one of the largest
Pentecostal denominations, is growing faster than the U.S.
population Læs
mere - [Christian Post]
Kristendom, pentecostal
Til top på siden
01-07-2011 - Lausanne World Pulse - Tematiske artikler
juni-juli 2011
Udgivelse - Online
Articles - June-July 2011 Discipleship: Shallow Lake or
Deep Waters? A Nordic Look at Church. By Knud Jørgensen.
A life without discipleship will always be a life without
Jesus.. (Read
Article). - Discipleship at Arm's Length? Not Possible. By
LaNette Thompson. Cross-cultural discipleship should include
mentoring in four areas and can be demonstrated by using our
right hand..(Read
Article) - Læs mere - [Lausanne World Pulse]
The Gospel within Discipleship: Spiritual Formation. By Sara
Singleton. God calls us to learn, listen, and to live in the
light as we grow to be his disciples and disciplers of others
(Read Article)
Global Online - Lausanne World Pulse -
Til top på siden
26-06-2011 - Zimbabwe anglikanere nægtet adgang til
pilgrimsmål andet år i træk
the second year running, Anglicans in Zimbabwe have been forced
to find another place to mark the memorial of African martyr
Bernard Mizeki after being denied access to their official
shrine..The Anglican Church in Zimbabwe is under attack from an
ex-communicated bishop, Dr Norbert Kunonga, a supporter of
President Mugabe, who left the Anglican Province of Central
Africa (CPCA) in 2007 to try and set up a rival church. Læs mere - [News
Dze Zimbabwe]
Zimbabwe -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
23-06-2011 - Ny konflikt i sigte mellem Kinas katolske
kirke og Vatikanet
Politik og kirke
, China's official Catholic church headed
for new row with Vatican China's state-controlled
Catholic church says it will move swiftly to appoint new bishops
in dioceses where there are none, in a step that is certain to
worsen frictions with the Vatican. Filling the more than 40 empty
bishop's seats is an urgent task because the vacancies are
causing serious problems in the handling of church affairs.. Læs
mere - [WorldWide
Religious News (WWRN)]
Kina -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
21-06-2011 - Tvær-religiøse grupper
protesterer mod amerikansk base i Japan
Politik - tro
, Japanese interfaith group opposes U.S.
bases on Okinawa The lives of Okinawan people are still
threatened [by the bases]," said the Tokyo-based group composed
primarily of Buddhists and Christians. "We as religionists have
the same resolution in caring for life and protecting peace," the
group said in a statement.. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Japan -
Til top på siden
17-06-2011 - Unge forbydes adgang til moskeer (og
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Tajikistan moves to ban adolescents from
mosques Tajikistan has taken the first step toward
banning children and adolescents from worshipping in mosques and
churches, drawing criticism from Muslim leaders who oppose the
Central Asian state's crackdown on religious freedom...More than
98 percent of Tajikistan's 7.5 million population is Muslim.
Groups representing the Christian minority also expressed
unhappiness and confusion about the new laws. Læs
mere - [WorldWide
Religious News (WWRN)]
Tajikistan -
Til top på siden
17-06-2011 - Tættere samarbejde mellem metodistkirke
og Den engelske Kirke
The Methodist Church and
Church of England should work more closely.. The Joint
Implementation Commission, set up under the Anglican-Methodist
Covenant of 2003, is recommending that the two Churches should
share their mission and ministry more widely. Its new interim
report Moving Forward in Covenant.. Læs mere - [Anglican
Communion News Service]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
16-06-2011 - Møde mellem Southern Baptist leder og
Bibelsyn - lære - etik og moral
Gay leaders meet
with SBC president A coalition of homosexual leaders and
their allies met for more than 30 minutes Tuesday with Southern
Baptist Convention President Bryant Wright, with the leaders
demanding an apology from the SBC... Læs mere - [Baptist Press]
Kristendom, baptist
Til top på siden
16-06-2011 - 2000 går fra den presbyterianske til den
Økumene - skift mellem trosretninger
Cardinal reports on progress
toward US ordinariate for ex-Anglicans As many as 100
U.S. Anglican priests and 2,000 laypeople could be the first
members of a U.S. personal ordinariate for former Anglicans who
want to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church,
Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington reported to his fellow
bishops June 15 Læs mere - [Catholic News
Kristendom, presbyteriansk
Til top på siden
14-06-2011 - En kristendommen virkelig i Japan?
Politik - tro
, Japanese churches must become more active,
warns theologian Japanese Christianity has "spinelessly
gone along with the government," mostly shunning social activism
and becoming "excessively theoretical," according to professor
Yasuo Furuya. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Japan -
Til top på siden
12-06-2011 - Liberal katolsk konference i Michigan trods
ærkebiskops advarsler
Archbishop blasts
Ferndale priest's leading of liberal Mass The top
Catholic leader in Michigan slammed a big liberal Mass today in
Detroit, saying it had significant abuses and he ordered a review
of a Ferndale priest who led the services before 1,500 Catholics,
a church spokesman said. - (Supplement here) Læs mere - [Livingston
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
09-06-2011 - Ærkebiskop Williams kritisere den
konservative regering hårdt
Politik - sociale forhold
Archbishop of Canterbury
issues broadside against 'radical policies' Rowan
Williams, the archbishop of Canterbury, has issued a broadside
against the coalition government, claiming it is forcing through
"radical policies for which no one voted". He also challenges the
'big society' project and criticises the government for
continuing to blame the country's difficulties entirely on the
deficit it inherited from Labour. Læs mere - [The
England -
Til top på siden
09-06-2011 - Flertal i USA mener at kapitalisme og
kristendom er i modsætning
Politik - økonomi
Plurality of Americans believe
capitalism at odds with Christian value Overall more
Americans believe that Christian values are at odds with
capitalism and the free market than believe they are compatible.
This pattern also holds among Christians. Among Christians in the
U.S., only 38% believe capitalism and the free market are
consistent with Christian values while 46% believe the two are
at odds. Religiously unaffiliated Americans look similar to the
general population and to Christian Americans... Læs mere - [Public Religion Research Institute]
Til top på siden
08-06-2011 - Vil nå kirker som er faldet ned i
liberal ideologi
Kirkens liv
, Evangelicals Form New Group to Bring
Churches Back to the Bible A group of pastors launched
a new evangelical network Tuesday in the hopes of reaching
American churches that have fallen into liberal ideology and
encouraging a full return back to conservative values and
principles. Læs mere - [Christian
USA, Washington -
Til top på siden
08-06-2011 - Kirke frygter konsekvenserne af
Politik - miljø
Church fears
impact of excessive mining in Goa The Catholic Church in
Goa has expressed concern over excessive mining in the area. It
warns that excessive mining is posing a grave threat to
ecologically sensitive areas in the state, which is a popular
tourist destination. Læs
mere - [Christian Today]
Indien, Goa -
Til top på siden
08-06-2011 - Følelsesmæssige "affærer"
lige så farlige som fysiske
Etik - seksualitet
Emotional Affairs More Damaging Than
Physical Ones, Say Experts Most people understand
physical relationships are wrong, but don't believe sharing your
innermost thoughts and feelings with someone of the opposite sex
is even more damaging," commented Beverly McManus... The role of
social media.. Læs mere - [Christian
Til top på siden
08-06-2011 - Fornyelse i Det lutherske Verdensforbund -
fokus bla på klima og miljø
Politik - miljø
Lutheran community seeks
to redefine path at meeting in Geneva Lutheran World
Federation (LWF) will vote on adopting a renewal process for the
years 2012 through 2017 that places greater focus on responding
to emergencies, especially those having to do with the
environment... Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Schweitz -
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top på siden
07-06-2011 - Moske lukket, protestanter får
høje bøder
, Mosque closed, Protestants fined 100 times
minimum monthly wage Kazakhstan has fined an Ahmadi
Muslim community - also denying it the use of its mosque and land
- as well as imposed fines of 100 times the minimum monthly wage
on two Protestants for religious activity without state
permission Læs mere - [Forum
Kazakhstan -
Til top på siden
02-06-2011 - Palin bærer davidsstjernen - blandt
jøder og zionistiske evangelikale
Politik - religion
Palin Tries to Join the Mishpachah
Politically speaking, they [Christian
Zinosts-evangelicals] couch their affection for Israel in terms
of "love" and "support," which may explain why Palin feels
especially moved to display her alleged sympatico with the Jews
in New York and Israel, but not, say, in Gettysburg. In reality,
though (or at least in their reality), "love" of Israel is a
biblical mandate, as Israel plays a vital and particular role in
the Second Coming of Jesus. Læs mere - [Religion Dispatches]
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
02-06-2011 - Margot K„ssmann: Bedre at bede med Taliban end
at bombe dem
Politik - religion
German bishop suggests praying with Taliban is better than
bombing Kaessmann's comments drew loud applause from the
5,000 attendees in the room in which she spoke as well as another
1,500 observers watching her comments on video screens outside.
She also criticized NATO bombing in Libya, noting that the
military actions don't seem to be contributing to a peaceful
resolution of that country's political schism. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Tyskland -
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top på siden
01-06-2011 - Udgivelse: Mission under besættelsen af
Japan 1945-1952
Mission - kritik
Book: MacArthur's
efforts to fill Japanese 'spiritual vacuum' - WW II In
the wake of the destruction and surrender of the Japanese empire
in August 1945, a "spiritual vacuum" emerged that the country's
de-facto ruler, General Douglas MacArthur, sought to fill with
religious and quasi-religious beliefs still new to Japan, from
Christianity to Freemasonry Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Japan -
Til top på siden
01-06-2011 - De cubanske kirker indstiller sig på
Politik - kirkens vilkår
Cuba's churches grapple
with a changing society, says council leader Relations
between religious groups and a government that was officially
atheist at its revolutionary beginning in 1959 have warmed
somewhat...Cuban president Raul Castro, who is 79, attended the
worship service at the Episcopal cathedral that closed the
anniversary celebration, Tveit said. "Raul said, 'We need your
blessings more than ever.' It shows how far they have gone in
recognizing the importance of the churches in society. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Cuba -
Til top på siden
30-05-2011 - Augustins kristologi læst "fra neden"
i politisk befrielsesperspektiv
Politik - magtkritik
Totus Christus and the Crucified People: Re-Reading Augustine..
..reading the theme of totus Christus alongside the
christology of the Salvadoran Jesuits Jon Sobrino and Ignacio
Ellacur¡a, finding echoes of this radical-traditional image in
their language of the salvific character of the "crucified
peoples" of the world. Reading Augustine alongside two
contemporary liberation theologians from El Salvador Læs mere - [Post
Colonial Journal]
might seem like a strange project..
