Kirken Update 2012
[2008] - [2009] - [2010]
- [2011]
10-01-2013 - Ekskarnation - nyt teologisk begreb?
"Excarnation": an interview
with Mike Frost Mike Frost: I think that the idea of
'excarnation' highlights the degree to which a secular age has
drawn churches into a de-fleshed, or a disembodied experience of
relationships and community, disconnection to place, the
recognition that the secular age's impact more profound, despite
conversations about postmodernity some years ago Læs
mere - [Vista]
Globalt -
Til top på siden
02-01-2013 - Det arabiske forår bliver til vinter for
, In the Middle East, the Arab spring has
given way to a Christian winte Today, though, the
religious ecology of the Middle East looks more fragile than
ever, as the Arab spring gives way to Christian winter. Ignorant
western assumptions about cultural uniformity are mirrored by
Islamists bent on purging other faith groups from their lands.
Such intolerance has grown steeply since 9/11 of course, but its
roots long predate the disastrous policies of George W Bush. Læs mere - [The Gaurdian]
Mellemøsten -
Til top på siden
02-01-2013 - 2012 - 10 vigtigste emner - set fra
Kirkens liv
, From nuns to 'nones,' 10 ways religion
shaped the news in 2012 From the nuns to the "nones,"
religion dominated the headlines throughout 2012. Faith was a
persistent theme in the presidential race, and moral and ethical
questions surrounded budget debates, mass killings and an
unexpected focus on "religious freedom." Læs mere -
[Presbyterian Church, USA]
Til top på siden
01-01-2013 - Pavens nytårtale: Advarsel mod
ukontrolleret kapitalisme og terrorisme
Politik - tro
Pope hopes for 2013 of peace, slams
unbridled capitalism Pope Benedict said in his New Year's
message on Tuesday he hoped 2013 would be a year of peace and
that the world was under threat from unbridled capitalism,
terrorism and criminality. Læs mere -
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
01-01-2013 - International Bulletin of Missionary Research
- januar 13 - content
The Image of God and Mission The Image of God and
Mission. Jonathan J. Bonk - My Pilgrimage in Mission.
Roswith Gerloff - Obtaining Informed Consent in
Missiologically Sensitive Contexts. Johan Mostert and Marvin
Gilbert - Missiological Journals: A Checklist. Compiled
by Jonathan J. Bonk, with Erika Stalcup, Wendy Jennings, and
Dwight P. Baker - Professional Academic Associations for
Mission Studies. Gerald H. Anderson - The Use of Social
Data in the Evangelization of Europe: Methodological Issues.
Stefan Paas - The Long Journey Home: A Review Essay. Joel
A. Carpenter - End Times Innovator: Paul Rader and Evangelical
Missions. Mark Rogers - My Pilgrimage in Mission.
Arnold L. Cook - The Legacy of John Charles Heinrich. John
C. B. Webster - Christianity 2013: Renewalists and Faith and
Migration. Todd M. Johnson and Peter F. Crossing - Regnum
Edinburgh Centenary Series: Mission in the Twenty-First
Century. Knud Jørgensen. Læs mere - [International Bulletin
of Missionary Research]
Global Online - International Bulletin -
Til top på siden
31-12-2012 - SPECIAL: IRAN 2012 - Yusef Nadarkhani -
tilbageblik fra 2008
, Iran Rewiew 2012 I anledningen af
den glædelige løsladelse af Yusef Nadarkhani samler
vi de nyheder Iran har være repræsenteret med i
KirkenUpdate 2012 - og i øvrigt 4 år tilbage.
Især er det netop Nadarkhani, og forfølgelsen af
ham, det har drejet sig om. Men der er også et par andre
om den kristne kirkes situation generelt i Iran. (Ved nogle af
de ældre virker links'ene ikke, fordi nyheden er taget af
pågældende nyhedskanal). Læs mere - []
Iran -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
31-12-2012 - KirkenUpdate Special: Megakirker
, Special: Megachurches En hurtig
søgning i KirkenUpdate på "megachurch" gav ret
få hits - men nedenstående er altså, hvad
redaktøren i de sidste 3 år er faldet over i
nyhedsstrømmen. Læs mere - [Kirken Update]
Globalt -
Til top på siden
30-12-2012 - SPECIAL: Religionskonflikt og
forfølgelse 2012
, Persecution and conflict 2012 Der
er desværre mange flere begivenheder som står
underfortegnet "religionskonflikt og forfølgelse" end dem,
som præsenteres i KirkenUpdate. KirkenUpdate prøver
at give et billede af, hvordan der er forfølgelse
forskellige steder i verden. Man kan ikke udfra de udvalgte
hændelser lave en egentlig vægtning af hvor meget
hvor. Nu er det kirken, der er i fokus, så konflikt mellem
andre religioner, hvor kristendom ikke er involveret, aftegnes
ikke. Læs mere - [Kirken Update]
Globalt -
Til top på siden
25-12-2012 - Rowan Williams: "Join the human race this
Christmas Sermon - "Join
the human race this christmas" ..the purpose of the
Christian message isn't to defend religion or make the church
credible, but to pose a challenge to everyone to reconsider who
they are: Læs mere - [Anglican
Communion News Service]
"Here is something so extraordinary that it interrupts our world;
here is something that - like Moses in the story of the Burning
Bush - makes you 'turn aside to see', that stops you short.
Faith begins in the moment of stopping . the moment when you
can't just walk on as you did before ..."
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
21-12-2012 - Paven i interreligiøs alliance i kampen
mod homoseksuelle ægteskaber
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Pope signals inter-faith alliance
against gay marriage Pope Benedict on Friday signaled the
Vatican was ready to forge alliances with other religions against
gay marriage, saying the family was threatened "to its
foundations" by attempts to change its "true structure". Læs mere -
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
21-12-2012 - Et væld af kirkelige reaktioner på
massakren på skolebørn i Sandy Hook
Sygdom og sundhed
, Reactions on the Sandy Hook Massacre
The school shooting tradegy rises reactions from churches
all over US. By some of the headlines: Læs mere
- [Kirken Update]
Pastor Says 'Look to the Lord'
ELCA expresses sorrow for lives
lost in Newtown, Conn. Rachel weeping for her
children, she refused to be consoled because they are no
more St. Rose priest mourns with his flock after
witnessing his parishioners' grief The Media
and the Massacre: True compassion requires turning off the
news In Sandy Hook Debate over Gun Control vs. Mental
Health, Evangelicals Diverge from Rest of Nation Sandy Hook children depicted as angels
in Christmas decorations Bishop: Yet the
more compelling spiritual question isn't where God was last
Friday morning, but rather, where we were. - TIME Magazine is calling
it, "The Massacre of the Innocents" in their headline. And, it
Til top på siden
21-12-2012 - Dommedag passeret
, 'Mayan day of apocalypse' arrives
There is perhaps nothing as past as Doomday not appeared.
KirkenUpdate can tell that christians and non-christians expected
og didn't expect the end of the world on 21. of december - and
we will only link to a BBC overview here: Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
global -
Til top på siden
20-12-2012 - Cairo: 10.000 i bøn for fred og
Politik - fredsappel
, Egypt: thousands join ecumenical prayers
for peace Up to 10,000 Christians of all denominations
gathered in Cairo last Thursday to pray for peace, political
growth and stability, church unity and spiritual revival in
Egypt. Held at Cairo's massive Cave Church and televised live by
SAT-7 ARABIC and SAT-7 PLUS, extracts from the event were also
taken by secular TV channels. Two secular Egyptian newspapers
published articles on the event and SAT-7's coverage of it. More
than 50,000 have so far watched on YouTube, where the clips will continue to be
available. Læs mere - [Independent catholic
Ægypten -
Til top på siden
20-12-2012 - Abraham Lincolns tro [Om Steve Spielbergs film
Bibelsyn - lære - etik og moral
Abraham Lincoln's
faith and the Presbyterian connection "Lincoln," Steven
Spielberg's film on the last four months of Abraham Lincoln's
administration, largely ignores the religious faith of our 16th
president, as do most films and all too many books about
him...Lincoln was unorthodox in that he was more of a
Universalist than most Christians: he could not see how a God of
infinite love could send persons into everlasting torment. His
keen analytic mind was turned off by Fundamentalist frontier
preachers who appealed to emotions and scorned reason... Læs
mere - [Presbyterian Church, USA]
Til top på siden
18-12-2012 - Kinas top stadig mistænksom overfor
, Chinese leaders still suspicious of
religion, party document shows Chinese leaders issued an
order last year quietly directing universities to root out
foreigners suspected of plotting against the Communist Party by
converting students to Christianity. [Washington Post] Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Kina -
Til top på siden
14-12-2012 - Megakirker i USA - statistik
Kirkens former og struktur
, Mega Church Statistics Source:
Hartford Institute for Religion Research. Also see Læs mere - [Statisticbrain]
Special: Megachurches 2009-2012 and the comment: (Se
Til top på siden
12-12-2012 - Religionerne i England og Wales
, Census 2011 mapped and charted: England
& Wales in religion, immigr.. What religion are the
population of England & Wales? Where do they come from and how
qualified are they? The Office for National Statistics has
published its detailed breakdown of the 2011 census figures -
which give an unrivaled view of how England & Wales have changed.
Læs mere - [The Gaurdian]
England -
Til top på siden
12-12-2012 - Koptisk blogger dømt 3 års
fængsel for blasfemi
Alber Saber Convicted Of Blasphemy By Egyptian
Court; Sentenced.. A Cairo court on Wednesday convicted
a Coptic Christian blogger who shared an anti-Islam film on
social networking sites and sentenced him to three years in
prison for blasphemy and contempt of religion.. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN) [AP]]
Ægypten -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
12-12-2012 - Hård linie overfor udenlandske, radikale
imamer og katolske præster
, France steps up struggle against religious
radicals, including.. France will deport foreign-born
imams and disband radical faith-based groups, including hardline
traditionalist Catholics, if a new surveillance policy signals
they suffer a "religious pathology" and could become violent. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN) [AP]]
Frankrig -
Til top på siden
05-12-2012 - 92-årig præst straffet for at
holde gudstjeneste med kvindelig præst
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
Wisconsin priest, 92,
punished for Mass with woman priest Father Bill Brennan,
a Milwaukee-area peace activist who has done missionary work in
Central America, celebrated Mass last month in Georgia with
Janice Sevre-Duszynska of the Association of Roman Catholic Women
Priests....Women are forbidden by the church to become priests,
but some have been ordained and celebrate Mass outside of the
official church... Læs mere
- [Reuters]
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
04-12-2012 - Tutu opfordrer Uganda til at stoppe
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Desmond Tutu Urges Uganda To Drop
Anti-Homosexuality Bill "I am opposed to discrimination,
that is unfair discrimination, and would that I could persuade
legislators in Uganda to drop their draft legislation, because
I think it is totally unjust," Tutu told reporters here on
Tuesday at the All Africa Conference of Churches meeting. Læs mere - [Huffpost Religion]
Uganda, Kampala -
Til top på siden
28-11-2012 - Terry Jones og 7 koptiske kristne dømt
til døden in absentia
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Jones, Florida Pastor, Sentenced To Death In Egypt In Absentia
An Egyptian court convicted in absentia Wednesday seven
Egyptian Coptic Christians and a Florida-based American pastor,
sentencing them to death on charges linked to an anti-Islam film
that had sparked riots in parts of the Muslim world. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Ægypten -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
28-11-2012 - Kvindelige biskoper i England - en ommer
på vej
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
, Church of England to start again on female
bishops; unclear when.. The Church of England has taken
a tentative step toward trying again to get its governing General
Synod to approve female bishops. Læs mere - [Washington
The church said Wednesday the Archbishops' Council agreed this
week that the issue needed to be resolved "as a matter of
urgency" and should be restarted when the General Synod next
meets in July.
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
28-11-2012 - En uge tilbage for karismatisk kirke
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, One week left for charismatic church?œ
Members of Minsk's New Life Pentecostal Church - who have
been campaigning for a decade to hold on to their building - have
been ordered to hand over the keys of their church to officials
next Wednesday (5 December). Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Belarus -
Til top på siden
26-11-2012 - Feminist og venstreorienteret ses af
konservativ kardinal som helgen
Politik - sociale forhold
In Hero of the Catholic Left, a Conservative
Cardinal Sees a Saint Dorothy Day is a hero of the
Catholic left, a fiery 20th-century social activist who protested
war, supported labor strikes and lived voluntarily in poverty as
she cared for the needy. But Day has found a seemingly unlikely
champion in New York's conservative archbishop, Cardinal Timothy
M. Dolan, who has breathed new life into an effort to declare the
Brooklyn native a saint. Læs mere - [New York
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
26-11-2012 - Den reformerte kirke i Ungarn arbejder med sin
rolle i det nye samfund
Kirkens liv
, As needs emerge, Reformed Church of
Hungary seeks allies Still emerging from the shadow of
the Iron Curtain, the Reformed Church of Hungary (RCH) is
constantly seeking new partners to come alongside it in its
search for its role in the new Hungarian society. Læs mere - [Presbyterian Church,
"About 1.6 million Hungarians identify themselves as 'Reformed,'
Ungarn -
Kristendom - reformert
Til top på siden
25-11-2012 - Kirke bombet i Nigeria
, Another church bombed in Nigeria military
barracks Twin car bombs hit a Protestant church in a
major military establishment in north-central Nigeria, officials
said Sunday, a month after a church bombing in the same state
killed at least seven people and injured more than a hundred
others. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
The first explosion occurred after a church service Sunday..
Nigeria -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
23-11-2012 - Troen på "Det fælles bedste"
årsag til den anglikanske kirkes krise nu
It's believing in the
common good... The historic churches have come to love
the idea of the common good. It's there at the heart of Catholic
Social Teaching, and it shapes the whole ethos of the Church of
England. It seems to have been the guiding principle of Rowan
William's leadership, and it shapes the way decisions are taken
from parishes up to Synod. Unity at all costs. Læs mere - [Modern Church]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
22-11-2012 - Biskop K. H. Ting død 97 år
Personalia og biografi
WCC pays tribute to Bishop K. H. Ting
Bishop Ting worked closely with the leadership of the WCC
in its formative years. He was a staff member of the World
Student Christian Federation in Geneva, Switzerland. On his
return to China in the 1950s, he held several positions,
including that of principal of Nanjing Union Theological
Seminary, chairperson of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement and
president of the China Christian Council (CCC). Læs mere - [World Council of Churches
Kina -
Til top på siden
21-11-2012 - Paven som julens "myth-buster"?
Pope's book on Jesus challenges
Christmas traditions Christian calendar is several years
off in thr calculation of Jesus' birth animals in the
nativity Scene..." Læs mere -
[Christian Post]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
21-11-2012 - Den anglikanske kirke i krise
Kirkens orden
Veto on Female Bishops
Leaves Anglicans in Crisis In a sign of deepening crisis
in the Church of England after it rejected the appointment of
women as bishops, its spiritual leader said Wednesday that the
church had "undoubtedly lost a measure of credibility" and had
a "lot of explaining to do" to people who found its deliberations
opaque Læs mere - [New York Times]
England -
kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
21-11-2012 - 6 stemmer skilte fra 2/3dels flertal for
kvindelige biskopper
Kirkens orden
, Church of England votes against allowing
women bishops 72.6% of synod members had backed the
measure in the crucial vote, which came at the end of more than
100 passionate and moving speeches. But it was not enough to see
it through. In the house of clergy the measure passed by 148
votes to 45. If six members of the laity had voted for instead
of against, the measure would have received the two-thirds
majority needed.- Bishop of Lincoln, Christopher Lowson: "This
is a very sad day indeed, not just for those of us who support
the ministry of women, but for the future of the church, which
might very well be gravely damaged by this," he said. Læs mere -
[The Guardian]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
20-11-2012 - Pakistansk pige anklaget for blasfemi
, Pakistani court dismisses blasphemy case
against Christian girl A Pakistani court on Tuesday
dismissed charges against a Christian girl accused of desecrating
the Koran, ending a case that had cast a spotlight on the
country's controversial blasphemy law and renewed questions about
the treatment of minorities. Læs mere - [Los Angeles Times]
Pakistan, Islamabad -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
20-11-2012 - Ekskommunikeret: Præst som kæmper
for kvinders ret til ordination
Kirkens orden
Maryknoll priest Roy Bourgeois
expelled over support for women's ordin A long-running
struggle between Catholic authorities and the Rev. Roy Bourgeois
over his support for ordaining women has ended with Bourgeois'
dismissal from the priesthood and his religious order, the
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers. Læs mere - [Religion
Kristendom, romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
19-11-2012 - Julekrybbe forbudt i Santa Monica
Religiøse skikke
, California nativity scene row reaches peak
as churchgoers head to cour In Santa Monica, it has
become an annual tradition as predictable as the early arrival
of the Christmas season: a row between Christians and humanists
over the life-size depiction of the Nativity in a public park.
But this year, it has taken on an extra twist. On Monday, the
dispute landed in a California courtroom after a religious group
sued for the right to erect its nativity display in the face on
an official ban. Læs mere -
[The Guardian]
Til top på siden
19-11-2012 - Ingen spøg: 1 hindu, 3 buddhister i den
kommende 113.Congress
, New Congress more religiously diverse,
less Protestant Three Buddhists, a Hindu and a "none"
will walk into the 113th Congress, and it's no joke. Rather, it's
a series of "firsts" that reflect the growing religious diversity
of the country.[Noticeable will in the future be: "it's no joke",
Editor Læs mere - [Religion News]
Til top på siden
18-11-2012 - Mere end 100.000 katolikker protesterer mod
Seksualitet - civil
, French Catholics march against same-sex
marriage More than 100,000 protesters organised by
Catholic groups staged separate demonstrations in French cities
over the weekend to protest against government plans to legalise
same-sex marriage next year. Læs
Frankrig -
Kristendom, romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
14-11-2012 - Efter Sandy
, On the (soggy) ground in New York City
Nearly two weeks later, the power is still out in Pastor
Benjamin Patterson's office, along with the rest of his church
? built in 1908 on a four-acre site as Russell Sage Memorial
Presbyterian Church ? his congregation's homes and nearly every
other corner of the Rockaways... Læs mere - [Presbyterian
Church, USA]
Til top på siden
09-11-2012 - Reaktioner verden over på valget af ny
ærkebiskop af Cantebury
Organisation og ledelse
Archbishop of Canterbury
Justin Welby: World reaction The head of the Anglican
Church in Kenya, Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, welcomed Bishop
Welby's appointment, saying he would take the Church back to the
teachings of the Bible. Læs mere - [BBC]
The Kenyan Church was among those opposed to the ordination of
the gay bishops, joining other Anglican congregations in
threatening to withdraw from the mother Church.
