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- - - Hjemmeliturgi under pandemi / Without church or net, many South Africans turn to liturgies at home .. Sydafrika
Manyike was determined..that he and his family wouldn't be starved of the celebration of Mass... .. Via Update / Direkte [10-07-2020]
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- - - 2022 - WCC ny dato for Assembly: "opportunity to deepen visible unity" / New 2022 date decided for WCC 11th Assembly as "opportunity to deepen .. Globalt
'Christ's love moves the world to reconciliation and unity,' our fellowship (WWC) will come together as a whole in prayer and celebration in Karlsruhe .. Via Update / Direkte [27-07-2020]
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.. Via Update / Direkte [11-06-2020]
- - - Baptistpræsts overvejelser: Fjernelse af statue / British Baptist Reflects on Removal of Slave Trader Statue .. England
It should have been moved previously! .. Via Update / Direkte [01-07-2020]
- - - Præst fyret for at kalde Black Lives Matter-organisatorer parasitter / suspends priest who compared Black Lives Matter to 'maggots and parasi .. USA
A bishop suspended a suburban Indianapolis Catholic pastor from public ministry Wednesday for remarks .. Via Update / Direkte [01-07-2020]
- - - Racisme - mere end individuel synd / Black pastors urge evangelicals to admit systemic racism .. USA
African American urged the denomination (Souther Baptists to Convention) to meaningfully increase the number of Black people in positions of leadership .. Via Update / Direkte [02-07-2020]
- - - Nægter nadver til medlemmer af Black Lives Matter / Priest Denies Communion to All Members of Black Lives Matter .. USA
..it is my duty to ban all members of Black Lives Matter from receiving Communion. I will not desecrate the precious Body and Blood of Christ .. Via Update / Direkte [06-07-2020]
- - - Yesu Mekane kirkens arbejde for fred i Ethiopien / LWF / Junge reminds EECMY of its "pivotal role in preventing more loss of li .. Etiopien
..gratitude to the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) for its consistent appeal for peaceful approaches to address grievances and conflict amid ongoing unrest .. Via Update / Direkte [10-07-2020]
- - - Racisme - en sag som ikke er gjort færdig i dele af kirken i USA / The mark of Cain .. USA
..white Christians were especially receptive to Mr Trump's race-baiting. .. Via Update / Direkte [14-07-2020]
- - - Hagia Sophia - fra museum til moske / The Hagia Sophia Was a Cathedral, a Mosque and a Museum. It's.. .. Tyrkiet
On Friday, after 86 years as a museum, the great Hagia Sophia in Istanbul will once again echo with Muslim prayers.. .. Via Update / Direkte [22-07-2020]
- - - Kommentar: Hvordan USAs kristendom blev "hvid" kristendom / How American Christianity became white .. USA
A non-christian commentary by Simran Jeet Singh: In Khyati Joshi's new book, "White Christian Privilege" .. Via Update / Direkte [23-07-2020]
- - - Ny aftaleindgåelse mellem Rom og Beijing nærmer sig.. / Vatican-China Deal: "The CCP Hacked Vatican Computers" .. Kina
The renewal of the Vatican-China deal of 2018 is due in September 2020.. high-placed Vatican officers have indicated that it will be renewed. But.. the relationship between the Vatican and the CCP is not one of trust a report tells.. .. Via Update / Direkte [29-07-2020]
- - - Billy Graham-statue skal erstatte white-supremacist-statue på Capitol / Billy Graham statue to replace that of white supremacist in US Capitol .. USA
A life-sized statue of the Rev. Billy Graham will be installed in the U.S. Capitol's Statuary Hall collection sometime next year, replacing a statue of a white supremacist.. .. Via Update / Direkte [03-08-2020]
- - - Trump: Biden er i mod Gud - Biden citerer "Din nåde er mig nok" / Biden quotes Bible at Black church meeting, while Trump says his rival .. USA
..Biden will "hurt the Bible, hurt God" because "he's against God."
Yet Biden spent that same morning invoking Scripture while speaking directly to religious voters, particularly Black Protestants .. Via Update / Direkte [06-08-2020]
- - - Trump om Biden: Han er mod våben og for fri abort. Han er mod Gud. / Trump said Biden 'hurt God.' .. USA
Trump twitter: mocking Biden as a man hostile to religion. "Take away your guns, take away your Second Amendment. No religion, no anything," - "Hurt the Bible. Hurt God. He's against God... .. Via Update / Direkte [07-08-2020]
- - - Splittelsen i den katolske kirke - som pave Frans kalder frem / Pope Francis' critics are dividing the church and families .. USA
A personal commentary from experience of the divisions in own family connecting it with the division in church .. Via Update / Direkte [14-08-2020]
- - - Evangelikale ser mere egentlig fromhed hos Biden end hos Trump / Joe Biden Campaigns on Faith .. USA
.. authentic faith.. Mouw: "He may not be the conservative Catholic that a lot of evangelicals would like him to be, but when he talks about his faith, it rings true." .. Via Update / Direkte [20-08-2020]