Global Online - Post Colonial Journal -
Til top på siden
28-05-2011 - Tre mennonitiske præster arresteret for
kamp ret til jord
Politik - økonomi
land rights activists to go on trial in Vietnam They were
detained after helping people who had lost their farmland when
it was forcibly sold by the local government to large
corporations. The Christians, all members of the Cow Shed Church
in Ho Chi Minh City, were helping people to file complaint
letters asking for compensation. Læs mere - [Christian
Vietnam -
Til top på siden
26-05-2011 - Mexicanske pentacostale viste vej ud af
Politik - sociale forhold
Mexican Pentecostal churches provided a way out of poverty..
On a presentation: Professor Jean Pierre Bastian said
that classical Pentecostals are also included when the term
"evangelical" speaks of a Protestant plurality that converts the
poor into true citizens. He said some of the Protestants that
turned to the revolution (an armed revolt that in 1910 overthrew
dictator Porfirio Diaz) wanted an educated Mexico, so much so
that they read the Bible and the political constitution (produced
in 1917) simultaneously. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Mexico -
Kristendom, pentecostal
Til top på siden
25-05-2011 - Klimaretfærdighed en del af kristen
Politik - miljø
, "Climate justice" new concern of Christian
communicators Climate change in Asia is falling hardest
on poor and indigenous communities and Christian communicators
should adopt the concept of "climate justice" as they advocate
for solutions that do not reinforce corporate control and
consumerism, delegates at a conference on communications said Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Indonesien -
Til top på siden
23-05-2011 - Ærkebiskop Sentamu i diskussion med
Stephen Hawkins
Videnskab og tro
Archbishop sets Hawking
straight on Heaven Sentamu told the BBC that he would
tell "that wonderful professor" not to picture another image
which most people do not have at all..."Where we are is that, God
becoming human in Christ was trying to say if you want to know
the authentic human life it is lived in a man called Jesus and
if you want to know God, it's not some kind of imaginary power
out there." Læs
mere - [Christian Today]
England -
Til top på siden
23-05-2011 - Dommedag har været - og kommer igen d.
21. oktober
Bibelsyn - lære - etik og moral
Harold Camping
Concludes Silence, Predicts October 21 Doomsday Judgment
Day on May 21 did come, said Camping. However, he clarified that
the Judgment Day arrived in a spiritual sense rather than
manifesting physically. Læs mere - [Christian
Til top på siden
20-05-2011 - Håb for bedrede forhold for kristne i
Kina efter kontakt med Uganda
Religionsmøde - dialog
Chinese Christians find support in Africa Anglican
clergy in East Africa have expressed hope for an improved
relationship between church and state in China, after a
delegation from China's Ministry of State Administration of
Religious Affairs (SARA) visited Kenya and Uganda. "They wanted
to see how they can build a relationship and trust with their
churches. China is coming from a Communist background and there
has been some mistrust of Christianity ... They wanted to
understand who is a Christian . Can he be trusted?" Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Uganda, Kampala -
Til top på siden
19-05-2011 - Syriens kristnes dilemma
, The Quandary of Christians in Syria
Reports that Syrian Christians are throwing their support
behind President Bashar al-Assad, whose family has ruled the
Western Asian country for 40 years, may at first sound
daunting.But considering the possibility of Islamic extremists
replacing the regime and the small Christian population being
left to fend for themselves, some understand that fears of
uncertainty are compelling them toward backing al-Assad. Læs mere - [Christian
Syrien -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
19-05-2011 - Libyens kirke er ved at forsvinde pga
Politik - kirkens vilkår
, Libya war pushes Christian presence to the
brink Eshak says it is fear of war, not persecution, that
caused the exodus of Christians, nearly all of whom are foreign
farmers, builders, nurses and other workers vital to Libya's
economy... Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Libyen -
Til top på siden
18-05-2011 - Syriske kristne er bange for at konsekvenserne
af protester
Christians fear for religious freedom Syria's minority
Christians are watching the protests sweeping their country with
trepidation, fearing their religious freedom could be threatened
if President Bashar Assad's autocratic but secular rule is
overthrown. Sunni Muslims form a majority in Syria, but under
four decades of rule by Assad's minority Alawites the country's
varied religious groups have enjoyed the right to practice their
faith. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Syrien -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
18-05-2011 - Paven støtter biskopper som forbliver
loyale mod Rom
Pope gives backing to bishops seeking to stay
loyal to Rome China says about 6 million Catholics
worship in official congregations in the government-backed
Patriotic church, although millions more are believed to worship
in underground congregations loyal to the pope Læs mere
- [Washington Post]
Kina -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
18-05-2011 - Kinas ledelse opmærksom på
kristendommens økonomiske betydning
Økonomi - verdens-
Notices Link Between Christianity, U.S. Economic Success
The officially atheist Chinese government is surprisingly
open to Christianity, at least partially, because it sees a link
between the faith and economic success, said a sought after
scholar who has relations with governments in Asia..China,
however, is not the first to make a connection between the
Christian faith and economic prosperity. German sociologist and
political economist Max Weber.. Læs mere - [Christian
Til top på siden
17-05-2011 - Kirker opfordres til at dele deres
prædikestole med muslimer
Religionsmøde - fælles religiøs
Churches asked to share pulpits with Muslims As a
Christian minister who is a pastor in a local congregation, it
is important to me for our nation and our world to know that not
all Christians promote hate, attack religions different from
their own and seek to desecrate the scripture of others.. (Welton
Gaddy) Læs
mere - [Pew Research Center for the People & the
Til top på siden
16-05-2011 - Koptere angrebet under demonstrationer
, Dozens hurt in Egypt as Copts are attacked
Riot police stand aside as motorists and residents in
Cairo attack Coptic Christian demonstrators who set up a
roadblock to press for more security after deadly sectarian
clashes a week ago. Læs mere - [New York Times]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
13-05-2011 - Lov om dødstraf for homoseksualitet
tagetud af behandling
Etik - seksualitet
Uganda anti-gay bill pushed
out of parliament Uganda's reviled anti-gay bill, which
mandates the death penalty in some cases, remains in limbo after
parliament adjourned without a debate...Christopher Senyonjo, a
retired Ugandan Anglican bishop, said: "This was a dangerous bill
and there is a lot of tension and riots in the country. We feared
that they may use this opportunity to do anything to anybody. Læs mere - [The
Uganda, Kampala -
Til top på siden
12-05-2011 - Økumenisk samarbejde med muslimer skal
bane vej for fred
Religionsmøde - fælles handlen
, Ecumenical projects in Nigeria to unite
Christians and Muslims An ecumenical organization, the
Fellowship of Churches of Christ in Nigeria, said it plans to
establish small business and agricultural enterprises that will
bring Christians and Muslims together in the troubled
north-central part of Nigeria, which seen recent religious
conflicts. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Nigeria -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
12-05-2011 - Ærkebiskopper i syd: kritik af Rowan
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
, Gafcon throws down gauntlet to Dr.
Williams While Pope Benedict XVI's offer of an Anglican
Ordinariate was "a gracious gift" to those Anglican clergy and
congregations "alienated by recent actions in the Communion," it
should not have been necessary, the archbishops said. "Our own
Communion has failed to make adequate provision for those who
hold to a traditional view of the faith..." Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Globalt -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
11-05-2011 - Ægypten genåbner 48 kirker lukket
under Mubarak
Religionsmøde - troens huse
, Egypt moving to reopen 48 closed churches
after... The Egyptian government says it is moving to
reopen churches closed under ousted President Hosni Mubarak. The
decision follows an escalation of deadly clashes between
extremist Salafi Muslims and minority Coptic Christians. Læs
mere - [Washington Post]
Ægypten -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
10-05-2011 - Fresh Expressions - traditionel kirke - en
Kirkens former og struktur
Many churches, one
purpose - Archbishop contemplates fresh expressions So
said the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, at a Fresh
Expressions conference held in Oxford on Friday to explore the
question of how the "mixed economy" of church might work in
practice. Mixed economy is a term first coined by Dr Williams
referring to the coexistence of fresh expressions and 'inherited'
forms of church. Læs mere - [Christian
England -
Til top på siden
10-05-2011 - Den presbyterianske kirke godkender
ordnination af homoseksuelle
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
Approve Ordination of Gay People After 33 years of
debate, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has voted to change its
constitution and allow openly gay people in same-sex
relationships to be ordained as ministers, elders and deacons.
(Se en vurdering
her) Læs mere - [New York Times]
Kristendom, presbyteriansk
Til top på siden
09-05-2011 - Medlemmer af kirke arresteret og bla tiltalt
alkoholindtag ved nadver
, Church of Iran members awaiting trial
verdict Eleven members of the Church of Iran are awaiting
a court's verdict after standing trial for charges of 'activities
against the Order' and drinking alcohol. The charges relate to
the group's involvement in a house church meeting and taking
communion wine. Læs
mere - [Christian Today]
Iran -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
08-05-2011 - Adskillige døde under muslimsk
sekterisk angreb på koptisk kirke
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, At least 6 dead in sectarian clashes
outside Cairo church At least six people were killed and
120 injured in sectarian clashes outside a Cairo church, an
incident officials say began over rumors that a Christian woman
who converted to Islam was being held there against her will.
Witnesses said an armed group of Muslims marched on Saint Mena
Coptic Orthodox Church, one of the oldest churches in Egypt. Læs mere - [CNN]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
07-05-2011 - Om at bruge internettet til mission
Udgivelse - Online
Using the Internet to Make
Fishers of Men !!On May 15 - ONLY!! We are excited to be
able to offer - among others - the book "NetCasters: Using the
Internet to Make Fishers of Men." Craig von Buseck. Unique
overview into the vast and growing potential of the digital media
to share the good news of Jesus. Based on considerable research,
illustrated with many case studies. Læs mere - [Internet Evangelism Day]
Globalt -
Til top på siden
07-05-2011 - Bachelorgrad i sekularisme
this fall, Pitzer College, a small liberal arts institution in
Southern California, will inaugurate a department of secular
studies Læs mere - [New York Times]
USA, Californien -
Sekularisering - kristendom
Til top på siden
06-05-2011 - Pris til homo-rettighedsforkæmper roses
- og kritiseres - af kirken
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Ugandan gay activist honored
with human rights award [This] will help the campaign for
minority group rights in the East African country, said retired
Anglican bishop Christopher Senyonjo. "It is appropriate and
encouraging. - - However, conservative church leaders criticized
the award, saying it went to a "disgraceful ground," where the
recipient is not a hero. They have charged that homosexuality is
evil; and is rejected by the scriptures and African communities.
Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Uganda, Kampala -
Til top på siden
04-05-2011 - 7 % flere i kirke i Englands
, Church of England says attendance is
growing at cathedrals Five days after one of Britain's
great churches, London's Westminster Abbey, was seen on
television by millions as the site of a royal wedding, the Church
of England released statistics showing that weekly attendance at
its 43 cathedrals rose by seven percent in 2010. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
02-05-2011 - Ved Osama bin Ladens død
Politik - religion
On the death
of Osama bin Laden I am loath to rejoice at this man's
death. Don't get me wrong, I certainly don't condone the man's
actions; actually I find the idea of killing in God's name
fundamentally repugnant.. (Daniel Sturgeon) Læs mere - [Jesus
Til top på siden
02-05-2011 - Osama bin Ladens popularitet var stærkt
Personalia og biografi
, Osama bin Laden Largely Discredited Among
Muslim Publics.. In the months leading up to Osama bin
Laden's death, a survey of Muslim publics around the world found
little support for the al Qaeda leader. Læs mere - [Pew Research
Center for the People & the Press]
Globalt -
Til top på siden
02-05-2011 - Evangelikal-katolsk varsomhed overfor triumf
ved Osamas død
Do Not Rejoice When Your Enemies
Fall With all the rejoicing in the streets, some
conservative religious figures are offering cautionary notes from
the Bible. Both Michael Brendan Dougherty, who is Catholic, and
David Gushee of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common
Good, cite Proverbs 24:17 ("Do not rejoice when your enemies
fall, and do not let your heart be glad when they stumble.") Læs mere - [Religion Dispatches]
Til top på siden
01-05-2011 - Lausanne World Pulse - Tematiske artikler maj
Udgivelse - Online
, The Power of Personal Testimony
Content: Storytelling: Opening Hearts to the Gospel. By
Julianne George. - For Real?! By Rachel Fields (How one Muslim
man's faith in Jesus..). Power of Personal Testimony in the
Muslim World. By Ron Kernahan. - The Power of Personal Testimony:
Part 1, Sharing the Story of Our Lives - The Power of Personal
Testimony: Part 2, Listening First in an Upside-Down Kingdom Læs mere - [Lausanne World Pulse]
By Laurie Fortunak Nichols.
Global Online - Lausanne World Pulse -
Til top på siden
01-05-2011 - Desmond Tutu mediator for forsoning på
Politik - religion
3 top mediators to try to mend Ivory Coast
Three of the international diplomatic community's most
respected mediators arrived in the Ivory Coast Sunday to start
a process of national reconciliation. Former United Nations
Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and former
President of the Republic of Ireland Mary Robinson gathered in
Abidjan for the first day of their two-day visit. Læs mere - [CNN]
Elfenbenskysten -
Til top på siden
30-04-2011 - Undertrykkelse i Ægypten tvinger kristne
på flugt
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, World's Worst Religious Freedom Violators:
Egypt Cited for First Time Since President Mubarak's
resignation from office in February, such violence continues
unabated without the government's bringing the perpetrators to
justice. Consequently, USCIRF recommends CPC designation for
Egypt." Læs mere - [USCIRF]
Ægypten -
Til top på siden
30-04-2011 - Et kongeligt bryllup - postkolonialt
Politik - magtkritik
The Royal Wedding and Colonial Nostalgia
As I watched the royal wedding officiated by Archbishop
Rowan Williams, I thought of the myriad connections between the
Anglican Church, the British monarchy, and colonialism. I want
to recommit myself to building a Church that goes beyond our
colonial legacy and that truly reflects the beauty and diversity
of all God's peoples. Læs
mere - [99brattle]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
27-04-2011 - Katolske biskopper blandt Mugabes
hårdeste kritikere
Politik - magtkritik
In Zimbabwe, Catholic
bishops are among Mugabe's toughest critics In his latest
tirade at the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference on 21 April,
Mugabe said the bishops spread lies about the country's
situation. "There are other so-called bishops who fall under what
is called the bishops' conference who are always telling lies,
no truth at all," Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Zimbabwe -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
27-04-2011 - Homoseksualitet er en Guds gave, ikke en
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Church Touts Homosexuality as a Gift, Not a
Sin That's the message that Central United Methodist
Church is spreading throughout their community via a digital
billboard, launched on Monday. This "simple statement," the
church announced, is "intended to be a gift to those who have
experienced hurt and discrimination because of their real or
perceived sexual orientation." Læs
mere - [Christian Post]
Kristendom, metodist
Til top på siden
27-04-2011 - En beskyttelsesring om fattige - mod
Politik - religion
, 'Circle Of Protection' Declared By
Christian Leaders In Face Of Budget A broad coalition of
Christian leaders has announced a new "Circle of Protection" to
formalize their opposition to governmental budget cuts ..
Ambassador Tony Hall, Executive Director of the Alliance to End
Hunger, emphasized, "There are over 2,000 verses in the Bible
that speak to this issue.. Læs
mere - [Huffpost Religion]
Til top på siden
22-04-2011 - Obamas årlige
Politik - tro
Easter: Obama says
political struggles pale next to those of Jesus Pausing
to observe Holy Week amidst war and the policy struggles,
President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that the agony of Jesus
Christ through death and resurrection puts mere political
struggle "in perspective Læs mere - [Newser]
Til top på siden
22-04-2011 - Hindu-ekstremister banker præst og
evangelist for fmiliens øjne
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
mere - [WorldWide
Religious News (WWRN)]
Indien -
Hinduisme - anden tro
Til top på siden
20-04-2011 - Tidl. ærkebiskop, hinduer og muslimer
for retten til at føre kors
, Muslims give backing to Christian
electrician persecuted for cross.. Hindu, Muslim and Sikh
leaders last night offered support to electrician Colin Atkinson
who faces the sack for making a stand over his Christian beliefs.
The religious leaders joined former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord
Carey to demand that the 64-year-old grandfather be allowed to
mark Easter by displaying a tiny palm cross in his work van.. Læs mere - [Daily
England -
Flere religioner
Til top på siden
18-04-2011 - Beijing Megakirke præst
Chinese authorities arrest Beijing megachurch
pastor Police arrested the senior pastor of one of the
largest unregistered churches in Beijing on Saturday and have put
many congregants under house arrest for trying to hold Sunday
service outdoors, said a rights group focused on religious
freedom in China. Læs mere - [Christian
Kina -
Til top på siden
15-04-2011 - Tror muslimer og kristne på samme
Do Muslims and Christians Worship
the Same God? A few years ago, a Southern Baptist leader
said he could not pray with Jews because they worshiped a
different God. The response of most Christians was one of
disbelief: Who was Jesus worshiping if not the God of the Jews?
The question becomes thornier in relation to Muslims, who are
adamant that God is one.. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
13-04-2011 - Muslimer, protestanter, Jehovas Vidner og
baptister under pres
, More raids and trials, pressure on
lawyers, defendant forced to resign Raids by Russian
authorities on Jehovah's Witnesses and Muslim readers .. Læs mere - [Forum
Rusland -
Til top på siden
13-04-2011 - Hinduer løsladt trods planer om
afbrænding af bibel og koran
, Swiss Court Acquits Protesters Who Planned
To Burn Bible, Qur'an The three [hindus], who want the
Bible and Qur'an banned for children, claim that the religious
books encourage violence and contain pornographic material. The
court ruled that the defendants did not break Swiss law on
freedom of faith and religious practice in announcing their
intent to burn the books. Læs mere -
[Religion Clause]
Schweitz -
Til top på siden
12-04-2011 - Kirkelig ueninghed om eventuel heltebegravelse
af Ferdinand Marcos
Politik - tro
Filipino churches divided on
a hero's burial for Marcos The proponents of the proposal
either have no sense of history or have misplaced values on human
rights," Bishop Felixberto Calang says... Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Filipinerne -
Til top på siden
12-04-2011 - Kardinal beder populær sanger nedtone
sin homoseksualitet
Etik - seksualitet
, Cardinal asks Ricky Martin to set strong
example for youth Personally I admire Ricky for the great
artistic gifts the Lord has given him, but I implore him, for the
love of his children . to strive to be an example for our young
people of the important values that we all share, including
sexuality... Læs mere - [Catholic News Agency]
Puerto Rico -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
08-04-2011 - Den katolske kirke strammer op i forhold til
feministisk teologi mm
Catholic Church Targets Proponent of
Women's Ordination This afternoon, Maryknoll Father Roy
Bourgeois joined other supporters of feminist ministry on the
sidewalk in front of the Vatican Embassy. Bourgeois is the
founder of the School of the Americas Watch, a group dedicated
to changing US foreign policy in Latin America.. Læs mere
- [Religion Dispatches]
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
07-04-2011 - Journal of comparative Theology Volume II
Teologi - religionsteologi
, Journal of comparative Theology Volume II
Indhold: Craig Phillips: "Green Creation: Comparative
Ecological Theology in the Bible and Qur'an" - Christopher
Spotts: "Sabbath and Zakat: A Dialogue of Economic Justice" -
Lisa Gasson: "Similar Ways of Knowing Different Truths".
Åbner pdf-fil: Læs mere - [Journal of Comparative Theology]
Tasi Perkins: "Abraham on Whose Terms? Isaac and Ishmael as a
Particularity-Driven Paradigm for Jewish-Christian-Muslim
Global Online - Comparative Theology -
Til top på siden
07-04-2011 - De kristne skoler - tildels statsfinansierede
- forbyder tørklæde
Kenya Christians and Muslims debate hijab in
schools Anglican Bishop of Mombasa Julius Kalu said he
feels Muslims are forcing acceptance of the headscarf. "It is a
very sensitive matter now. The Muslims are taking advantage of
the new constitution to make demands," said Kalu, adding that two
faiths were deeply engaged in the matter. Kenya's Muslim
community owns a few schools, according to Ngao, but followers
send their children to church-sponsored ones because they know
the government pays the teachers there. "We pay taxes and by
doing so, we also believe we pay the teachers. That's why we take
our children there," he said. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Kenya -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
06-04-2011 - Uklippet interview med præsten, som
afbrændte koran
Raw Terry
Jones Footage Reveals Motivations Behind His 'God-Willed'..