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
07-11-2012 - Skift i Obamas religiøse
Politik - religion
Religious Vote Data Show
Shifts In Obama's Faith-Based Support A Pew Forum
analysis of nearly final exit poll data, released on Wednesday,
found that Obama won among Catholics, Jews and non-whites across
religious traditions, but saw dips in his support among white
evangelicals and white Catholics, among others. - - (See also: What do religious leaders want for
Obama's next four years? -- Læs mere -
[Huffpost Religion]
Til top på siden
04-11-2012 - Ny pave for den koptiske kirke valgt
Organisation og ledelse
Copts elect Tawadros II, a man of dialogue
Pope Tawadros elected: None of the three candidates,
nominated in the previous two rounds of voting, were present at
the overflowing cathedral for the ancient rite of election,
during which a blindfolded boy extracted the name of the 61 year
old Nile Delta bishop from a wax sealed bowl. As the interim
leader of the Church, Bishop Bakhomious, displayed the piece of
paper with the name written in Arabic, the congregation erupted
into hymns and prayer of thanksgiving. Læs mere - [Radio Vaticana]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - koptisk
Til top på siden
01-11-2012 - Mission i et ændret Europa
, European theologians discuss Christian
witness Through engaging speakers and discussions,
participants at a recent consultation on mission and evangelism
explored ways, in which theological education and training
programmes on evangelism can relate Christian witness to the
changing landscape of Europe. Læs mere - [World Council of Churches
Europa -
Til top på siden
31-10-2012 - Restriktioner rammer bredt, muslimer,
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Continuing haj restrictions, increasing
raids on Christians.. Continuing haj restrictions,
increasing raids on Christians, religious freedom prisoners of
conscience remain jailed Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Turkmenistan -
Til top på siden
31-10-2012 - Orkanen Sandy: kirkeligt hjælpearbejde
- andre religiøse reaktioner
, Hurricane Sandy Sandy is awakening
different religious reactions: (A religious
response - a muslim blogger interpretes Mt. 25) - - (Online Conversations) - - (Se her) Church World Service has
shipped 3,300 CWS Blankets, 9,000 CWS Hygiene Kits, 1,125 CWS
Baby Care Kits and 1,500 CWS School Kits to Cuba in response to
Sandy's destruction there. In the United States, CWS will be
shipping.. Læs mere - [Word
Church Service]
Til top på siden
31-10-2012 - Den katolske kirke på vagt overfor
festligholdelse af reformationen
, Germany Catholics wary about major Luther
festivities [On Reformations Day]: The Protestants have
invited the Catholics to join in (the celebrations in 2017), a
gesture in harmony with the good relations the two halves of
German Christianity enjoy and the closeness many believers feel
across the denominational divide. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
But even after five centuries, being asked to commemorate a
divorce that split western Christianity and led to many bloody
religious wars is still hard for some Catholics to swallow.
Tyskland -
Til top på siden
30-10-2012 - Intern kristen medie-kamp om David Jang - som
den genkomne Messias
Christian Media Battle Over Controversial
Figure In the relatively calm seas of the Christian
media, a storm has erupted between Christianity Today, arguably
the mouthpiece of contemporary American evangelicalism, and the
Christian Post, a smaller competitor. Læs mere - [Religion Dispatches]
Til top på siden
25-10-2012 - Flertallet af protestantiske præster
støtter Romney
Politik - religion
, Majority of Protestant pastors back
Romney, but many still undecided Just 17 percent of
Protestant pastors said they would vote to re-elect President
Obama, with 57 percent favoring Romney and 22 percent undecided,
according to a survey conducted by LifeWay Research. Læs
mere - [Presbyterian Church, USA]
Kristendom, protestantisk
Til top på siden
24-10-2012 - Vi er katolikker, førend vi er
Politik - sækularisering
Archbishop Chaput:
'We are Catholics before we are Americans' "We're
Catholics before we're Democrats. We're Catholics before we're
Republicans. We're even Catholics before we're Americans because
we know that God has a demand on us prior to any government
demand on us," he said in a new interview with the wire service.
"And this has been the story of the martyrs through the
centuries," Chaput [Archbishop, Philadelphia] said. "[Abortion]
is a very serious issue that requires absolute adherence on the
part of Catholics,".. Læs mere - [Washington Post]
Til top på siden
24-10-2012 - Evangelikale miljøforkæmpere kan
ændre det politiske billede
Politik - religion
, The rise of Evangelical environmentalists
could reshape US elections Neither Mitt Romney nor
President Obama mentioned climate change in the presidential
debates. Yet rising sea levels and rising frustration with the
GOP's failure to protect the environment mean that the
evangelical vote is not necessarily a sure thing for Republicans.
Læs mere - [Christian Science
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
24-10-2012 - Ekskommunikerer lovgivere, der tillader
homoseksuelt ægteskab
Politik - religion
, Bishops Excommunicate Lawmakers Who
Legalized Abortion in Uruguay As a consequence of passing
legislation that would make Uruguay the second Latin American
country to legalize abortion, Catholic bishops in Uruguay have
excommunicated lawmakers that cast votes supporting the bill. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Uruguay -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
22-10-2012 - McGovern død 90 år gammel
Politik - religion
, George McGovern: Champion of the hungry
Born July 19, 1922, to a Methodist preacher's family in
South Dakota, McGovern spent one year as a seminarian at Garrett
Theological Seminary before completing his Ph.D. in history from
Northwestern University. Deciding his calling was politics, not
the ministry, McGovern, however, retained a deep sense of the
Social Gospel throughout his political career. To him feeding the
hungry was a Gospel imperative as well as integral to a civilized
society. Læs
mere - [United Methodist Church]
Kristendom, metodist
Til top på siden
22-10-2012 - Latinamerikas mormoner er den hurtigst
voksende gruppe indenfor LDS
, Latino Mormons: The LDS Church's Fastest
Growing Group Mitt Romney's presidential run has brought
attention to the Mormon church. But there is a side to the
religion that breaks from mainstream references like Broadway's
"The Book of Mormon" or HBO's "Big Love" series. It's the
church's international mix, especially fueled by its presence in
Latin America and, especially, Mexico, which ties to Mitt
Romney's own family ancestry. Læs mere - [The World]
Mexico -
Til top på siden
19-10-2012 - Top-50: Evangelikale kvinder i amerikansk
Kirkens liv
, 50 Women You Should Know We asked
key leaders which Christian women are most profoundly shaping the
evangelical church and North American society. This is who they
picked. Læs mere -
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
19-10-2012 - Rowan Williams: Vi har ventet længe nok
på at få kvindelige biskopper
, Women bishops: Enough waiting The
Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has begun a campaign
to persuade General Synod members to back the new women bishops
legislation when it returns to debate it next month. Læs mere -
[Episcopal News Service]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
19-10-2012 - Jødisk protest over amerikanske kirkers
forbehold overfor Israel-hjælp
Politik - magtkritik
, Jewish and Christian groups at impasse
over U.S. aid to Israel At issue is an Oct. 8 letter that
many Christian leaders - from the National Council of Churches,
the United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church (USA) and
other denominations - sent to Congress, asking that U.S. aid to
Israel be re-evaluated in light of the Jewish state's alleged
human rights violations. Læs
mere - [Presbyterian Church, USA]
Kristendom - jødedom
Til top på siden
19-10-2012 - Flere tror på aliens end på
Sære ting - oddities
, Aliens More Popular Than God An
estimated 33.1 million people think that life exists on other
planets, while only 27.5 million - less than half the country -
believe there's a God. Læs mere
- [Huffpost Religion]
England -
Til top på siden
18-10-2012 - Paven støtter den ortodokse kirkes
reaktion på The Pussy Riot
Politik - religion
, Russian Church was right to condemn Pussy
Riot, says Pope The Pope has backed the Russian Orthodox
Church's tough stance against the punk band Pussy Riot who were
controversially jailed for two years after staging an
anti-Vladimir Putin protest in a Moscow cathedral, it was
reported last night. Læs mere - [The Independent]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
18-10-2012 - Latino'er stemmer især Obama, men
forskel på evangelikale og katolske
Politik - religion
Latino Voters Support
Obama, But Catholics And Evangelicals Differ.. A new
survey released Thursday shows that while Latino voters generally
support the reelection of President Barack Obama by a wide margin
over Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, there are wide
political divisions among the population's religious groups, such
as Catholics and evangelicals. Læs mere - [Huffpost Religion]
Til top på siden
18-10-2012 - Angreb på kirker i Israel tilskrives
israelske bosættere
, Cycle of attacks on Holy Land churches
continues On Oct. 8, the St. George Romanian Orthodox
Church in Jerusalem was targeted in a string of attacks on
Christian Holy sites. Assailants threw stones, bottles, and
garbage at the door of the church. This is the third such assault
to have occurred over the course of one month. Læs mere -
[Presbyterian Church, USA]
Israel -
Kristendom - jødedom
Til top på siden
15-10-2012 - Romney versus Obama - om
etisk/religiøse spørgsmål
Politik - religion
Romney vs. Obama: Where
They Stand on Religious Freedom President Barack Obama
and Mitt Romney have both promised the American people that they
will fight to preserve and uphold religious freedom in the
country, but both have also faced sharp criticism for their
stance on key religious issues. Læs
mere - [Christian Post]
Til top på siden
15-10-2012 - Danske Kirkes Råd: Statement fra
Dansk-Arabisk dialogkonference
Religionsmøde - dialog
, The Copenhagen Commitment of Muslims and
Christians This dialogue was initiated at a conference
in Beirut 1-3 May 2012, where the participants adopted a common
statement on issues of faith in God, ethics, religious freedom
and the role of religions across continents with a promise of
commitment to promote a culture of tolerance and equity. In
Copenhagen (28-29.september), we went a step further addressing
the key question "How can we move beyond words towards a
committed partnership between Muslims and Christians?" We
discussed relations between people of different confessions in
our local contexts and the necessity of appreciating one another
and advocating the interests and the rights of each other. Læs mere - [Danske kirkers
Danmark -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
14-10-2012 - Mohawk-kvinde bliver helgenkåret
Kirkens liv
Mohawk woman
to become Catholic saint A Mohawk woman is set to ascend
to sainthood in a ceremony at the Vatican's St-Peter Basilica
next Sunday, 300 years after her death. Kateri Tekakwitha will
become the first ever First Nations person from North America to
be canonized.. - [Also see: New Native American
saint Kateri Tekakwitha stirs mixed emotions] - Læs mere - [CBC]
Canada,Toronto -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
12-10-2012 - Apple logo'et blasfemisk?
Kirkens liv
Is Apple Promoting Original Sin? Orthodox
Russian Activists Say Yes Conservative Christians in
Russia have started using crosses to replace Apple's iconic
"bitten apple" logo, a move that could cause problems for Apple
product sales as the mostly Orthodox nation's parliament weighs
a blasphemy ban. Læs mere -
Rusland -
Kristendom, ortodoks
Til top på siden
11-10-2012 - Troens forsvarer eller forsvarer af
Religionsmøde - lige ret
, Is British Monarch 'Defender Of The Faith'
Or 'Faiths'? Prince Charles, has said he's planning a
symbolic change if and when he becomes king by taking the title
"Defender of Faith" or "Defender of the Faiths" to reflect
Britain's multicultural and multifaith society. Læs
mere - [Huffpost Religion]
That change would mean Charles would be the first monarch to not
be the standard-bearer for Protestantism for the first time since
Henry VIII famously broke from Rome to start his own church.
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
11-10-2012 - Paven markerer 50-året for Andet
Vatikaner koncil
Kirkens liv
Pope marks 50th anniversary of Vatican
II Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday marked the 50th
anniversary of the Second Vatican Council - the church meetings
he attended as a young priest that brought the Catholic Church
into the modern world but whose true meaning is still hotly
debated. (See additional article:
Vatican II Changed The Catholic Church -- And The world). Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
11-10-2012 - Kristen 16-årig arresteret for blasfemi,
familiens bohave ødelagt
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Christian boy in Pakistan arrested for
blasphemy The boy, named by police as Ryan Stanten, is
said to have forwarded a text message which allegedly contained
offensive material on Tuesday. Læs mere - [BBC]
The following day an angry crowd ransacked his family home,
setting fire to their belongings on the street.
Pakistan, Islamabad -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
11-10-2012 - Billy Graham beder for
Politik - religion
Billy Graham meets Mitt Romney
I hope millions of Americans will join me in praying for
our nation and to vote for candidates who will support the
biblical definition of marriage, protect the sanctity of life and
defend our religious freedoms. [At a meeting with candidate Mitt
Romney]. (See also a discussion on this engagement). Læs mere
- [CNN]
Til top på siden
10-10-2012 - Kristne accepterer at Gud spottes og
, Christians 'not offended' by Jesus jokes
- poll Although opinion was split on whether Britain
should ever reinstate blasphemy laws, the largest group opposed
the idea. Læs mere - [The Telegraph]
But when asked about their own faith, six out of 10 agreed it was
possible to "demean, mock or insult" God without offending
England -
Til top på siden
09-10-2012 - Synode om sekulariseringen og ny
, Pope Benedict XVI Confronts Secularism
With Synod Of Bishops.. Fifty years after the Second
Vatican Council revolutionized life inside the Roman Catholic
Church, hundreds of bishops from around the world are gathered
in Rome to confront an external threat: a mounting tide of
secularization. Læs mere
- [Huffpost Religion]
The Synod of Bishops on "New Evangelization" brings together 262
top church leaders ..
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
09-10-2012 - Protestanter ikke længere i flertal i
Udbredelse - kirkeretninger
, Survey: Protestants are no longer majority
in U.S. The Protestant population has declined from 53%
of the U.S. population in 2007 to 48% this year, according to the
survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, Læs
mere - [Pew Research Center for the People & the
Til top på siden
09-10-2012 - 63 ex-katolske præster støtter
homoseksuelle ægteskaber
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, 63 ex-Catholic priests in Washingon: We
back gay marriage Sixty-three former Roman Catholic
priests in Washington state will announce on Thursday that they
support Referendum 74, which would make Washington the nation's
seventh state to legalize marriage between same-sex couples. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
The stand comes as the state's four Catholic bishops intensify
a campaign of pastoral statements and videos urging parishoners
to vote against marriage equality.
Til top på siden
05-10-2012 - Youcef Nadarkhani's advokat i fængsel
- iflg. dom på 9 år fra april
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Iran frees imprisoned
Christian, but arrests his lawyer Mohammad Ali Dadkhah's
sentence was upheld in April 2012, and on 29 September, he was
called to prison to begin his sentence. [Wikipedia]..The sigh of
relief felt several weeks ago when Iran decided not to execute
a Christian pastor for converting from Islam was cut short when
the human rights attorney who represented him was thrown into
prison for representing unpopular clients, according to the
American Center for Law and Justice. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Iran -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
05-10-2012 - Koptiske børn arresteret for blasfemi
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Egypt releases Coptic children held in
blasphemy case A court in Egypt has ordered the release
pending investigation of two Coptic Christian children detained
on Tuesday for blasphemy against Islam. Læs mere - [BBC]
Ægypten -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
05-10-2012 - Katolske højrefløjs udbrydere
vil ikke anerkende Andet Vatikanerkoncil
, No more talks with Catholic rebels:
Vatican official The Swiss-based SSPX [Society of Saint
Pius] broke away from Rome in 1988 in protest against the 1960s
Council reforms that replaced Latin with local languages at Mass,
forged reconciliation with Jews and admitted that other religions
may also offer a path to salvation. Læs
mere - [Reuters]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
04-10-2012 - Kirkernes Verdensråd: Konference om
økologi og fattigdom
, WCC conference probes sustainability
crises What are the connections between widespread
poverty and ecology? Seventy-five scientists, activists,
philosophers and theologians met Sept. 26-30 at the Orthodox
Academy of Crete here to understand the intertwined dynamics of
economic development and environmental sustainability. Læs mere -
[Presbyterian Church, USA]
Grækenland -
Til top på siden
04-10-2012 - Ikke-kristne fængselspræsters
kontrakter ophævet - kun kristne nu
, Non-Christian prison chaplains chopped by
Ottawa The federal government is cancelling the contracts
of non-Christian chaplains at federal prisons, CBC News has
learned. Inmates of other faiths, such as Muslims, Sikhs,
Buddhists and Jews, will be expected to turn to Christian prison
chaplains for religious counsel and guidance, according to the
office of Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, who is also
responsible for Canada's penitentiaries. [Se also: Chaplains protest] - - Læs mere - [CBC]
Canada,Toronto -
Til top på siden
04-10-2012 - Hvide, unge evangelikale vil stemme på
Politik - religion
, Young White Evangelicals Will Vote Romney,
Poll Finds The latest poll out of Public Religion
Research Institute examines the political and religious attitudes
of "younger Millennials," the 18-25 set. Do you remember a lot
of fretting (from the conservative side) that younger
evangelicals are drifting away from Republican orthodoxy? Or,
(from the progressive side) that younger evangelicals are a
potentially get-able voting bloc for Democrats? This poll dispels
all of that. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Til top på siden
03-10-2012 - Kabbalaen formede med på
, How kabbala shaped Mormon faith
Mormonism is a subject of fascination to Americans and
the rest of the world. Its unusual sets of beliefs were widely
discussed and studied long before U.S. presidential candidate
Mitt Romney strode onto the national stage. Less well known and
studied is the way the doctrine is shot through with kabbalistic
beliefs. Læs mere
- [Haaretz]
Til top på siden
03-10-2012 - Ingen moskeer uden for "muslimske
Religionskonflikt (Moskebygning)
, RUSSIA: No more mosques outside "Muslim
areas" While vast crowds flock to Moscow's few official
mosques on major Islamic festivals, similarly fast-growing Muslim
communities across Russia are experiencing state obstruction to
new mosques just as acutely.. Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Rusland -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
02-10-2012 - Globalt religionsmøde i Assisi - i den
hellige Frans' ånd
Global Gathering: In Assisi, Seeking
Love And Forgiveness In The Shado Swimming against a
global tide of religious violence and political polarization,
about 550 religious and humanitarian leaders met recently here
in the birthplace of St. Francis to propose a new way forward:
love and forgiveness. Læs mere -
[Huffpost Religion]
The ambitious aim of the Sept. 19-23 "Global Gathering" was
nothing short of putting those values to work in some of the most
hate-filled and unforgiving places on Earth
Italien, Assisi -
Til top på siden
01-10-2012 - Urbanisation and European Mission (Vista 11)
, Urbanisation and European Mission
This issue of Vista deals with the topic of Urbanization
in Europe. Yet rather than focus on a detailed analysis of the
demographics we have given prominence to two theological
treatments of the city. The first, by Ben Beckner calls for a
missional theology of the city. The second by Robert Calvert,
challenges us to believe again that the gospel is good news for
the city, We are grateful to both of them for their call to
"theologize" the city in Europe. Læs
mere - [Vista]
Europa -
Til top på siden
01-10-2012 - Phillipinerne: Regeringen går imod
kirkens modstand mod antikoncetion
Politik - sociale forhold
, Philippines defies church to push family
planning Philippine President Benigno Aquino is squaring
off against his country's powerful Catholic church in a bid to
give people free access to the means to limit the size of their
families Læs
mere - [Reuters]
Filipinerne -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
01-10-2012 - Kristne zionister bliver næsten
jøder - støtter Israels politik
, Christian Zionists back Israel's risky
policy Christian Zionists increasingly act as if they
were religious Jews until the End. They refer to the year 5773;
many have changed their day of Sabbath from Sunday to Saturday;
some have made aliya through the use of suspect Jewish ancestry..
[Jerusalem Post] Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Israel -
Kristendom - jødedom
Til top på siden
01-10-2012 - Koptiske kristne flygter fra Sinai
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Most Christians living near Egypt's border with Israel
are fleeing their homes after Islamist militants made death
threats and gunmen attacked a Coptic-owned shop, a priest said
on Friday, according to with reporting
by Yousri Mohamed and writing by Tamim Elyan. Læs mere - [Assistnews]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
01-10-2012 - International Bulletin of Missionary Research
- Oktober 2012
International Bulletin of Missionary Research - October 2012
Of the Content: Ivan Illich and Leo Mahon: Folk Religion
and Catechesis in Latin America Todd Hartch - Da'wah:
Islamic Mission and Its Current Implications Albrecht
Hauser - Said's Orientalism and Pentecostal Views of Islam
in Palestine Eric N. Newberg - Radio Missions: Station
ELWA in West Africa Eric N. Newberg - Radio Missions:
Station ELWA in West Africa Timothy Stoneman - My Pilgrimage
in Mission Samuel Escobar ... Læs mere -
[International Bulletin of Missionary Research]
Global Online - International Bulletin -
Til top på siden
01-10-2012 - ENI-News ophører med nyhedsformidling
som hidtil pga manglende støtte
Udgivelse - Online
, ENInews suspends service, seeks further
funding We regret taking this step, but despite a massive
reorganization, ENInews is feeling the effect of the deep cuts
from its historic supporters as well as from non-payment by quite
a number of subscribers" Læs mere - [Ecumenical News
global -
Til top på siden
28-09-2012 - Vanskeligheder med valg af efterfølger
for Rowan Williams
Personalia og biografi
Church of England
Committee Fails to Choose New Archbishop.. A 16-member
committee has failed to agree on a successor to Dr Rowan Williams
as the next Archbishop of Canterbury. Despite deliberating for
a scheduled three days the group was unable to make a choice for
the next spiritual head of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Læs mere - [Christian Post]
It was hoped that the committee would be able to come up with two
names - a "preferred candidate" and a "runner-up" - to send to
the British Prime Minister and then the Queen for approval.