 Kamala Harris - et møde mellem baptisme, hinduisme og jødedom / Kamala Harris brings Baptist, interfaith roots to Democratic ticket .. USA
Kamala Harris.. attended services at both a Black Baptist church and a Hindu temple growing up an interfaith background .. In 2014 she married a jewish attorney... .. Via Update / Direkte [12-08-2020]
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.. Via Update / Direkte [11-06-2020]
- - - Hejse flag, afsynge nationalhymne før tilladelse til at genåbne kirker / Must Raise National Flag and Sing Anthem to Reopen Church .. Kina
Some state-run churches were allowed to reopen in China after a 5-month lockdown. But only after proving their loyalty to the Communist Party. .. Via Update / Direkte [04-07-2020]
- - - Udviser ikke-tyrkiske kristne præster / Expelling 2 US Christian workers after deporting 16 others this year .. Tyrkiet
Though having legal documentation to live and work in the country, they are being deported by a government that continues to crack down on Christianity in line with a guiding ethos that equates being Turkish with being Muslim.. .. Via Update / Direkte [07-07-2020]
- - - Forfulgte kristne ladt i stikken / Evangelical, Catholic leaders say Trump has left persecuted.. .. Syrien
Report: "The number of persecuted Christians to whom protection is available through the U.S. refugee resettlement program and the application of asylum laws has still been dramatically curtailed" .. Via Update / Direkte [10-07-2020]
- - - 1202 kristne dræbt de første 6 måneder af året / https://www.christianpost.com/news/1202-nigerian-christians-killed- .. Nigeria
A Nigerian civil society group estimates that 1,202 Christians have been killed in Nigeria in the first six months of 2020 ... .. Via Update / Direkte [14-07-2020]
- - - CEC beklager beslutning om at omdanne museet Hagia Sophia til moske / CEC regrets decision over Hagia Sophia, engages with UNESCO and the.. .. Europa
The Conference of European Churches (CEC) has witnessed the recent decision of Hagia Sophia's conversion into a mosque with deep regret... .. Via Update / Direkte [15-07-2020]
- - - Den civiliserede er ikke religiøs / In China, 'Civilized' Means Having Nothing to Do with Religion .. Kina
Offering monetary rewards and praises, the CCP encourages communities to do away with religions to be named a "civilized village, town, or city." .. Via Update / Direkte [15-07-2020]
- - - Baggrund: Frankrigs kirker brænder, vandaliseres [NB 2019] / France's Other Burning Churches .. Frankrig
While arrests are few, a mix of ideologies and motives is readily apparent from the graffiti the vandals often leave. .. Via Update / Direkte [19-07-2020]
- - - Kristen dræbt - femte på to måneder i Jharkhand / Christian woman killed, the fifth victim in two months .. Indien
Suman Munda is the fifth victim in a disturbing trend of murders of Christians in India in the past two months. .. Via Update / Direkte [27-07-2020]
- - - Boko Haram har dræbt flere i Nigeria end IS i Irak og Syrien / Boko Haram has killed more than Islamic State in Iraq and Syria comb.. .. Nigeria
Report: Boko Haram whose impact has now spread across the Lake Chad region into several neighbouring countries .. has killed more people than Islamic State killed in Iraq and Syria combined. .. Via Update / Direkte [30-07-2020]
- - - Tema: Blasfemilove og forfølgelse / The relationship between blasphemy laws and religious extremism .. Globalt
Om sammenhængen mellem blasfemilovgivning og statslig forfølgelse og ekstremisters brug af den. .. Via Update / Direkte [06-08-2020]
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- - - Dåb - trilateral (katolsk, luthersk, mennonitisk) rapport / Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church .. Globalt
The union with Christ which we share through baptism has important implications for Christian unity". Nevertheless, baptism has been a source of disagreement and division .. Via Update / Direkte [31-07-2020]
- - - Kristne i fælles kamp for ikke-vold i Belarus / Minsk Christians, the procession for peace .. Belarus
Though official distancing from the church orthodox christians join demonstrations agaisnt violence - together with protestants and catholics .. Via Update / Direkte [17-08-2020]



- - - Afskediget fra kristen velgørenhedsstyrelse på grund af sexisme / Ted Yoho removed from board of Christian charity .. USA
Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) has been asked to resign from its board after he confronted a female colleague and then reportedly used a sexist expletive after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was out of earshot. .. Via Update / Direkte [26-07-2020]
- - - Facebook bortcensurer posts om "conversion therapy" (homoseksualitet) / Facebook censoring Christian ministry for allegedly promoting 'convers .. Globalt
Fb is starting to censor a Christian ministry for allegedly promoting "conversion therapy," removing posts of men and women who were once LGBT-identified and now follow Jesus .. Via Update / Direkte [29-07-2020]
- - - Propaganda for homoseksualitet skal "monitoreres" (Putin) / President Putin Says Homosexual Propaganda Needs to be Publicly Monito .. Rusland
If there's a reason to assume that this is propaganda of values not traditional for us,..then such public monitoring should be properly built, not aggressively though .. Via Update / Direkte [14-07-2020]
- - - Organisation bekymret over Yohos behandling af Alexandria O-C / Bread for the World 'deeply concerned' by board member Yoho .. USA
Republican lawmaker's recent behavior toward Democratic Rep. .. Via Update / Direkte [23-07-2020] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not reflective of the "respect andcompassion that Jesus calls on us to exhibit every day."
- - - En sammensat profil: LGBT+, katolik, opstillet til kongressen / Patriotic, Catholic and queer: Parson's unorthodox run for Congress .. USA
..first woman and the first LGBT person to represent her district, is also a practicing Catholic who considers her faith an important aspect of her political views. .. Via Update / Direkte [31-07-2020]
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- - - Trossamfund bliver forkert prioriteret i forhold til Covid19 / 'Stop ignoring faith communities': Cardinal Lacroix on Quebec's .. .. Canada,Toronto
In Quebec: "stop ignoring the existence of" the many faith communities Christian, Muslim, Jewish and othersand to enter into dialogue with them for the good of the whole of society.." (Cardinal Lacroix). .. Via Update / Direkte [30-07-2020]
- - - Euthanasi - på vej til lovliggørelse - debat / Who should be worried about euthanasia? All of us! .. New Zealand
Commentary: Euthanasia isn't just an individual right that only affects the individual in question. It actually has significant, potentially catastrophic consequences for society as a whole. .. Via Update / Direkte [01-08-2020]
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- - - Hvorfor er den hvide Jesus et problem? / Editorial: Why white Jesus is a problem .. USA
..a message that connects Jesus to the powerful, not the oppressed. "If Jesus is white and God is white, then authority is white .. Via Update / Direkte [30-06-2020]
- - - Sort Jesus på alterbillede i Saint Albans Cathedral / St Albans Cathedral's black Jesus is a 'bold statement' .. England
The print, by Lorna May Wadsworth, has been placed at the Altar of the Persecuted in the North Transept of St Albans Cathedral. .. Via Update / Direkte [04-07-2020] The church said it was in "support of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement".
- - - Søt ikke fædreland og nation over Kristus / Warns Christians against patriotism over Christ .. USA
.. Via Update / Direkte [06-07-2020]
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.. Via Update / Direkte [11-06-2020]
- - - Kunstig Intelligens - CEC kommentar / White paper on Artificial Intelligence .. USA
As Christians, viewing the human being as God's own likeness on earth, we emphasise the concept of human dignity as foundation stone of human freedom and responsibility.. .. Via Update / Direkte [01-07-2020]

Kommentarer, artikler og introduktioner:

Skabelsens Dag 1. september

From 1 September to 4 October, Christians all over the world celebrate the Season of Creation, as well as the Day of Creation on 1 September. Following the tradition from previous years, in CEC and CCEE, we have taken advantage of this occasion and have encouraged our Member Churches in Europe to acknowledge these days to celebrate the richness of our faith as an expression to protect our common home. Læs mere.

Bitter Winter: Kina - kort over religionsforfølgelse

"Bitter Winter" følger undertrykkelse af religionsfriheden i kina - uanset religion. Og undertrykkelse fra statens side rammer kristendom, islam og buddhisme. På kortet kan man klikke ind og se hvordan det forholder sig i de enkelte regioner. I nogle regioner er de ikke-kinesiske religioner overvejende islam eller kristendom (eller endda buddhisme). Læs mere.

Nyt KirkenUpdate
KirkenUpdate er udkommet i mere end 10 år - på baggrund af et samarbejde mellem Dansk Missionsråd og KirkenUpdate - og DMR har været det økonomiske underlag. Tak for dette gode samarbejde. DMR ønsker at koncentrere sig om egen PR-virksomhed. KirkenUpdate er da afhængig af anden finansiering: Støtte, sponsering, interesseabbonnement - næppe reklameindtægter. Se hvordan du kan være med til at bevare KirkenUpdate med dens særlige niche - læs også mere om hvad den egentlig er... Læs mere.

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