The interview touched upon several aspects of the
fundamentalist, including his supposed hatred of Muslims, view
of Christian pastors, and desire to liberate persecuted
Christians. Læs mere - [Christian
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
06-04-2011 - Mellemøstlige protester:
Religiøs frihedsambassadør mindes Bhatti
Protests, Shahbaz Bhatti on Mind of Obama's Religious Freedom
Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, nominated to be the
Ambassador-At-Large for International Religious Freedom, began
her speech at the 9th annual Religious Liberty Dinner by
recounting the murder of religious freedom champion Bhatti last
month by Taliban militants. Læs mere - [Christian
USA, Washington -
Kristendom - andre religioner
Til top på siden
06-04-2011 - Evangelikal: Afbrænding af koranen
svarer til korsfæstelsen af Kristus
John Piper Compares Quran Burning to
Crucifying Christ Highly respected evangelical pastor
John Piper made a startling yet insightful comment Tuesday when
he compared the burning of the Islamic holy book to crucifying
Christ.."Much misunderstanding between Christians and Muslims has
arisen from the assumption that the Quran is for Muslims what the
Bible is for Christians," wrote Walls, who was one of the first
scholars to study the global church shift away from the West. "It
would be truer to say that the Quran is for Muslims what Christ
is for Christians.".."So the Quran has been burned and the Christ
has been crucified - and continues to be crucified," Piper wrote.
"The test is in the response." Læs
mere - [Christian Post]
Til top på siden
04-04-2011 - Religion - en dinosaur, der er ved at
dø ud?
Videnskab og tro
, The End (of Religion) is Near, Scientists
Say ..Dinosaurs don't just go extinct, they became
birds-that's the idea. Læs mere - [Religion Dispatches]
But dinosaurs as dinosaurs did die out, and that's what these
scientists are asking us to remember and to take seriously as a
religious possibility-and they're right to do so.
Til top på siden
04-04-2011 - Kristne betænkelige ved ja til
religiøst fundament i Ægypten
Politik - religion
, Islamist Group Is Rising Force in a New
Egypt "Freedom is nice; so is democracy," said Rifaat
Abdul Massih, 39, a construction worker. "But I'm a Christian,
and we are a bit worried about the future. I voted 'no' to give
more time to the secular parties. I don't want to have the Muslim
Brotherhood here right away." Læs mere -
[New York
Ægypten, Cairo -
Til top på siden
01-04-2011 - Lausanne World Pulse - Tematiske artikler
april 2011
Udgivelse - Online
, Lausanne World Pulse - April 2011
The Cape Town Commitment: The Inside Story. By Chris
Wright. Cape Town Commitment architect Chris Wright shares how
the CTC came together. - Cape Town Commitment, Part 2: A Call to
Action, a Summation. By Rose Dowsett. An introduction to Part 2
of the Cape Town Commitment and how to put it into practice. -
Today's Church Needs the Cape Town Commitment. By C. Rosalee
Velloso Ewell. The Cape Town Commitment is needed today as a tool
for both calling back and pointing forward--memory and vision.
- We Have a Gospel to Proclaim: Cape Town 2010 Concludes. By C.
Rosalee Velloso Ewell: An abbreviated version of Lindsay Brown's
closing address at Cape Town 2010. - Post-Cape Town 2010 Meeting
in Denmark. By Lasse Holmgaard Iversen: Danish participants who
attended Cape Town 2010 gather to reflect on what they heard and
plan for the days ahead. Læs mere - [Lausanne World Pulse]
Global Online - Lausanne World Pulse -
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
31-03-2011 - International Bulletin of Missionary Research
- April 2011
, International Bulletin of Missionary
Research - April 2011 Editorial: Has the Lausanne
Movement Moved? Jonathan J. Bonk - The Cape Town Commitment: A
Confession of Faith and a Call to Action - The History of the
Lausanne Movement, 1974-2010. Robert A. Hunt - The Future of the
Lausanne Movement. C. René Padilla - From the Lausanne
Covenant to the Cape Town Commitment: A Theological Assessment.
Robert J. Schreiter Læs mere - [International Bulletin of Missionary
Global Online - International Bulletin -
Til top på siden
31-03-2011 - Dødsstraf afskaffes under indflydelse
af katolsk kardinals tænkning
Politik - tro
Faith Was on the Governor's Shoulder
..on that decisive morning of March 9, govenor Pat Quinn
laid aside the secular factors and opened his Bible to a passage
in II Corinthians about human imperfection. He prayed. And when
he signed the bill striking down the death penalty, he cited one
influence by name: Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago. Læs mere - [New York Times]
USA, Illinois -
Til top på siden
31-03-2011 - 35.000 bibler "løsladt" - men
skamferede - fordi Gud oversættes Allah
, Malaysia Releases 5,000 'Defaced' Bibles
to Christians For the past two years, authorities have
detained about 35,000 Bibles because they used the word "Allah"
for God. The government of the predominantly Muslim country
contends that the word "Allah" is exclusively a term for
Muslims..The Bible Society of Malaysia said the Bibles, which
have been detained since March 2009, cannot be sold because of
the marks on them. Læs
mere - [Christian Post]
Malaysia -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
28-03-2011 - What Would Jesus Cut? - Budgetforhandlingerne
i Washington
Politik - sociale forhold
10 Reasons Why I'm
Fasting for a Better Budget I'm fasting for a better
budget: 1. Because I am an evangelical Christian and the root of
the word "evangelical" is found in the opening statement of Jesus
in Luke 4, where Christ says he has come to bring "good news (the
'evangel') to the poor." So to be an evangelical Christian is to
try and bring good news to poor people. 2. Because some very bad
news is happening to the poorest and most vulnerable people in
Washington's battle over the budget -- both those at home and
around the world. Læs mere - [Huffpost
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
25-03-2011 - Nyt ritual for vielse af
Etik - seksualitet
, Request for a wedding ritual and a new
hymn for gays and lesbians Since the publication of a
government report in September 2010 on the "Danish Lutheran
Church and Registered Partnerships," there has been a lively
debate on the rights and duties of the church in this context.
Læs mere - []
Danmark -
Kristendom - folkekirken
Til top på siden
25-03-2011 - Fem kristne for retten for blasfemi i
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Christians face trial for blasphemy in
Iran Five Christians are to stand trial in a lower court
in Iran charged with blasphemy...CSW said the situation for
Christian in Iran was worsening, with churches finding it
difficult to hold meetings and many considering leaving the
country. Læs
mere - [Christian Today]
Iran -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
24-03-2011 - Vedtager Dumaen restriktioner mod ikke
godkendt, religiøs aktivitet?
Will Duma approve "anti-Constitutional" religious literature
restricti Proposed Russian legal amendments that would
ban anyone except registered religious organisations from
distributing religious literature have received initial backing
from the Duma's Committee on Social and Religious Organisations
Læs mere - [Forum
Rusland -
Til top på siden
24-03-2011 - Missionærer øger nogle steder
heksetro og forfølgelse
, Warning on Witches ..traditional
witch ideas are fused with Christian theology, which obscures the
social consequences: Accused witches are often destitute or
outcast, and thus socially defenseless. Instead of seeing old
women or children as scapegoats, said Priest, Christian leaders
suggest that witchcraft participates in genuine spiritual evil
and that the accusations are reasonable. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Afrika -
Til top på siden
24-03-2011 - Huskirke lukket i Shaanxi, to
Religionskonflikt - undertrykkelse
, House church shut down in Shaanxi, two
Protestants imprisoned Two Christians have been in police
custody for the past ten days after their house church was raided
and closed on 13 March. In China, any unauthorised religious
meeting is deemed a criminal offence and anyone involved can be
prosecuted Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Kina, Beijing -
Kristendom, protestantisk
Til top på siden
24-03-2011 - Evangelikale sætter fokus på
Teologi - forkyndelse
, Idolatry, the Gospel, and the Imitation
of God the Bible, "idolatry" was not limited to
opposition to images, because our love, trust, and obedience run
to principles and gods even if they are not associated with a
physical idol. So sexual immorality and greed are tied to
idolatry Læs mere
- [ChristianityToday]
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
23-03-2011 - Yoga i kirken, synagogen, moskeen
Religionsmøde - ny åndelighed
, Why There's Yoga at Your Church
New Book: American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to
Yoga and Meditation, How Indian Spirituality Changed the West Læs mere - [Religion Dispatches]
Philip Goldberg - a presentation.
Til top på siden
22-03-2011 - Ortodoksekirker har vanskeligt ved at samles
til en synode
, Orthodox churches find it difficult to
overcome differences Some Orthodox leaders say the
churches need to get together to discuss common issues and speak
with one voice on such important topics as bioethics, sexuality
and the environment, but differences over arcane church issues
such as diptychs and autocephaly (the independent status of
Orthodox churches) run deep. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Rusland, Moskva -
Kristendom, ortodoks
Til top på siden
19-03-2011 - 75% af religiøs forfølgelse
rammer kristne
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, 75 Percent of Religious Persecution is
against Christians Examining 33 countries, the British
branch of Aid to the Church in Need reported that most of the
persecution was occurring in the Middle East, Africa and Asia..
Læs mere - [Christian
Globalt -
Kristendom - andre religioner
Til top på siden
18-03-2011 - Italienske skolestuer må beholde deres
, European court upholds Italy's right to
display crucifixes in classroo The european court ruled
that the display of crucifixes in public school classrooms did
not contravene the European Convention on Human Rights. The
ruling ends a lengthy legal wrangle between the Italian state and
parent Soile Lautsi, who wanted crucifixes removed from Italy's
public schools because she felt they infringed on the principle
of secularism. Læs mere - [Christian
Italien, Rom -
Til top på siden
16-03-2011 - De japanske kirke i katastrofen
Politik - miljø - klima
, Japanese churches respond to
earthquake-tsunami disaster Churches across Japan are
responding with prayers, donations, and relief operations to the
impacts of the 11 March earthquake and its subsequent tsunamis
and nuclear power plant accidents. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Japan -
Til top på siden
15-03-2011 - Deltagere Megakirkers gudstjenester
Kirkens liv
, America's 100 Largest Churches Doubled in
Size During the Decade! The Church Growth Today list of
America's 100 Largest Churches for 2010 has now been released.
An amazing discovery was revealed while comparing it to the 100
Largest Churches list published at the beginning of the decade.