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
28-09-2012 - Kirkelig-teologisk konference om
Politik - økonomi
Theologians and economists to join in push for
new global financial sy church-sponsored conference
designed to generate ideas for a new international economic
system is set to occur Sept. 29-Oct. 5 in Brazil. The conference
opens at a time of growing concern about the impact of the
financial crisis on humanity and the environment. Læs
mere - [Presbyterian Church, USA]
Brasilien -
Til top på siden
27-09-2012 - Retsag i Ægypten: Blasfemi at
sønderrive bibelen
, Egypt to Hold Rare Blasphemy Trial for Man
Who Tore Up Bible In a rare exercise of its
anti-blasphemy laws, an Egyptian court has decided to put on
trial a radical Muslim blogger who tore pages of the New
Testament Bible while attending protests at the U.S. Embassy in
Cairo two weeks ago. Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Ægypten -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
27-09-2012 - Ny FN doktrin om religion - fremsat af Barack
Obama - i 5 punkter
Obama at the U.N.: A new
religion doctrine President Obama on Tuesday (Sept. 25)
gave a forceful speech at the United Nations, in which he
challenged much of the world's assumptions about free speech and
religion. Læs mere - [Presbyterian
Church, USA]
Here are five points from his address, which together, add up to
as close to an Obama Doctrine on Religion as we've seen. (See
also Vatican Walks A Fine Line On Trying To
Combat Blasphemy In UN
Til top på siden
27-09-2012 - Manden bag anti-islam video arresteret
, Man behind anti-Islam film 'Innocence of
Muslims' arrested The Egyptian-American man reportedly
behind the anti-Islamic video that sparked weeks of Muslim
protests worldwide was arrested and detained here Thursday (Sept.
27) over a federal probation violation. Læs mere - [Washington Post]
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a 55-year-old Coptic Christian and
onetime gas station owner, was placed in federal custody by U.S.
Central District Chief Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal over eight
alleged probation violations stemming from his 2010 check fraud
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
25-09-2012 - Matthew Wine - meget set YouTube-video: -
Homoseksualitet ikke synd
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Matthew Vines: Bible Does Not Condemn
Homosexuality the first part in a three-part series that
will feature both sides of the debate on the Bible and
homosexuality. Following Matthew Vines' interview will be
responses from evangelical theologians, and finally, guest
contributions from Christians who have chosen not to engage in
homosexuality and those who don't believe a gay lifestyle
conflicts with the Bible. See also the video: (Here) Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Til top på siden
24-09-2012 - Protestantiske kirker i Caribien og Sydamerika
mødes om fattigdomskamp
Politik - sociale forhold
, Latin American and Caribbean Lutheran
churches discuss challenges A regional meeting of the
Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Bolivia's eastern city of
Santa Cruz assessed how churches emerging from contexts of strong
social, economic and political crises can be a prophetic voice
of hope amidst massive impoverishment, violence and inequality.
Læs mere - [Ecumenical News
Bolivia -
Kristendom, protestantisk
Til top på siden
24-09-2012 - Fanget mellem Ånden og
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Caught Between the Spouse and the Spirit
Brazilian women find support and new roles at charismatic
churches. Their husbands don't like it. Whom will they choose?
Læs mere -
Brasilien -
Kristendom, pentecostal
Til top på siden
21-09-2012 - Hinduer, kristne, muslimer i bøn for
Afrikas elefanter og næsehorn
Politik - miljø
Can religion save Africa's elephants and
rhinos? Standing before a pile of charred elephant ivory
as dusk covered the surrounding savannah, Christian, Muslim and
Hindu religious leaders grasped hands and prayed. Let religion,
they asked, help "God's creatures" to survive. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Kenya -
Flere religioner
Til top på siden
21-09-2012 - Den lutherske kirke i Mardan nedbrændt
på grund af antimuslimsk film
, Church torched in Mardan Armed
with clubs and sticks, the angry protesters torched the building
of the Sarhadi Lutheran Church. They ransacked furniture and
equipment in the offices of mobile phone companies, a courier
firm and the Mardan postgraduate college. [Founded by the danish
missionary Jens Christensen for Danish Pathan Mission - editors
note]. Læs mere - []
Pakistan, Lahore -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
20-09-2012 - Som skrevet af Dan Brown: "Jesus sagde til
dem: Min kone.."
, In a
surprise announcement that seemed scripted by the novelist Dan
Brown, a Harvard professor revealed an ancient scrap of papyrus
on 18 September that purports to refer to Jesus' wife. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News
The so-called "Gospel of Jesus' Wife" presents a dialogue between
Jesus and his disciples, said Karen King, a well-respected
historian of early Christianity at Harvard Divinity School...
(Vatican: Jesus's wife papyrus denounced by Vatican
newspaper as a clumsy fake
Schweitz -
Til top på siden
20-09-2012 - Religiøs ufrihed og religiøse
fjendtligheder i vækst
Rising Tide of Restrictions on
Religion Among the world's 25 most populous countries,
Egypt, Indonesia, Russia, Burma (Myanmar), Iran, Vietnam,
Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Nigeria stand out as having the
most restrictions on religion as of mid-2010 when government
restrictions and social hostilities both are taken into account.
Brazil, Japan, Italy, the United States and the Democratic
Republic of the Congo have the least restrictions and
hostilities. Læs
mere - [Pew Research Center for the People & the
global -
Til top på siden
19-09-2012 - Den russisk ortodokse kirke anerkender ikke
længere Folkekirkens dåb
, Orthodoxy disallows DK baptisms
"We do not officially recognise Danish or Swedish
baptism," says Archpriest Dimitry Sizonenko, the Patriarchate's
secretary for inter-Christian relations. "The practice whereby
someone is accepted without being re-baptised will be impossible
for us, as homosexual relationships are a sin in Orthodox
theology," Læs mere -
Danmark -
Ortodoks, russisk
Til top på siden
19-09-2012 - Bevæger de katolske biskopper sig mod
det republikanske parti?
Politik - religion
Are Catholic
Bishops Moving Toward The GOP? A series of recent
developments are renewing questions about the Catholic bishops'
alignment with the Republican Party, with much of the attention
focusing on comments by Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput,
who said he "certainly can't vote for somebody who's either
pro-choice or pro-abortion." Læs mere - [Huffpost Religion]
Til top på siden
18-09-2012 - Orthodoks deacon støtter the Pussy
Kirkens liv
, Orthodox Russian deacon stands up for
anti-Putin rock band Sergei Baranov keeps his clerical
robes hanging neatly in his closet, but he believes he will never
again be allowed to wear them inside a Russian Orthodox Church.
Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Baranov, who had led a quiet life as a deacon in the small city
of Tambov, became an Internet celebrity last month when he asked
to be defrocked in an open letter to the Moscow patriarchate,
saying he was outraged by the church's stance against three
members of the punk band Pussy Riot.
Rusland -
Kristendom, ortodoks
Til top på siden
15-09-2012 - Præsidentkandidaterne udfordret af
kirkeledere til svar om fattigdom
Politik - sociale forhold
, Leaders of the Circle of Protection
coalition asked both the... For more than a year, leaders
of Christian communions and agencies have come together to form
a "Circle of Protection" around funding for programs that are
vital to vulnerable people in the United States and around the
world. Leaders of the Circle of Protection coalition asked both
the presidential candidates to create videos explaining their
plans to protect the most vulnerable. Check out their responses.
[Videos] Læs mere - [NCC - Poverty
Til top på siden
14-09-2012 - Debat om og reaktioner på drab ved
ambassade og islamvideo
, Debate and reactions on the attack on the
US Embasy and on the video A Survey: The news sources
have been abundant with references to reactions, commentaries and
so on - usually you can pluck one and continue finding new
angels. Here are several - enough to get a general survey - as
presented by World Wide Religous News - september 13 - 14. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
global -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
12-09-2012 - David Jang - Kristus kommet igen?
Organisation og ledelse
The Second Coming Christ Controversy: More
Leaders Speak Out As the Southeast Asia representative
for David Jang's organizations-pastor of his churches, proprietor
of his businesses, and editor of his Christian news
website-Edmond Chua believed that Jang was a new Christ, a
messianic figure establishing the kingdom of God on earth. Læs mere
- [Christian Today]
Korea -
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
10-09-2012 - Når fjenden er yderligtgående
venstre, højre og feminister..
, Joint Orthodox-Pentecostal patrols
proposed to guard church property On Aug. 27, Russia's
largest and busiest Protestant union, the 400.000-member-strong
"Associated Russian Union of Christians of
Evangelical-Pentecostal Faith" (ROSKhVE), lofted the unusual
proposal that inter-confessional patrols guard church property.
mere - [Presbyterian Church, USA]
In mid-August, radical leftists, rightists and feminists had
sawed down or felled outdoor Orthodox crucifixes in Russia and
Rusland -
Til top på siden
10-09-2012 - Kritik af behandlingen af religøse
minoriteter i Shri Lanka
alliance criticizes treatment of religious minorities
.."Christians are not the only ones to be attacked like
this. Earlier, mosques have been attacked. Such attacks by the
majority community on minorities do not bode well for Sri Lanka,"
Yogarajah said. Sinhala-speaking Buddhists account for nearly 70
percent of Sri Lanka's 20 million people while ethnic Tamil
speaking Hindus account for 15 percent of the population.
Christians and Muslims equally comprise the remaining 15 percent.
mere - [Presbyterian Church, USA]
Sri Lanka -
Til top på siden
08-09-2012 - Yusef Nadarkhani løsladt fra iransk
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Iranian Christian pastor
released from jail Youcef Nadarkhani, 35, was released
from prison on Saturday and reunited with his family.. Nadarkhani
was arrested in October 2009 for converting at the age of 19 to
Christianity from Islam, his parent's religion. Although he
insisted he was never a practising Muslim, Iran considers the
religion of a child to be that of his father. Those who convert
to other religions risk arrest or even execution for apostasy.
mere - [The Gaurdian]
In 2010, Nadarkhani was sentenced to death after being found
guilty of apostasy, a conviction upheld by a supreme court in
2011. Iran's penal code does not have a definitive ruling for
apostasy and the judge often refers to the Sharia law for such
Iran -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
05-09-2012 - Ny bestemmelse af MISSION fra Kirkernes
, Together towards life: mission and
evangelism in changing landscapes Proposal for a new WCC
Affirmation on Mission and Evangelism Læs mere - [World Council of Churches
Submitted by the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism
(CWME): Together towards life: mission and evangelism in changing
Schweitz -
Til top på siden
05-09-2012 - Nonne, forkæmper for de fattiges ret,
støtter Obama
Politik - sociale forhold
Sister Simone Campbell
will get what may be the biggest media platform of her life on
Wednesday night, when she addresses the Democratic National
Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. But the Catholic nun
already has plenty of star power... Læs mere - [CNN]
Til top på siden
05-09-2012 - Kirkelukninger og aktivitetsforbud -i
, Christian Summer Camp in Shaanxi Banned;
More Churches .. Shut down Police raided and broke up a
summer camp organized by a house church in Lounan county, Shaanxi
province, confiscating church property and hauling off the
organizer to a police station for questioning. In Guangdong
province, more house churches in the town of Huangjiang, in
Dongguan were shut down by the authorities. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Kina -
Til top på siden
03-09-2012 - WCC: Centralkomiteen diskuterer
erklæring om enhed
Central Committee discusses
statement on unity According to the statement, the church
is a "foretaste of the new creation", called to be a "sign to the
whole world of the life God intends for all". The church is
hailed as an instrument for "spreading the good news of God's
kingdom of justice, peace and love." Læs mere - [World Council of Churches
Schweitz -
Til top på siden
30-08-2012 - Ægteskabsløfte: Skal kvinden
adlyde eller underkaste sig manden?
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Sydney Anglicans accused of sexism over
new marriage vows An Australian Anglican diocese has
been accused of sexism over proposed new marriage vows requiring
a wife to "submit" to her husband. Introduced as an alternative
to the traditional vows that use the word "obey," the wording is
expected to be considered at the Sydney diocese's synod in
October. Læs mere - [Episcopal News
Australien -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
30-08-2012 - Nyt "Mission Statement" for Kirkernes
, WCC statement invokes new understanding
of mission The first ecumenical affirmation of mission
since 1982, invoking a new understanding of mission and
evangelism amidst a changing world and ecclesial landscape, has
been presented to the Central Committee of the World Council of
Churches (WCC). Læs mere - [World Council of Churches
Schweitz -
Til top på siden
30-08-2012 - Jehovas vidner - og muslimske kvinder -
fængsles for terrorisme
, One month in prison, another to follow
Jehovah's Witnesses Igor Yefimov and Aleksei Nikolaev,
arrested in Chuvashia on 26 July, have been ordered held in
continuing pre-trial detention until late September. "This is the
first time in contemporary Russia that a court has ordered any
of our people to be held in detention simply because they are
Jehovah's Witnesses,"..three local Muslim women are due to go on
trial on 6 September on "extremism"-related criminal charges.
"We're not extremists - indeed, we're against extremism and
against violence," Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Rusland -
Til top på siden
29-08-2012 - Kirkeødelæggelser og vold i
, Frustrated by lack of protection, Kenyan
churches sue government More than 14 churches have been
attacked in Kenya since April, most recently in this week's
violence in Mombasa. Church leaders are suing to force the
government to defend them. Læs mere - [Christian Science
Kenya -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
29-08-2012 - Det lutherske Verdensråd hjælper
syriske flygtninge i Jordan
, Lutheran federation to assist Syrian
refugees in Jordan The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
said on Aug. 29 that it is joining efforts to respond to the
growing influx of Syrian refugees in Jordan who are fleeing
fighting between government and opposition forces in their home
country. Læs mere
- [Presbyterian Church, USA]
Jordan -
Til top på siden
28-08-2012 - Nonne forlader kloster for at kæmpe for
fattiges ret til jord
Politik - sociale forhold
, Indian nun lives with indigenous people
to defend land rights Her superiors were disappointed and
even the bishop in her diocese resisted when Sister Anima Pushpa
Toppo left her convent in India to live with her fellow
indigenous people to help them fight for land rights. "During His
ministry, the Lord Jesus had always lived with people. He also
didn't worry about who would shelter or feed Him as He went
around serving and ministering to people," the 49-year nun of the
Medical Mission Sisters told ENInews. Læs mere - [Queensland Churches
Filipinerne -
Til top på siden
27-08-2012 - Ærkebiskop i Aleppo flygter til
Aleppo archbishop flees to Lebanon: Vatican radio The
Melkite Greek Catholic archbishop of Aleppo has fled to Lebanon
and his offices in the war-ravaged city have been looted, Vatican
media said on Monday, amid fears over the fate of Christian
minorities Læs mere - [The Daily
Libanon -
Til top på siden
26-08-2012 - Den skotske, katolske kirke fortsætter
kamp mod homo-vielser
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Catholic church in Scotland steps
up campaign against gay marriage A letter criticising the
Scottish government for supporting plans to legalise gay marriage
will be read out in all of the country's Catholic parishes on
Sunday...The Scottish government has said it is right to
introduce same-sex marriages, but has stressed no clergy would
be forced to carry them out. Læs mere
- [The Gaurdian]
England -
Til top på siden
24-08-2012 - Usikkerhed om rækkevidden af
religionsfriheden i ny grundlov
, How far will new Constitution protect
freedom of religion.. Turkey's Constitutional
Reconciliation Commission (AUK), in drafting a new Constitution,
has been considering the provision protecting the right to
freedom of religion or belief. However, the political parties
represented on the AUK have not reached a consensus on this. Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Tyrkiet -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
24-08-2012 - Kardinals velsignelse af det republikanske
konvent vækker kritik
Politik - religion
Cardinal Timothy Dolan's GOP convention blessing prompts
debate The news that New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the
nation's most prominent Catholic prelate, will deliver the
closing blessing to the Republican National Convention in Florida
next week was seen as a huge coup for Mitt Romney, the party's
presumptive nominee. But the move has also prompted a sharp
debate within the church over the increasingly close ties between
leading bishops and the GOP. Læs
mere - [Presbyterian Church, USA]
"The cozy relationship between a sizable portion of U.S. bishops
and the Republican Party should be cause for concern, and not
just among progressive Catholics," Michael O'Loughlin wrote in
a post on the website of America magazine, a leading Catholic
weekly published by the Jesuits.
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
22-08-2012 - Venskabskirke USA - Palæstina
Kirkens liv
Virginia congregation hosts Palestinian
partners for fellowship.. For nearly eight years, Grace
Presbyterian Church in Springfield, Va., has had an interest in
the Middle East, especially Israel/Palestine. This summer, that
interest led to a time of partnership, outreach and fellowship
for American and Palestinian teens. Læs mere - [Presbyterian Church,
Grace Presbyterian's Middle East Working Group grew out of a
class on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict taught at the church
in 2004. With help from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s World
Mission office, the group formed a partnership with sister
congregations in the West Bank - St. Philip's Episcopal Church
in Nablus
Israel -
Til top på siden
22-08-2012 - Canadisk kirkes boycott af israelske varer
vækker vrede
Politik - magtkritik
, United Church blasted over Israel
resolution The lack of recognition of Israel as a Jewish
state in the United Church of Canada's final resolution affirming
a partial boycott of Israeli goods has raised the ire of Jewish
and Christian critics. Læs mere
- [National Post]
On Friday, the church's general council, meeting in Ottawa, gave
final approval to a boycott of Israeli goods coming out of the
occupied territories. How the boycott would work has still to be
Canada,Toronto -
Til top på siden
22-08-2012 - Buddhisme i Vest: Selv Bill Clinton
praktiserer meditation
Religionsmøde - ny åndelighed
Buddhas in the West: Even Bill Clinton Turns
Toward Meditation Buddhism made a blip in the news early
this month when the Times of India, and other major media
outlets, citing an unnamed source, reported that Bill Clinton has
turned to Buddhism for mental and physical well-being. The former
U.S. president went as far as hiring a Buddhist monk to teach him
the arts of meditation. Læs mere - [Huffpost Religion]
Til top på siden
20-08-2012 - Undersøgelse:
Megakirkegudstjenestedeltagelse er som at være på
Kirkens liv
Does megachurch 'high' explain their success?
Maybe religion really is the opiate of the masses - just
not the way Karl Marx imagined. Læs
mere - [Washington Post]
A University of Washington study posits that worship services at
megachurches can trigger feelings of transcendence and changes
in brain chemistry - a spiritual "high" that keeps congregants
coming back for more.
Til top på siden
20-08-2012 - Første kvinde som leder for den
brasilianske, lutherske kirke
ecumenical movement must expand its commitment to women
As the National Council of Christian Churches of Brazil
(CONIC) celebrates its 30th anniversary, the event has been
marked by the appointment of the Rev. Romi M rcia Bencke, its
first woman general secretary, elected in August. Læs
mere - [Presbyterian Church, USA]
Brasilien -
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top på siden
17-08-2012 - Dommen over Pussy Riot Band
Politik - magtkritik
, Russian judge finds Pussy Riot members
guilty; prison time possible A judge found three members
of the provocative punk band Pussy Riot guilty of hooliganism on
Friday, in a case that has drawn widespread international
condemnation as an emblem of Russia's intolerance of dissent. The
judge said the three band members "committed hooliganism driven
by religious hatred" and offended religious believers. The three
were arrested in March after a guerrilla performance in Moscow's
main cathedral calling for the Virgin Mary to protect Russia
against Vladimir Putin.. Læs mere -
[Washington Post]
Rusland -
Til top på siden
17-08-2012 - Den russiske kirke taler for mildhed overfor
The Pussy Riot
Politik - religion
, Russian church urges state to show 'mercy'
to Pussy Riot "Without subjecting the rightfulness of the
court's decision to any doubt, we call on the state authorities
to show mercy to the people convicted within the framework of the
law, in the hope that they will refrain from repeating
blasphemous actions." Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Rusland -
Til top på siden
17-08-2012 - Den polske, katolske kirke og den russiske,
ortodokse forsones
Russian Orthodox and Polish
Catholic Church heads aim to reconcile "We call upon our
faithful to pray for the forgiveness of injustices and all the
wrongs committed against one another," said the text. "The events
of our common, often difficult and tragic history sometimes raise
grievances and accusations that do not allow old wounds to heal."
Læs mere - [The
Rusland -
Til top på siden
16-08-2012 - Japansk katolsk kloster bliver "grønt"
Politik - miljø
, Japanese Catholic monastery practices an
ecological way of life From the style of their buildings
to the method of their gardening, the residents of the Roman
Catholic Miura Monastery near Tokyo practice an ecological way
of life they call "living in the grace of creation." Læs
mere - [Presbyterian Church, USA]
Japan -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
15-08-2012 - Flere ateister i de fleste lande viser
, Atheism Rises, Religiosity Declines In
America The poll, called "The Global Index of Religiosity
and Atheism," found that the number of Americans who say they are
"religious" dropped from 73 percent in 2005 (the last time the
poll was conducted) to 60 percent. Læs mere - [Huffpost Religion]
Globalt -
Til top på siden
13-08-2012 - Succes-kristendom almindelig på det
afrikanske kontinent
Lærespørgsmål -succes, rigdom,
, 'Prosperity gospel' attracts many African
Christians Pastor Tony Egbe of Nigeria's Redeemed
Christian Church of God said church is not a place where every
problem will be necessarily solved... Læs mere - [Ecumenical News
Nigeria -
Til top på siden
11-08-2012 - Vil de syriske kirker overleve?
, Can Syria's Christians Survive? A
century ago, the Levant supported a population that was perhaps
20% Christian. Now it is closer to 5%. Syria today hosts vibrant,
if dwindling, communities of various ancient sects: Syrian
Orthodox, Syrian Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Greek Catholics and
Armenian Orthodox. Læs mere - [The Wall Street
But Syria's Christian communities are being severely tested by
the uprising that has racked the country for more than a year...
Syrien -
Til top på siden
09-08-2012 - Stadig vold i Nigeria - mod kirker, ved
Nigeria: New Attacks in Central
Nigeria Worry Church Leaders In the mosque attack, news
reports said the armed men came in a van chanting Islamic songs
before they attacked some Muslims who were holding tafsir (a
Ramadan lecture) at the Central Mosque in Okene. Two of the dead
were soldiers who were on surveillance duty. Læs mere - [All Africa Conference of
In the church incident, armed men entered Deeper Life Bible
Church on 7 August and fired at worshippers. Church leaders have
pleaded for increased security in places of worship.
Anglican Archbishop Nicholas Okoh of Nigeria urged the government
to protection all Nigerians. He condemned the attacks, called for
improved strategies to fight the violence and urged Christians
to desist from acts that would worsen the situation.
Nigeria -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
08-08-2012 - Muslimske og kristne ledere appelerer om
lighed i Ægyptens grundlov
Religionsmøde - dialog
, US Muslim, Christian Leaders issue
statement urging Writers of .. Today the Arab American
Institute (AAI) releases a statement co-endorsed by leaders of
the American Muslim and Coptic Christian communities. The
statement, organized by AAI, is supported by Rep. Nick Rahall
(D-WV), longest serving Arab American member of Congress and Rep.
Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first American Muslim member of
Congress. What prompted the statement was the group's concern
with the drafting of the new Egyptian Constitution. "Just as we
have stood together to combat religious and ethnic intolerance
in America, we are unified in our support for equal rights for
all across the Arab World," said AAI president Jim Zogby. "This
is especially important now as Egypt is writing its
Constitution." Læs mere - [The Message of
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
08-08-2012 - Jøder, kristne og muslimer
fordømmer drab på sikher i tempel
, Faith groups condemn shootings at
Wisconsin Sikh temple A broad spectrum of U.S. religious
groups -- Christian, Jewish and Muslim -- are condemning killings
at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin that authorities described as an
act of "domestic terrorism." Læs mere - [Ecumenical News
The gunman, Wade Michael Page, a 40-year-old U.S. Army veteran,
killed six people and injured three others on 5 August at the
Sikh Temple of Wisconsin
Til top på siden
07-08-2012 - Luthersk kirke: Statslig seksualundervisning
skal være sand, men er OK
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Lutherans: Sex education in
Costa Rica should be based on facts "Our church considers
human sexuality to be a gift from God, which is to be exercised
responsibly by each person, according to his or her own sexual
orientation, but always in the context of respect for dignity,
freedom and responsibility among people," wrote Bishop Melvin
Jimenez in a letter to the court. Læs
mere - [Anglican Journal]
The Lutheran Church's opinion is contrary to other churches in
the country, which have spoken in opposition to the
nationally-mandated program designed to be taught in schools.
Costa Rica -
Til top på siden
07-08-2012 - Feministisk systemkritik af forholdet stat og
kirke i Rusland
Politik - religion
Closing Statement at the Pussy
Riot Trial Closing statement:..Our sudden musical
appearance in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior with the song
"Mother of God, Drive Putin Out" violated the integrity of this
media image, generated and maintained by the authorities for so
long, and revealed its falsity. In our performance we dared,
without the Patriarch's blessing, to combine the visual image of
Orthodox culture and protest culture,.. Læs mere
- [chtodelat news (en blog)]
Rusland -
Kristendom, ortodoks
Til top på siden
07-08-2012 - Den engelske kirke sælger deres aktier
i Rupert Murdochs mediekoncern
Kapitaltransaktioner og sammenhænge
, Church of England sells News Corp shares
in phone-hacking protest The church first raised concerns
about the News of the World's "reprehensible and unethical"
conduct more than a year ago, and had been trying to force News
Corp into improving its corporate governance Læs mere - [The
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
04-08-2012 - Betydningen af Obamas holdning til
homoseksualitet vil vokse
Politik - religion
, Black Pastor: Gay Marriage Issue Will
Increase in Importance.. A black pastor who is part of
a conservative group that announced the launching of a nationwide
effort against President Barack Obama's support for same-sex
marriage has stated that the issue is "only going to increase"
in importance. Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Til top på siden
03-08-2012 - Kristne i Gaza i oprør over tvungen
Religionskonflikt - konversionsspørgsmål
, Gaza Christians upset over "forced
conversions" The small Christian community of Gaza is in
a state of uproar and has held an uncommon public protest against
the Islamic Hamas government over what they say are forced
conversions of two Christians in recent weeks. Læs mere -
[Anglican Journal]
Israel -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
02-08-2012 - Få amerikanere bruger Facebook i
kontakten med deres kirke
Few Americans Use Social
Media to Connect With Their Faith Communities Nearly half
(45%) of Americans report using Facebook at least a few times a
week, but few Americans incorporate technology into their
practice of worship. Among Americans who attend religious
services at least a few times a year, roughly 1-in-10 (11%)
report posting status updates on their Facebook page or other
social networking site about being in church. Læs mere - [Public
Religion Research Institute]
Til top på siden
31-07-2012 - Lad ikke succeshistorier i sig selv være
Don't look for God among the success stories
We worry about churches closing and losing members,
Yaconelli said. We worry about what we are doing wrong and why
God has blessed the other churches that are growing. Læs mere - [Presbyterian
Church, USA]
"We have no idea what God is doing in the world right now,"
Yaconelli declared. We should leave the big picture to God, he
added. "Our job is the small picture - just love your neighbor."
Yaconelli left his listeners with two bits of advice:
First, he said, "You have to let go of everything that is killing
you - and yes, I'm talking about committees."
Til top på siden
31-07-2012 - Kyllinge-business, bibel og rette
ægteskaber for Gud og mennesker
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Chick-fil-A Controversy Chick-fil-a
[an American fast food restaurant chain] has come under intense
pressure lately after its President and Chief Operating Officer
Dan T. Cathy told Biblical Recorder in early July he is "guilty
as charged" for supporting traditional marriage as the Bible
outlines it. However the controversy has simmering since last
year. Læs mere -
[Christian Post]
Til top på siden
30-07-2012 - Bodsmøde efter kirke havde nægtet
at ægtevi sort par
Kirkens liv
, Crystal Springs unites after church's
rejection of black Mississippi.. What drew Crystal
Springs into that spotlight was the decision to refuse to allow
a black couple, Charles and Te'Andrea Wilson of Jackson, to get
married in the city's predominantly white First Baptist Church
where they had been attending services. Læs mere -
[Clarion Ledger]
Kristendom, baptist
Til top på siden
19-07-2012 - Første kvindelige, anglikanske biskop
i Afrika
First female Anglican bishop
for Africa elected The Anglican Church of Southern Africa
(ACSA) yesterday made history by appointing the first female
Anglican bishop on the continent. Læs mere - [Anglican
Communion News Service]
The Revd Ellinah Ntombi Wamukoya, 61, became the bishop-elect of
Swaziland and the first woman bishop in any of the 12 Anglican
Provinces in Africa. It is thought she is only the second bishop
elected in a mainline church on the continent.
Sydafrika -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
17-07-2012 - Præst støtter at
bibelundervisning forsvinder fra skolen
, Anglican leader calls for an end to Bible
study in schools St Matthew in the City Reverend Clay
Nelson has joined the atheist run-Secular Education Network in
a bid to get the religious education programme out of the
country's primary and secondary schools. Læs
mere - [One News]
Nelson said the programme is an imposition on the human rights
of children as it restricts the freedom of other religions which
is protected under the Bill of Rights.
New Zealand -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
17-07-2012 - Kirkeshopperne: Hvad går de
Kirkens liv
, Church Shoppers: What Are They Looking
For? Church shoppers come with a lot of different
expectations. Parents of young children look at the nursery and
programs for young children. Singles may come looking for social
events for their age. Business people have been known to come
looking for church directories for a list of new contacts. Læs
mere - [Huffpost Religion]
Til top på siden
13-07-2012 - Debat om omskærelse: Merkel
støtter retten til omskærelse
, Angela Merkel backs circumcision right
after German ruling "Circumcision carried out in a
responsible manner must be possible without punishment." European
Jewish and Muslim groups had criticised a Cologne court ruling.
Læs mere - [BBC]
Tyskland -
Kristendom - andre religioner
Til top på siden
12-07-2012 - Tro, flag og identitet (International Bulletin
of Missionary Research)
, Faith, Flags, and Identities (IBMR issue)
Editorial - other featured articles: Change and
Continuity in American Protestant Foreign Missions - Changes in
African American Mission: Rediscovering African Roots - The
Sister Church Phenomenon: A Case Study of the Restructuring of
American Christianity Against the Backdrop of Globalization -
Theology and Ecumenism: A New Online Focus Læs mere -
[International Bulletin of Missionary Research]
Global Online - International Bulletin -
Til top på siden
12-07-2012 - Lærere vil ikke underskrive den katolske
kirkes troskabserklæring
, Arlington Diocese parishioners question
need for fidelity oath The Arlington Diocese, which
includes nearly a half-million Catholics across northern and
eastern Virginia, is one of a small but growing number that are
starting to demand fidelity oaths. The oaths reflect a churchwide
push in recent years to revive orthodoxy that has sharply divided
Catholics. Læs mere -
[Washington Post]
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
12-07-2012 - I et Frankrig mistænksomt overfor
religion får evangelikale indpas
Udbredelse - kirkeretninger
, In a France suspicious of religion,
evangelicalism's message.. Charisma Church near Paris
gets 6,000 attendees most Sundays. A 'friendlier' style and
search for purpose are among reasons people say they're drawn to
evangelical worship. Læs mere - [Christian Science
Frankrig -
Til top på siden
12-07-2012 - Amerikanerne tillid til organiseret
tro/religion lavest nogensinde
percent of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of
confidence in "the church or organized religion" today, just
below the low points Gallup has found in recent years, including
45% in 2002 and 46% in 2007. This follows a long-term decline in
Americans' confidence in religion since the 1970s. Læs mere -
Til top på siden
11-07-2012 - Den katolske kirkes betydning i Polen i
, The Catholic Church's Fading Influence in
Poland (Jan Puhl, Der Spiegel): Some 95 percent of all
Poles still say that they are Catholic. Yet loyalty to the church
is waning. Even the conservative Catholic publicist Tomasz
Terlikowski estimates the true number of devout Catholics at
little more than 20 percent. "We Poles like to proclaim our
Catholicism," he says, but the reality looks quite different. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Polen -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
04-07-2012 - Senatorer advarer kirken mod boycott af
israelske varer
Politik - religion
, Canadian senators warn United Church over
Israel boycott A group of nine senators has warned the
United Church of Canada that it could spark a rift with the
Jewish community if it approves the boycott of goods from Israeli
settlements in occupied lands. Læs mere - [The Globe and the
The senators, all United Church members and from both the
Conservative and Liberal parties, have waded publicly into a
controversial issue before it comes to a vote in mid-August.
Canada,Toronto -
Til top på siden
04-07-2012 - "Affordable Care Act" er en fjende af friheden
under Gud
Bishop's July 4
call: God grants freedom, not government today Archbishop
of Philadelphia Charles Chaput brought theological fireworks in
a bell-ringing homily on the Affordable Care Act as an enemy of
freedom under God. Læs mere - [USA Today News]
For two weeks now, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has
pounded the drums for religious freedom from every available
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
01-07-2012 - 15 dræbt ved angreb på kirke i
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Kenya police: church attacks kill 15,
wound 40 Gunmen killed two policemen guarding a church,
snatched their rifles and then opened fire on the congregation
from inside and out on Sunday, killing 15 people and wounding 40,
security officials said Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Kenya -
Til top på siden
29-06-2012 - Andelen af evangelikale i Brasilien vokser
Ratio of evangelicals in Brazil jumps 44% in
10 years The number of evangelical Christians s in
Brazil, the world's largest Catholic country, has soared over the
last decade, from 15% of the population in 2000 to to 22% of the
population in 2010, according to a report issued on Friday. Læs
mere - [CNN]
Brasilien -
Til top på siden
25-06-2012 - Katolske biskopper i kampagne for
religiøs frihed
Politik - tro
, Catholic bishops launch religious liberty
campaign The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has
launched a two-week crusade against what it calls the federal
government's violations of its religious liberty...In recent
months, the U.S. Catholic Church has expressed concern over the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' proposed
contraception mandate, which requires insurance companies for
Catholic-affiliated institutions such as hospitals and
universities to provide free contraceptive coverage - including,
the church says, sterilizations and drugs that could cause
abortions - to employees, in violation of Catholic teachings on
social issues. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
25-06-2012 - Højsteret giver søgsmål
mod kors på statslig krigskirkegård ret
Supreme Court clears way for
California cross remova The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday
let stand a ruling that a large Christian cross as part of a war
memorial in California violated the constitutional ban on
government endorsement of religion. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Til top på siden
22-06-2012 - Prominent ateistisk blogger konverterer til
Prominent atheist
blogger converts to Catholicism Atheist blogger says: at
the heart of her decision were questions of morality and how one
finds a moral compass. "I had one thing that I was most certain
of, which is that morality is something we have a duty to,"
Libresco told CNN in an interview this week, a small cross
dangling from her neck. "And it is external from us. And when
push came to shove, that is the belief I wouldn't let go of. And
that is something I can't prove." Læs mere - [CNN]
Til top på siden
20-06-2012 - Lutherske Verdensforbunds møde 2012 i
Bogota - Resolutions
, LWF resolutions - Bogota 2012 See
index with links: On Rio+20 and Financial Transaction Tax. Call
for strong implementation of Rio+20 - On the Middle East. Call
for end to violence in Syria and for peace talks in the Holy Land
- Læs mere - [The Lutheran World
LWF Governance Appeals for Stronger UN Presence in Central
America. Council raises concerns about keeping violence from
spreading - LWF Council Condemns Attacks on Freedom of Religion
in Nigeria. Lutheran communion's prayers urged for churches and
people of Nigeria - LWF Council Calls for Lutheran Communion
Solidarity with Colombia.Inclusive dialogue a prerequisite for
sustainable and just peace ..
Colombia -
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top på siden
18-06-2012 - Leder for USAs nonner: Vatikanet bør
ikke anse kritik for oprør
Nuns' leader decries church environment
of fear The leader of the group representing most
American nuns challenged the Vatican's reasons for disciplining
her organization, insisting that raising questions about church
doctrine should not be seen as rebellion. Sister Pat Farrell,
president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, said
Monday that Catholics should be able to search for answers about
faith without fear. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
18-06-2012 - Biskop idømt samfundstjeneste i
forbindelse med OWS-demonstration
Politik - tro
Bishop, priest convicted of trespassing in
Occupy demonstration Bishop Packard: It's pretty sad. I
mean, this is what our church has come to. You don't have enough
pledging units to sustain many places. So we depend on the cash
flow of corporate investment. It's a caricature of what the
gospel is." Læs mere - [Episcopal News
Kristendom, episkopal
Til top på siden
15-06-2012 - Udskydes beslutning om kvindelige biskopper
i England?
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
, New row could set women bishops plan back
five years ..senior figures in the Church are now bracing
themselves for the possibility that the measure could collapse
altogether after the current bishops inserted a last-minute
concession to traditionalists. Læs mere - [The
The Church has struggled for many years to agree a way of
ordaining women bishops while enabling those who object to the
female authority on doctrinal grounds to stay within it.
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
14-06-2012 - Hovedfokus på evangeliet, ikke
Evangelicals Should Be Gospel
Centered, Not Salvation Centered.. "The Gospel of
salvation has produced what I call a 'salvation culture' - a
culture marked by who's in and who's out. So a very strong sense
of 'we are the in group and others are the out group.' ... A
'Gospel culture' is a culture shaped by following Jesus, by
living under Jesus as King. Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
12-06-2012 - Katolsk lederkonference for kvinder truet med
, Vatican official warns of 'dialogue of the
deaf' with LCWR Cardinal William Levada, prefect of the
Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, floated the
possibility that should the LCWR not accept the reforms outlined
in an April 18 assessment, the result could be decertifying it
in favor of a new organization for women's religious leaders in
America more faithful to church teaching. Læs mere -
[National Catholic Reporter]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
08-06-2012 - Retspålæg: Fototgraf må ikke
nægte at dække homo-vielser
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Photographers to Appeal Decision Forcing
Them to Cover Gay Marriage A New Mexico court has upheld
a ruling that it is illegal for Christian photographers to refuse
their services to same-sex couples because of their faith,
arguing that it would be discriminating against a person's sexual
orientation. Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Til top på siden
08-06-2012 - Mormoner aktive for homoseksuelles
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Mormons Take Even More Activist Message
to DC Pride March A spokesman: I want to demonstrate as
well that Mormons are willing to stand up for fairness. We are
not foes. And we're not a monolith. Mormons have all sorts of
different views about LGBT issues.. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Til top på siden
08-06-2012 - Danmark tillader vielse af homseksuelle i
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Denmark Passes Bill
Allowing Same-Sex Weddings at Church Denmark, which
stands as the first country to allow gay couples to enter into
civil unions in 1989, will now be allowing homosexuals to have
full wedding ceremonies at church. The Scandinavian region is
known for being highly gay friendly.. Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Danmark -
Til top på siden
04-06-2012 - Strid om "ny calvinisme" - om
prædestination, ubetinget nåde..
, So. Baptists Divided Over Calvinism;
Debate 'Salvation' Document [expressed concern over the
increasing role and influence of the "New Calvinism" -
characterized by an aggressive insistence on the "Doctrines of
Grace" (Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited
atonement, Irresistible grace, and Perseverance of the saints)
Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Kristendom, baptist
Til top på siden
04-06-2012 - Bombe sårer og dræber uden for
kirke i Nigeria
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Car Bomb Kills, Injures Dozens At Nigerian
Church A suicide bomber drove an explosives-laden car
into a row of Nigerian churches during Sunday morning services
yesterday, killing at least 10 and wounding more than 30. The
attack at Living Faith Church in Bauchi, which also damaged
neighboring Harvest Field Church.. Læs mere -
Nigeria -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
31-05-2012 - Kirkernes Verdensråds første
møde i Kina - med medlemskirke som vært
World Council of Churches to hold first
meeting in China This is the 51st meeting of the CCIA
(Commission of the Churches on International Affairs). The
meeting will be a historic event as it is the first time since
the inception of the WCC [in 1948] that an international
ecumenical gathering will take place in China, and will be hosted
by a WCC member church in China," said Mathews George Chunakara,
director of the CCIA. Læs mere - [Episcopal News
Kina -
Til top på siden
30-05-2012 - Volden mod kristne fortsætter i
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Violence Continues in Nigeria as Akinola
Criticizes President Jos, Nigeria - In Nigeria's Plateau
state, Christian leaders said more Christians have died at the
hands of Muslim extremists than the 35 that the military reported
thus far in May. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Nigeria -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
30-05-2012 - Den ortodokse kirkes rolle i den kritiske,
økonmiske situation
Politik - sociale forhold
, In Greece, church's tangled ties with
government raise questions With this Mediterranean
nation's finances on life support, some here have turned to the
church for spiritual succor. Others say the government needs its
cold, hard cash. The Greek Orthodox Church has long been not just
a religious force but also an economic one, with a stake in the
Greek National Bank, landholdings second only to the Greek
government and a clergy bankrolled by the state. Læs mere -
[Washington Post]
Grækenland -
Kristendom, ortodoks
Til top på siden
27-05-2012 - Sorte, bøsser og kirken
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Blacks, Gays And The Church If
public perceptions and pundits are to be believed, black churches
are overwhelmingly against same-sex marriage. Except, it's not
true. Læs mere - [NPR]
Til top på siden
24-05-2012 - Koptisk vrede over livstidsdom over kopterer
og frifindelse af muslime
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Egypt's Christians Outraged By Court
Ruling Many rights groups criticized the verdict as being
"unbelievable" and "extremely harsh" towards the Copts. All the
Muslims defendants, "who torched at least 56 Coptic homes, as
well as businesses and barns, were acquitted.. Læs mere - [Assyrian International
News agency]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - koptisk
Til top på siden
24-05-2012 - Globalt indeks over teologisk uddannelse -
institutioner og personer
, Online directory for theological
institutions launched A Global Theological Education
Survey started by the Ecumenical Theological Education program
of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in partnership with other
organizations is under way, and will result in the launch of a
web based global directory of theological institutions. The
directory will increase the exchange and dialogue among
theological educators around the world. It builds on an existing
online resource and will cover a much larger number of entries
than previous efforts. Læs
mere - [Presbyterian Church, USA]
Globalt -
Til top på siden
24-05-2012 - Ateist: bibeluddeling OK for at undgå
reduceret moral-skriftforståelse
Richard Dawkins, Famed Atheist,
Supports Free Bibles In School "People who do not know
the Bible well have been gulled into thinking it is a good guide
to morality," Dawkins writes. "The surest way to disabuse
yourself of this pernicious falsehood is to read the Bible
itself." Læs mere - [Huffpost Religion]
England -
Til top på siden
24-05-2012 - Afstemning om kvindelige biskopper
nærmer sig
, Church of England nears vote on women
bishops The Church of England paved the way on Thursday
for a final vote on women bishops to go ahead in July, but
supporters angry at last-minute concessions to traditionalists
who favour an all-male clergy immediately threatened to scupper
it. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
23-05-2012 - SAT-7 - Tyrkiet får ny
New SAT-7 TšRK Executive
Director to Oversee Channel Expansion Melih is well known
across Turkey and has appeared in many TV serials, and starred
in several movies. For 14 years he was also a well-known radio
broadcaster, and then helped to found the first private
television channel in Turkey, KANAL 6. Regarding the transition
from a secular career to ministry, Mr. Ekener said, "I am
excited, because I will be able to help broadcast the truth of
Christianity to many using the knowledge and experience God has
given me... Læs mere - [Sat7]
Tyrkiet -
Til top på siden
23-05-2012 - Har Obamas godkendelse af homoægteskab
øget afro-amerikaneres støtte?
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Are More Black Voters
Embracing Obama's Endorsement of Gay Marriage? The new
poll of 1,004 adults was released Wednesday and reveals that 59
percent of African-Americans say they back same-sex marriage, up
from 41 percent in combined ABC/Post polls this spring and last
summer. Also, 65 percent of African-Americans support Obama's new
position. Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Til top på siden
21-05-2012 - Sammenhængen med medier, folkelig
opinion og religiøs frihed
, CHINA: The media, popular opinion and
religious freedom The links between violations of freedom
of religion or belief in China and state media policies and
practices need to be analysed, Forum 18 News Service notes. It
is difficult to demonstrate a causal linkage, not least due to
a lack of reliable information. But the available evidence
suggests a link between the state media's encouragement of
popular indifference or hostility towards religious matters and
the state's repression of religious freedom. Self-censorship in
the Chinese media reflects the cautious attitude displayed by
state officials. Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Kina -
Til top på siden
18-05-2012 - Sudan lukker kristne
hjælpeorganisationers kontorer
, Sudan Shuts Down Christian Aid Groups'
Offices Without Explanation The offices of the Sudan
Council of Churches (SCC) and the offices of relief organization
Sudan Aid, both in the Darfur region, have reportedly been closed
down by the Sudanese government without warning. Observers
suspect Sudan's reported war on religious minorities,
specifically Christians, may have been motivation for the
closures. Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Sudan, Khartoum -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
18-05-2012 - Protestantiske kirker i Frankrig
France will have new denomination with
Protestant merger The Reformed Church of France (ERF) and
the Evangelical Lutheran Church of France (EELF) are merging to
form the United Protestant Church of France. The new entity will
be a reality after the churches' synods meet May 17-20 Læs
mere - [Presbyterian Church, USA]
Frankrig -
Kristendom, protestantisk
Til top på siden
18-05-2012 - De arktiske kristne får den
første komplette Inuit-bibel
Bibelsyn - lære - etik og moral
, Arctic Christians get first complete Inuit
Bible The Bible is by far the most translated book in
history. Portions of the Old and New Testaments have been
translated into more than 2,500 languages. According to United
Bible Societies, the complete Bible has been rendered into 469
tongues as of 2010. Add Inuktitut to that list. Læs mere
- [Presbyterian Church, USA]
[KirkenUpdate, Editors note: Is that true? : BIIBILI (Bibelen på
Canada,Toronto -
Til top på siden
17-05-2012 - Vanskeligheder for "markedsføring" af
martyr - kætter eller ortodoks?
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Marketing Martyrs: Does
Iranian Pastor's Theology Impact Advocacy... Moeller and
other religious-freedom leaders are split on whether Nadarkhani
is an orthodox or heretical Christian. But they all affirm that
his situation merits advocacy regardless. "We've used
[Nadarkhani] as a bellwether for what's happening to hundreds of
people in Iran," said Moeller. "For us, the issue of faith is not
a theological one. We're not involved in supporting people or
advocating for their freedom only if they believe the right way."
Læs mere -
Iran -
Til top på siden
17-05-2012 - Sorte kristne begår synd, hvis de
støtter Obama
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Black Christians in an 'Adulterous'
Relationship With Obama.. a group of black ministers
calling themselves the Coalition of African-American Pastors,
many of whom represent the nation's fifth largest denomination,
the Church of God in Christ (COGIC), are holding a press
conference in Memphis, Tenn., to call on Obama to denounce his
position on same-sex marriage. Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Til top på siden
16-05-2012 - Kritik af vestens forhold til oprindelige
Mission - kritik
bishop issues pastoral letter on Doctrine of Discovery
Western Christian religious authorities settled
competitions over these conquests by dividing up the geography
that could be claimed among the various European nations. These
religious warrants led to the wholesale slaughter, rape, and
enslavement of indigenous peoples in the Americas, as well as in
Africa, Asia, and the islands of the Pacific, and the African
slave trade was based on these same principles Læs mere -
[Episcopal News Service]
Globalt -
Til top på siden
15-05-2012 - Blair måtte ikke velsigne sit land -
"Dette er ikke USA"
God Bless Britain! How
Tony Blair wanted to end his speeches with Amer He
famously didn't do God while in power. Læs mere - [Daily
But Tony Blair has revealed he had once wanted to finish a speech
while he was Prime Minister with 'God bless Britain' - until
concerned aides told him 'this is not America'.
England -
Til top på siden
10-05-2012 - Homseksuelle præster risikere heksejagt
som følge af synodebeslutning
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
, Gay clergy could face witch-hunt if Church
of Ireland.. A controversial motion to be put to the
Church of Ireland's General Synod stating that only sex within
marriage is "normative" could lead to a "witch-hunt" against gay
clergy, campaigners have said. Læs mere - [Belfast Telegraph]
Irland -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
10-05-2012 - Demografi og sekularisering
, Demography and the Future of Secularism
Fifty years from now, will Western societies be more
religious, or more secular? Many informed observers cite survey
data which shows that Americans and Europeans are moving away
from organized religion; the future, they say, will be a secular
one. In a new essay in The American -- the online journal of the
conservative American Enterprise Institute -- demographer Eric
Kaufmann argues against that narrative Læs mere -
Til top på siden
10-05-2012 - "De kristne til Beiruth, alawitterne i
, Christians in Syria live in uneasy
alliance with Assad, Alawites Hani Sarhan is a Christian
who says none of his relatives works with the regime of Bashar
Assad or has anything to do with it. "But what we heard from (the
protesters) at the beginning of this revolution saying,
'Christians to Beirut, Alawites to the coffin,' started us
thinking about the real aim of this revolution," he said. "So
from this point of view, fearing for my life, I declared my
support for President Assad." Læs mere
- [USA Today News]
Syrien -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
09-05-2012 - Reaktioner på Obamas holdning til
homoseksuelt ægteskab
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Obama's gay marriage support riles
religious conservatives.. U.S. President Barack Obama's
endorsement of gay marriage on Wednesday outraged conservative
Christian leaders, who vowed to use it as an organizing tool in
the 2012 elections, but the move is also activating the liberal
base, raising big questions about who gains and loses
politically. Læs mere -
Til top på siden
09-05-2012 - Davids bøn mod Goliath om magten over
Politik - tro
, Church leaders defend Philippines in
dispute with China "The Philippines is a nation of
Davids. But we must flex our prayer and worship muscle against
the giant Goliath. China has warships, but we have the power of
worship,".. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News
Filipinerne -
Til top på siden
08-05-2012 - "Occupy Faith"- gruppe arrangerer
Politik - tro
, Occupy Faith members announce a new
pilgrimage to Canterbury "We believe that faith groups
are a progressive force for change and are instrumental in
highlighting the economic and social inequalities that exist
today. We hope that all communities will support this
initiative." Læs mere - [Ecumenical News
England -
Til top på siden
04-05-2012 - Vatikanets kongregation for ret tro advarer
katolske kvindelige ledere
Teologi - feministisk
Inquisition of Today and U.S. Women Religious Once again,
we watch dumbfounded as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith directs a "doctrinal assessment of" or a "calling attention
to" or the "punishment of" those who, according to the CDF, break
away from the proper observance of Catholic doctrine. Only this
time, the CDF is not pointing an accusatory finger at a person,
but rather at an institution that brings together and represents
more than 55,000 women religious in the United States-namely, the
Leadership Conference of Women Religious, known by its acronym
LCWR. Læs mere -
Brasilien -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
04-05-2012 - Forbindelser mellem afrikansk traditionel tro
og kristendom
, Links between Christianity and African
traditional religion Scholar and theologian John Samuel
Mbiti details how African peoples imagine and relate to God in
all aspect of their lives. "African culture is built and relayed
largely on oral (and symbolic) tradition. My book . is a minute
scoop from that tradition," Mbiti told ENInews, adding that it
is a window into the richness of the African understanding of
God. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News
Kenya -
Til top på siden
04-05-2012 - Al-Qaedaleder anbefalede mission i et
religiøst svækket Irland
Mission - fra ikke-kristne
, Al-Qaeda sought to bring Islam to Ireland
as problems with Catholic.. Prior to his death, al-Qaeda
ring-leader Osama bin Laden was urged by Adam Gadahn, the
American al-Qaeda spokesman, to consider reaching out to the
Irish population in hopes of getting them to convert to Islam.
The Irish population's disenchantment with the Catholic Church..
Læs mere - [Irish
Irland -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
03-05-2012 - Metodistkirken vil ikke acceptere uenighed om
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Methodists Strike Down Amendment to 'Agree
to Disagree' on Homosex.. The United Methodist Church's
General Conference, the denomination's top legislative body,
voted Thursday by a 61 percent majority against adopting an
amendment that would have altered language declaring
homosexuality as sinful in official church doctrine. Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Kristendom, metodist
Til top på siden
03-05-2012 - En fælles dansk-arabisk udtalelse fra
muslimer og kristne
, A joint statement between Muslims and
Christians With a common voice across cultural and
religious differences, the participants agreed on the following
message: 1. Christians and Muslims confess faith in God the one
Creator. This faith constitutes a common space for further
dialogue. 2. We agree that the different conceptions of God/Allah
should not be a source of distrust. 3. We agree that the deep
love of God compels us to love every human being and to respect
his or her opinions and rights irrespectively of his or her faith
or political conviction.. [7 statements] Læs mere - [Danske kirkers
Libanon -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
02-05-2012 - Metodistkirkerne støtter stadig
investering i Israels besatte områder
Politik - religion
, United Methodists reject calls for
divestment from Israel-related.. United Methodists twice
rejected measures on Wednesday (May 2) that called for the
denomination to divest from companies accused of contributing to
the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.."Of course we
care about the Palestinians, and what they've been through," the
Rev. Bob Long, a delegate from Oklahoma, said during Wednesday's
debate. "But we also care about the Israelis and what they've
been through." Læs mere - [Religious News
Israel -
Til top på siden
30-04-2012 - Kirker angrebet i Kenya
Churches attacked
in Kenya, Nigeria ..With church centers coming under
increased threat since Kenyan troops entered Somalia last October
in pursuit of the militants, Gathanju said churches have been
reviewing their security, including increased screening of
vehicles and people arriving at worship.. Læs
mere - [Religious News Service]
Kenya -
Til top på siden
30-04-2012 - Global undersøgelse: graden af tro
på Gud
, Belief: Report Measures Countries With
Highest And Lowest Strength The researchers found that
countries with high belief tend to be Catholic societies,
especially in the developing world, with the United States,
Israel and Cyprus being noteworthy exceptions. Countries with low
belief tend to be ex-Socialist states and countries in northwest
Europe. The paper in its entirety can be accessed here. Læs mere
- [Huffpost Religion]
Globalt -
Til top på siden
26-04-2012 - Presbyteriansk kirke, Texas, indfører
velsignelse af homoseksuelle par
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Montrose Episcopal church will offer
same-sex blessings "While I long for the day when there
will be full marriage equality in the Church and in the State,
I consider this a very important step in that process," said the
Rev. Lisa Hunt, rector at St. Stephen's, in a letter to
parishioners. "St. Stephen's has an opportunity to witness to the
action of God in our midst in the lives of couples in our
community." Læs
mere - []
Kristendom, presbyteriansk
Til top på siden
25-04-2012 - Den russisk-ortodokse krise i spirituel krise
i følge kritikere
Kirkens liv
, Russian Orthodox Church is in spiritual
crisis, critics say ..a vivid portrait of a church that
some critics say is undergoing a spiritual crisis. Kirill's
public support of Putin in the country's recent presidential
election, as well as a scandal over a $30,000 wristwatch that
appeared in a photo of the patriarch - and then mysteriously
disappeared - have raised alarms that the church is out of touch
with ordinary Russians, and too cozy with the nation's leaders.
Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Rusland -
Ortodoks, russisk
Til top på siden
25-04-2012 - Bibelskole angrebet i Khartoum
, Global Christian leaders denounce attack
on Sudan Presbyterian Church Global Christian leaders are
condemning the destruction on April 21 of the Sudan Evangelical
Presbyterian Church Bible School in Khartoum, an incident that
occurred amidst escalating hostilities between Sudan and South
Sudan. Nearly 500 people, said to be members of a fundamentalist
Islamic group, attacked the church compound in the West Gerief
district of the Sudanese capital, burning Bibles and destroying
and looting property. The attack has since increased fear among
Christians in the north. Læs mere - [The Christian
Sudan, Khartoum -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
24-04-2012 - Menighed dyrker grøntsager på
kirkens tag i New York
Kirkens liv
, Big impact in the Big Apple For
many first-time visitors to Metro Baptist Church, it might take
a few moments before they realize they are standing in the middle
of a sanctuary... Læs mere -
[Faith and Leadership]
Kristendom, baptist
Til top på siden
24-04-2012 - Ahmahdi-muslimer nu, metodister
, Ahmadi Muslims closed down everywhere,
Methodist congregation next? Also threatened by Land
Inspectors is a small Methodist Church in Taldykorgan near
Almaty. The owner of the home where the Church meets was fined
by Land Inspectors in April for using her private home for
worship. The Pastor told Forum 18 that he is now afraid that his
Church will be closed down. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Kazakhstan -
Til top på siden
23-04-2012 - Stor presbyteriansk kirke forlader
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
, Sparked by acceptance of gay ministers,
First Presbyterian bolts.. In an historic vote Sunday
morning, the largest Presbyterian church in Colorado voted
overwhelmingly to leave its governing body and join a new, more
conservative denomination Læs mere -
Kristendom, presbyteriansk
Til top på siden
23-04-2012 - Privilligeret eller forfulgt?
Politik - religion
Is Russia's Orthodox Church
privileged or persecuted? The Russian Orthodox Church's
ties with the government are facing push back. Church leaders
have decried recent incidents, including a punk band's protest
inside a church. Læs mere - [Christian Science
Rusland -
Kristendom, ortodoks
Til top på siden
23-04-2012 - Muslimer brænder kirke i Sudan
, Muslim Mob Burns Catholic Church in Sudan
A Muslim mob set ablaze a Catholic church frequented by
Southern Sudanese in the capital Khartoum, witnesses and media
reports said on Sunday. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Sudan, Khartoum -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
23-04-2012 - Church of England, Cornwall: Der skal
undervises i hedenskab
Religionsmøde - lige ret
Cornish Teachers Should 'Explore' Paganism,
Church of England Says Teachers in Cornwall have been
told by the Church of England to celebrate all Cornish beliefs
in school, including "exploring" Paganism, over fears some
families are being marginalised. Læs mere - [Huffpost Religion]
England -
Til top på siden
18-04-2012 - Evangelikales nye forståelse af
omvendelse og frelse
Kirkens liv
, The New Conversion: Why We 'Become
Christians' Differently Today It is not be an
overstatement to say that evangelicals are experiencing a "sea
change"-a paradigm shift-in their understanding of conversion and
redemption, a shift that includes the way in which they think
about the salvation of God, the nature and mission of the church,
and the character of religious experience. (Article by Gordon T.
Smith) Læs mere -
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
17-04-2012 - USA: 50% mener at bibel, koran og mormons bog
rummmer samme sandhed
, Half of All Americans: Bible, Quran, Book
of Mormon Hold Same Truth An in-depth study released by
the Barna Group on behalf of the American Bible Society found
that 50 percent of Americans believe the Bible, Quran and the
Book of Mormon hold different expressions of the same truths. The
survey also found .. Læs mere - [The Christian Post]
Til top på siden
17-04-2012 - Trods kommende værtskab for Melodi Grand
Prix: religiøs undertrykkelse
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, AZERBAIJAN: Religious freedom survey
Ahead of Azerbaijan's hosting of the Eurovision Song
Contest, Forum 18 News Service notes that freedom of religion or
belief and related human rights such as the freedom of expression
and of assembly remain highly restricted Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Azerbadjan -
Til top på siden
17-04-2012 - Første internationale kongres .. for
oprindelig folk
Politik - religion
I International Congress of Indigenous
Constitutional Law in the Chaco Methodist bishop
Etchegoyen, who is Argentinean and founder and current
Co-President of the Human Rights Permanent Assembly (ADDH) and
member of the World Council of Churches (WCC), will speak on "The
Challenge of Our Time." Læs mere - [ALC]
Argentina -
Til top på siden
16-04-2012 - Terrorgrupper har til mål at rense
Somalia for kristne
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Terror group aims to rid Somalia of
Christians Somalia's Islamist terror group al Shabab
wants to rid the Muslim country of all Christians and is
specifically targeting Christian converts from Islam according
to CBN. Al Shabab recently joined with al Qaeda and wants Sharia
law implemented in the country. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Somalia -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
13-04-2012 - Tidligere ærkebiskop: Kristne
forfølges af retssystemet
Christians are being vilified, warns Lord Carey
Christians are being "persecuted" by courts and "driven
underground" in the same way that homosexuals once were, a former
Archbishop of Canterbury has warned. Læs mere - [The Telegraph]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
13-04-2012 - Efter Shenouda III'død valfarter
koptiske kristne igen til Jerusalem
Spiritualitet (troens liv og former)
Egyptian Christians defy church ban and travel to Jerusalem
For many Copts, visiting the Holy Land, and Jerusalem in
particular, is one of the most meaningful acts of faith they can
perform. Some liken it to the pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims
are obligated to make at least once in their lives if they
can.But for the past three decades, very few Copts have made the
journey because of the ban by Pope Shenouda III. Shenouda imposed
the ban to protest Egypt's 1979 peace agreement with Israel,
saying Christians shouldn't visit Israel until it makes peace
with the Palestinians. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Ægypten -
Kristendom - koptisk
Til top på siden
12-04-2012 - Falske omvendelser er kirkeligt
False Conversions Are the Suicide of the
Church, Pastor Warns Mark Dever, senior pastor of Capitol
Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., told some 8,000
ministers Tuesday at the Together for the Gospel conference that
he fears there are thousands, if not millions, of people in
churches who are not truly converted. Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Til top på siden
12-04-2012 - Den anglikanske kirke stadig delt i
spørgsmålet kvindelige biskopper
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
Australia's church still
divided over women's ordination Australia's Anglican
Church has its third female bishop, Genieve Blackwell, but her
March 31 consecration was boycotted by her archbishop, Sydney's
Peter Jensen, a strong opponent of women clergy . ..Over 30 women
have been elected or appointed bishops in the Anglican Communion,
out of over 870 bishops worldwide. Læs mere -
[Anglican Journal]
Australien -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
11-04-2012 - Overgreb på religiøs ret rammer
muslimer, kristne og hinduer
, Continuing freedom of movement bans
Among other violations are bans on exit visas for Muslims
who have passed the stringent state approval procedures for going
on state-organised pilgrimages, bans on Muslims joining waiting
lists for these pilgrimages, bans on individual Christians and
Jehovah's Witnesses leaving the country, and bans on Hare Krishna
devotees and Christians entering the country. Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Uzbekistan -
Til top på siden
11-04-2012 - Fælles "pagt" i den anglikanske kirke
synes død
, 'Covenant' to bind Anglican Communion
appears dead A proposed "Covenant" aimed at ensuring
unity across the worldwide Anglican Communion appears to have
failed, leaving the world's third-largest Christian body facing
an uncertain and likely fragmented future. The covenant, born of
an idea in 2004 to try to set boundaries in belief and practice
for the Communion's 40 members churches, appears dead after a
majority of dioceses within the Church of England voted to reject
it. Læs mere -
[Presbyterian Church, USA]
Globalt -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
10-04-2012 - Sct. Thomas i MALAYATTOOR mål for
Spiritualitet (troens liv og former)
Holy Week draws pilgrims to St.
Thomas shrine in India Though Malayattoor attracts
pilgrims throughout the year, several million climb the
1,900-foot hill to the shrine during Holy Week between Palm
Sunday and Easter Sunday. Over a million arrived on Good Friday
alone, causing a traffic jam that extended to the national
highway 12 miles away. Læs mere
- [Presbyterian Church, USA]
Indien -
Til top på siden
10-04-2012 - De fleste immigranter i Canada er
, Immigrants remaking Canada's religious
face in surprising ways The majority of Canada's
immigrants - six in 10 - are Christians. That's an even higher
ratio than across the planet, where Christians make up five in
10 of those moving permanently to new countries (as well as the
largest immigrant group in Europe).. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Canada,Toronto -
Til top på siden
07-04-2012 - Sultan tilskriver religiøs uvidenhed
de voldelig konfrontationer
Religionsmøde - dialog
, Sultan Attributes Violence to Lack of
Education The Sultan of Sokoto, Dr Muhammad Sa'ad
Abubakar, said in Sokoto on Monday that lack of education was the
root cause of violence in the country. Abubakar spoke while
receiving the President of the Pontifical Council for
Inter-Religious Dialogue in the Vatican, Cardinal Jean Louis
Tauran, who paid him a visit in his palace in Sokoto. He said
people were not knowledgeable enough about their religions and
as such took issues in the negative. According to him, our people
do not know the similarities between Islam and Christianity due
to lack of education. Læs mere - [All Africa Conference of
Nigeria -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
05-04-2012 - Fastholder forbud mod kvindelige præster
og advarer mod ulydighed
Pope reaffirms ban on women priests,
assails disobedience Benedict, who for decades before his
2005 election was the Vatican's chief doctrinal enforcer,
delivered an unusually direct denunciation of disobedient priests
in a sermon at a morning Mass on Holy Thursday, the day the
Church commemorates the day Christ instituted the priesthood. Læs mere -
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
04-04-2012 - To lutherske verdensorganistioner om evt.
fælles reformationsfejring
, Global Lutheran Bodies to Explore Common
Commemorations of Reformation Representatives of The
Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the International Lutheran
Council (ILC) highlighted in their meeting this year the need to
continue conversations about common commemorations of the 500th
anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. Læs mere
- [Lutheran World Federation]
Schweitz, Geneve -
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top på siden
04-04-2012 - Obama: påskefrokost med meditation over
Politik - religion
Obama hosts Easter
prayer breakfast with meditation on suffering President
Obama hosted his third annual Easter prayer breakfast at the
White House on Wednesday (April 4), saying that Jesus' suffering
and sacrifice during Holy Week puts the travails of his own life
in perspective Læs mere - [Religious News
Til top på siden
04-04-2012 - Liberale muslimer i Østrig vil bygge
kristen kirke i Saudiarabien
Religionsmøde islam-kristendom
, Liberal Austrian Muslims counter radical
Islamists A group of liberal Austrian Muslims are seeking
to counter a recent call by the Saudi grand mufti to "destroy all
the churches" in the Gulf region by promoting the construction
of a church in the fundamentalist Islamic country that bans
Christian houses of worship. Læs mere - [EuropeNews]
Østrig, Wien -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
04-04-2012 - Antijulekrybbeaktivist og ateist omvendt og
vil være præst
Atheist Activist Becomes Christian
After Believers Show Him Compassion Now this former
atheist says he's not only a Christian, but he also wants to
become a pastor. Greene plans to either join a nearby liberal
congregation or may even start his own chapter of the Rainbow
Baptists, an outreach ministry of The Association of Welcoming
and Affirming Baptists that supports the lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender community. He says he feels strongly that
homosexuality is acceptable in Christianity, [Readers of
KirkenUpdate will remember: (The Nativity Stays!) Læs mere - [The Christian Post]
Til top på siden
04-04-2012 - 17-årig tre års fængsel for
forhånelse af islam på facebook
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Egypt jails
Christian student to three years in jail for insulting Isl
An Egyptian court on Wednesday sentenced a 17-year-old
Christian boy to three years in jail for publishing cartoons on
his Facebook page that mocked Islam and the Prophet Mohammad,
actions that sparked sectarian violence. Læs mere -
Ægypten -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
03-04-2012 - Voksende dialog mellem kristne og buddhister
takket være uddannelse
Religionsmøde - dialog
DIALOGUE THROUGH EDUCATION Today, more and more in
classrooms all over the world, students belonging to various
religions and beliefs sit side-by-side, learning with one another
and from one another. This diversity gives rise to challenges and
sparks deeper reflection on the need to educate young people to
respect and understand the religious beliefs and practices of
others, to grow in knowledge of their own, to advance together
as responsible human beings.. Læs mere - [Vatican Information
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - buddhisme
Til top på siden
02-04-2012 - Ekstremisters forsøg på at
opbygge anti-islamisk netværk møder protest
, Far-right groups seek to build
anti-Islamic network, meet protest Aarhus, Denmark -
Far-right anti-Islam activists struggling to throw off the shadow
of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik gathered in Denmark on
Saturday, but met a protest many times bigger. The rally was
attended by a few hundred far-right activists from Nordic
countries, Britain, France, Germany, Poland and elsewhere to try
to form a European-wide anti-Islamic movement. Læs
mere - [Reuters]
Danmark -
Til top på siden
01-04-2012 - International Bulletin, april: Mission i
Udgivelse - Online
, International Bulletin, april: Korean
Missions: Beyond the Obvious Content: Korean Missions:
Beyond the Obvious. J. Nelson Jennings. - Korean Protestant
Christianity: A Missiological Reflection. Joon-Sik Park. - Korean
Church, Fullerton, California: Mission from the Margins Læs mere - [International
Bulletin of Missionary Research]
Wonsuk Ma. - Toward a Broader Role in Mission: How Korean
Americans' Struggle for Identity Can Lead to a Renewed Vision for
Mission. S. Steve Kang and Megan A. Hackman. - Lessons from
Korean Mission in the Former Soviet Region. John McNeill. -
Missions from Korea 2012: Slowdown and Maturation. Steve
Sang-Cheol Moon. - The Second Text: Missionary Publishing and
Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. David N. Dixon. - A "New Breed of
Missionaries": Assessing Attitudes Toward Western Missions at the
Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology. F. Lionel Young
III. - My Pilgrimage in Mission. Joseph G. Donders
Global Online - International Bulletin -
Til top på siden
30-03-2012 - Protestant valgt som borgmester i
større russisk by (Tolyatti)
Politik - religion
, Protestant elected mayor of major Russian
city For the first time ever since the days of the Tsars,
a Protestant has been elected mayor of a major Russian
city.."United Russia" (Putin's party) attempted to stir up
sentiment against the country's religious minorities. In Tolyatti
it portrayed itself as "the fatherland's savior from sinister and
ominous foreign powers." Posters up around the city portrayed
Tolyatti's Orthodox cathedral awash in bright colors beside the
local Baptist church in dark greys, resting below a hovering
black raven. Læs mere -
[Presbyterian Church, USA]
Rusland -
Til top på siden
29-03-2012 - Troens forår på Cuba?
Politik - religion
Analysis: Springtime in Cuba?
This week's three-day visit to Cuba by Pope Benedict
marked another milestone in the Roman Catholic Church's cautious
efforts to expand its role in the communist-run island. Havana's
Cardinal Jaime Ortega called it a "Springtime of faith." Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Cuba -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
29-03-2012 - Kirkelig konference om fred i Sydsudan
WEA to Host South
Sudan Tribal Peace Conference Under the sponsorship of
the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Bishop Elias Taban of the
Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) proposes a tribal Peace
Conference between the Murle, Lou Nuer and Dinka Bor tribes to
be held in Yei, South Sudan on April 1-3, 2012. Læs mere - [Mica
Sudan, Southern -
Til top på siden
29-03-2012 - Homoseksuel præst - tidligere udelukket
af ELCA - valgt som kirkeleder
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
Openly Gay Pastor
Chosen as Leader of Large Lutheran Church in Minn. An
openly gay Atlanta pastor previously removed from the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and later reinstated has now
been voted in by an overwhelming majority to the role of senior
pastor at the biggest Lutheran church in Saint Paul, Minn. Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top på siden
28-03-2012 - Kristne demonstrerer - for og imod
Politik - religion
Christians Rally on Both
Sides of Health Care Debate The politically liberal
Christians, concerned about access to health care for the less
fortunate, prayed for the court to uphold the law. Politically
conservative Christians, concerned about the law's infringement
upon individual liberty, asked that the law be struck down. Læs
mere - [Christian Post]
Til top på siden
27-03-2012 - Forbudt i New York: Dinosaur, evolution - og
Videnskab og tro
, New York City Department of Education Bans
References To Dinosaurs To The New York City Department
of Education has barred the use of "Dinosaur" on tests to avoid
upsetting people who believe creationism. Putting aside the fact
that creationists do not deny that dinosaurs existed, the
decision is to bar the use of a reference to an entire species
because a fact might insult religious sensibilities. Læs mere - [Jonathan Turley Blog]
Til top på siden
26-03-2012 - Jordens salt. Mission fra de marginaliserede
i verden
'Mission from
the margins' explored at CWME event Participants in the
World Council of Churches' Commission on World Mission and
Evangelism (CWME) pre-assembly event bring conconcerns of the
marginalized, including women, young people, Dalits, indigenous
peoples and other minorities into the heart of the debate about
mission and evangelism. On March 23, the event here focused on
the theme "Mission from the margins: Salt for earth." Læs mere -
[Presbyterian Church, USA]
Korea -
Til top på siden
26-03-2012 - Adventist kirken i stort evangeliserings
fremstød i Brasilien
Mission - arbejdsmåder
Adventist Church president
leads thousands in massive Brazilian outrea Before the
start of a massive March 24 evangelistic outreach in SÆo Paulo,
Brazil's largest city, Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson, General Conference
president, had encouraging words: "Everyone can be part of God's
remnant church." Speaking to a congregation of 2,000 at the SÆo
Paulo Adventist University Center (UNASP) Church - with another
5,000 to 6,000 viewing a broadcast at other locations -- Wilson
said he planned to join thousands of church members that day in
distributing what turned out to be 4 million copies of The Great
Hope, an outreach book based on The Great Controversy by Ellen
G. White, a pioneering co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist
movement. A total of 25 million books are to be distributed
throughout the South American Division in one day.. Læs mere - [Adventist
News Network]
Brasilien -
Kristendom, adventister
Til top på siden
25-03-2012 - Voldsom vækst af kristne i Iran
Mission - vækst
, Growth of Christianity in Iran 'Explosive'
Despite the Iranian government's ongoing crackdown of
Christians living in the primarily Islamic country, the number
of Muslims converting to become Christians is growing at an
explosive rate, according to the persecution watchdog group Open
Doors USA. Læs
mere - [Christian Post]
Iran -
Til top på siden
23-03-2012 - Kirken frygter etnisk udrensning af kristne
i Homs
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Church fears 'ethnic cleansing' of
Christians in Homs, Syria The Syrian Orthodox Church is
worried about "an ongoing ethnic cleansing of Christians" in the
embattled city of Homs, reports Agenzia Fides, the official
Vatican news agency. Anti-government militants have expelled 90%
of Christians in Homs and confiscated their residences by force,
said Fides, citing a note sent to the agency by the Syrian
Orthodox Church. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Syrien -
Til top på siden
23-03-2012 - Kirkeledere fra "Syd" understreget
parnterskabs nødvendighed
Mission - gensidig
Church leaders stress partnership as
Christianity grows in global Sout "We acknowledge that
the growth of Christianity in the global South (Africa and Asia)
is the result of the success of the North's mission and
evangelism work," the Rev. Opoku Onyinah of the Pentecost Bible
College in Ghana...Our partnership with churches in the North is
needed more than ever as we are called to also to help
re-evangelize them," Tobias told ENInews. According to the
Vatican, he said, "we are expected to send some of our
missionaries to the North." Læs mere - [Ecumenical News
Filipinerne -
Til top på siden
22-03-2012 - Kirkens vanskelige balancegang i Cuba
, Church's Uneasy Balancing Act Just
in the past few days, with a visit here by Pope Benedict XVI
looming, the Rev. Roberto Betancourt has witnessed firsthand the
difficult position Cuba's Roman Catholic Church finds itself in
as it wields its newfound influence but still struggles to fill
its pews. Læs mere - [New York Times]
Cuba -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
21-03-2012 - Religionsmøde: Evangelikale og
, Evangelicals and Muslims: Where Do We
Begin? Evangelical leaders on the forefront of
establishing relationships with Muslims in the United States
admit they face unprecedented challenges. For Christians, the
question remains - how do fruitful relationships between people
from the two dramatically different faiths begin? Læs mere
- [Christian Post]
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
21-03-2012 - Kirkelig venstrefløj uddanner
talsmænd for kvinders ret til abort
Etik - abort
Progressive group starts training pro-abortion rights
religious leader A Washington advocacy group training
in-the-trenches religious leaders to speak out on hot-button
issues like abortion is nothing new. Læs mere - [CNN]
But a liberal beltway group training left-leaning clergy to speak
out for abortion rights is. "Religion does support a woman's
personal decision-making about whether she is ready to become a
parent," said Sally Steenland...
Til top på siden
21-03-2012 - Kirkelig - og jødisk - kritik af
republikanernes økonomiske politik
Politik - sociale forhold
, Religious leaders speak out against GOP
budget A number of religious leaders have denounced the
GOP budget, claiming that it favors the rich and is "immoral" and
"irresponsible," according to a recent article in the Washington
Post's On Faith blog. Læs mere - [Worldwide Faith News]
Til top på siden
20-03-2012 - En efterkommunistisk manegementstat og
religionsfrihed og tro
Politik - religion
, A post-Communist managerial state and
freedom of religion or belief Violations of freedom of
religion or belief in China have continued, yet religious
communities of all kinds have been growing rapidly. The Chinese
Communist Party's attitude toward religion - and so towards the
fundamental human right of freedom of religion or belief - has
reflected the views of Chinese political elites from the 19th
century onwards that religion is "superstition" and a barrier to
modernisation, Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Kina -
Kristendom - ateisme
Til top på siden
19-03-2012 - Unge vender sig fra kirken på grund af
Politik - tro
, Youth Turned Off by Religion and Politics,
Turn Away From Church Young people are turning away from
churches because they associate Christianity with Republican
politics, a study reveals. Political science Professors David
Campbell (University of Notre Dame) and Robert Putnam (Harvard
University) published their findings, "God and Caesar in America:
Why Mixing Religion and Politics Is Bad for Both," Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Til top på siden
17-03-2012 - Den koptiske kirkes overhovede, pave Shenouda
III, er død
Organisation og ledelse
Coptic Pope Dies in Egypt Amid Church's Struggles Pope
Shenouda III, who led the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt for
four decades, expanding the church's presence around the world
as he struggled, often unsuccessfully, to protect his Christian
minority at home, died on Saturday Læs mere - [New York Times]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - koptisk
Til top på siden
16-03-2012 - Ærkebiskop Rowan Williams holder op for
at blive Master i Cambridge
Personalia og biografi
Archbishop of Canterbury
to be Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge It has been
an immense privilege to serve as Archbishop of Canterbury over
the past decade, and moving on has not been an easy decision.
During the time remaining there is much to do, and I ask your
prayers and support in this period and beyond. I am abidingly
grateful to all those friends and colleagues Læs mere - [Archbishop of
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
16-03-2012 - Den norske kirkes løsnes fra sit
forhold til staten
Norway's state church
headed toward dis-establishment Major steps toward the
dis-establishment of Norway's state church, the (Lutheran) Church
of Norway, were passed by the government on March 16 in its
weekly session with King Harald V. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News
Norge -
Til top på siden
15-03-2012 - Tony Blair støtter kirkeligt
indgåede homseksuelle ægteskaber
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Blair takes on the Pope
by backing gay marriage The ex-PM, a Catholic convert who
introduced same-sex civil unions, intervenes over issue that has
split the church.. Læs mere - [The Independent]
England -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
15-03-2012 - Nadarkhani - ikke dødsdømt, men
stadig anklaget for fornærmelse
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Youcef Nadarkhani
'Offended Islam' by Preaching Christianity An Iranian
envoy has denied an execution order was issued for Pastor Youcef
Nadarkhani, but revealed a list of charges against the
evangelical Christian that allegedly make him guilty of
"offending Islam." Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Iran -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
15-03-2012 - Kirkernes Verdensråd vil redefinere
mission og evangelisation
Organisation og ledelse
Church council seeks to
re-define mission and evangelism Hosted by the National
Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP), the gathering is
expected to update the WCC's mission and evangelism statement,
which was written in 1982. "The Philippines can help take a look
at mission and evangelism from the side of the oppressed and not
only from the traditional understanding of conversion," National
Council of Churches in the Philippines general secretary Fr. Rex
Reyes told ENInews Læs
mere - [Presbyterian Church, USA]
Filipinerne -
Til top på siden
14-03-2012 - Første episcopale, biskoppelige
møde med de kinesiske myndigheder
Politik - religion
Rise in
Christians has China's churches, government looking for help
And the Chinese government wants to work with the
Episcopal Church, said Peter Ng, the church's global partnerships
officer for Asia and the Pacific, in an interview with ENS in
China. "The government sees the Episcopal Church as a relevant
voice in modern society." Læs mere - [Episcopal News
Kina -
Til top på siden
13-03-2012 - Forsøg på at lukke kirke med
baggrund i den nye lov for religion 2009
, AZERBAIJAN: "Illegal liquidation"
Azerbaijan's State Committee for Work with Religious
Organisations has moved to close down Greater Grace Church in the
capital Baku for failing to regain the compulsory
re-registration.. Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Azerbadjan -
Til top på siden
12-03-2012 - Selvmordsbombe rammer katolsk kirke i
, Suicide bomb hits Nigerian Catholic church
A deadly suicide bombing attack on a Catholic church in
Jos, Nigeria, sparked retaliation attacks, leaving several dead
and injured, officials said. Læs mere -
Nigeria -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
10-03-2012 - Dronning Elizabeth II: Kirkens opgave at
beskytte religiøs frihed
The Church is
under-appreciated says the Queen "The concept of our
established Church is occasionally misunderstood and, I believe,
commonly under-appreciated," she said. Læs mere - [The Telegraph]
"Its role is not to defend Anglicanism to the exclusion of other
religions. Instead, the Church has a duty to protect the free
practice of all faiths in this country."
England -
Kristendom - andre religioner
Til top på siden
09-03-2012 - Ikke mennesketomme, men pengetomme kirker
lukkes i stigende grad (USA)
Kirkens liv
U.S. banks foreclosing on many
churches with deadbeat mortgages Banks are foreclosing
on America's churches in record numbers as lenders increasingly
lose patience with religious facilities that have defaulted on
their mortgages, according to new data. The surge in church
foreclosures represents a new wave of distressed property
seizures triggered by the 2008 financial crash, analysts say,
with many banks no longer willing to grant struggling religious
organizations forbearance. Since 2010, 270 churches have been
sold after defaulting on their loan Læs mere - [Reuters]
Til top på siden
09-03-2012 - Frygt for at islamisk ekstremisme breder sig
fra Nigeria
, In Cameroon, faith leaders fear expansion
of extremism from Nigeria The president of the Cameroon
Association of Imams, Sheik Ibrahim Mbombo Mubarak has said he
is concerned that some Muslim leaders have welcomed the "hate
doctrine," and have allowed Boko Haram faithful to preach in
their mosques...In a similar warning note, the Archbishop of
Douala, Msgr. Samuel Kleda, said during an ecumenical service for
peace in Cameroon that the Boko Haram doctrine is "anti-social
... it is against the abiding love of our savior,..Political
leaders have said they are concerned that poverty in Cameroon,
where 40 percent of the population lives on less than one dollar
per day, could make Boko Haram attractive to many people,
especially in the north. Læs mere
- [Presbyterian Church, USA]
Cameroun -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
08-03-2012 - At klappe med begge hænder - lighed
mellem kønnene
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, A big hand for equality Gender
equality is central to meeting the needs of the world's poorest
and most vulnerable people - men and women alike - concludes a
new ACT Alliance report launched to mark International Women's
Day on Læs mere - [Act
March 8.
Schweitz, Geneve -
Til top på siden
05-03-2012 - Den myrdede minister Shahbaz Bhatti mindes af
, Christians, activists remember slain
Pakistani minister Christians and human rights activists
paid tribute on the 3-4 March weekend to Shahbaz Bhatti, former
minister for religious minority affairs in Pakistan's federal
cabinet, who was assassinated a year ago. Churches across
Pakistan held special prayers in remembrance of Bhatti.. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News
Pakistan, Islamabad -
Til top på siden
05-03-2012 - 5 revolutionerende kvinder
Five women in religion to
watch The year 2012 has only just begun and already women
are revolutionizing what it looks like to be religious, to study
religion and to engage in social change. Here are five women to
watch in 2012.. Læs mere - [CNN]
Globalt -
Til top på siden
01-03-2012 - Faste for "Fair Food" produktion
Politik - økonomi
Fast for Fair Food
I love tomatoes. Many of us do. But can we eat them in
good conscience when we know that the farm workers who pick them
are grossly underpaid and work under conditions that most of us
do not and would not tolerate? Læs mere - [National
Council of Churches Poverty Initiative]
Kristendom, presbyteriansk
Til top på siden
29-02-2012 - Kristne palæstinensere prøver at
påvirke evangelikales Israel-support
This Bethlehem
conference is no Purimshpiel Those evangelicals who
embrace the justice of Israel's historical claim to the Land face
CATC's shameless rewriting of history Læs mere - [Jerusalem
Israel -
Kristendom - jødedom
Til top på siden
29-02-2012 - Kristne ledere kritiserer økonomisk
Politik - sociale forhold
, New Zealand Christian leaders decry income
inequality Christian leaders in New Zealand are decrying
the widening gap between the lowest and highest income earners,
in a country that has one of the highest rates of income
inequality among developed countries. Læs mere - [The Christian
New Zealand -
Til top på siden
27-02-2012 - Trusler om inddragelse af autorisation efter
gudstjeneste for invalide
, Raids, threats, warnings for religious
meetings On one Sunday in January, officials visited
three Pentecostal services in separate villages. Pastor Vasili
Raptsevich - who led worship in a church-owned house in a village
in Brest Region for about ten disabled church members unable to
travel to the main congregation in a nearby town.. Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Belarus -
Til top på siden
27-02-2012 - Lederen af international muslimsk organisation
(OIC) beklager drab
Head of Islamic organization deplores killings
in Afghanistan The head of the 57-nation Organization of
Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on 27 February condemned as
"deplorable" a recent spate of violence and killings in
Afghanistan, sparked in reaction to the burning of copies of the
Quran by members of the U.S. military. "Of course killing is not
acceptable, we condemn (it), it's deplorable, it's forbidden, and
it's against all values. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News
Afghanistan -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
27-02-2012 - Kampagne for at gøre Liberia til
kristen stat bekymrer
, Campaign for Liberian Christian state
displeases faith leaders At the precincts of Old
Providence Baptist Church in Monrovia, Liberia's capital city,
hundreds of civilians have been signing a petition that is
seeking to make the West African country a Christian nation. But
the campaign is being questioned by prominent Christian leaders
who are cautioning that the change will split the country on
religious lines and lead to instability. Læs mere - [AfricaFiles]
Liberia -
Til top på siden
24-02-2012 - Er den katolske kirke klar til en amerikansk
Organisation og ledelse
the Church ready for an American pope? In just a decade,
Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York City, has risen from a
local bishop to becoming a prince of the Catholic Church. Læs mere - [Fox News]
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
24-02-2012 - Det drejer sig ikke om mormonerne, men om
katolikkerne i USA
Politik - religion
, Forget the Mormon moment; it's about
Catholics Forget the Mormon moment. The religious group
that seems to be figuring most prominently in the presidential
election right now is the Roman Catholic Church. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
With Mitt Romney's recent choice of Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as
running mate, this campaign is the first in which Catholics are
on both major party tickets. Vice President Joe Biden and Ryan
are lifelong Catholics who attend Mass regularly and credit the
church with shaping their views.
Til top på siden
23-02-2012 - Vil Syriens kristne fortsætte med at
støtte Assad?
, Will Christians Continue to Support Assad
Out of Fear of Persecution? With limited international
response and some Syrian communities - such as the country's
estimated 1.5 million Christians - continuing to support Assad
out of fear for their own safety, a civil war may be the most
likely outcome in the Syrian conflict. Under the Assad regime,
Syrian Christians have enjoyed an unprecedented amount of
freedoms in the mostly-Muslim country, and many fear that without
Assad's Ba'athist party in power they might become the targets
of a brutal extremist crackdown. Christians are already becoming
targets of extremists.. Læs mere - [The Christian Post]
Syrien -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
23-02-2012 - Nadarkhani - Det hvide hus fordømmer
White House and State
Department Condemn Execution Order Both the White House
and the U.S. State Department issued statements Thursday, Feb.
23 demanding the immediate release of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani,
who has been imprisoned in Iran since October 2009. Nadarkhani's
fate took a decisive turn for the worst on Feb. 21, when the
American Center for Law and Justice announced that Iranian courts
may have issued an execution order for Nadarkhani.. Læs mere - [The
Christian Post]
Iran -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
23-02-2012 - Den syriske kirke på sidelinien i
, Fears grow Syrian conflict may slide into
civil war The growing sectarian polarization is between
supporters of President Bashar-al-Assad, who comes from the
minority Alawite sect, a branch of Shia Islam which comprises
only 12 percent of the country's population ? but is strongly
represented in the country's armed forces ? and Sunni Muslims,
who represent about 75 percent of the population, and are firm
supporters of the small Free Syrian Army. Christian
communities, which make up about five percent of the Syrian
population, have remained largely on the sidelines during the
armed hostilities. Nseir said churches in Syria can play a
role in initiating dialogue, and mediating between the government
and some opposition groups. Læs mere
- [Ecumenical News International]
Syrien -
Til top på siden
23-02-2012 - Den ortodokse partriark arbejder for at fremme
religøs frihed
Orthodox Christian leader favors constitution promoting
religious free The spiritual leader of the world's
Orthodox Christians said Monday that Turkey's new constitution
should grant equal rights to minorities in the country and
safeguard religious freedoms. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
I met with members of a parliamentary subcommittee seeking an
all-party consensus in drawing up a new constitution, which will
replace the one ratified in 1982 while Turkey was under military
rule. The subcommittee is meeting with non-governmental
organizations and representatives of minority groups for input
on the drafting of the new laws. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Tyrkiet -
Kristendom - andre religioner
Til top på siden
22-02-2012 - Økumenisk luthersk-katolsk samarbejde
overfor fattigdom og nød
ELCA, Catholic leaders
celebrate their Christian unity.. ELCA, Catholic leaders
celebrate their Christian unity, continue dialogue..In gratitude
for the "unity in Christ" between the Catholic Church and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), ELCA Presiding
Bishop Mark S. Hanson shared with Pope Benedict XVI a sense of
urgency between Lutherans and Catholics in responding to the
"great needs of poverty and human care" in the world. Læs mere - [Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America]
Til top på siden
21-02-2012 - Store grupperinger i USA: tro og politik skal
ikke blandes
Politik - religion
, Religion And Politics Don't Mix,Major
Religious Groups Tell Candidates After Rick Santorum
ignited controversy over the weekend by saying President Barack
Obama has a "phony" and "different theology" that's not "based
on the Bible," and amid ongoing discomfort among some politicians
and religious figures over Mitt Romney's Mormon faith, a
coalition of major religious organizations is calling on
presidential candidates to keep religion out of politics. Læs mere -
[Huffpost Religion]
Til top på siden
21-02-2012 - Southern Baptists laver ikke nyt brand -
missionale konsekvenser?
, Re-branding a religion is hard to do, and
not always successful Did leaders of the Southern Baptist
Convention hurt their missionary cause by opting not to change
the denomination's name to something a bit more, well,
marketable?.. Læs mere -
[Washington Post]
Kristendom, baptist
Til top på siden
21-02-2012 - Religion og revolution. Interreligiøs
Udgivelse - Online
Religion and Revolution
Melissa Heller's article offers a description of an
effective course structure for creating Jewish-Christian dialogue
by fostering intense study-partner relationships. Eric
Hoenes's work describes the use of Liberation Theology
eschatology by rural Guatemalan Maya. Brandon Withrow
contextualizes Mary Astell, a mid-seventeenth to early-eighteenth
century English religious writer who has often been described as
a feminist, as a case study in the importance of attention to
context for religious messages of social change. Brendan
Ozawa-de Silva juxtaposes a seminal Zen Buddhist philosopher and
one of the most celebrated Christian theologians of all time in
an unexpected and illuminating discussion of what makes for
"Prophetic Courage." Læs mere - [Interreligious
Globalt -
Til top på siden
21-02-2012 - Obamas 5 mest personlige udsagn om sin
Politik - religion
President Obama's five
most personal religious statements Even as a significant
percentage of Americans falsely believe Obama is Muslim, the
president has spoken of his Christian faith with increasing
fervor during his three years in the White House. Here's a
sample, in reverse chronological order, of five of Obama's most
personal statements on Christianity.. Læs mere - [Religious News
Til top på siden
21-02-2012 - Kampen om første Mosebogs sandhed og
historicitet tilspidses
Videnskab og tro
Over Genesis Is Heating Up Christian apologists like Ken
Ham, president and founder of Answers in Genesis, might see more
opposition to their literal way of reading the Bible. That
includes believing in a literal Adam and Eve and the fall of man,
Ham told The Christian Post Sunday. His belief that the Bible is
the history book of the universe is increasingly under attack,
he said. Læs mere - [The Christian Post]
Til top på siden
21-02-2012 - Jødisk kritik af pris til luthersk
præst ved julekirken i Betlehem
Raheb will get
German prize despite growing opposition, organizers say
Jewish groups are ramping up pressure to have a
prestigious German prize withdrawn from a Palestinian pastor who
is accused of making anti-Semitic statements. The Rev. Dr. Mitri
Raheb of the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem
is one of four recipients of the German Media Prize to be
presented Friday. He has said that Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, among others, has no rightful claim to a
Jewish heritage. Læs mere - [JTA]
Israel -
Kristendom - jødedom
Til top på siden
20-02-2012 - Kirkeledere opfordrer til fred og forsoning
i Nigeria
Religious Leaders
in Nigeria Call for Peace and Interreligious.. Most Rev.
John Onaiyekan, the Catholic Archbishop of Abuja Diocese, on
Wednesday advised Christians to always control their anger and
avoid revenge irrespective of the circumstances they find
themselves.."If we have learnt to see the hand of God in all that
happen to us, we must see it, especially in events like the
Christmas Day bomb blast, which left us totally shattered.."We
must go beyond nature and overcome natural instincts of anger
and, perhaps, even vengeance.'' Læs mere -
[Parliament of Religions]
Nigeria -
Til top på siden
17-02-2012 - De to sidste officielt anerk. kirker forbydes
gudstjeneste på farsi
, Churches Forced to Stop Farsi Worship in
Tehran, Iran Iran's Ministry of Intelligence has ordered
the last two officially registered churches holding Friday
Farsi-language services in Tehran to discontinue them. Læs mere - [Compass
Direct News]
Iran -
Til top på siden
15-02-2012 - Forfølgelser i Syd-Sudan - fra
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Priests Released amid Wave of Abductions
in Sudan Christians in Sudan have complained of a spike
in threats against them by South Sudanese militias rebelling
against the new South Sudan government. The South Sudanese rebels
go house-to-house in Khartoum and other towns in the north
abducting mainly Christian men.. Læs mere - [Compass
Direct News]
Sudan, Southern -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
14-02-2012 - Teologien skal justeres til at rumme
følger af klimaforandringer
Natural Theology as Climate Changes Drown a Way of Life
Inhabitants of Pacific islands (Tuvala) don't distinguish
between theology or religion and daily life, said Randall Prior,
a professor of missiology at Uniting Church Theological College
in Melbourne, Australia. "Issues of climate change will become
issues for theological education," he said. The Tuvaluan church's
challenge is to teach a theology that emphasizes that God's
providence still exists even if islanders' surroundings are being
destroyed, Lusama said. He explains that such destruction is the
consequence of human behavior and injustice, not God's wrath. Læs mere
- [ChristianityToday]
Tuvala -
Til top på siden
14-02-2012 - Nye hårde straffe for religiøs
aktivitet taget i brug
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, First known use of harsh new punishments
..first known use of expanded and increased punishments
for exercising freedom of religion or belief, a Baptist in
eastern Kazakhstan has been fined what local people estimate to
be a year and a half's average local wages for leading an
unregistered religious organisation. Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Kazakhstan -
Til top på siden
10-02-2012 - Muslimske advarsler mod afguderi med Valentins
Spiritualitet (troens liv og former)
Muslims told Valentine's Day can
invoke wrath of God An invitation "to be my Valentine"
on February 14 is against Islamic beliefs and would incur the
wrath of Allah, Muslims were told today in the official Friday
sermon prepared by the federal government..Muslims were told that
asking someone to be his or her "Valentine" could lead to
idolatry Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Malaysia -
Til top på siden
09-02-2012 - Obama's kompromis om kontraception og abort
Seksualitet - det civile liv
'Outraged' by Obama's Contraceptive Compromise The
controversy began on Jan. 20 when the Obama administration
announced that religious institutions would be required to offer
free contraceptives to employees as a health-care benefit..this
so-called compromise clearly goes against our First Amendment
rights..President Obama has declared that individual conscience
is subject to government edict.. (See also about Chigago bishops protesting)
Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Til top på siden
09-02-2012 - Løsningen er ikke at stifte et kristent
Egyptians say Christian party is not the
answer Despite continuous attacks on Coptic Christians,
a delegation of Egyptian Christian leaders said Wednesday (Feb.
8) they do not support the development of a Christian political
party as a possible solution. Læs mere - [Religious News
Ægypten -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
09-02-2012 - Kampen om kvindelige biskopper i Church of
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
Female bishops and an exercise in diplomacy
General synod has now firmly rejected one idea that those
in favour of female bishops saw as a compromise too far. You can
have arrangements that mean you don't have to deal with a female
bishop, but there must not be any doubt in law that a female
bishop is a proper bishop... Læs mere - [The Gaurdian]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
08-02-2012 - Undervisning i religion pligtig
, Putin: Compulsory Religion Classes Must
Engage Students Prime Minister Vladimir Putin came out
in favor of robust religion and secular ethics classes in Russian
schools, saying they should be taught by theology specialists or
priests. Banned during the Soviet era, religion classes returned
to middle schools in selected Russian regions in 2009. Last year
Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov proposed making them
compulsory as of September 2012. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Rusland -
Til top på siden
08-02-2012 - Homoseksualitet forsvinder sjældent
helt, men kan styres
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Exodus Int'l Head Calls Gays 'Brothers and
Sisters in Christ' Head of Exodus International: I
believe that complete orientation change occurs very rarely," he
wrote. "For us to have integrity, I think it is important to
acknowledge this. But for a Christian wanting to live a life in
alignment with Christ's teachings orientation is only one part
of a larger picture" Læs mere - [Christian Post]
Til top på siden
08-02-2012 - Er (protestantiske) religiøse digte en
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Is publishing religious poetry a crime?
After Protestant Begjan Shirmedov tried to print copies
of a small book of his religious poetry, a local religious
affairs official waiting for him at the printing shop took him
to the Police 6th Department, responsible for counter-terrorism
and organised crime work. There the 77-year-old poet was
questioned for six hours, forced to write a statement and banned
from travelling outside. Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Turkmenistan -
Til top på siden
07-02-2012 - Kirkens betydning for et bedre Indien
Politik - sociale forhold
The Church's Role for a Better
India 2. We sensed in our hearts our country's Yearning
for a Better India. Our country has been noted for its deep
spirituality, its saints and sages, its rich diversity of
cultures and religions. People yearn for the ideal enshrined in
the Preamble of the Constitution of India of a Sovereign,
Socialist Secular Democratic Republic which will secure for its
citizens JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of
thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of
status and of opportunity; FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the
individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation. - The 30th
General Body Meeting of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India
from Feb. 1 - 8, 2012 Læs mere - [Catholic Bishop's
Conference of India]
Indien -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
07-02-2012 - Jødiske ekstremister vandaliserer
græsk-ortodoks kloster
, Vandals attack Jerusalem monastery, school
.. suspected Jewish extremists were behind the violence.
"Death to Christians" and other Hebrew-language graffiti were
scrawled on the Greek Orthodox monastery in Jerusalem, while
"Death to Arabs" was sprayed across a wall outside the bilingual
"Hand in Hand" school in another part of the city.. Læs mere - []
Israel -
Jødedom - kristendom
Til top på siden
07-02-2012 - Det arabiske forår er et mareridt for
, 'Arab Spring' Becoming Nightmare for
Christians Christians have been a minority in numerous
Middle East countries for several decades, facing routine
mistreatment and occasional persecution for much of that time.
However, in the last year, the so-called Arab Spring has sparked
intensified concern, with reports of an increase in attacks
against Christians in some countries here. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Libanon -
Til top på siden
05-02-2012 - Biskop: Den engelske kirke svigter
homoseksuelle par
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Church of England failing gay Christian couples, says bishop
..the Right Rev Nicholas Holtam said there were gay
couples who were living faithfully and lovingly for life and that
the quality and nature of their relationships meant it was
appropriate to use the language of marriage. Læs mere
- [The Gaurdian]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
03-02-2012 - Obama. Min politik ligger i forlængelse
af min kristne tro
Politik - religion
Obama says his policies
are extension of his faith Blending politics and
religion, President Barack Obama said his Christian faith is a
driving force behind his economic policies, from Wall Street
reform to his calls for the wealthy to pay higher taxes. Læs mere - [AP -
Associated Press]
Til top på siden
01-02-2012 - Armenien overvejer ændring af
religiøse love efter Strassbourg-dom
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, After Strasbourg punishment, will
government resolve alternative.. Justice Minister Ruben
Melikyan told Forum 18 News Service that a government Working
Group is already preparing new amendments to the Alternative
Service Law "fully taking into account the OSCE and Venice
Commission views" and the ECtHR rulings. He said it would be
adopted "this year". However, he said until it is adopted, the
courts cannot free the 57 imprisoned conscientious objectors nor
halt the prosecution of a further 14. Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Armenien -
Til top på siden
30-01-2012 - Mormoner har problemer med internettets
belysning af deres historie
Global kirke
, Mormons tackling tough questions in their
history Surprised by what they find so easily online,
more and more members of the Utah-based Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints are encountering crises of faith. Some even
leave the fold and, feeling betrayed, join the ranks of Mormon
opponents. Læs mere -
[Utah News. The Salt Lake Tribune]
Til top på siden
27-01-2012 - PROCMURA konference i Addis Abeba
Religionsmøde - dialog
, PROCMURA religious leaders for peace and
development meeting Addis Ababa Communiqué, Africa
Christian and Muslim religious leaders for peace and development:
We Christian and Muslim Religious Leaders from 8 African
Countries: Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Liberia, Madagascar,
Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Tanzania on the theme "Africa Christian
and Muslim Religious Leaders for Peace and Development", meeting
in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia between 8th - 13th January, 2012 ... Do
hereby: a) Resolve to work tirelessly to ensure that adherents
of our respective religions live with their religious differences
in peace and cooperate to promote the development agenda of
Africa... Læs mere - [AfricaFiles]
Etiopien -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
27-01-2012 - Paven advarer i biskoppeligt forum USA mod
truende tendenser
Some U.S. Cultural Trends 'A Threat Not
Just to Christian Faith.. Pope Benedict XVI warned a
group of Catholic bishops from the United States in a speech at
the Vatican last week that some cultural trends in the U.S. are
"a threat not just to Christian faith, but also to humanity
itself." Læs mere - []
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
27-01-2012 - 50 året for forbud mod opdræt af
svin i Israel
The Makings of
History / Pork and the people In the summer of 1962, the
Knesset passed a law banning the raising of swine in the State
of Israel, with the exception of nine locales in the Galilee. The
Pig-Raising Prohibition Law was a landmark in the history of the
fight for democracy and freedom of religion in Israel...the
government did take very seriously the protests of the Vatican,
which fought for the rights of monasteries and convents to raise
pigs - among them the Convent of Saint Vincent de Paul in the Ein
Karem neighborhood of Jerusalem... Læs
mere - [Haaretz]
Israel -
Til top på siden
26-01-2012 - En missionsbevægelse fylder 200
As missionary movement turns 200,
questions for the future When America's first ordained
missionaries sailed from here to India 200 years ago, they kicked
off a movement to spread the faith and created America's most
potent export: Christianity. Læs mere -
[Washington Post]
Til top på siden
25-01-2012 - Religiøs frihed truet af domstolene i
Europa og Nordamerika
Religious freedom under
threat from courts, professor warns Religious freedom in
the US and Europe is under threat from the courts, an Oxford
professor has warned.."There has been a clear trend for courts
in Europe and North America to prioritise equality and
non-discrimination above religion, placing the right to religious
freedom in danger." Læs mere -
[The Gaurdian]
England -
Til top på siden
25-01-2012 - Elsker Jesus, hader religionen
Teologi - åbenbaringsforståelse
Love Jesus, Hate Religion
Jefferson Bethke's "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus"
spoken-word video was viewed 15 million times in its first week
on YouTube. Not surprisingly, critiques began pouring in almost
as quickly as the praise. (See the YouTube Clip) - now seen by
17.000000 Læs
mere - [Religion Dispatches]
Til top på siden
23-01-2012 - Bosættere angriber palestinensisk
landsby organiseret (WCC)
Politik - religion
, Asira Al Qibliya The homes at the
edge of this Palestinian village are located a few hundred meters
from houses in the Jewish settlement of Yitzhar. But the
relationship is anything but neighborly. On a late January tour
of the Palestinian village led by representatives of the
Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel
(EAPPI), residents said attacks by Jewish settles on their
village are more organized and increasing Læs mere - [Ecumenical
News International]
Israel -
Kristendom - jødedom
Til top på siden
22-01-2012 - USAs sorte vil ikke stemme på en
Politik - religion
Americans won't vote for Mormon president, Mormon church is
racist ..a Republican will need at least 10 percent of
the black vote to win the presidency. "Blacks are not going to
vote for anyone of the Mormon faith," Dozier said. "The book of
Mormon says the Negro skin is cursed." From 1849 through 1978 the
Church of Latter-Day Saints barred blacks from its priesthood.
The church has lifted but not repudiated the policy... Dozier
also claims, that The Demoncrats are racist - the Tea Party is
not (Further here) Læs
mere - [Post on Politics]
Til top på siden
21-01-2012 - Radikale, muslimske gruppers drab på
kristne i Nigeria fortsætter
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, More Than 100 Killed by a Radical Group
in Nigeria More than 100 people have been killed in a
series of attacks in northern Nigeria's largest city, officials
said Saturday, in what appears to be the deadliest strike yet by
a radical Islamist group Læs mere - [New York Times]
Nigeria -
Kristendom - islam
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20-01-2012 - Mere fjendtlighed mod kristne i Sudan efter
Syd Sudans selvstændighed
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Churches in Sudan encounter more hostility
after south's independence Christians and churches in
Sudan are facing increased restrictions and hostility, since the
secession of the southern part of the country six months ago,
according to some church leaders. Læs mere - [Episcopal News
Sudan, Khartoum -
Kristendom - islam
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20-01-2012 - Lovgivning mod evolutionslærens enegang
- og klimaforandringer
Videnskab og tro
Oklahoma bill
attacks evolution and climate change Legal challenges to
academic freedom bills have historically alleged that such bills
are intended to allow the teaching of creationism or intelligent
design. This bill does not propose that schools teach creationism
or intelligent design, rather, it is the intent to foster an
environment of critical thinking in schools including a
scientific critique of the theory of evolution. Læs mere -
[Natonal Center for Science Education]
USA, Oklahoma -
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19-01-2012 - Presbyterianere opretter nyt
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
, Conservative Presbyterians launch new
denomination Conservative Presbyterians launched a new
denomination on Thursday (Jan. 19), saying that the Presbyterian
Church (USA) is too consumed by internal conflicts and
bureaucracy to nurture healthy congregations..Though
homosexuality is not mentioned in the ECO's founding documents,
its stated commitment to conservative theology and the inerrancy
of the Bible indicates that gay clergy will not be tolerated. Læs mere - [Washington
Kristendom, presbyteriansk
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18-01-2012 - Paven - uenighed om moral svækker
kirkens troværdighed
Christian divisions, including on
morality, weaken witness, pope says While "there is more
that unites us than divides us" on the basic tenets of faith --
belief in Christ, the son of God and savior of humanity --
"divisions remain and regard many practical and ethical
questions, giving rise to confusion and mistrust, weakening our
ability to transmit the saving word of Christ," Pope Benedict
said Læs mere - []
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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17-01-2012 - Thomas Jeffersons rationalistisk reviderede
bibel genudgivet
Videnskab og tro
Thomas Jefferson's
revolutionary take on the Bible reissued He was one of
the men who laid the foundations for God's own country, but
Thomas Jefferson had his own revolutionary ideas about the Bible.
The third US president's unwillingness to swallow miracles such
as the virgin birth led him to cut out parts of the Gospels he
did not agree with and compile his own version. Læs mere - [The Gaurdian]
Til top på siden
16-01-2012 - Lov om religion imod forfatningen og
, Against the Constitution and
discriminatory Three years after Kyrgyzstan's Religion
Law came into force, officials continue to enforce the repressive
Bakiev-era Law, Forum 18 News Service has found. No progress has
been made in dealing with registration applications from - among
others - hundreds of mosques, unregistered Protestant churches,
and the Hare Krishna community Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Kirgisistan -
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16-01-2012 - Church of England sagsøges for at
hindre homosexuel i at blive biskop
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
Faces court battle by gay
clergyman blocked from becoming bishop A gay senior
clergyman who claims he was blocked from becoming a bishop has
threatened to take the Church of England to court Læs mere - [Daily
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
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15-01-2012 - Martin Luther King - mere end en tale om en
Politik - religion
Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King:
A man more complex than one speech Many sources of
inspiration .. King also used the teachings of Mohandas Gandhi
to transform his beliefs into practical applications for positive
change...A third major inluence upon his thinking was Henry David
Thoreau's work Civil Disobedience. In his essay Thoreau argued
that individuals should not allow governments to eradicate
personal conscience.. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Til top på siden
13-01-2012 - Mellemøstens kristne udsættes for
mere og mere forfølgelse
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Mideast Christians face widening
persecution Though it's the birthplace of Christianity
in ancient times, the modern Middle East is increasingly hostile
to Christianity as civil conflict, Islamic fundamentalism and
terrorism grow in scope and strength. Although most regional
states have a small but successful Christian minority ranging
from Egypt to Iraq, only Lebanon, Israel and Jordan maintain
amicable relations with this ancient faith. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Mellemøsten -
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13-01-2012 - Kristne og muslimer forenede i demonstrationer
i Nigeria
, Christians, Muslims unite at Nigeria
protest A human wave of more than 20,000 surrounded the
Muslim faithful as they prayed toward Mecca Friday, as
anti-government demonstrations over spiraling fuel prices and
corruption showed unity among protesters despite growing
sectarian tensions in Africa's most populous nation. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Nigeria -
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12-01-2012 - Mormon-moment i USA
Certain in Their Beliefs, Uncertain
of Their Place in Society With a Mormon candidate among
the front-runners for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination, a
musical about Mormons playing on Broadway and The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latterday Saints (LDS) running television ads about
ordinary Mormons, America is in the midst of what some media
accounts have dubbed a "Mormon moment." Læs mere - [Pew
Research Center for the People & the Press]
Til top på siden
12-01-2012 - Er Fadervor en kristen bøn?
, Delaware lawsuit delves into Lord's Prayer
A hearing Wednesday in a lawsuit aimed at stopping the
Sussex County Council from reciting the Lord's Prayer before each
meeting delved into the theological meaning and history of the
prayer's title and whether it is explicitly a Christian prayer.
mere - [USA Today News]
USA, Delaware -
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09-01-2012 - Ægyptiske kristne fejrer jul i frygt og
under sikkerhedsforanstaltning
, Egypt's Christians Celebrate Christmas
Amid Fears Egypt's Christians on Saturday celebrated
their first Christmas since the ouster of President Hosni
Mubarak, amid tight security and a display of national unity to
allay fears of the growing power of Islamists. The Coptic
Orthodox celebration follows an escalation in violence against
the minority, an estimated 10 percent of Egypt's 85 million
people, over the past year. Læs mere -
[Huffpost Religion]
Ægypten -
Kristendom - islam
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09-01-2012 - Tre millioner i procession trods advarsler om
Catholics defy terror warning at Philippine parade
More than 3 million Roman Catholic worshippers paraded
with a charred Christ statue through the Philippine capital in
an annual procession Monday despite a warning from the president
that terrorists might target the gathering. The black wooden
statue known as the Black Nazarene was displayed at the seaside
Rizal Park where Manila's Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle led a
Mass and offered prayers for victims of tropical storms and
landslides over the past year. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Filipinerne -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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08-01-2012 - Præsident: Kampen mod islamisk sect
værre end borgerkrigene i 1960'rne
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Fight against
Islamist sect 'worse' than civil war that saw 1M killed
President Goodluck Jonathan's comments about the sect
known as Boko Haram came as authorities said that suspected
gunmen from the group killed at least six people in separate
weekend assaults. The sect has killed at least 52 people in
recent days after pledging to target Christians living in the
multiethnic nation's Muslim north. Læs mere - [Washington Post]
Nigeria -
Kristendom - islam
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07-01-2012 - Reformationen i nyt lys
New light on the
Reformation The news that the Lutheran and Catholic
Churches are to embark on a joint review of their shared history
sets an example that others could usefully follow. Cardinal Kurt
Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian
Unity, has announced that both Churches have agreed to
collaborate in their preparations to mark the 500th anniversary
of Martin Luther's posting of the Ninety-Five Theses in
1517...Indeed, few Catholics would now deny that the Church of
1517, including the papacy itself, was overdue for reform.
Meanwhile, many Lutherans would admit that Luther's attacks on
it were nevertheless excessive and inflammatory. Læs mere - [The Tablet]
Vatikanet -
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07-01-2012 - De republikanske kandidater fælles mod
"krigen mod religion"
Politik - religion
, Republican candidates decry "war on
religion" Taking a brief pause from attacking each other,
the Republican presidential candidates took a moment in a
Saturday night debate to attack the media and President Obama for
what they called anti-Christian bigotry. Læs mere - [CBS]
Til top på siden
06-01-2012 - Paven udnævner 22 kardinaler - kun tre
uden for den vestlige kirke
Personalia og biografi
, Pope Benedict XVI names 22 new cardinals,
including 7 Italians.. Pope Benedict XVI clearly put his
stamp on the group that will eventually elect his successor with
his naming of 22 new cardinals Friday, including prelates in such
key posts as New York and Hong Kong. The group is heavy on
Europeans, particularly Italians holding important Vatican posts,
and includes only three prelates from outside the West: a
Brazilian, an Indian and a Chinese. Læs mere
- [Washington Post]
Vatikanet -
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06-01-2012 - Ny statsanerkendt religion i Sverige:
Religionernes udbredelse
Kopimism: the world's newest religion
explained What criteria do you have to meet to become an
official religion? Læs
mere - [New Scientist]
The law states that to be a religion you have to be an
organisation that practises moments of prayer or meditation in
your rituals. What are the Kopimist prayers and meditations? We
have a part of our religious practices where we worship the value
of information by copying it. You call this "kopyacting". Do you
actually meet up in a building, like a church, to undertake these
rituals? We do meet up, but it doesn't have to be a physical
Sverige -
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06-01-2012 - Mindst 20 igbo kristne dræbt af muslimer
i Nigeria
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, At least 20 killed as sect attacks town
hall during meeting Suspected gunmen from a radical
Muslim sect attacked a town hall Friday in rural northeast
Nigeria, killing at least 20 people who had gathered for a
meeting of a Christian ethnic group, Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Nigeria -
Kristendom - islam
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04-01-2012 - Sengen tilbage i kirken, kirken tilbage i
Seksualitet - det civile liv
God designed it. Culture
redefined it. Who got it right? Texan megachurch pastor
and his wife, Ed and Lisa Young, "put the bed back in church and
the church back in bed". Se also the disputed book of another
megachurch couple, pastor Mark Driscoll and Grace Driscoll: Pastors detailed book on sex.. - and a very
critical comment: Wives only good for sex. Læs mere - []
Til top på siden
02-01-2012 - Præsidentkandidat Romney har problemer
ved at være mormon
Politik - religion
Romney's religion still
a sticking point "The evangelicals have an issue with
Mormonism," Don Blackford, a longtime Romney supporter, said at
the candidate's rally here. "You are not supposed to mix religion
and politics, but I know Iowa and people here do. I don't think
they can get over their bigotry." Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Til top på siden
01-01-2012 - Pontentielle paver
Personalia og biografi
Conclave contenders - Potential papabili
One of the talking points in Rome in recent months has
been the growing frailty of Pope Benedict. Inevitably,
speculation has turned to his likely successor. Our Rome
correspondent offers an insider's guide to those considered
papabile Læs mere - [The Tablet]
Vatikanet -
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01-01-2012 - Kirkens enhed - Kina
, Unity, Comity, and the Numbers Game
If the quest of the church is for unity in Christ, the
on-the-ground reality has been kaleidoscopic fragmentation. And
the kaleidoscope is spinning with increasing speed. In the past
dozen years, formal organizational diversity among Christians has
grown by 26 percent, swelling from an estimated 34,100
denominations in the year 2000 to a projected 43,000 by mid-2012.
Articles: Comity Agreements and Sheep Stealers: The Elusive
Search for Christian Unity Among Protestants in China - R. G.
Tiedemann. Botany or Flowers? The Challenges of Writing the
History of the Indigenization of Christianity in China -
Gloria S. Tseng. Læs mere - [International Bulletin
of Missionary Research]
Christianity 2012: The 200th Anniversary of American Foreign
Todd M. Johnson, David B. Barrett, and Peter F. Crossing.
Global Online - International Bulletin -
Til top på siden
01-01-2012 - Kardinal hævde UNESCO-plan om at
gøre halvdelen af verden homoseksuel
Seksualitet - det civile liv
UNESCO Plots To Make "Half The World Population Homosexual
For some people, a dark global conspiracy evolves around
the trilateral commission or the military-industrial complex or
even fluoride in the water. For some in the Vatican, it appears
to be that sinister group in United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and their insidious
plan to make "half the world population homosexual." Læs mere - [Jonathan Turley Blog]
Spanien -
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01-01-2012 - I Beijing arresteres 48 ved udendørs
gudstjeneste i husmenighed
48 Chinese Christians detained New Year's Day Beijing
authorities detained 48 members of a large persecuted house
church on New Year's Day, marking a total of more than 1,000
church members who have been taken into police custody during the
church's 38 weeks of attempting to hold outdoor worship services.
"By arbitrarily detaining peaceful religious believers in the
capital city on the first day of 2012, Beijing authorities show
that they are determined to continue their crackdown on
independent religious groups in the coming year.. Læs mere - [Baptist Press]
Kina -
Kristendom, baptist
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01-01-2012 - Den globale kristenhed i tal
, A Report on the Size and Distribution of
the World's Christian Pop.. The number of Christians
around the world has more than tripled in the last 100 years,
from about 600 million in 1910 to more than 2 billion in 2010.
But the world's overall population also has risen rapidly, from
an estimated 1.8 billion in 1910 to 6.9 billion in 2010. As a
result, Christians make up about the same portion of the world's
population today (32%) as they did a century ago (35%). [With
interactive maps...] Læs mere - [Pew Research
Center for the People & the Press]
Globalt -
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