While the smallest church in the list then had 4,000 in
attendance, the smallest church in the new 2010 list begins at
8,000 attendance. Læs mere - [Church
Growth Today]
Til top på siden
12-03-2011 - Lov om homoseksuelt ægteskab i Maryland
udskudt pga af lobbyisme
Etik - seksualitet
, Maryland gay marriage bill dies with no
final vote The speaker of Maryland's House vowed that
Democrats would try again next year to pass legislation
legalizing gay marriage, but the intense lobbying by faith groups
against the measure in recent weeks shows that it won't be easy,
even in a state known for its liberal politics. Læs mere - [Washington
Til top på siden
12-03-2011 - Gathering The Wirlwind
Kirkens former og struktur
, Gathering The Wirlwind One Day
Conference, Diakonissestiftelsen: What do the processes look like
when congregations turn missional? Learning from global
experiences. Læs mere - []
Danmark -
Til top på siden
10-03-2011 - 59 kirker brændt ned, 4000 kristne
fordrevet i Ethiopien
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, One Dead as Islamist Mobs in Ethiopia
Destroy Church Buildings At least one Christian was
killed and others injured when thousands of Islamic extremists
set fire to 59 churches and at least 28 homes in western Ethiopia
in the past five days, Christian leaders said. More than 4,000
Christians in and around Asendabo, Jimma Zone have been displaced
as a result of attacks that began on Wednesday (March 2) after
Muslims accused a Christian of desecrating the Quran by tearing
up a copy Læs mere - [Compass Direct News]
Etiopien -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
09-03-2011 - Meget små fremskridt for protestantiske
kirker i Tyrkiet
Religionskonflikt - troens huse
ZekaiTanyarZekai Tanyar, Chairman Turkish
Protestants still face "long path" to religious freedom A
senior Turkish Protestant has said his country's small Christian
churches still face severe hardships, despite recent pledges by
the government to improve protection of religious rights. "We
can't deny certain positive steps - since 2005, we've been able
to apply for legal status as registered associations," said Zekai
Tanyar, executive board chairman of Turkey's Association of
Protestant Churches. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Tyrkiet -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
08-03-2011 - Kvindernes kampdag bringer skrift,
kommunikation og politik i fokus
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
, Women's Day turns attention on Scripture,
communication, advocacy Global commemorations of
International Women's Day have included a public call for reading
the Bible "through a gender lens." "Controversial biblical texts
on women such as a passage saying women are to be silent in
church (I Corinthians 14.33-34) can harm women when they are used
to justify enforced submission of women to male authority," said
Patricia Sheerattan-Bisnauth, a Guyanese theologian who heads the
WCRC's gender justice program. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
USA, New York -
Til top på siden
07-03-2011 - Nye angreb på koptiske kristne i
, Christians face fresh attacks in Egypt
A mob of nearly four thousand Muslims has reportedly
attacked Coptic homes in Egypt. - The assault occurred in the
village of Soul, Atfif in Helwan Governorate, 30 kilometres from
Cairo, and torched the Church of St Mina and St George. Læs mere
- [Christian Today]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
07-03-2011 - Kirker arbejder for humanisering af
Politik - sociale forhold
ObioreIkeObiore Ike, Monsignore Churches urged
to strengthen prison reform efforts Prisons "are
structures of the human condition and structures of sin," often
reflecting a society's revenge against its incarcerated citizens,
rather than their rehabilitation, the founder of Nigeria's prison
chaplains told a conference on prison reform. Monsignor Obiore
Ike challenged 150 human rights advocates, lawyers, judges,
academics and representatives of Nigeria's penal system.. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Nigeria -
Til top på siden
06-03-2011 - Post-kolonial missionsteologi i lyset af
Edingburgh 1910-2010
Udgivelse - Online
, Exploring Postcolonial Missiology in
Celebration of the 100th... Papers of the Society of
Anglican and Lutheran Theologians Læs mere - [Post
Colonial Journal]
edited by Joseph F. Duggan. - Reluctant Insiders Anglicans
and Lutherans at the Edinburgh World Missionary Conference, 1910
, by Maria Erling - Volume 2, Issue 1.1 (March 2011) -
Continuity and Change in Anglican Missionary Theology: Dr
Thomas Bray and the 1910 World Missionary Conference, by
Rowan Strong Volume 2, Issue 1.2 (March 2011). - What Would
Luther Do? From the Authority of Edinburgh 1910 to the
Authenticity of the Individual 2010, by Jørgen Skov
Sørensen. Volume 2, Issue 1.3 (March 2011) - "... not
hurrying on to a receding future, nor hankering after an imagined
past": Edinburgh 1910, T. S. Eliot, Postcolonial Missiology, and
Our Mission to God, by J. Jayakiran Sebastian.
Global Online - Post Colonial Journal -
Til top på siden
04-03-2011 - Lang vej til religiøs frihed for
protestantiske kristne i Tyrkiet
, Turkish Protestants still face "long path"
to religious freedom A senior Turkish Protestant has said
his country's small Christian churches still face severe
hardships, despite recent pledges by the government to improve
protection of religious rights. "We can't deny certain positive
steps - since 2005, we've been able to apply for legal status as
registered associations," said Zekai Tanyar. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Tyrkiet -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
02-03-2011 - Retten til steder til gudstjenester har trange
Religionskonflikt - troens huse
, The right to have places of worship - a
trapped right .. religious communities face serious
obstacles - both formal and informal - preventing this... Only
the state-run Diyanet can open mosques and administer them. Læs mere - [Forum
Tyrkiet -
Til top på siden
02-03-2011 - Religiøse rettigheder ignoreres i
, European Court of Human Rights "obviously
ignored" Russian Jehovah's Witnesses and Armenian
Catholics continue to struggle to gain registration - and so
legal status - from the authorities of the capital Moscow Læs mere - [Forum
Rusland -
Til top på siden
02-03-2011 - Eneste kristne minister i Pakistan skudt pga
modstand mod blasfemilov
, Taliban: Pakistani minister killed over
stance on blasphemy law A Pakistani government minister
who had said he was getting death threats because of his
opposition to a controversial blasphemy law was shot to death
Wednesday. Shahbaz Bhatti was the only Christian member of the
Cabinet in Pakistan, where 95 percent of people are Muslim. He
served as the government's minister of minority affairs. Læs mere -
Pakistan, Islamabad -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
02-03-2011 - Debat om multikulturalisme - i
kølvandet på Merkels kritik
, A Merkel attack on multiculturalism
Multiculturalism has totally failed". German Chancellor
Angela Merkel's recent blunt comments on the fiasco of German
race relations has, for many, injected a welcome dose of reality
into the debate... Læs mere - [Eurozine]
Europa -
Flere religioner
Til top på siden
01-03-2011 - Lausanne World Pulse - Tematiske artikler
marts 2011
Udgivelse - Online
, Themed Articles - March 2011
The Power of Christ's Resurrection By Joy
Mindo-Wamutitu. Læs mere - [Lausanne World Pulse]
To be relevant in a hurting world, we must embark on the
pilgrimage that Christ invites us to make. The author suggests
four ministries of service. Christ's Suffering and
Sacrifice: A Basis for the Ministry of Forgiveness and
Reconciliation. By Celestin Musekura. Forgiveness and
reconciliation that inspire hope in divided and fragmented
communities is inspired and empowered by the suffering and
sacrifice of Christ. The Worse of Two Worlds: For the Sake
of Those Who Have Never Heard By Ferdinand Nweke. Instead
of quibbling over the immutable truth of God's word, we must do
whatever it takes to carry the saving message of Jesus Christ to
those who have never heard, so that those in poverty will not
have the worst of two worlds...
Global Online - Lausanne World Pulse -
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
01-03-2011 - Kirke søger hjælp til emigranter
fra Eritrea i Libyen
Politik - religion
, Libyan Christian clergy seek help for
stranded migrants Libyan Christian clergy have appealed
for urgent help for Eritrean refugees who have taken shelter in
a church in Tripoli, following days of violent anti-government
protests. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Libyen -
Til top på siden
01-03-2011 - Havard præst død - konservativ,
markant stemme mod intolerance
Etik - seksualitet
, Rev. Peter J. Gomes Is Dead at 68; A
Leading Voice Against Intolerance One can read into the
Bible almost any interpretation of morality, Mr. Gomes liked to
say after coming out, for its passages had been used to defend
slavery and the liberation of slaves, to support racism,
anti-Semitism and patriotism, to enshrine a dominance of men over
women, and to condemn homosexuality as immoral. He was a
thundering black Baptist preacher and for much of his life a
conservative Republican celebrity who wrote books about the
Pilgrims, published volumes of sermons and presided at weddings
and funerals of the rich and famous. He gave the benediction at
President Ronald Reagan's second inauguration.. Læs mere - [New York Times]
USA, New York -
Til top på siden
01-03-2011 - Den presbyterianske kirke letter adgangen for
homoseksuelle til embede
Etik - seksualitet
, Support for ordaining gays grows among
Presbyterian governing bodies After years of defeats,
advocates for ordaining non-celibate gays and lesbians are making
their most successful campaign yet in the Louisville-based
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The potentially historic shift is
taking place in a series of regional votes that began last year
and will continue through mid-2011. So far, 55 regional governing
bodies, known as presbyteries, have approved an amendment to the
church constitution that would effectively allow gays to be
ordained as ministers, elders or deacons. Læs mere - [Courier
Kristendom, presbyteriansk
Til top på siden
28-02-2011 - Munk og bygningsarbejdere beskudt og
såret af ægyptisk militær
, Monk, Workers Shot in Monastery Attack in
Egypt One monk and six church workers were shot and
wounded last week when the Egyptian Army attacked a Coptic
Orthodox monastery in order to destroy a wall monks had built to
defend their property from raiders, sources said. Læs
mere - [WorldWide
Religious News (WWRN)]
Ægypten -
Til top på siden
28-02-2011 - Buddhister, hinduer og kristne beder
Religionsmøde - fælles religiøs
, Buddhists and Christians pray together for
religious freedom in places Hundreds of Buddhist
religious leaders from around the world met in Nepal last
Thursday and Friday. They were joined by Christian and Hindu
religious leaders. The purpose of the event was to pray together
for peace and greater religious freedom for minorities. Læs mere - []
Nepal -
Til top på siden
27-02-2011 - Kristne må forberede sig på
homoseksuelle ægteskab vil blive normalt
Etik - seksualitet
, Christians need to prepare for
normalisation of gay marriage I think it's clear that
something like same-sex marriage is going to become normalised,
legalised and recognised in the culture. It's time for Christians
to start thinking about how we're going to deal with that...We
have to prepare our children to be in a context in which they're
going to be in a playground with children who have two dads or
two moms or who knows what kind of combination will come. Læs mere - [Christian
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
26-02-2011 - Konverterede afghanere afviste af Indien
frygter for at vende tilbage
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Afghan converts fear return home after
India denies refuge They fled to India after converting
to Christianity but now face being deported back to Afghanistan
after India rejected their applications for refugee status. The
converts are afraid they will lose their lives if they are made
to return home. Læs mere - [Christian
Afghanistan -
Kristendom - andre religioner
Til top på siden
26-02-2011 - Evangelikale i Honduras føler sig
truede efter mord på præster
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Murder of pastors leaves evangelicals in
Honduras feeling vulnerable The police are treating the
pastor as a victim of robbery as the two gunmen reportedly asked
the 41-year-old to hand over his mobile phone. Læs mere - [Christian
However, some in the evangelical church fear that he was
deliberately targeted as part of a wider attack on the work of
the church.
Honduras -
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
26-02-2011 - Dødsdømt konverteret kristen fri
efter diplomatisk hemmelig aktivitet
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
SaidMusaSaid Musa, Converted christian, death
sentenced Said Musa Released from Afghan Prison, No Longer on
Death Row Said Musa, the Afghan Christian who was facing
the death sentence for converting from Islam, has been released
from the prison in Kabul, a Christian persecution watchdog
reported Thursday morning. Læs mere - [Christian
Afghanistan -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
25-02-2011 - Adskillige kirker ramte af jordskælvet.
Udendørs andagter for omkomne
Spiritualitet (troens liv og former)
JohnGreyJohn Grey, Archbishop Karakia for
cathedral dead In a short but solemn ceremony this
afternoon, Bishop John Gray led karakia beside ChristChurch
Cathedral for those who perished there on Tuesday. - Se
også: ENInews. Læs mere - []
New Zealand -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
23-02-2011 - Fængselstraffe og bøder for
religiøse møder i private hjem
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, More short-term prisoners of conscience
All were punished on charges of holding an "illegal"
religious meeting after a police raid on a birthday party in a
church member's home. Læs mere - [Forum
Uzbekistan -
Til top på siden
22-02-2011 - De libyske kristne præster bliver med
menighederne i urolighederne
Politik - religion
, We feel
we belong here with our sisters who are giving their services in
social centres. Their work is so much appreciated by the Libyans
here and often finds support and appreciation Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Libyen -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
21-02-2011 - Mere end 50.000 kristne demonstrerer i
, Mangalore Christians march to demand
justice in attacks on churches More than 50 thousand Chr
istians, belonging to 45 different congregations demonstrated in
Mangalore yesterday against the Somasekhar Commission's
"distorted report" the on attacks on churches in 2008. The
demonstration, one of the largest in recent years, was attended
by several bishops of five denominations. Læs mere - []
Indien, Mangalore -
Kristendom - hinduisme
Til top på siden
17-02-2011 - Økumenisk indsats i kommende opbygning
af Sydsudan
, In Southern Sudan, ecumenical movement
turns to nation-building The churches and ecumenical
community will have a critical role to play for the foreseeable
future (in the new Republic of South Sudan, Predominantly
christian and animist), said Bishop Robert Aboagye-Mensah, a
Ghanian Methodist and vice-president of the All Africa Council
of Churches. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Republic of South Sudan -
Til top på siden
17-02-2011 - Pave og den russiske præsident
mødes - forbedrede relationer
, Pope, Russian president vow to strengthen
relationship An official of the Moscow Patriarchate said
on 14 February that diplomatic relations have helped advance
contacts between the churches. "The establishment of full
diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the Holy
See has given a new impulse to the Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
development of constructive relations between the Russian
Orthodox Church and the Vatican," the Rev. Dmitry Sizonenko, an
official of the Moscow Patriarchate's Department of External
Church Relations, told the Interfax news agency.
Rusland, Moskva -
Til top på siden
17-02-2011 - Komplementerer sekulare og kristne/muslimske
værdier hinanden?
Religionsmøde - dialog
, Can Religious and Secular Values
Complement each other in the Public A A Conversation
between Julian Bond (Director, Christian Muslim Forum), Shaykh
Ibrahim Mogra (MCB and President, Christian Muslim Forum), Peter
Cave (Chair, Humanist Philosophers) Læs mere - [Christian
Muslim Forum]
England -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
17-02-2011 - En luthersk synode i Danmark
Organisation og ledelse
, Who wants a Lutheran synod in Denmark?
Bishop of Roskilde, Peter Fischer-Moeller: "We need a
church body that can discuss and make proposals on 'internal
matters', a body that has legitimacy within the church. What we
are not arguing for is a separation of church and state" Læs mere -
Danmark -
Kristendom - folkekirken
Til top på siden
16-02-2011 - Stormoské i København
Religionsmøde - troens huse
, Copenhagen officials OK long-delayed plans
for grand mosque.. Copenhagen, Denmark - Denmark's Muslim
Council says it is trying to raise funds to build Copenhagen's
first purpose-built mosque after the project was given the green
light. The City Council approved the plans last week, overruling
objections by the anti-immigration Danish People's Party. Læs
mere - [WorldWide
Religious News (WWRN)]
Danmark, København -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
16-02-2011 - Næppe 10%, snarere 5% af Ægyptens
befolkning er kristne
, Probably 5% of the the Egyptian Population
are Christians - not 10% The numbers are debated. Media
reports, sometimes citing officials of the Coptic Orthodox
Church, frequently say that Christians make up 10% or more of the
country's approximately 80 million people. But researchers at the
Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life have been unable to find any
Egyptian census or large-scale survey that substantiates such
claim Læs mere - [Pew Research
Center for the People & the Press]
Ægypten -
Til top på siden
15-02-2011 - Sevastopol godkender bygning af
Religionsmøde - troens huse
, Ukrainian city approves construction of
first mosque The city council of the Black Sea port
Sevastopol approved the zoning of a central district land plot
for the building project, with 71 of 72 council members voting
in favour. Once complete, the mosque would become the first-ever
Islamic house of worship in a city dominated by ethnic Slavs
following the Orthodox Christian faith. Læs
mere - [WorldWide
Religious News (WWRN)]
Ukraine, Sevastopol -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
15-02-2011 - Malaysia arresterer muslimske par på
Valentins dag
Etik - seksualitet
, Malaysia detains Muslim couples on
Valentine's Day Malaysia's religious police have detained
80 Muslims in hotels as part of a Valentine's Day crackdown to
prevent pre-marital sex, officials said. The arrests were made
in the central state of Selangor where the Islamic Religious
Department had warned Muslims during Friday sermons against
observing the Western celebration as it could erode their faith.
Læs mere - []
Malaysia -
Til top på siden
14-02-2011 - Stat-kirke forhold rystes af
spørgsmålet om vielse af homoseksuelle
Etik - seksualitet
, State and church clash on civil
partnerships The government risked a clash with the
Church of England last night by backing calls to lift the ban on
homosexual couples holding civil partnership ceremonies in places
of worship. The Church gave a frosty response to moves to allow
same-sex couples to use religious symbols, such as hymns and
Bible readings, as they commit themselves to each other Læs mere - [The
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
14-02-2011 - Ni kristne dræbte af
militærklædte under overfald
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Nine dead in latest attacks on Christians
in Nigeria Eye witnesses report that men dressed in
military uniforms carried out targeted attacks on three homes at
the Federal College of Land Resources in Kuru on February 10.
According to a report from Christian Solidarity Worldwide, gunmen
entered the first home and shot dead Chube Job, his wife Susan
and their young daughter Emmanuella. Læs mere - [Christian
Nigeria -
Til top på siden
14-02-2011 - Muslimer og ortodokse koptere står
sammen, gør evangelikale?
Religionsmøde - dialog
, More than they used to!
..Participants in Egypt's recent protests stunned observers in
many ways. One major surprise came when the world witnessed
protesters of different faiths cooperating with one another in
a way Egypt has rarely seen before. "When Muslims prayed in
Tahrir Square, the Coptic Orthodox and Coptic Evangelicals
protected them from anyone who would want to interfere," said Len
Rodgers, executive director of Evangelicals for Middle East
Understanding. "And then, during a Coptic Orthodox Mass in
Tahrir, the Muslims protected the Coptic Orthodox. This is, I
would say, unprecedented. It's a very unusual and, I would say,
optimistic possibility for the future." Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Ægypten -
Til top på siden
14-02-2011 - Kristne og muslimer mod friabortlov
Etik - abort
, Pro-life Christians and Muslims against
pro-abortion law Manila (AsiaNews / Agencies) - More than
5 thousand Catholics, Protestant and Muslim Filipinos
demonstrated yesterday in Pasay City (Manila) against the law on
reproductive health and to show their support for life. The event
was well attended by Catholic priests and religious leaders,
including many politicians involved in the ongoing debate in
parliament for the approval of the law. Læs mere - []
Filipinerne -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
14-02-2011 - Kristne alarmerede over planer om at tillade
vielser af homoseksuelle
Etik - seksualitet
, Christians alarmed by plans to allow gay
civil partnership ceremonies t is expected that any
legislation passed will allow churches and other religious
settings to choose whether or not they host civil partnership
ceremonies but some Christians are still concerned that the
religious freedom of churches will be compromised. Læs mere - [Christian
England -
Til top på siden
13-02-2011 - Valentins dag - et stridspunkt for den
russisk-ortodokse kirke
, Russian Orthodox Christians debate
Valentine's Day, others celebrate As shoppers snapped up
heart-shaped goods, restaurants advertised romantic dinners and
many Russians planned to celebrate Valentine's Day, Russian
Orthodox Christians debated the morality of the holiday, which
some denounce as a commercial imposition from the West. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Rusland -
Kristendom, ortodoks
Til top på siden
13-02-2011 - Hinduer i protest mod Valentinsdag
, Hindu regional party protests against
Valentine's Day in Tamil Nadu "We are protesting against
the cultural exploitation because of Valentine's Day, which is
being celebrated by lovers, who have engaged themselves in
uncultured manner in public places in the name of Valentine's
Day," Prabhu, a protestor, said. Læs mere - []
Indien, Tamil Nadu -
Hinduisme - anden tro
Til top på siden
13-02-2011 - Forsøg på kontakt med kirker i
jordskælvsområdet i Japan
, "I
have been trying to collect the information from the provincial
office and from all the dioceses of NSKK [Nippon Sei-Ko-Kai; the
Anglican-Episcopal Church of Japan]," wrote the Most Rev.
Nathaniel M. Uematsu, Primate of Japan & Bishop of Hokkaido.
"Because of the scale of damage and devastation, our
communication has had great difficulty, and I have not heard
anything from the Diocese of Tohoku which has been hit most by
the earthquakes and tsunamis, and I am very concerned for Bishop
John Kato and churches and people in his diocese." Læs mere - [Episcopal Relief and
Japan -
Kristendom, episkopal
Til top på siden
12-02-2011 - Sognesuverænitet eller synode - debat
i København
Organisation og ledelse
, Parish or Synode (In danish) Folkekirke
= sognekirke (Provst Erik Balslev Clausen - Slagt folkekirkens hellige køer
(Menighedsrådsformand Torben Larsen) Læs
mere - [Kirken i København]
Danmark, København -
Kristendom - folkekirken
Til top på siden
12-02-2011 - Lausanne World Pulse - Tema for
januar-februar: Partnerskab
Udgivelse - Online
, Themed Articles - Partnership Generosity Networks: Developing
Partnerships in Giving and Stewardship - Rwanda: Together in
Partnership - Rejoice Liberia - (Se her)Partnership in Zimbabwe: A
U.S. Perspective Læs mere - [Lausanne World Pulse]
Global Online - Lausanne World Pulse -
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
12-02-2011 - Ingen tro, ingen plads i
Repræsentanternes hus
Politik - religion
, No Religion, No Representation
Throughout its history, Congress has been far from
representative of the nation as whole in many ways. In 2011, one
large segment of the population, the roughly 16% of Americans who
are unaffiliated with any particular religion, remains completely
unrepresented on Capitol Hill. Not one of the 435 members of the
House of Representatives or one of the 100 senators serving in
the 112th Congress lists his or her religion as atheist, agnostic
or "nothing in particular." Læs mere - [Pew Research
Center for the People & the Press]
Til top på siden
12-02-2011 - Filipinsk kirke fejrer 100 års
, Philippine church celebrates 100 years of
Protestantism A Philippine church, which traces its start
to American colonisation in the early 1900s, is now 100 years old
and leaders and parishioners are celebrating the legacies of
Protestantism for "a century of God's faithfulness and love." (Se kirkens hjemmeside) Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Filipinerne -
Kristendom, protestantisk
Til top på siden
11-02-2011 - Repræsentanterne åbner med
bøn, senatorer ikke, i staten Hawai
, Hawaii House Will Continue Prayers,
Despite Senate's Opposite Move Last month, responding to
a complaint by the ACLU, the Hawaii state Senate voted to end the
practice of opening its sessions with prayer. (See prior
posting.) The state House of Representatives, however, will not
follow the Senate's lead Læs mere -
[Religion Clause]
USA, Hawaii -
Til top på siden
11-02-2011 - Mubaraks tilbagetræden en fordel for de
koptiske kristne
Politik - kirkens vilkår
, Expert: Egypt's Mubarak Resignation Good
for Coptic Christians Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's
resignation Friday is good for the country's Coptic Christians,
according to a religious freedom expert. Læs mere - [Christian
Ægypten -
Til top på siden
11-02-2011 - Den episkopale og den moravianske kirke
får fuld kommunion
, Episcopalians, Moravians inaugurate full
communion With an evening Eucharist Feb. 10 that blended
elements of the liturgical and musical practices of both
traditions, representatives of the Episcopal Church and the two
provinces of the Moravian Church in North America formally
inaugurated a full-communion relationship between the
denominations. Læs mere - [Episcopal
News Service]
USA, Betlehem, Pennsylvania -
Til top på siden
10-02-2011 - Sisters of Islam opfordrer parti til ikke at
moralisere mod Valentine
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Sisters of Islam tells party not to play
Valentine's Day moral police The Sisters in Islam (SIS)
has hit out at PAS Youth over its controversial plans to "check"
sinful activities and play the moral police on Valentine's Day.
The Star quoted its media and communications senior program
officer, Yasmin Masidi, as saying that moral policing was against
Islamic values and fundamental liberties. She added: "It violates
personal dignity and privacy, which is for bidden in the Quran
and Hadith." Læs mere - [Maysia
Malaysia -
Til top på siden
10-02-2011 - Muslimer og kristne hånd i hånd
i Cairo
Religionsmøde - frihed/kritik
, Egypt's Muslims and Christians join hands
in protest Just weeks after a Christmas Eve church
bombing rocked the port city of Alexandria, Egypt's religious
tensions have been set aside as the country's Muslims and
Christians join forces at anti-government protests. Læs mere - [BBC]
Ægypten, Cairo -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
09-02-2011 - Vatikanet: iPhone app kan ikke tilgive
, Vatican Says iPhone App Can't Forgive Sins
The Vatican is warning Catholics that it is impossible
to confess sins via a smart phone after a U.S. company launched
an app designed to prepare the faithful for absolution. [Perhaps
here is some conflict: The day before it says here: Catholic church
gives blessing to iPhone app Læs mere - [AOL News]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
09-02-2011 - Nyt dåbsritual af hensyn til
, Church of England hopes simpler baptism
language will connect.. he Church of England's General
Synod has approved the drafting of additional forms of baptism
liturgy to help engage the unchurched in the ceremony. Læs mere - [Christian
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
05-02-2011 - Kirkeledere opfordrer regeringen til at mildne
Politik - sociale forhold
, Church leaders urge Government to tackle
poverty and inequality in UK The church leaders, who
included the Anglican Bishop of Dudley the Rt Rev David Walker
and President-Designate of the Methodist Conference the Rev Leo
Osborn, handed over a joint letter to Prime Minister David
Cameron affirming their commitment to close the gap between rich
and poor and reminding the Coalition of its responsibility to do
the same. Læs mere - [Christian
England -
Til top på siden
04-02-2011 - U.S.A.-kirker ønsker FN-resolution om
bøsættelser i Israel
Politik - fredsappel
, Churches call for passage of UN resolution
on Israel A coalition of U.S. church bodies is calling
on the Obama administration not to block a proposed United
Nations Security Council resolution seeking an end to
construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East
Jerusalem. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Til top på siden
03-02-2011 - Præsident Obama aflægger
vidnesbyrd om bøn
Personlig praksis
, Obama Shares Personal Faith Stories at
Prayer Breakfast At the 59th National Prayer Breakfast:
As expected, the president spoke about his Christian faith .. But
he also shared more personal stories about how prayer has
impacted his life since becoming president... Læs mere - [The Christian
USA, Washington -
Til top på siden
03-02-2011 - Kirker lukker i Nordsudan efter
Politik og kirke
, Churches closing in north Sudan after
referendum Some churches, parishes and church schools in
northern Sudan are closing due to a large movement of people to
the south after the independence referendum, according to some
church leaders. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Sudan, Khartoum -
Til top på siden
01-02-2011 - Global islam statistisk fremskrevet
, The Future of the Global Muslim Population
Pew Forum Report - interactive maps and a lot of other
features: While the global Muslim population is expected to grow
at a faster rate than the non-Muslim population, the Muslim
population nevertheless is expected to grow at a slower pace in
the next two decades than it did in the previous two decades.
From 1990 to 2010, the global Muslim population increased at an
average annual rate of 2.2%, compared with the projected rate of
1.5% for the period from 2010 to 2030. Læs mere - [Pew Research
Center for the People & the Press]
Globalt -
Til top på siden
31-01-2011 - Kristendom er evolutionær og har plads
til Darwin - en frihed at mene
Videnskab og tro
BrianMcLarenBrian McLaren, Emerging Church Leader
Evolutionary Christianity has 'freed me', says Brian McLaren
Christians are in "deep denial" over the continuous
evolution of the Christian faith which allows the work of Charles
Darwin to be celebrated and not feared, emerging church leader
Brian McLaren has said. Læs mere - [Christian
England -
Til top på siden
31-01-2011 - Japans nationale kirkeråd
Organisation og ledelse
, Japan's Christian council plans to
restructure Japan's ecumenical grouping of Anglican and
Protestant churches and interdenominational organizations has
laid out a proposal for its organizational restructuring by
reducing the number of its officials and clarifying its
decision-making functions. (Se om NNC Japan
her) Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Japan -
Til top på siden
27-01-2011 - Højesteret tilbagekalder relativerende
bemærkninger til missionærmord
Religionskonflikt - konversionsspørgsmål
, Indian court withdraws comment on
religious conversions The court [had originally] said the
triple murder could not be treated as the 'rarest of rare cases'
that warrants the death sentence in the Indian legal system, as
Singh's "intention (was) to teach a lesson to Graham Staines
about his religious activities, namely, converting poor tribals
to Christianity Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Indien, Mangalore -
Hinduisme - anden tro
Til top på siden
27-01-2011 - Folketælling i Nepal vil vise en anden
fordeling på religion
Religionernes udbredelse
, Nepal's Christians to conduct their own
census ..the past restrictive regimes prevented people
from admitting their religion freely. "Now that Nepal is a
democratic secular republic, we are expecting remarkable changes
in the religious profile Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
Nepal -
Kristendom - hinduisme
Til top på siden
25-01-2011 - Det globale Syd melder fravær til
Anglikale Biskoppers konfernce
Bibelsyn - lære - etik og moral
, Anglican Primates meeting in Dublin
despite absences The biennial meeting of Anglican
Primates is starting today in Dublin despite the refusal of
Global South Primates to attend. The Archbishop of Canterbury
will meet Primates from the Anglican Communion in Dublin. The
Primates of the Indian Ocean, Jerusalem and the Middle East,
Rwanda, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, West Africa, the
Southern Cone of Latin America, and South East Asia are all
boycotting the meeting in protest against the attendance of
Katharine Jefferts-Schori, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal
Church in the US. Læs mere - [Christian
Irland -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
24-01-2011 - Paven advarer katolikker om forkert brug af
Mission - arbejdsmåder
, Pope to Catholics online: It's not just
about hits Pope Benedict XVI told Catholic bloggers and
Facebook and YouTube users Monday to be respectful of others when
spreading the Gospel online and not to see their ultimate goal
as getting as many online hits as possible... And some notes of
Vatican Internet activities as well. Læs
mere - [WorldWide
Religious News (WWRN)]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
24-01-2011 - Obama fastslår retten til abort på
årlig protestdag mod abort
Etik - abort
, Obama marks anniversary of abortion rights
case Obama said the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that
legalized abortion affirmed what he called a "fundamental
principle: that government should not intrude on private family
matters." Anti-abortion activists will participate in an annual
"March for Life" in Washington on Monday. Læs mere - [AP - Associated Press]
Til top på siden
24-01-2011 - Ekstremister demonstrer mod åbning af
Yasminkirken på Java
, Extremists demonstrate against the opening
of the Yasmin church Islamic extremist groups are still
trying to prevent the Protestant Christian Church (GKI) from
opening its church at Taman Yasmin, an area in Bogor (West Java).
Despite a Supreme Court ruling on 14 January Læs
mere - [WorldWide
Religious News (WWRN)]
Indonesien -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
23-01-2011 - Flere anglikanske præster tilslutter sig
den katolske kirke i England
Konversion til anden kristen trosretning
, More Anglican priests to join Catholic
Church even Anglican priests and 300 members of six
congregations are to join a new section of the Catholic Church,
the Catholic Diocese of Brentwood says. The move involves three
parishes in Essex, and three in east London. Læs
mere - [WorldWide
Religious News (WWRN)]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
22-01-2011 - Højesteret fastholder dom over hindu,
som dræbte missionærfamilie
, Hindu Handed Life Sentence for Killing
Missionary, Sons The Supreme Court of India upheld the
life sentence of a Hindu man on Friday, convicted of burning to
death an Australian missionary and his two sons 11 years ago. Læs mere - [Christian
Indien -
Kristendom - hinduisme
Til top på siden
19-01-2011 - Ordination af anglikanske biskopper til
katolsk præst - m. ægtefælle
, Ordinary time begins for ex-Anglicans at
Westminster Cathedral WHEN the wives of three former
Church of England bishops presented them with chasubles after
they were ordained priests in the Roman Catholic Church in
Westðminster Cathedral on Saturday, it was clear that this was
no ordinary service. Læs mere - [Church Times]
England, London -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
19-01-2011 - Kirker (protestanter) bruger i stigende grad
Mission - medier
, Study: Churches Increasingly Fans of
Facebook, Social Media Churches are turning increasingly
to social networking tools as ministry aids and Facebook is by
far the most popular tool, according to a new study by LifeWay
Research...The survey of 1,003 Protestant congregations was
conducted in September and sponsored by LifeWay's Digital Church
partner, Fellowship Technologies. It found that 47 percent of
churches actively use Facebook. Læs mere - [Christian
Til top på siden
19-01-2011 - Aktivist for kvinders ret genvalgt til Church
of England råd
Organisation og ledelse
ChristinaReeseChristina Reese, Activist for
women's ministry re-elected to Church of England council
The re-election of Christina Rees, a strong supporter of
women's ministries, to the Church of England's Archbishops'
Council is a sign that the church's mainstream wants to move
forward on the ordination of women as bishops, observers said.
Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
19-01-2011 - 12-trins program for homoseksuelle - efter
Etik - seksualitet
, Springs diocese starts 12-step program for
gays The Catholic Church's Twelve Steps of Courage is
another version of AA's steps. Participants admit they are
powerless in overcoming same-sex attraction, ask God for help,
and make amends to those they've hurt, among other steps. Though
new to the Springs diocese, the Twelve Steps of Courage has been
part of the Catholic Church since 1980 Læs mere - []
USA, Colorado Springs -
Til top på siden
18-01-2011 - Kirkeråd minder Obama om løfter
angående fattigdom
Politik - sociale forhold
, NCC communion leaders remind Obama of his
promise to cut poverty in ha Heads of National Council
of Churches member communions and NCC staff leaders used the
Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday weekend to urge President Obama
to use his January 25 State of the Union message to reassert his
dramatic campaign pledge to "cut poverty in half" in the next ten
years. Læs mere - [National Council
of Churches, USA]
USA, Washington -
Til top på siden
18-01-2011 - Aftale med måske evangelikal astronom
angående forbigåelse
, Christian Astronomer, Univ. of Kentucky
Reach Settlement A Christian astronomer who sued the
University of Kentucky over religious discrimination reached a
settlement on Tuesday. Læs mere - [Christian
Til top på siden
17-01-2011 - Var Mark Twain anti-kristen?
Kunst og kultur
Mark Twain's autobiography renews debate: Was
he anti-Christian? His autobiography has risen the
discussion again: Was Mark Twain anti-christian?..Indeed, Twain
seemed at his angriest when people misused religion to justify
violence, personal gain and mistreatment of the poor and
oppressed. "If Christ were here, there is one thing he would not
be -- a Christian," he wrote Læs mere - [Catholic News
Til top på siden
17-01-2011 - Biskop støtter selvbestemmelse i
Organisation og ledelse
Niels HenrikArendtNiels Henrik Arendt, Danish
bishop argues for self-governance for the church Biskop
i Haderslev Stift Niels Henrik Arendt melder nu klart ud, at han
gerne ser et selvstyrende organ i folkekirken. "Jeg argumenterer
for, at folkekirken selv skal være i stand til at
prioritere sine ressourcer og til at svare for sig, når den
bliver spurgt.." Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]
Danmark -
Kristendom - folkekirken
Til top på siden
15-01-2011 - Jødiske pentekostale forkynder
kristendom for jøder
Religionsmøde - mission
, Jewish Pentecostal Reaches Jews with the
Gospel Over ninety percent of Jews have not heard a
culturally relevant presentation of the Gospel. The hopeful
Friedman, joining a growing number of modern Messianic Jews
today, is seeking to help the Jewish people understand that the
terrible things done to them "in the name of Jesus" were not done
by true believers and the Messiah who loved them.. says Jeff
Friedman Læs
mere - [Christian Post]
Israel -
Kristendom - jødedom
Til top på siden
15-01-2011 - Fatwa mod mord på kristne i Irak
, Fatwa against Murder On Christians in Iraq
(In danish) .. en fatwa - en religiøs vejledning
- mod drab på religiøse minoriteter, der lever i
samfund med muslimer, som de delegerede håber bliver
læst op i samtlige moskéer i landet. Og en
deklaration med 13 punkter, som deltagerne i mødet, der
har varet siden i tirsdags, håber kan dæmme op for
den ekstremisme og kriminalitet, der er årsagen til
forfølgelserne af minoriteter. Læs
mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]
Danmark, København -
Til top på siden
14-01-2011 - Anglikanske biskopper bliver præster i
den katolske kirke
Økumene - skift mellem trosretninger
, First Anglican bishops to join Catholic
Church under new structure Three former Anglican bishops
are to be ordained as Roman Catholic priests on Saturday, 15
January at Westminster Cathedral - the first bishops to join Rome
under a new structure set up by Pope Benedict XVI for dissident
Anglicans. The Church of England clerics have said they cannot
accept the ordination of women as priests or bishops. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
England, London -
Til top på siden
13-01-2011 - Obamas mindetale trak på den sorte
kirkes spiritualitet
Obama's eulogy invokes
spirit of black church, Reinhold Niebuhr .. and the
protestant theologian Reinhold Niebuhr. Drawing on Scripture,
theology, and the rising rhythms of black preaching, President
Obama was more pastor than politician at Wednesday's (Jan. 12)
memorial service for the victims of last week's shooting in
Arizona. Læs mere - [Religious News
Til top på siden
10-01-2011 - Regler for russiske kvinders
Etik - seksualitet
VsevolodChaplinVsevolod Chaplin, Archpriest A
Dress Code For Russians? Priest Chides Skimpiness At a
December round table on interethnic relations, archpriest
Vselovod Chaplin said a woman wearing a miniskirt "can provoke
not only a man from the Caucasus," the predominately Muslim
region on Russia's southern border, "but a Russian man as
well..." Læs
mere - [The New
York Times]
Rusland, Moskva -
Kristendom, ortodoks
Til top på siden
07-01-2011 - Kirker beder for afstemning i fred i
Politik - fredsappel
JosephGarangJoseph Garang, Bishop Churches
call for peaceful vote in Sudan Southern Sudan is mainly
christian .. the Sudanese Bishop (Anglican) Joseph Garang of the
Diocese of Renk said that everyone in Sudan is praying for peace:
"All the troops from the North and South are on the border and
facing one another. Too many people have died during the civil
war and we don't want that to happen anymore." Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]
England, Cantebury -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
05-01-2011 - Top 50 over nationer, hvor kristne
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, World Watch List - Where Faith Costs the
Most the list covers persecution of Christians of all
denominations in the entire country. The focus is on persecution
for the faith, not persecution for political, economic, social,
ethnic or accidental reasons Læs mere - [Open
Globalt -
Til top på siden
05-01-2011 - Kors på offentlig krigsmindeplads er mod
USAs konstitution
, Calif. War Memorial Cross
Unconstitutional, Court Rules Judges for U.S. Court of
Appeals for the 9th Circuit decided 3-0 in the case of Trunk v.
City of San Diego that the Mt. Soledad cross paying homage to
fallen soldiers is unconstitutional. Læs mere - [The Christian
USA, Californien -
Til top på siden
05-01-2011 - International Bulletin of Missionary Research
- Januar 2011
Udgivelser - forskning
, Issues: International Bulletin of
Missionary Research (Online) Content January 2011.
Edinburgh 2010 Centennial World Missionary Conference: A Report.
Janet Carroll. - A Current Snapshot of North American Protestant
Missions. A. Scott Moreau. - Christianity 2011: Martyrs and the
Resurgence of Religion. Todd M. Johnson, David B. Barrett, and
Peter F. Crossing. - Læs mere - [International Bulletin of Missionary
Reconfiguring Home: Telugu Biblewomen, Protestant Missionaries,
and Christian Marriage. James Elisha Taneti.
Global Online - International Bulletin -
Til top på siden
05-01-2011 - Demonstrationer mod kirkedrab i
, Amid massive security, Egypt's Christians
protest peacefully Hundreds of supporters of Egyptian
Christians protesting a New Year's bombing that killed nearly two
dozen of their members marched Tuesday night on a church in a
Cairo suburb, where they were met by an equal number of security
officers in riot gear. - Other reactions: (Read more: Christian
Islam Forum) Læs mere - [CNN]
Ægypten, Alexandria -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
03-01-2011 - Kirke på Cypern forhindret i at holde
, USCIRF Faults Turkish Cypriot Authorities
for Closing Church on Christ Turkish Cypriot police
entered the Church of Saint Sinesios and demanded that worship
activities cease because the government had not granted the
congregation permission for the service. "It is wrong and a
symbol of religious intolerance and repressive policies of the
Turkish Cypriot authorities supported by Turkey's occupation
troops to require such a small church community to seek
permission to hold Christmas Liturgy," said Leonard Leo, USCIRF
chair. Læs mere - [USCIRF]
Cypern -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
03-01-2011 - Kampagne rettet mod skabsateister
, Atheists Declare Religions as 'Scams' in
New Ad [O]ur target is not the Christians, but all the
atheists and agnostics still in the closet who are still
pretending, still playing the game, still putting up a facade."
mere - [Christian Post]
Til top på siden
02-01-2011 - Gudstjenester i fri stil - for unge
Spiritualitet (troens liv og former)
, Freestyle services - a great way to do
church! A new style of service is making its way across
and around Denmark - aimed at the 13 to 17-year-olds - and on
their premises. Læs
mere - []
Danmark -
Kristendom - folkekirken
Til top på siden
01-01-2011 - Angreb på kirke i Alexandria
nytårsdag slår 21 ihjel
, 21 killed in Egypt church attack
At least 21 people were killed early Saturday in a New
Year's day car bomb attack on a church in Alexandria, hitting
Egypt's Christian community, the biggest in the Middle East.Obama condemns. - - 3 january 2011: (Copts returns) Læs
mere - [Yahoo News]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden