Kirken Update 2015-2016
[2008] - [2009] - [2010]
- [2011] - [2012] - [2013]
26-12-2016 - Kristne og Israel - to meget forskellige
vinkler i anl. af julen
christmas/ Læs mere - [Facebook]
Til top på siden
22-12-2016 - Kristne ledere idømt fængsel for
at helbrede og "proselyttere"
, Nepali church leaders found guilty of
'witchcraft' and 'violence' A Nepali court has found four
Christians guilty of 'violence' and 'witchcraft' against a
severely mentally ill woman whom they sought to heal, even though
she testified in court in their favour, saying she was now
better. The four are sentenced to five years in prison. A fifth
Christian, Rupa Thapa, was found not guilty and released after
the hearing in the District Court of Salyan - a district in
western Nepal. The five Christians had been imprisoned since July
for witchcraft, forceful imprisonment and violence towards the
woman, despite her husband also saying they are innocent. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Nepal -
Andre religioner
Til top på siden
18-12-2016 - Dilemmaet for de kristne i Syrien /
, Aleppo presents a moral dilemma for
Christian leaders The leaders of Syria's local churches
have generally looked to President Bashar al-Assad as their
protector; and their feeling that only Mr Assad guarantees their
lives has deepened as the conflict has polarised, with
fundamentalist Sunni fighters, murderously hostile to all other
faiths, on one side and government forces backed by Shia militias
and Russian air power on the other. In this state of affairs,
only the latter coalition seems to offer Christian churches any
chance of prolonging their precarious existence. Læs mere - [The
Syrien -
Til top på siden
14-12-2016 - Baltiske biskopper vurderer den russiske
"fare" forskelligt
Politik - religion
, Catholics in Baltic states ponder response
to new Russian aggressive.. Fears that U.S.
President-elect Donald Trump might be unwilling to defend them
have heightened the nervousness - and brought belated attempts
at reassurance. "I think a lot of this is exaggerated - and
since it's so difficult to find the objective truth, it isn't
surprising people are confused," said Fr. Paul Klavins,
administrator at Riga, Latvia's St. James Cathedral and a
spokesman for Latvia's church. "Information is manipulated all
the time, via both major media networks and informal channels.
But I don't sense there's any great perception of new insecurity
among Catholics in daily life." Further south in Lithuania,
however, the dangers are being taken more seriously.. Læs mere - [National Catholic
Letland -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
12-12-2016 - Evangelikal / Guldkrucifix. Vi behøver
ikke en religiøs præsident
Politik - tro
Trump's religious
dealmaking pays dividends After pastor Mark Burns
finished relaying religiously hued reassurances in a private
conversation ahead of Trump's speech, the then-candidate turned
to Burns' wife and offered his own, classically Trumpian
expression of faith: He handed her a crucifix necklace made, in
typical Trump style, of gold. "We don't need a religious
president," said Burns, who was touched by the gift and recounted
the story in a recent interview. "We need a president who can
build relationships with people." Læs mere -
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
11-12-2016 - Trump øger kirkegang i progressive
protestantiske kirke
Politik - tro
, Trump Is Bringing Progressive Protestants
Back to Church In the wake of Donald Trump's election,
some conservative Christians have been reckoning with feelings
of alienation from their peers, who generally voted for Trump in
strong numbers. But at least some progressive Protestant churches
are experiencing the opposite effect: People have been returning
to the pews. Læs
mere - [The Atlantic]
Til top på siden
11-12-2016 - Bombe dræber 25 ved ortodoks
gudstjeneste i Cairo
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, 25 killed by bomb blast near St Mark's
Cathedral A bomb blast has killed at least 25 people
during Sunday mass inside a Cairo church near the main Coptic
Christian cathedral, according to Egyptian state TV . The
explosion ripped through St Peter's Church at around 10:00am
local time, wounding at least another 49 people, according to
Egyptian health ministry cited on state TV. Læs mere - [Aljazeera America]
Ægypten, Cairo -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
07-12-2016 - Katolsk præst nægtet ret til at
fungere som præst
, State blocks parish priest nomination
The Belarusian government's senior religious affairs
official has refused to allow Catholic priest Klemens Werth, a
Russian citizen, to take up the ministry of parish priest in
Vitebsk to which the Bishop had assigned him. Plenipotentiary for
Religious and Ethnic Affairs Leonid Gulyako refused Bishop Oleg
Butkevich's request for the compulsory state permission before
any foreign citizen is allowed to exercise freedom of religion
or belief publicly. Læs mere - [Forum 18]
Belarus -
Til top på siden
06-12-2016 - Lov om tro og religion under skarp
, Vietnam's Law on Belief and Religion
'deeply flawed' Vietnam's National Assembly finally
ratified (on 18 Nov.) its Law on Belief and Religion amid
extensive criticism from parliamentarians, human rights and
religious groups, who deem it to be below international standards
for human rights.. /.. According to the national radio station,
Voice of Vietnam, "religious dignitaries told the National
Assembly that the approval of the law was a turning point in
Vietnam's religious policy, which encourages religious followers
to promote the values of religions and patriotism and combat
hostile forces' intention to sabotage socialism". Læs
mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Vietnam -
Til top på siden
06-12-2016 - Jo flere protestanter, jo flere ammer, jo
flere katoliker, jo færre
Etik og moral
, Religion cited as influencing Irish low
breastfeeding rates Ireland's low breastfeeding rates may
be the result of the country's strong Catholic heritage, a new
international study suggests. Developed countries with higher
proportions of Protestants tend to have higher rates of
breastfeeding, according to the research published in the BMJ
Global Health journal. Læs mere - [The Irish Times]
Irland -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
06-12-2016 - Evolutionslære og viden
klimaforandringer truet i undervisninger
Videnskab og tro
, Evangelicals in Trump's Cabinet: Educators
worry science will be.. Writing in Scientific American,
Devin Powell quotes science education advocates warning that "the
legitimization of such nonscientific views at the highest levels
of government could trickle down to local policies." He writes
that battles over how evolution and climate change should be
taught are already being fought in states such as Louisiana and
Texas, where there are bills in the state legislatures that would
let teachers to treat the subjects as controversial. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Til top på siden
03-12-2016 - Demonstrationer mod kristen guvenør -
og for
of thousands of Indonesians rallied in the center of the capital
A demonstration against Ahok (the christian govenor) on
Friday drew at least 200,000 people..Tens of thousands of
Indonesians rallied in the center of the capital Jakarta on
Sunday, calling for tolerance and unity after massive protests
by conservative Muslims against the city's minority Christian
governor. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
(WWRN) [AP]]
Indonesien -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
25-11-2016 - Patriark og sheik retter i fællesskab
kritik mod Saudiarabien
Religionsmøde - frihed/kritik
Sheikh blames Saudi Arabia for global rise of Islamist
terrorism The Patriarch criticised Western governments
for being too "soft" on the Saudi government, which he linked to
the actions of extremists radicalised by Wahhabism. "The West is
concerned more about its economic interests and business dealings
with Saudi than the persecution of minorities or killing of
Christians . The British, the Americans are not putting pressure
on Saudi Arabia . because their oil deals apparently are more
important than the other things." Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Saudiarabien -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
18-11-2016 - Ugandas ældste stamme fordrevet fra
deres land, nu kristnet
, Revival comes to Uganda's oldest living
tribe For the first time in centuries, a remote African
tribe called the Batwa Pygmies is being introduced to Jesus
Christ. "We smoked, we drank, we performed witchcraft," said
Jovanis Nyirakayanje, a Batwa Pygmy. "We were devil
worshippers."For the first time in centuries, a remote African
tribe called the Batwa Pygmies is being introduced to Jesus
Christ. "We smoked, we drank, we performed witchcraft," said
Jovanis Nyirakayanje, a Batwa Pygmy. "We were devil worshippers."
Læs mere -
[Gateway News]
Uganda, Kampala -
Til top på siden
18-11-2016 - Paven tager til genmæle mod modstandere
blandt kardinalerne
, Pope Francis dismisses critics of his
teachings Pope Francis is firing back at foes of his
efforts to make the Catholic church more open and pastoral in its
ministry, telling an interviewer that "they are acting in bad
faith to foment divisions." Læs mere
- [National Catholic Reporter]
The pontiff's lengthy interview in Avvenire, the official
newspaper of the Italian hierarchy, was published Friday and
followed days of news coverage of demands by four hard-line
cardinals who have grave concerns about Francis' approach. The
four say that focusing on ministering to people in their
particular circumstances is eroding the church's doctrinal
absolutes and that Francis must dispel any ambiguities or face
serious consequences.
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
18-11-2016 - Kristen guvenør under mistanke for
blasfemi overfor koranen
Christian Governor in Indonesia Suspected of Blasphemy
Thousands of Indonesians protested this week after police
named the first Christian governor of the nation's capital,
Jakarta, as a suspect in a blasphemy investigation. Basuki
Tjahaja Purnama, popularly known as "Ahok," was appointed in 2014
after his ally and predecessor, Joko Widodo, was elected
president. A key presidential ally, Ahok is running for
re-election in February. At issue is the way he used a verse
in the Koran when speaking to a group of fishermen in September.
"Do not believe everything that people say," he is reported to
have said, "because often you are deceived by using 51st of Surah
Al Maidah (the fifth chapter of the Qur'an)." Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Indonesien -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
17-11-2016 - Officielt afkald på mission overfor
jøder - Lut.Ev.Kirke i Tyskland
Mission - gensidig
, German Protestants officially renounce
converting Jews to Christianity The EKD's annual synod,
which it calls its "church parliament," finally drew up a
resolution that was passed unanimously on Nov. 9 in Magdeburg.
It said that Christians "are not called to show Israel the path
to God and his salvation." Since God never renounced his covenant
with the Jews, his chosen people, they do not need to embrace the
new Christian covenant to be saved, it said. Læs mere - [Religious News
Tyskland -
Kristendom - jødedom
Til top på siden
17-11-2016 - Helgenkåring af radikal fredaktivist
på vej
Kirkens liv
Dorothy Day was born in 1897 into a non-practising
Episcopalian family; she died on 29 November 1980, aged 83. She
became a journalist, activist and suffragette, living a bohemian
life among socialists and anarchists, actors and artists in New
York and Chicago. From her earliest days, as she recounts in her
autobiography The Long Loneliness, she was on a spiritual quest.
She had several lovers, including the editor and writer Lionel
Moise, the father of the child she aborted; possibly, too, the
playwright Eugene O'Neill. She was also briefly married to
Berkeley Tobey, founder of the Literary Guild. She fell in love
with the anarchist Forster Batterham, and had an overwhelming
experience of God's love through her love for him and in giving
birth to their daughter, Tamar - whom she had baptised as a
Catholic before being conditionally baptised herself. Læs mere -
[The Tablet]
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
17-11-2016 - Bogstavelig bibellæsning giver bedre
Kirkens liv
, Literal interpretation of Bible 'helps
increase church attendance' Churches that are
theologically conservative with beliefs based on a literal
interpretation of the Bible grow faster than those with a liberal
orientation, according to a five-year academic study. "If we are
talking solely about what belief system is more likely to lead
to numerical growth among Protestant churches, the evidence
suggests conservative Protestant theology is the clear winner,"
said David Haskell, the Canadian study's lead researcher. Læs mere - [The Guardian]
Globalt -
Kristendom, protestantisk
Til top på siden
14-11-2016 - Trump: homoægteskaber er en realitet ..
og flere andre artikler
Politik - tro
, Reactions on the Election of Donald Trump
Reaktioner på valget af Trump
alert Religious environmentalists gird themselves for a Trump
presidency "I am dismayed and scared for what this means for
the poor, for Creation and for all of our descendants," said
Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb. More from Religion News
Service Might be awkward? President-elect Donald Trump
says same-sex marriage is 'settled' law "It's law," he said
in an interview with CBS. "It was settled in the Supreme Court.
I mean, it's done." More from ABC News Blowback Trump draws
rebuke for 'alt-right' White House pick. Jewish and Muslim groups
were among those denouncing Trump's appointment of Steve Bannon
as senior adviser and chief strategist, despite his long
affiliation with the white nationalist movement. More from The
Daily Beast Læs mere - [Kirken Update]
Til top på siden
12-11-2016 - Trump - og Clinton. Den katolske kirke
må løfte en profetisk stemme
Politik - religion
In response to Trump, Vatican official says
church should be prophetic The "worst aspect" of Trump
is his "unpredictability," said Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, former
Vatican representative to U.N. agencies in Geneva. Nor did
Hillary Clinton lack for criticism. "Pope Francis is fighting
against ideology," noted Pierre. "I was amazed to listen to the
last speech of Mrs. Clinton on television - this is complete
ideology. The lady has not understood a thing. It is terrible.
This is why she failed. She is enclosed in ideology." Læs mere - [National Catholic
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
09-11-2016 - Kirkeliv i Aleppo
Religionsmøde islam-kristendom
, Syrian Christian pastor -"I don't feel
'seduced' to leave Aleppo" Pastor "Alim" (his name for
security reasons): Beyond the clouds of war, Alim can see a
silver lining: "Because of the crisis, bridges are being built
with people we never had contact with before. We started visiting
families, we organize camps for children who are not Christians,
and their mothers also come." Before we heard people saying:
'Here come the infidels'. Now people are different.. "I feel a
calling of God. He wants me to be here till the end, as long as
there is work to do in Aleppo. It wasn't an easy decision. My
wife has the same calling. I tried to persuade her to move to a
safer area. She didn't want to; she wants to be with me." Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Syrien -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
09-11-2016 - Evangelikale stemte overvejende for Trump
[Flere artikler]
Politik - tro
Evangelicals voted for
Donald Trump [Several articles Exit polls show white
evangelical voters voted in high numbers for Donald Trump, 81-16
percent, according to exit poll results. That's the most they
have voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 2004,
when they overwhelmingly chose President George W. Bush by a
margin of 78-21 percent. -- [See also: What encourages me
about this election and After Trump, Should Evangelical Christians Part
Ways?] -- Læs mere -
[Washington Post]
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
07-11-2016 - Vatikanet fordømmer ordination af
biskopper uden om paven
, Vatican condemns self-ordination of
Chinese priests as illegal The Vatican has condemned the
ordinations of priests in China's underground Catholic Church as
a "grave violation" of canon law. In a strongly worded statement
released Monday (Nov. 7), the Vatican sought to defuse ongoing
tensions with China as negotiations continue on a broader
agreement on bishop nominations. Læs mere - [Religious News
Kina -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
03-11-2016 - Feminister: Paven demonstrerer at en
reformation stadig er nødvendig
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
Francis proves Catholic church still needs a
Reformation Francis had stirred some hope among people
(like myself) who favor the ordination of women when he started
that commission to study the question of women deacons. But alas!
He has now fallen for the party line. Maybe he was always in that
camp, but he never said so before. Læs mere - [National Catholic
Ironically, Francis had just finished a major celebration,
kicking off the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation,
in Sweden. And he was embraced there by a woman who is the
primate of the Church of Sweden, Archbishop Antje Jackelen.
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
26-10-2016 - Kristen tro - før en sygdom, nu
Religionskonflikt - undertrykkelse
, Christianity once considered a 'disease',
but now 'tolerated' in Cuba However, after constitutional
reforms in 1992 and the global decline of socialism, life for
Christians in Cuba started to improve and churches even
experienced growth. Today, "persecution" is not normally spoken
of; instead Christians speak about a "tolerance" or
"flexibility". On the surface, Cuban Christians now appear to
enjoy total religious freedom, but, very subtly, the government
still maintains a certain control. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Cuba -
Til top på siden
25-10-2016 - Kristne i Irak bange for at vende tilbage til
befriede byer
, More Iraqi towns 'freed' but Nineveh
Christians not confident about.. As prayers were offered
in Syriac in front of the altar of the trashed church of Mart
Shmoni in the recently freed town of Bartella, more homes where
Christians used to live in Iraq's north-eastern Nineveh Plain
were being claimed back from the Islamic State (IS). Qaraqosh,
Iraq's largest Christian town, has been regained by Iraqi forces,
sources close to the area, have told World Watch Monitor. Also
known by its Syriac name, Baghdeda was home to 50,000-60,000
people (95% Christian) before IS invaded it in 2014. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Irak -
Til top på siden
22-10-2016 - Kristne byer befriede under fremrykningen mod
, Iraqi army drives ISIS from Christian
region near Mosul A military statement said Iraqi units
entered the center of Qaraqosh, a mainly Christian town about 20
km (13 miles) southeast of Mosul, and were carrying out mop-up
operations across the town. Further action was under way to seize
a neighboring Christian village, Karamless, also known as
Karemlash in the Syriac language. The region's population fled
in the summer of 2014, when Islamic State swept in. Læs
mere - [Religious News Service]
Irak -
Til top på siden
14-10-2016 - Jesuitternes nye leder latinamerikaner
Personalia og biografi
New Jesuit leader is Latin American, like the
pope The Venezuelan's election reflects the global
demographic shift in the church, and in the Society of Jesus in
particular. Nearly 60 percent of the delegates to this year's
congregation came from the Global South, from Africa to Latin
America. Kesicki (president of the U.S. Jesuit conference) said
Francis had put the Jesuits in the "global spotlight" and the
Jesuits were seeing strong growth, particularly in the Asia
Pacific region, in countries including India and Vietnam. Læs mere
- [Religious News Service]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
14-10-2016 - En religiøs/kristen poet får
Nobelprisen: Bob Dylan
12 Times Listening To Bob
Dylan's Lyrics Is A Spiritual Experience With the
2017-jubilee year of the lutheran reformation ahead the editors
Dylan-quote will be: "Gotta serve somebody. It may be the Devil,
it may be the Lord" - from "Slow train coming" - but here you can
find 12 other remarkable quotes.. Læs mere - [Huffpost
Til top på siden
13-10-2016 - Mere end 700 kristne kvinder fordømmer
Trumps kvindesyn
Seksualitet - det civile liv
More Than 700 Christian
Women Condemn Trump's Misogyny In Powerful.. Christian
women across the country are banding together to send a strong
message about Donald Trump's misogyny. More than 700 Christian
clergy and lay leaders have signed a letter that strongly
condemns the abusive remarks Trump has made towards women. Læs mere -
[Huffpost Religion]
Til top på siden
11-10-2016 - Hvide, evangelikale støtter stadig
Politik - religion
, Poll: Trump support remains steady among
evangelicals Donald Trump's support has plummeted in the
past week - but white evangelicals are sticking with him. "Among
religious groups, white evangelical Protestants are the only ones
who are standing firm right now," said Dan Cox, research director
at the Public Religion Research Institute, which conducted the
poll with The Atlantic Survey. Læs
mere - [Religious News Service]
Til top på siden
06-10-2016 - Fire kateketer myrdet i narkoområde -
tidligere tre præster
Politik - sociale forhold
, Four catechists murdered in Mexico,
presumably by drug gangs Four Catholic catechists were
found dead on Tuesday in Mexico, coming hard on the heels of the
murder of three Catholic priests. Areas of Mexico under the
control of drug cartels and criminal gangs are considered among
the most dangerous areas of the world for Catholic pastoral
workers. Læs mere - [Crux - Covering all
things Catholic]
Mexico -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
30-09-2016 - Paven kritiserer forsigtigt Rusland
Politik - magtkritik
In ex-Soviet Georgia, pope issues veiled
criticism of Russia Pope Francis called for respect for
international law and the sovereign rights of nations as he
arrived in Georgia, an implicit criticism of Russia, which keeps
troops in two breakaway areas of the ex-Soviet state. But Francis
measured his words carefully, in an apparent attempt not to hurt
the Vatican's increasingly warm ties with the Kremlin-backed
Russian Orthodox Church. Læs mere - [Reuters]
Georgien -
Til top på siden
30-09-2016 - Næsten 50% af skotterne tror ikke / har
ingen religion
, Almost 50% of Scotland does not believe
in religion Religion is on the decline in Scotland.
Research by the Scottish Household Survey shows only half of
Scots today have any religious affiliation. The number of
non-religious Scots has risen to 49.8 percent from 40 percent in
2009. The number of Scots who identified themselves with the
Church of Scotland has dropped from 34 percent to 25 percent. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Skotland -
Til top på siden
30-09-2016 - Evangelikale får stor politisk -
konservativ - indflydelse
Politik - tro
, Could Evangelical Christians Soon Be
Running Brazil? Evangelicals and their favoured
candidates at the polls are benefiting from a recent ban on
companies funding election campaigns in Brazil. Individuals are
still allowed to make personal donations to election campaigns.
Brazil's massive evangelical revival that has taken off in the
last decade in particular is now seeing influential pastors
directing their congregations, who often number many thousands,
to donate to invididual politicians. Conservative Christians in
particular are benefiting from this. Læs
mere - [Christian Today]
Brasilien -
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
29-09-2016 - Grosbøll i Canada. Tro på
teistisk Gud er afgudsdyrkelse
Can an atheist lead a Protestant
church? A battle over religion The Rev. Gretta Vosper is
a dynamic, activist minister with a loyal following at her
Protestant congregation in suburban Toronto. She is also an
outspoken atheist. "We don't talk about God," Vosper said in an
interview, describing services at her West Hill United Church,
adding that it's time the church gave up on "the idolatry of a
theistic god." Vosper's decision to reject God, Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit and to turn her church into a haven for
nonbelievers "looking for a community that will help them create
meaningful lives without God" has become too much even for the
liberal-minded United Church of Canada. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
The United Church, the country's largest Protestant denomination,
has begun an extraordinary process that could end up stripping
Vosper of her rights to continue as a minister.
Canada,Toronto -
Til top på siden
25-09-2016 - Titusinder marcherer mod
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Tens of thousands march against gay
marriage in Mexico Tens of thousands of people marched
through Mexico City on Saturday in opposition to President
Enrique Pena Nieto's push to legalize same-sex marriage.
Organizers of the National Front for the Family estimated at
least 215,000 people participated, and while that number could
not be immediately confirmed, it was clearly one of the largest
protest marches in Mexico in recent years. Læs mere
- [Crux - Covering all things Catholic]
Mexico -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
23-09-2016 - Ortodoks-romersk katolsk enighed - og
Catholics, Orthodox sign agreement on
synodality and primacy At an ecumenical gathering held
this week, representatives of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches
signed a joint document regarding synodality and primacy during
the first millennium. The agreement can point to ways of
"resolving problems still existing between Catholics and Orthodox
today," said Msgr. Andrea Palmieri, undersecretary of the
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Læs mere - [Patheos]
Italien -
Kristendom - mellemkirkeligt
Til top på siden
22-09-2016 - Kritik af koptiske kirkes støtte til
Politik - religion
, Egypt's Coptic church criticized over
el-Sissi rallies at UN Egypt's Christian minority, which
accounts for about 10 percent of the nation's 91 million people,
has strongly supported el-Sissi since he took office a year after
the military, to the relief of most Christians, overthrew an
elected Islamist president in 2013. But on Wednesday, nearly 800
Christians, including authors, academics, activists and
professionals, signed an online statement expressing concern
about what they see as the church's deepening involvement in
politics. "We stress our opposition to Egyptian churches taking
the lead in mobilizing demonstrations, regardless of whether they
are for or against the president. It's a departure from the rules
of democracy as well as dragging religion into politics," the
statement said. "We urge Egyptian churches to stay clear of
politics and restrict themselves to their spiritual and religious
tasks." Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Ægypten -
Kristendom - koptisk
Til top på siden
21-09-2016 - Den katolske kirkes forbud mod
prævention under lærd udfordring
Etik og moral
, Catholic church's total ban on
contraception challenged by scholars Nearly 50 years
since Pope Paul VI issued Humanae Vitae, the encyclical that
rejected the use of artificial birth control, a group of
prominent Catholic theologians, ethicists and physicians has
produced a report reassessing and challenging the papal document.
The report, entitled, "Promoting Good Health and Good Conscience:
The Ethics of Using Contraceptives," was commissioned by the
Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research, an independent
think-tank based in London. Læs mere - [National Catholic
England -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
20-09-2016 - Gud og fædreland..
Politik - tro
, Why 'God And Country' Christianity Is Just
Another Phony Prosperity This form of American
Christianity is a frustrating faction of the faith. There are
passionate but generic references to God, calls for fervent
prayer and public pleas for "morality." But the alleged No. 1
devotion to God is usually tied to a No. 1a devotion to the Stars
and Stripes, as if one must always be tied to the other. It's a
gospel that pays lip service to a god that's in control, but it's
heavy on emotions that say man is really the one who protects us.
In other words, it's a gospel that downplays or ignores the
complete sovereignty of God. Læs mere - [Huffpost Religion]
Til top på siden
20-09-2016 - Forfølgelse af kristne i Pakistan -
forskellige konkrete sager
, Christian boy, 16, arrested for Kaaba
'blasphemy' A 16-year-old Christian boy has been accused
of committing blasphemy by "liking" and sharing a post on
Facebook which "defamed and disrespected" the Kaaba in Mecca, the
building at the centre of Islam's most sacred mosque. Most of the
Christians in the boy's village have since fled their homes for
fear of an angry backlash against them. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Pakistan, Islamabad -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
15-09-2016 - Kirke i vestukraine besat og taget af
, Schismatics and nationalists seize a
church in western Ukraine Representatives of the
self-proclaimed Kiev Patriarchate and the Right Sector
(organization banned in Russia - IF) captured St. Anna Church in
the Kuty village in the Ternopol Region, Ukraine. "Church raiders
cut the lock and rushed into the church, not letting there the
UOC believers, who are legal owners of the church," press service
of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church reports. The church was closed
about half a year ago when schismatics started regularly
interrupting divine services of the local Orthodox community. Læs mere - [Interfax]
Ukraine -
Kristendom, ortodoks
Til top på siden
15-09-2016 - Jimmy Carter opfordrer kirker til at
kæmpe mod racisme
Politik - racisme
Carter urges faith leaders to
combat 'resurgence of racism' Jimmy Carter says the
United States is experiencing a "resurgence of racism" and he's
calling on Baptist faith leaders to foster change in their
churches and communities. The former U.S. president spoke
Thursday at a summit hosted by the New Baptist Covenant, which
he convened in 2007 to unite Baptists of different races,
ethnicities and theologies. Læs mere - [Washington Post]
Kristendom, baptist
Til top på siden
14-09-2016 - Præst nægtet indrejse på
grund af forkyndelse
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Anti-gay pastor barred from
South-Africa Pastor Steven Anderson has one name for what
he planned to do in South Africa: "soul-winning." The country's
minister of home affairs had some different words for Anderson
and members of his church: "I am certain they promote hate speech
as well as advocate social violence." The Arizona preacher has
a history of inflammatory statements against LGBT people, and now
his words have gotten him barred from entering South Africa. Læs
mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
Sydafrika -
Til top på siden
11-09-2016 - Danmarks siger nej til kvoteflygtninge
Politik - tro
, Denmark says it will not join EU refugee
quotas, has taken its share Denmark will not take part
in a scheme to share out 160,000 refugees proposed by European
Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker, integration minister Inger
Stojberg said on Friday. Denmark, like Britain, has opted out of
European Union Justice and Home Affairs rules covering some
aspects of immigration and as such is not obliged to take part
in any EU schemes on sharing out refugees. "We're not going to
take any of the 160,000 asylum seekers that need to be
distributed on Monday," Stojberg told journalists. "There are two
reasons: Partly because we have a justice opt-out, and partly
because we have taken our share." Læs mere -
Danmark -
Til top på siden
10-09-2016 - Følgerne for kristne i
Mellemøsten af USAs reaktion på 9/11
Politik - magtkritik
How the response to 9/11 affected Christians
in the Middle East "The U.S. Catholic bishops, in their
statement after the Sept.11 attacks, made it clear that the
response has to be a response that brings more peace for all, not
just greater security for U.S. citizens," said Maryann Cusimano
Love, an international relations professor at the Catholic
University of America. U.S. Catholics must see themselves as part
of "a global Church, and that as followers of Christ, the Prince
of Peace, He came to bring peace for all, not for a narrow band,"
she told CNA. Læs mere - [Patheos]
Til top på siden
06-09-2016 - Præst undgår fyring for at have
viet homoseksuelt par
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
Charlotte pastor who
married same-sex couple will keep job, avoid chur A
United Methodist pastor in Charlotte will not face a church trial
or lose her job for officiating at the same-sex wedding in April
of two members of her church in uptown. The Rev. Val Rosenquist
married John Romano and Jim Wilborne, who became the first
same-sex couple in North Carolina to be wed - at least publicly
- in a United Methodist church. Læs mere - [Charlotte
Kristendom - metodister
Til top på siden
05-09-2016 - Mother Teresa - helgenkåret - ikke uden
Kirkens liv
MotherTeresaMother Teresa, What Mother
Teresa's canonization means to the people of India It's
a great moment of joy and satisfaction for the Christians in
India and also as a nation for the society in India, that one of
our citizens and one of us is being greatly honored by respective
bodies in the world. For example, starting with the most valued
honor given to Mother Teresa when she was living: "Bharat Ratna"
that means, the "Jewel of India." (editors note: She received the
title in March 1980). [KirkenUpdate's editor: Mother Thereses
canonization meets critique as well: Mother
Teres was no saint. - But read what archbishop of India says
about the meaning of her canonization for India: Læs mere - [Patheos]
Indien -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
30-08-2016 - Lutherske kirker: Vækst i syd og
øst, nedgang i nord og vest
, More than 74 million members in LWF's 145
churches The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) churches
around the world currently bring together more than 74 million
members. This represents an increase of 2.1 million since 2013,
with membership generally growing significantly in the global
South while declining in the North. The survey of membership
statistics among the 145 LWF churches around the world found that
for the first time, the largest churches in the Lutheran
communion are in the global South: Ethiopia and Tanzania. Læs mere -
[Lutheran World Federation]
global -
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
Til top på siden
28-08-2016 - Pinsekirken overtager pladsen som
næststørst i Australien
Udbredelse - kirkeretninger
, The New Normal? Pentecostalism Overtakes
Anglicanism in Sydney. According to the latest National
Church Life Survey, the Pentecostals have overtaken Anglicans as
Australia's second largest religious group by attendance, behind
the Catholic Church.. [Commentary by Paul Oslington] Læs mere - [ABC Religion and
Ethics - Australia]
Australien -
Til top på siden
28-08-2016 - Ikke kun cricket - anglikansk
Mission - kirkens stil
, It's Just Not Cricket: An Anglican
Theology of Mission I am talking about cricket, but I
could of course be, and really ought to be, talking about the
story of Anglican Christianity in the last two centuries. I think
the analogy is enjoyable, but I don't think it is trivial: the
points of connection between the two are multiple. Cricket and
Anglican Christianity both came to the colonies of the Empire in
institutional form; but as the tide of Empire has receded, both
cricket and Anglicanism have been left on the shore. [Aticle by
Michael Jensen] Læs mere - [ABC Religion and
Ethics - Australia]
Australien -
Til top på siden
26-08-2016 - Sult, abort, race -evangelikales vej til
social/politisk nyorientering
Etik og moral
, Evangelicals and Race-A New Chapter
Evangelicals are sensitive to what we call "God
moments"-when circumstances fall together in a way that suggests
God is at work in our lives in a fresh way. Mainstream white
evangelicals have experienced collective "God moments." In the
1970s, few churches concerned themselves with the relief of world
hunger. Læs mere -
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
16-08-2016 - Fordrevne af Boko Haram begynder at vende
, Nigerian Christians return to rebuild
lives in communities liberated.. Nigerian Christians
displaced by Boko Haram are beginning to return home. They are
being encouraged by the government, which has won back territory
from the insurgents but which is also struggling to provide
enough aid. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Nigeria -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
08-08-2016 - Politik på prædikestolen
Politik - tro
, Many Americans Hear Politics From the
Pulpit As the calendar turned from spring to summer and
the political season transitioned from the primaries to the
general election campaign, many American churchgoers were hearing
at least some discussion of social and political issues from the
pulpits at their houses of worship, a new Pew Research Center
survey finds. Religious liberty and homosexuality were chief
among the issues they were hearing about, with four-in-ten saying
they heard from clergy on each of these topics during the spring
and early summer. Roughly three-in-ten say their clergy talked
about abortion, similar to the share who heard about immigration.
And one-in-five churchgoers reported hearing about the
environment and economic inequality. Læs
mere - [Pew Research Center for the People & the
Til top på siden
08-08-2016 - Maksimum straf (5 års fængsel) til
syg mand for blasfemi
Algerian Christian gets maximum sentence for
'blasphemy' A Christian in Algeria has been sentenced to
five years in prison - the maximum term - and given a heavy fine
for blasphemy against Islam and its prophet, for a social media
post. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Slimane Bouhafs, 49, appeared before a judge on 7 Aug in the
eastern town of Setif (300km from Algiers, the capital) in the
Kabylie region.
He was arrested on 31 July for posting a message on social media
about the light of Jesus overcoming the "lie" of Islam and its
prophet. He also published photos showing the execution of a
civilian by an Islamist terrorist.
Algeriet -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
04-08-2016 - Olympiadens religiøse rødder -
oprindeligt og i moderne tid
God and the games ..Pierre de
Coubertin, a French aristocrat educated by Jesuits, was raised
in 19th-century France torn by war. He admired the ancient Greeks
for the way they held a peace every four years to stage the
Olympiad. In 1889, as a means of promoting peace between nations
and remaking French athleticism, de Coubertin got the idea to
revive the games... Læs mere - [Religious News
Brasilien -
Til top på siden
02-08-2016 - Kommission skal studere kvindens rolle i
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
Pope orders study of women's role in early
Church, cheering equality.. Pope Francis has set up a
commission to study the role of women deacons in early
Christianity, the Vatican said on Tuesday, raising hopes among
equality campaigners that women could one day have a far greater
say in the Roman Catholic Church. The Church bans women from all
but a few decision-making roles and the pope and his predecessors
have ruled out allowing them to become priests. But advocates
said Francis's move might make it easier for a future pope to
study whether to allow that. Læs mere - [Reuters]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
26-07-2016 - Iransk præst - igen arresteret, nu
anklaget for trussel mod sikkerhed
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Iranian Christian
Nadarkhani now charged with 'acting against national An
Iranian Christian leader once sentenced to death for apostasy,
Youcef Nadarkhani, has now been charged (on 24 July) with acting
against national security. Nadarkhani, who belongs to the
non-Trinitarian Church of Iran, was released on 24 July on the
condition of raising 1 billion rials (US$ 32,000) for bail within
a week, or facing arrest. He was also accused of being Zionist
and informed that he had no right to evangelise. Nadarkhani
was initially arrested in 2009 and charged with apostasy after
questioning why his children's school only taught Islam in their
religious education, which he said was unconstitutional. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Iran -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
26-07-2016 - Fransk præst myrdet i sin kirke. Pave
og den lokale imam fordømmer
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Pope Francis
condemns slaying of French priest Armed men burst into
the church in the small town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray in
Normandy and slit the throat of the Rev. Jacques Hamel as he was
celebrating Mass before a smattering of mostly elderly Catholics
on Tuesday (July 26). The slain priest, who was in his mid-80s,
was one of several people taken hostage by the two attackers, who
authorities said had claimed to be from Daesh, the Arabic term
for the Islamic State group. Læs
mere - [Religious News Service]
Frankrig -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
21-07-2016 - Trods beskyttelsespenge blev Mosuls
ærkebiskop kidnappet og dræbt
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Iraq's Mosul Archbishop had to pay
'protection money' before his 2008 The Chaldean
Archbishop of Mosul, who was murdered by militias in 2008, paid
protection money to safeguard his clergy for years before his
kidnapping and death, an aide has told World Watch Monitor.
Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho was abducted in February 2008 from
the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, which was then a stronghold of
Al-Qaeda in Iraq, which developed into the group known as Islamic
State, whose occupation of the city has just entered its third
year. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Irak -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
21-07-2016 - Evangelikale stemmer på Trump for at
undgå Clinton
Politik - tro
, Evangelical Leaders Advise Voting for
Lesser Evil The Clinton qualifier reflects the mixed
feelings many evangelicals have on this year's presidential
picks. Despite previously stating he couldn't support the
Republican candidate, Dobson remarked last month that he believed
Trump had recently made a genuine commitment to faith and was now
a "baby Christian." More than 3 in 4 white evangelicals like
Dobson are voting Trump this November, according to the Pew
Research Center. However, it's mostly a vote against Clinton, not
in support of Trump himself. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Kristendom - evangelikal
Til top på siden
19-07-2016 - Kirke angrebet under kupforsøget i
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Turkey: churches targeted during attempted
coup Two churches in cities in eastern Turkey infamous
as the sites of historic killings of Christians were vandalised
during the attempted coup on 15 July, reports Middle East
Concern. One of the attacks took place in the city of Malatya,
where three Christians were tortured and killed in 2007, leading
to a still-ongoing court case against the five suspects. Turkish
Christians had hoped for a final verdict last month, but the
trial was instead adjourned until September. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Tyrkiet -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
29-06-2016 - Stop for al evangelisering uden for den
nationale kirke
Russia's Proposed Law:
No Evangelizing Outside of Church Christians in Russia
won't be allowed to email their friends an invitation to church
or to evangelize in their own homes if Russia's newest set of
surveillance and anti-terrorism laws are enacted. The proposed
laws, considered the country's most restrictive measures in
post-Soviet history, place broad limitations on missionary work,
including preaching, teaching, and engaging in any activity
designed to recruit people into a religious group. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Rusland -
Til top på siden
19-06-2016 - Første ortodokse konsil siden 787
mangler 1/3 af de ortodokse
, Orthodox Churches council opens on Crete
despite Russia's absence A historic gathering of Orthodox
Churches has opened on the Greek island of Crete, despite the
absence of four denominations including the Russians. The Holy
and Great Council had been billed as the first meeting of fellow
Church leaders since 787 AD. The Russians decided to stay away
after the Churches of Antioch, Bulgaria and Georgia refused to
take part after disputes about the meeting. Læs mere - [BBC]
Grækenland -
Kristendom, ortodoks
Til top på siden
17-06-2016 - Kristne i Aleppo giver mad til fattige
muslimer under ramadanen
Religionsmøde - fælles handlen
, Christians in Aleppo offer food to poor
Muslims during Ramadan A communique released by Syriac
Orthodox archdiocese said the initiative is a simple gesture
aimed at expressing solidarity between people of different
religious backgrounds with the hope that it will, in time, help
to restore the peaceful coexistence that existed among Syria's
various religious and ethnic communities before the war. Læs mere - [Patheos]
Syrien -
Kristendom, syrisk-ortodoks
Til top på siden
17-06-2016 - En Schweizisk missionær, nonne, er
stadig i live
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Swiss missionary
kidnapped in Mali 'still alive' Al-Qaeda in the Islamic
Maghreb (AQIM) has released a video, purporting to show that a
Swiss nun kidnapped in Mali in January is alive and in good
health. The three-minute video, posted on social media yesterday
(16 June), shows a veiled Beatrice Stockly speaking in French,
saying that she has been detained for 130 days but is in good
health and has been treated well, although it has been very hot.
Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Mali -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
15-06-2016 - Præst beklager at ikke flere
homoseksuelle blev skudt
Seksualitet - det civile liv
Pastor refuses to mourn Orlando
victims: 'The tragedy is that more of Following the
deadliest shooting in U.S. history, a preacher stood at his
pulpit Sunday night in Northern California and delivered an
impassioned sermon praising the brutal massacre at a gay
nightclub in Florida. Pastor Roger Jimenez from Verity Baptist
Church in Sacramento.. Læs mere - [Washington
Til top på siden
12-06-2016 - Muslimske naboer er med til at genopbygge
Religionsmøde - fælles handlen
, Muslim farmers build church for Christian
neighbours Muslim farmers in a village in near the city
of Gojra in Pakistan's Punjab province are putting their savings
together and helping build a church for the Christians in their
neighbourhood. Læs mere - [BBC]
Pakistan, Islamabad -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
10-06-2016 - Maria Magdalene, apostlenes apostel, får
egen festdag
Kirkens liv
Mary Magdalene, apostle of the
apostles Vatican City, 10 June 2016 - As expressly wished
by the Holy Father, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the
Discipline of the Sacraments has published a new decree, dated
3 June 2016, Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, by which the
celebration of St. Mary Magdalene, currently obligatory memory,
will be elevated in the general calendar to the level of a feast
day. Archbishop Arthur Roche, secretary of the Congregation
for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, explains
the meaning of the decree that will enable Mary Magdalene to be
"celebrated" liturgically like the rest of the apostles. "The
decision is situated in the current ecclesial context, which
calls upon us to reflect more deeply on the dignity of women, the
new evangelisation and the greatness of the mystery of divine
mercy. Læs
mere - [Vatican Information Service]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
09-06-2016 - Mpo Tutus sorg over ikke at kunne
fortsætte som præst..
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
For someone who is in love and recently married, a wedge
of "very odd pain" is lodged in Mpho Tutu van Furth's heart. It
is caused by the South African Anglican church's refusal to allow
the daughter of one of the world's best known Christian leaders
to continue to work as a priest after she married the person with
whom she has pledged to share the rest of her life: a woman. Læs mere - [The
Sydafrika -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
03-06-2016 - Flygtninge og immigranter er en del af
Politik - flygtninge
are Part of us, says Archbishop Archbishop Bhuti Tlhagale
of the Catholic Archdiocese of Johannesburg, has stated that
migrants and refugees "are our brothers and sisters in search of
a better life, far away from hunger, poverty, exploitation and
the unjust distribution of the planet`s resources, which are
meant to be equitably shared by all." Archbishop Tlhagale was
speaking in his capacity as the Liaison Bishop of migrants and
refugees of Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference (SACBC)
during a roundtable meeting on policy and legislative changes to
the Refugee Act that was organized by the Scalabrini Institute
for Human Mobility in Africa (SIHMA), Vatican Radio reported. Læs mere
- [Catholic Information Service for Africa]
Sydafrika -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
03-06-2016 - En million pilgrimme til den årlige
Uganda Martyrs Day
Kirkens liv
, Over 1M Pilgrims Throng Namugongo Martyrs'
Shrines Over one million pilgrims are attending the
Martyrs' Day celebrations at Namugongo Shrines today for the
annual Uganda Martyrs day. Læs
mere - [Catholic Information Service for Africa]
The pilgrims, according to the organizing committee of the event,
are drawn from Uganda and other African countries including 4000
from Kenya, 4,500 from Tanzania, 300 from Burundi and 1,500 from
This year's celebrations are organized by the Catholic diocese
of Kiyinda -Mityana under the theme; "The Truth Will Set You
Uganda, Kampala -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
01-06-2016 - Millioner forbereder at fejre de kristne
forfædre i Afrika
Kirkens liv
, 'Forefathers' of Christianity in Africa
Christians in the East African nation of Uganda are
preparing to celebrate Martyrs Day on June 3. Læs mere - [CBN News]
The day commemorates the martyrdom of 45 Ugandan men who
converted to Christianity between the years of 1885 and 1887.
The story goes that the king of the country at that time was so
outraged by their decision to convert that he ordered the mostly
young men to be burnt to death.
Uganda, Kampala -
Til top på siden
28-05-2016 - Kristen præst forgiftet af
, Christian Pastor In Uganda Dies After
Being Poisoned With Insecticide A Christian pastor has
died in Uganda after being poisoned with insecticide. He had
previously survived being attacked with knives. Læs mere - [Black Christian News]
Sources in his village said Micah Byamukama, pastor of Kasecha
Baptist Church in Kibuku District, died after he challenged
belief in supernatural creatures in Arabic mythology.
Uganda, Kampala -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
26-05-2016 - Tvunget nøgen rundt i gaderne -
søn beskyldt for forhold til muslim
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Elderly Christian woman stripped naked and
paraded through streets Elderly Christian woman stripped
naked and paraded through streets by mob. The 300-strong mob of
Muslim men in rural Egypt also burned down seven homes belonging
to Orthodox Coptic families, over rumours of an affair between
a local Christian man and a Muslim woman Læs mere - [The
Ægypten, Cairo -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
20-05-2016 - Afrikanske kirker er bekymrede for den
kristenhed som bragte dem troen
African Methodists worry about the church that
brought them Christi.. "It's mind-boggling, and it
baffles the Christian leader from Africa - I speak for all of
Africa - it baffles the mind of the Christian leader from Africa,
who ascribes to the whole Bible as his or her primary authority
for faith and practice, to see and to hear that cultural
Christianity can take the place of the Bible. United Methodists
in America and other parts of the world are far going away from
Scripture and giving in to cultural Christianity," Kulah said.
Læs mere - [Religious News
Afrika -
Kristendom - metodister
Til top på siden
18-05-2016 - Paven åbner Vatikanet for tre
Politik - flygtninge
Syrian refugees sheltered by pope describe
'miracle' journey Three Syrian families flown to Rome by
Pope Francis are calling their trip from the battle lines of a
five-year civil war to safety in the shadow of the Vatican a
"miracle" journey. The heart of Rome's Trastevere neighborhood,
with its picturesque cobbled streets and vine-covered walls,
could not be farther from the asylum-seeker camp the Muslim
families were living in just three days ago. Læs mere - [Religious News
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
18-05-2016 - Katolske nonner presser på for at
kvinder kan blive viet som diakon
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
Top nun pushes for greater role for Catholic
women Catholic sisters globally would be better-equipped
to carry out their work if they could become deacons, the head
of a global network of nuns has said, an important marker in the
sharp debate over women deacons that Pope Francis opened last
week. "We are already doing so many things that resemble what a
deacon would do, although it would help us to do a bit more
service if we were ordained deacons," Sister Carmen Sammut,
president of the International Union of Superiors General, or
UISG, told RNS. Læs mere - [Religious News
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
17-05-2016 - Metodistkirken kæmper for bevarelse af
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
Methodist leader acknowledges struggle to
maintain unity The United Methodist Church is struggling
to maintain unity amid deep divisions over Scripture and
sexuality, the presiding bishop of America's second-largest
Protestant denomination acknowledged. Responding to rumors of a
potential breakup at the quadrennial United Methodist General
Conference, Bishop Bruce Ough said Tuesday (May 17) that the
leadership is "not advancing or advocating any plan of separation
or reorganization of the denomination." Læs mere - [Religious News
Kristendom - metodister
Til top på siden
16-05-2016 - Konvertit chikaneres
Hostile homecoming for Mexican Protestant
after exile Lauro Pérez N£¤ez, a convert to the
Protestant faith, was ordered to leave his community last year
for violating what local authorities claimed was the village's
"custom" of belonging to the "traditionalist" church, which
blends aspects of indigenous paganism and popular Catholicism.
Although a district judge permitted him to return home in March
2016, he found he was still not welcome. The Mexican Constitution
guarantees the right of indigenous communities to regulate their
own affairs, so long as these do not affect individual liberties
and human rights. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Mexico -
Kristendom, protestantisk
Til top på siden
15-05-2016 - Paven besøger Armenien og
Mindesmærket for det armenske folkedrab
Politik - religion
Pope's visit to Armenian genocide memorial may
strain tensions with Tu Pope Francis will visit the
Armenian Genocide memorial complex during a three-day visit to
the country in June, a move that may strain the Vatican's
diplomatic relations with Turkey. The pope will travel to the
Tsitsernakaberd site in southern Armenia on June 25, spending an
hour at the memorial, the Vatican announced on Friday (May 13).
The complex commemorates up to 1.5 million Armenians killed
between 1915 and 1923 under the Ottoman Empire. Læs mere - [Religious News
Armenien -
Til top på siden
15-05-2016 - Donald Trump forener kirken - i USA
Politik - tro
How Donald Trump Unites
the Church Donald Trump is often accused of dividing
Americans through his name-calling and tough talk about women,
immigrants, and President Obama. But he is succeeding in uniting
one group in a way that I never dreamed possible: Christians. Læs mere
- [Huffpost Religion]
Til top på siden
12-05-2016 - Paven åbner for tanker om ordination af
kvindelige diakoner
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
Pope Francis: "Let's study idea of ordaining
women as deacons" In an opening with historic import,
Pope Francis has said he wants to study the possibility of
ordaining women as deacons, a step that could for the first time
open the ranks of the Catholic Church's all-male clergy to
women. The order of deacons was reinstituted in the Catholic
Church after the reforms of the 1960s, and while deacons cannot
celebrate the Eucharist like a priest, a deacon can preach at
Mass, preside at weddings and funerals, and perform
baptisms. But in restoring the diaconate, the church also
restricted ordination as a deacon to "mature married men" over
35. Many protested that limitation, saying the earliest
Christian texts also speak of "deaconesses" and arguing that the
modern church should also allow women deacons. Læs
mere - [Religious News Service]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
09-05-2016 - Kirkernes
Verdensråd-repræsentanter tilbageholdt i israelsk
WCC: Israeli treatment
of representatives at airport unacceptable After
traveling to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv in the last week for
a climate justice meeting, World Council of Churches (WCC) staff
and partners were detained or deported in a manner that WCC
general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit terms both
unprecedented and intolerable. Læs mere - [World Council of Churches
Israel -
Til top på siden
06-05-2016 - Kristne dræbt - tusinder på
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Christians killed, as thousands flee
continuing Islamist violence Islamist militants are
suspected to have killed between 20 and 40 villagers in the
eastern extremes of the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
according to news reports and a World Watch Monitor source.
Attackers carried machetes and axes into a village in North Kivu
province, in eastern DRC, late in the evening on 3 May. Læs mere - [Irish Central]
Congo -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
03-05-2016 - "National Day of Reason" samtidig ned
"National Day of Prayer"
, Humanists push for a National Day of
Reason Not all Americans pray. So the American
Humanist Association, among the largest national advocacy groups
of nonbelievers and other secularists, wants the first Thursday
in May to be recognized by Congress as a National Day of
Reason. But that day is already designated as the National Day
of Prayer, with a 65-year history of support from Congress, state
and local governments and every sitting president since its
inception in 1952. Læs mere -
[Religious News Service]
Til top på siden
01-05-2016 - Festival:
Kirkens liv
Ukraine's Giant Easter Egg
Festival Is A Feast For The Eyes While many Christians
in the world emptied out their Easter baskets weeks ago, for
Orthodox Christians, the celebration is just getting started.
Easter falls on May 1 on the Orthodox Christian calendar. There's
no mistaking the festive atmosphere in Kiev, Ukraine, where
residents are marking the occasion with an annual Easter Egg
festival. Læs mere - [Huffpost Religion]
Ukraine -
Kristendom, ortodoks
Til top på siden
28-04-2016 - Vietnam indfører ny lov om
Vietnam's Religion Law 'created to repress,
control' Vietnam's new "Law on Belief and Religion,"
scheduled to come into effect this year, will add another layer
of governmental repression and control to an already pressurised
Church, says Vo Tran Nhat, Executive Secretary of the Vietnam
Committee on Human Rights. "They're going to adopt a new law, a
law on religion. This law is not a law on religion; it's just a
law on how to manage the control of religion," he said in a video
interview with World Watch Monitor. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Vietnam -
Kristendom - kommunisme
Til top på siden
28-04-2016 - Bøn for afstemningen om medlemskabet
af EU
Politik - tro
, Church of England issues EU-referendum
prayer David Hamid, the C of E's suffragen bishop in
Europe, told the Guardian it was tricky for the church to take
a stand on a hotly contested political matter. "The C of E is a
national church and has to serve all people of the nation
regardless of their political orientation. The church has to be
seen as neutral." Læs mere - [The Guardian]
England -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
27-04-2016 - Tysk kardinal udråbt som Antikrist for
at forsvare muslimer
German cardinal
tarred as 'Antichrist' for defending Muslims A German
Catholic leader's defense of religious freedom has triggered a
backlash after anti-Muslim statements by far-right politicians
in the country. Editor Ingo Brueggenjuergen: "These
self-appointed saviors of the Christian West who are looking for
an absolute antichrist should take a look in the mirror," Læs
mere - [Religious News Service]
Tyskland -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
26-04-2016 - Paven åbner for fri diskussion af
Francis responded to request for
free discussion on infallibility dogm Fr. Hans Küng,
the Swiss theologian, says that he has received a letter from
Pope Francis that responds "to my request to give room to a free
discussion on the dogma of infallibility." Küng also said
that he is very encouraged by Francis' recent apostolic
exhortation, Amoris Laetitia ('The Joy of Love'), "I could not
have foreseen then quite how much new freedom Francis would open
up in his post-synodal exhortation," Kung wrote in statement
released to NCR and other media outlets. "Already in the
introduction, he declares, 'Not all discussions of doctrinal,
moral or pastoral issues need to be settled by interventions of
the magisterium.'" Læs mere - [National Catholic
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
24-04-2016 - Xi på konference om religions status i
fremtidens Kina
Politik - tro
Xi calls for improved religious work
Addressing a conference on religions that concluded on
Saturday, Xi said religious affairs carry "special importance"
in the work of the CPC and the central government, and that the
CPC's religious policies and theories had been proven right
through past practices. Læs mere - [People's Weekly
He promised to fully implement the Party's policy of religious
freedom, manage religious affairs in line with laws, retain the
principle of religious independence and self-administration, and
help religions adapt to the socialist society.
Authorities should work to unite religious and non-religious
people, and guide those religious to love their country, protect
the unification of their motherland and serve the overall
interests of the Chinese nation. [Se also commentaryChina Reveals What It
Wants to Do with Christianity
Kina -
Til top på siden
21-04-2016 - Præst og hans gravide kone angrebet af
militante hinduer
Indian pastor and pregnant wife
attacked by militant Hindus An Indian pastor and his
pregnant wife were assaulted and their church set on fire on
Sunday evening (17 April) after they refused to praise a Hindu
god. Pastor Dinbanhu Sameli, 30, and his wife, Meena, 26, seven
months pregnant, lead a church in the troubled Bastar district
of the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Indien -
Hinduisme - anden tro
Til top på siden
20-04-2016 - Er paven overhovedet katolsk?
, Is the pope Catholic? That's
always been the jokey answer to a dumb question, but it's now a
serious issue for Catholic intellectuals who have been
criticizing, and defending, the Catholic bona fides of Pope
Francis, especially since the pontiff released a landmark
document on family life earlier this month that some say calls
into question the church's teachings on the permanence of
marriage. Læs mere - [Religious News
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
20-04-2016 - Autoriteten i Amoris Laetitia (Kærlighed
i kirken)
'Amoris Laetitia' and the Constant Teaching and Practice of
the Church Cardinal Burke says a post-synodal apostolic
exhortation, 'by its very nature, does not propose new doctrine
and discipline, but applies the perennial doctrine and discipline
to the situation of the world at the time.' The secular media
and even some Catholic media are describing the recently issued
post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, "Love in the
Family," as a revolution in the Church, as a radical departure
from the teaching and practice of the Church, up to now,
regarding marriage and the family. Læs mere - [National Catholic
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
18-04-2016 - Konsekvenserne af de kristnes exit af
, REPORT: The impact of Christians leaving
Middle East War and persecution has led to a
haemorrhaging of Christians from the Middle East, particularly
from Syria and Iraq. A new report highlights what the region
stands to lose should Christians continue to leave. The report,
compiled by a trio of Christian charities and a university,
argues that Christians are an essential part of Middle Eastern
history and culture, and that they continue to contribute
powerfully to society, particularly in the fields of education,
medicine, science and engineering. For Syria and Iraq to lose
Christians altogether, the report says, would not only damage the
fabric of the society, but negatively impact upon the two
countries' economies. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Mellemøsten -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
15-04-2016 - Kristne kvinder de mest religiøse og
mest forfulgte
Christian Women Worldwide
Are The Most Religious . and the Most Persec A survey of
192 countries has demonstrated scientifically what many have long
known anecdotally to be true: Christian women are more religious
than Christian men. The lesser known fact: those women bear the
brunt of persecution in the 50 countries where it is hardest to
be a Christian. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Globalt -
Til top på siden
14-04-2016 - Et lykkeligt sted - men ikke for alle.
Buddhismen som nationalreligion
, Bhutan - a 'happy' place, but not for all
But despite this apparent endeavour from the Buddhist
nation to ensure its citizens' felicity, Bhutan's minorities -
including around 20,000 Christians (2.8% of the population) -
complain that happiness does not filter down to all parts of
society. Bhutan's state religion is Buddhism and other religions
are barely tolerated, so life as a Christian is difficult. Church
buildings are illegal and non-Buddhists are not privy to the same
benefits, such as free education. Proselytism and incitement to
convert are illegal. Bhutanese who convert to Christianity can
lose their citizenship. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Bhutan -
Til top på siden
13-04-2016 - Arnested for flygtningestrøm: Eritreas
forfølgelse af kristne
Eritrean church leaders still in jail 12 years
later Although the tiny East African nation of Eritrea
has a population of just 6 million, Eritrea is one of the leading
sources of refugees in Europe. There are many reasons for this,
but chief among them is a lack of religious freedom. The Eritrean
government outlawed worship outside of Islam and the Orthodox,
Evangelical Lutheran and Roman Catholic Church in 2002, driving
all other Christian churches underground as they faced varying
degrees of restrictions and attacks. Læs mere - [World
Watch Monitor]
Eritrea -
Islam - anden tro
Til top på siden
02-04-2016 - Karismatisk vækkelse i den anglikanske
kirke i Uganda
Kirkens liv - vækkelse
, In Uganda Anglicans are casting out demons
Last Friday in the dusty town of Kabwohe, Uganda, more
than 5 000 people crammed into an enclosed field to worship
Jesus. They stayed from 7pm until 6:30 am for an all-night
celebration that included dancing, singing, shouting, speaking
in tongues and an altar call that resulted in dozens of
conversions. A few times during the evening, someone was set free
from demons. You might expect this in Africa, where Pentecostal
churches have been growing for decades. But this event, which
happens in Kabwohe once a month, is sponsored by All Saints
Anglican Church...This is the new face of revival in Uganda,
where hundreds of traditional Anglican churches have been set on
fire by the Holy Spirit. Læs mere - [Gateway
Uganda, Kampala -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
30-03-2016 - Dommer fastslår ret til at konversion
fra islam til kristendom
Religionskonflikt - re-konversion
, Malaysia Rules Muslim Man Can Convert to
Christianity The High Court here yesterday allowed a
Bidayuh man, who was converted to Islam as a child by his
parents, to renounce his religion and become a Christian...Yew
made the declaration that the applicant is a Christian, and
ordered the first and second respondents to issue letter of
release from the religion of Islam, and also his name to be
changed from Asmi Mohamad Azam Shah to Roneey Anak Rebit in his
identification card as well to change Islam in his identity card
at the National Registry to Christianity. Læs mere
- [Borneo Post]
In passing the verdict, the judge said the decision was made
under Article 11 of the Federal Constitution, which guaranteed
freedom of religion.
Malaysia -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
28-03-2016 - Selvmordsbomber dræber mindst 70, heraf
29 børn i Pakistan
, Suicide bomber targeting Christians kills
70 in Pakistan park Pakistani authorities on Monday
(March 28) hunted members of a Taliban faction which once
declared loyalty to Islamic State after the group claimed
responsibility for an Easter suicide bomb targeting Christians
that killed at least 70 people. The brutality of Sunday's attack
by Jamaat-ur-Ahrar, the group's fifth bombing since December,
reflects the movement's attempts to raise its profile among
Pakistan's increasingly fractured Islamist militants. At least
29 children enjoying an Easter weekend outing were among those
killed when the suicide bomber struck in a busy park in the
eastern city of Lahore, the power base of Prime Minister Nawaz
Sharif. Pakistan is a majority-Muslim state but has a Christian
population of more than two million. Læs mere
- [Religious News Service]
Pakistan, Islamabad -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
25-03-2016 - Kristne og muslimer arbejder på at
restaurere hvælvinger over Golgata
Religionsmøde - fælles handlen
, Mosaic restoration depicting Jesus at
Calvary an interfaith effort .. i Gravkirken (The Holy
Sepulchre).The tens of thousands of Christians who visited the
Church of the Holy Sepulchre this month got a special Easter
treat: the chance to view the newly cleaned and restored mosaic
that covers the ceiling and walls of a Franciscan chapel
dedicated to Calvary, or Golgotha, the hill where Jesus was
crucified. They might also pause to marvel at this: the work of
restoring those mosaics involves a joint effort of Palestinian
Christians and Muslims. The church, whose original structure was
built in the fourth century, stands atop the sites where,
according to Christian tradition, Jesus was crucified, buried and
resurrected. Læs mere -
[Religious News Service]
Israel -
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden
24-03-2016 - Forældreprotest over Yoga-influeret
mindfullnes i skole
, Parents, offended by the 'Far East
religion' of yoga, get 'Namaste'.. "Mindfulness," the
meditative state associated with yoga, has likewise been adopted
as a way to clear the mind. So when administrators at Bullard
Elementary School in Kennesaw, Ga., implemented yoga and other
mindfulness practices in the classroom to reduce students'
stress, they probably envisioned peace and relaxation in their
future. Instead, they received a flurry of complaints - from
parents who felt yoga represented the encroachment of
non-Christian beliefs. Læs mere - [Washington
Kristendom - andre religioner
Til top på siden
24-03-2016 - Advokat, som kæmpede for kirkes ret,
løsladt efter "bekendelse"
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
China Frees Lawyer
Who Defended 100 Church Crosses One of the leading legal
defenders of China's churches, Zhang Kai, was released from jail
on Wednesday after being arrested in August 2015. China Aid
confirmed his release with relatives...Terms of his release were
uncertain. Zhang had been sentenced to six months of residential
surveillance at a "black jail," where prisoners are held
incommunicado at a secret location. On February 25, he appeared
on state television stating a "confession" that he had disrupted
social order and endangering state security. Many believe the
confession was coerced. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Kina -
Til top på siden
21-03-2016 - Præster trodser biskops forbud mod at
lade muslimer bede i kirken
Italian bishop won't let Muslims pray
in churches ROME (RNS) An Italian bishop has clashed with
a pair of priests who want to invite Muslims to pray inside their
churches in a bid to promote tolerance in a diocese in Tuscany.
"The deserved, necessary and respectful welcome of people who
practice other faiths and religions does not mean offering them
space for prayers inside churches designed for liturgy and the
gathering of Christian communities," Bishop Fausto Tardelli of
Pistoia said in a statement reported on Saturday (March 19).
"They can very well find other spaces and places," Tardelli said.
Læs mere - [Religious News
Italien -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
20-03-2016 - Indien nægter indrejsevisa til
"advokater" for religionsfrihed
India's refusal to grant religious freedom visas a 'missed
opportunity India is making a mistake in refusing to
issue visas to a U.S. international religious freedom
organization, said religious liberty advocates and experts
specializing in the South Asian country. "This is a missed
opportunity for India and for religious freedom. We had hoped to
travel there for some time because of the growing concerns about
religious freedom in India. We wanted to go there and assess the
situation and learn the facts on the ground," said Katrina Lantos
Swett, president of the U.S. Commission on International
Religious Freedom. Læs mere - [Patheos]
Indien -
Hinduisme - anden tro
Til top på siden
18-03-2016 - Kristen, civil ulydighed - til venstre og til
Politik - religion
, Is It Time for American Christians to
Disobey the Government? In June 2015, in the wake of
Dylann Roof's murderous rampage at a historic black church in
Charleston, South Carolina, legislators gathered to debate
removing the Confederate flag from the state capitol. Meanwhile,
Bree Newsome, a young African American woman, was taking the
matter into her own hands, scaling the flagpole and snatching the
flag herself. .. As the Confederate flag controversy died down,
another controversy was heating up in rural Rowan County,
Kentucky. Another woman of unbending Christian conviction-albeit
very different politics-quickly gained notoriety for her own
defiant stand. [NB. limited acces] Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Til top på siden
15-03-2016 - Trumps kirkelige bagland: Prosperity
Politik - tro
Trump's Pastor Friends
Have One Thing In Common: They're All Rich When it comes
to the religious realm, businessman and Republican presidential
frontrunner Donald Trump has a hard time finding friends.
Although he now boasts the endorsement of Liberty University
president and influential conservative Christian Jerry Falwell
Jr., several prominent members of the Religious Right have
repeatedly disavowed his candidacy, such as when Southern Baptist
leader Russell Moore said Trump represents "everything"
evangelicals should stand against. Meanwhile, Trump has racked
up an ever-growing list of rejections from non-evangelical
religious groups Læs
mere - [Thinkprogress]
Til top på siden
15-03-2016 - Spirende håb, nye begyndelser,
, Enterprising Christians see hope, despite
Syria's five years of war About 4.5million have left
Syria but, for many others still there, there are new beginnings
with new opportunities - in both business and in living out their
faith. Some enterprising Syrians are in churches which are
creating work and opportunities for those who stay on in the
war-torn country, and others - church leaders - are adapting to
the growing interest in Christianity of former Muslims in Syria
and neighbouring Lebanon, where new former-Muslim believers can
at times outnumber long-time church-goers. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Syrien -
Til top på siden
15-03-2016 - Mother Teresa helgenkåres til
Kirkens liv
MotherTeresaMother Teresa, Mother Teresa to
be canonized Sept. 4 Mother Teresa of Calcutta will be
made a saint on Sept. 4. Approval from the pontiff marks the
definitive stage in the path to sainthood for the Albanian nun,
who became reputed globally for her charity work in India. Mother
Teresa's canonization will come almost exactly 19 years after her
death on Sept. 5, 1997, a relatively speedy sainthood for the
Catholic Church. Læs mere -
[Religious News Service]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
14-03-2016 - Trump/Burns: Jøden Bernie Sanders
bør møde Jesus og blive frelst
Politik - religion
'Trump' pastor's call
for Sanders to 'meet Jesus' offends many Jews, atheists
and others denounced televangelist Mark Burns and Donald Trump
after the pastor kicked off a North Carolina Trump rally by
calling for Bernie Sanders, who is Jewish, to "get saved."
"Bernie Sanders, who doesn't believe in God, how in the world
(are) we going to let Bernie - I mean, really?" Burns said to the
crowd's applause. "Bernie's got to get saved, Bernie's got to
meet Jesus. He's got to have a coming to Jesus meeting." Læs
mere - [Religious News Service]
Til top på siden
14-03-2016 - Fra "junglen" i Calais - en rapport
Politik - sociale forhold
Fierce and Fragile Life:
Report from the Calais 'Jungle' Anna Rowlands is Deputy
Director of the Centre for Catholic Studies at the University of
Durham. She was part of a British-French delegation to the
refugee camp in Calais, France. The ground was frozen solid.
Frosted sleeping bags lay discarded along the rough edges of the
dirt track leading into the camp. Læs mere - [ABC Religion and
Ethics - Australia]
Frankrig -
Til top på siden
10-03-2016 - Kenyanske episkopale tilslutter sig boycott
af anglikansk conference
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, African bishops to boycott meeting of
Anglican council over Episcopal The Anglican Church in
Kenya has become the latest province to announce it will boycott
the Anglican Consultative Council meeting in Zambia over the
participation of the Episcopal Church. The Episcopal Church was
recently censured at a primates' meeting in Canterbury, England,
because of the American church's willingness to ordain and marry
LGBT people. According to the sanctions, the Episcopal Church
cannot represent the communion at the April meeting or vote on
doctrine and polity. Læs mere - [Religious News
Kenya -
Kristendom, anglikansk
Til top på siden
03-03-2016 - 4 søstre i "Missionary og Charity"
(Mother Theresas Orden) dræbt
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Four sisters
dead in attack on Missionaries of Charity home in Yemen
At least 16 people are dead after two gunmen attacked a
Missionaries of Charity convent and nursing home for elderly and
disabled persons in Aden, the provisional capital of Yemen, on
Friday. Four of the victims were sisters of the Missionaries of
Charity, the community founded by Blessed Mother Teresa. They
have been identified by the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern
Arabia as Sr. Anselm from India, Sr. Margherite from Rwanda, Sr.
Reginette from Rwanda, and Sr. Judith from Kenya. Læs mere - [Catholic News Agency]
Yemen -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
02-03-2016 - Kvinder skal have lov til at prædike ved
Seksualitet - det kirkelige embede
newspaper essays say women should preach at Mass A
series of essays in the semiofficial Vatican newspaper is urging
the Catholic Church to allow women to preach from the pulpit at
Mass, a role that has been reserved almost exclusively to the
all-male priesthood for nearly 800 years. ..In her column,
Sister Catherine Aubin, a French Dominican who teaches theology
at a pontifical university in Rome, noted that Jesus encouraged
women to preach his message of salvation, and she said that
throughout church history there have been many extraordinary
women evangelists. Women today also lead retreats and in effect
preach in other ways, she argued. Læs
mere - [Religious News Service]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
02-03-2016 - Kristendom døende, den republikanske
præsidentkampagne viser hvorfor
American Christianity Is
Dying and the Republican Presidential.. A recent study
in 2015 found that "In just two years, the percentage of
Americans who qualify as "post-Christian" rose by 7 percentage
points, from 37% in 2013 to 44% in 2015. Across the United
States, cities in every state are becoming more post-Christian
-- some at a faster rate than others.".. we only need to realize
this as empirical and statistical evidence that Christianity is
on the decline. This has never been more visible than when
watching the Republican debates... Læs mere
- [Huffpost Religion]
Til top på siden
26-02-2016 - Præster tilbageholdes på tredje
måned på skjult sted
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Human rights group calls for the release
of detained Sudanese pastors Sudanese Christians and
human rights groups are urging the government to produce two
clerics, whose location has been unknown since their arrest in
December. Hassan Kodi, 49, secretary general of the Sudanese
Church of Christ, and another pastor, Telal Ngosi, 44, were
detained after attending a Christian conference in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, in October. The two represented the Sudanese Church
of Christ at a meeting to discuss the plight of Christians in
Sudan and South Sudan. Both men are from the Nuba Mountains
region of South Kordofan, a province with many Christians who
often face forced conversion by the pro-Muslim Sudanese
government. Læs mere - []
Sudan, Khartoum -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
25-02-2016 - Koptiske teenagere får op til 5
års fængsel for blasfemi
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Egypt Sentences Coptic Teenagers to Prison
for Insulting Islam An Egyptian court sentenced four
Coptic Christian teenagers to up to five years in prison.. The
teenagers were convicted in Minya, an arid province south of
Cairo, where they had been accused of filming a 32-second video
in which they mocked the Muslim mode of prayer, said their
lawyer, Maher Naguib...The police initiated the prosecution of
the Coptic teenagers after a Muslim classmate discovered the
video. Three of the teenagers were sentenced to five years in
prison, while the fourth, who is still under 18, is to be
detained at a juvenile detention center. Læs
mere - [New York Times]
Ægypten -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
25-02-2016 - Den mest dødbringende terrorgruppe i
verden Boko Haram
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Nigeria churches unite for first time to
address violence in north The world's deadliest terrorist
group is not in the Middle East. It's in Nigeria, where the
Islamist insurgency Boko Haram and other forces killed more than
4,000 Christians in 2015. That tally was a 62 percent increase
from the previous year, according to Open Doors, a global charity
that supports Christians in places where their faith exposes them
to government, social or sectarian hostility. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Nigeria -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
25-02-2016 - De progressive burde ikke glæde sig over
de evangelikales deroute
Politik - religion
Why Progressives Shouldn't
Celebrate the Decline of the Evangelical.. ..But while
evangelicals' history of xenophobia is well documented, any
fair-minded account of American political history would also have
to note the prominent role of evangelicals in movements to create
a more compassionate and egalitarian society. [The steps: Jimmy
Carter, Mike Huckabee, Santorum, Trump/Cruz] Læs mere
- [Huffpost Religion]
Til top på siden
24-02-2016 - Kirke i Bursa lukkes alligevel ikke
, Turkey backs down on closing Bursa's only
church On Tuesday, the Bursa municipality and the
Directorate General of Foundations announced that Christians
would not be prevented from using the church. Kulakcioglu noted
that the city government's original decision to close the church
was at odds with its self-proclaimed image as a city of religious
tolerance. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Tyrkiet -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
24-02-2016 - De sidste af 230 assyriske kristne
løsladt af ISIS mod løsesum
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, A Ransom for Many: ISIS Releases Last of
230 Assyrian Christian Hostag Hostages were released in
small groups throughout the past year, including 25 on Christmas
Day, according to the Assyrian Church of the East Relief
Organization (ACERO). This week, the final 43 of those hostages
were freed. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Irak -
Islam - kristendom
Til top på siden
19-02-2016 - Hvad mente paven egentlig - om
prævention - og, vigtigere, abort?
Seksualitet - det civile liv
The real surprise in Pope Francis' Zika virus
remarks Actually, it isn't clear exactly what he said
about contraception. Catholic theology in this area is complex,
and Pope Francis was speaking in generalities, off the cuff, as
he often does during his papal plane press interviews. Læs mere - [Religious News
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
Til top på siden
19-02-2016 - Donald Trump ikke kristen - udtaler
Politik - tro
, Pope suggests Trump 'is not Christian'
Thrusting himself into the combative 2016 presidential
campaign, Pope Francis said Thursday that GOP front-runner Donald
Trump "is not Christian" if he calls for the deportation of
undocumented immigrants and pledges to build a wall between the
United States and Mexico. Læs
mere - [CNN]
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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18-02-2016 - På tværs af religiøse
fløje: De fleste mod diskrimination af LGBT
Seksualitet - det civile liv
, Most Americans oppose LGBT discrimination
Most Americans oppose religious exemptions to LGBT
nondiscrimination laws, according to a new survey. The report
comes as a raft of bills before state legislatures would allow
people to refuse service or accommodations to gays, lesbians,
bisexual and transgender people based on their religious beliefs.
Læs mere -
[Religious News Service]
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18-02-2016 - Paven: kvinder må bruge prævention
i Zika-krisen
Etik - seksualitet
Pope Suggests Women Can Use Contraception
During Zika Crisis Pope Francis has weighed in on birth
control amidst the Zika virus outbreak in Latin America,
suggesting that women could use contraception to prevent a
pregnancy. However, the pope stopped short of condoning abortion.
"Avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil," Francis said,
according to multiple reports. "In certain cases, as in this
one... it was clear. I would also urge doctors to do their utmost
to find vaccines against these mosquitoes that carry this
disease." Læs
mere - [Huffpost Religion]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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17-02-2016 - Kristne flygtninge chikaneres og
forfølges i lejrene omkring Calais
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Christian migrants find discrimination
follows them to Europe Christians among the thousands of
Middle Eastern migrants who have fled to Europe have discovered
that a familiar burden has followed them: religious harassment.
Some Christian migrants have been subjected to discrimination,
harassment and violence from Muslim migrants with extremist
views. One Iranian convert to Christianity was murdered. The
phenomenon has been observed in various locations across Europe,
including in the camp of Grande-Synthe in northern France, where
Iranian converts have been targeted by migrants from Iraq. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Frankrig -
Islam - kristendom
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15-02-2016 - Protestantiske kirker i Tyrkiet
Turkey's Protestants 'anxious and distressed'
After a year filled with repeated threats and attacks
against Protestant churches and their leaders in Turkey, the
leader of their tiny Christian community has admitted that they
remain "anxious and distressed". In an interview with Al-Monitor,
Pastor Ihsan Ozbek of the Association of Protestant Churches
named last week two major obstacles to his community's quest for
true religious freedom: the Turkish judiciary's failure to
respond to their members' security concerns, and the government's
exclusion of Protestants from the state's protocol dialogue with
other religious minorities. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Tyrkiet -
Islam - kristendom
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14-02-2016 - Paven kritiserer Mexicos rige og korrupte
Politik - sociale forhold
Pope criticizes Mexicos rich and corrupt elite
Celebrating Mass in front of hundreds of thousands in one
of Mexic's poorest and most dangerous cities, Pope Francis on
Sunday took a swipe at the country's rich and corrupt elite.
Decrying "a society of the few and for the few," he denounced
deep inequality and the vanity and pride of those who consider
themselves a cut above the rest. Læs
mere - [Religious News Service]
Mexico -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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14-02-2016 - Højesteretsdommer Scalias top 5
vedrørende tro og religion
Personalia og biografi
AntoninScaliaAntonin Scalia, Justice Supreme
Court Scalia's top 5 hits (or misses) on religion
Scalia was especially zealous on the issue of religion.
As exemplified by recent comments on the place of religion in the
public square, Scalia's legal writing on religious establishment
and free exercise is some of his most memorable. Læs
mere - [Religious News Service]
Til top på siden
10-02-2016 - To præster tilbageholdt siden december
uden anklage og uden kontakt
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
Christian leaders kept in Sudan since December
uncharged, but incommun Sudanese authorities have been
keeping two Christian pastors in an unknown location since
mid-December, with no official charges yet filed against them.
On 12. Dec., members of Sudan's National Intelligence and
Security Service (NISS) visited the family home of Telahoon
Nogosi Kassa Rata, a leader of the Fellowship of University
Christian Students and a leader of Khartoum North Evangelical
Church, sources close to the detainees said. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Sudan, Khartoum -
Islam - kristendom
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10-02-2016 - Det er ikke barmhjertighed, hvis ikke den
kommer til lommerne
Politik - sociale forhold
If mercy doesn't reach your pockets, it's not
real, Pope says Referring to the current Holy Year of
Mercy, the Pope explained that the Jubilee is time "for
conversion, so that our heart can become bigger, more generous,
more like a child of God, with more love." "But I tell you
that if the Jubilee doesn't arrive to the pockets, it's not a
true Jubilee," he said, adding that "this is in the Bible, it's
not the Pope who invented this." Læs mere - [Patheos]
Vatikanet -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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09-02-2016 - Kirken som fristed, civil ulydighed,
flygtninge. En diskussion.
Politik - flygtninge
, Places of Refuge: What Legal Basis for the
Churches' Offer of 'Sanctua In last week's high-profile
decision of the High Court of Australia, Plaintiff M68-2015 v
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2016] HCA 1, a
6-1 majority ruled that the Australian government is entitled to
continue its policy of detaining certain asylum seekers off-shore
in the Pacific nation of Nauru. In the aftermath of the
decision, and in response to the plight of a group of mothers and
their babies and young children who have been receiving medical
treatment in Australia, and will now have to be returned to the
dreadful conditions in Nauru, a number of Christian churches went
public with an offer of "sanctuary" for those who are supposed
to be returned. Læs mere - [ABC Religion and
Ethics - Australia]
Australien -
Til top på siden
08-02-2016 - Marx - Kardinal Reinald: For mange flygtninge
i Europa
Politik - flygtninge
Top German Bishop: We Need A
Reduction In The Number Of Refugees "As a church we say
that we need a reduction in the number of refugees," Cardinal
Reinhard Marx, chairman of the German bishops' conference, told
German regional newspaper Passauer Neue Presse on Saturday.
Germany cannot be responsible for taking in "all of the world's
needy," he said. Marx did, however, advocate for the humane
treatment of those who do cross into Europe. "European borders
cannot be a death wish," he said. Pope Francis, meanwhile,
has consistently urged Catholics to take in refugees and "view
them as persons, seeing their faces and listening to their
stories," he said in September. Læs mere -
[Washington Post]
Tyskland -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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04-02-2016 - Kardinal advarer mod helbredsmæssig
abort på grund af Zika-virus
Etik - abort
Honduran cardinal warns against
aborting Zika fetuses Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga
of Honduras, a top adviser to Pope Francis, has denounced the
idea of "therapeutic abortions" - which are carried out because
of fetal abnormalities - as a response to birth defects caused
by the mosquito-borne Zika virus that is setting off alarms
throughout Latin America. Læs mere - [Religious News
Honduras -
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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31-01-2016 - Marakesh-erklæringen 2016 - historisk
og inspirende også for kristne
Marrakech Declaration
Historic and Inspiring: A Report from the Chair By
ratifying this call to harmony and the just treatment of
religious minorities, these Muslim leaders have given us who are
not Muslims an example that we also must follow. I thus find
inspiration in this Declaration for thinking seriously about the
rights of non-Christians in Christian-majority nations, like the
United States. For example, making the appropriate categorical
substitutions, this document can "urge [Christian] educational
institutions and authorities to conduct a courageous review of
educational curricula that addresses honestly and effectively any
material that instigates aggression and extremism, leads to war
and chaos, and results in the destruction of our shared
societies." - Læs mere - [Parliament of
Marokko -
Islam - anden tro
Til top på siden
28-01-2016 - Hver eneste palme skal blive en
, Minorities fear backlash over Sri Lanka's
proposed new constitution "We request Buddhist monks to
boycott the courts of this country," Gnanasara Thera,
spokesperson for extremist Buddhist group Bodu Bala Sena (BBS),
told the Tamil Guardian. "The government [will have] to convert
every coconut tree into a gallows and every school into a prison
to suppress the Sinhala [the dominant Sri Lankan ethnic group]
Buddhist people." Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Sri Lanka -
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28-01-2016 - Erklæring: Muslimske nationer skal
beskytte kristne mod forfølgelse
Declaration: Muslim Nations Should Protect Christians from..
"I'm blown away," Roberts (Texas megachurch pastor
engaged in interreligous dialogue) told CT from Morocco. "This
is a Muslim conference put together by the top sheiks, ministers
of religion, the grand muftis of the top Muslim majority nations,
and they came up with a declaration, literally using the language
of religious freedom to declare that violence cannot be done in
the name of Islam." Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Marokko -
Islam - kristendom
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27-01-2016 - Synet på præsidentkandidaternes
Faith and the 2016 Campaign Fully
half of American adults say they would be less likely to vote for
a hypothetical presidential candidate who does not believe in
God, while just 6% say they would be more likely to vote for a
nonbeliever. On the other hand, the share of American adults
who say they would be less likely to vote for an atheist
candidate has been declining over time. Moreover, one of the
candidates who is widely viewed by Republicans as a potentially
"good" or "great" president, Donald Trump, is not widely viewed
as a religious person, even by those in his own party. See also: Bernie
Sanders Opens Up About God. Læs mere - [Pew Research
Center for the People & the Press]
Til top på siden
20-01-2016 - Et år efter 70 kirker ødelagt i
Charlie-Ebdo-terror. Genopbygning.
, Niger: a year after 70 churches destroyed
in anti-'Charlie' riots A year has passed since the
churches in the West African country of Niger experienced the
worst attacks in their history, in the aftermath of the Charlie
Hebdo attacks in Paris. On the weekend of 16-17 January 2015,
hundreds of angry Islamists ransacked more than 100 Christian
properties and churches; shouting "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah is the
greatest"). Ten people lost their lives in the violence. The
reconstruction has taken time, but it has now officially begun,
after two ceremonies in which cornerstones were put in place. The
first was held at the EERN church, (Evangelical Church of the
Niger Republic) in the northern district of Boukoki 2, in the
capital Niamey. The second took place hours later at the Baptist
"Roundabout" church, in the heart of the city. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]
Niger -
Islam - kristendom
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20-01-2016 - En kristen, en jøde og en muslim for
Bernie Sanders
Politik - religion
A Christian, A
Muslim, and A Jew Go Canvassing For Bernie Sanders We
meet outside my apartment at seven in the morning on a freezing
cold Saturday. We're Facebook friends, but total strangers; three
idealistic pilgrims on a quest to the faraway land of Iowa, that
frigid empty wasteland that will decide our nation's next
president. As soon as we're on the highway, a sense of excitement
permeates the car. We don't know each other, but we already know
we have the most important thing in common: a passion for social
and political change Læs mere - [Huffpost Religion]
Til top på siden
20-01-2016 - Det ældste kristnekloster i Irak
destrueret af ISIS
, Islamic State Militants Destroy The Oldest
Christian Monastery In Iraq The oldest Christian
monastery in Iraq has been reduced to a field of rubble, yet
another victim of the Islamic State's relentless destruction of
ancient cultural sites. For 1,400 years the compound survived
assaults by nature and man, standing as a place of worship
recently for U.S. troops. In earlier centuries, generations of
monks tucked candles in the niches and prayed in the cool chapel.
The Greek letters chi and rho, representing the first two letters
of Christ's name, were carved near the entrance. Læs mere - [Huffpost Religion]
Irak -
Til top på siden
15-01-2016 - Ærkebiskoppen banlyser den episkopale
kirke fra anglikanske fællesskab
of Canterbury has banned the US Episcopal Church from involvement
in the Anglican Communion for three years in an attempt to avoid
a general schism. The communion also voted to condemn same-sex
marriage as against its teaching. The American branch of the
communion had caused the threat of a schism because of its
pro-homosexual stance and a vote last year at its general
convention (pictured) to allow same-sex marriage. Læs mere - [The Tablet]
Kristendom, anglikansk
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13-01-2016 - 2015 - Det værste år med
forfølgelse af kristne
, 2015 was 'worst year' for Christian
persecution, says Open Doors The nonprofit organization
Open Doors has focused on concern for persecuted Christians since
1955. On its map, the top 10 are highlighted in blood red to
indicate "extreme" persecution: Læs
mere - [Religious News Service]
Globalt -
Til top på siden
10-01-2016 - 7 med arbejde for mission og sundhed myrdet
- lægepar kidnappet
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse
, Terrorists Kill Seven Missionaries in
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso's first attack by Islamist
extremists took the lives of seven Westerners visiting to do
short- and long-term missions work. Terrorists affiliated with
al-Qaeda opened fire on two hotels and a nearby restaurant in
Ouagadougou on Friday, killing 29 civilians from 7 countries,
Reuters reported. The gunmen took more than 100 hostages during
the West African nation's first encounter with such extremism,
The Washington Post reported. Six of the casualties were
Canadians visiting the country on a three-week missions trip over
their Christmas break. Another was an American missionary who,
with his wife, had run an orphanage and women's crisis center in
Burkina Faso since 2011... On the same day as the attack, and
also in Ouagadougou, an Australian doctor and his wife were
kidnapped. Ken and Jocelyn Elliot, a Christian couple in their
80s, have been setting up medical facilities in Burkina Faso
since the 1970s. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
Burkina Faso -
Til top på siden
07-01-2016 - Palæstinensisk præst og israelsk
journalist får Olof Palmeprisen
Politik - fredsappel
MitriRahebMitri Raheb, Haaretz Columnist
Gideon Levy Wins 2015 Olof Palme Prize Haaretz
columnistGideon Levyand Palestinian pastorMitri Rahebwere named
co-winners of the 2015 Olof Palme Prize on Thursday for their
"courageous and indefatigable fight against occupation and
violence." Læs mere - [Haaretz]
Both have given "a ray of hope to a conflict that has plagued and
continues to plague millions of people and to endanger world
peace," the jury said. (Se
Israel -
Til top på siden
06-01-2016 - Professor protesterer mod fyring pga.
solidaritetsytringer vedr. islam
Wheaton professor denounces efforts
to fire her Hawkins said faculty - tenured or not -
should be aware that none of their communication - either on
social media or in the classroom - is protected, which puts
academic freedom and higher education in jeopardy. "When
calling on one member to, over and above every other member of
the campus community, answer for a Facebook post that was
actually committed to living out the love of Christ and the
principles of the statement of faith, no one's safe," she said.
"If they're not safe on their Facebook page, they're not safe in
the classroom. And that's the end of liberal arts. That's the end
of Christian liberal arts That's the end of the academy." Læs mere - [Chigago Tribune]
Kristendom - metodister
Til top på siden
04-01-2016 - Vaticanets anerkendelse af Palestina som stat
træder i kraft
Politik og kirke
, Vatican accord with Palestine comes into
effect An agreement signed last year making the Vatican's
de facto recognition of Palestine in 2012 official has come into
effect, the Holy See said on Saturday..Israel has previously
called the Vatican accord a hasty move that could damage
prospects for advancing a peace agreement and impact its future
diplomatic relations with the Vatican. But the Holy See under
Pope Francis is eager to have a greater diplomatic role in the
Middle East, from where many Christians have fled because of
conflicts in Syria, Iraq and other countries. Læs mere -
Vatikanet -
Til top på siden
03-01-2016 - USA er ikke religiøst neutralt - heller
ikke iflg The Constituion
AntoninScaliaAntonin Scalia, Justice Supreme
Court Scalia dismisses concept of religious neutrality in
speech He told the audience at Archbishop Rummel High
School that there is "no place" in the country's constitutional
traditions for the idea that the state must be neutral between
religion and its absence. "To tell you the truth there is no
place for that in our constitutional tradition. Where did that
come from?" he said. "To be sure, you can't favor one
denomination over another but can't favor religion over
non-religion?" Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News
Til top på siden
03-01-2016 - Debat i Ukraine: Skal julen fejres to
, Ukraine debates whether to celebrate
Christmas twice Ukraine, which marks Christmas on Jan.
7 according to Orthodox Christian tradition, has embarked upon
a national debate about whether it should also celebrate on Dec.
25, a step that would bring it in line with Western Europe. The
debate - which reflects a re-examination of national identity
under the impact of the falling-out with Russia - could sharply
divide opinion and comes amid a heightened battle for influence
between the Russian and Ukrainian branches of the Orthodox
Church. Læs mere - [Reuters]
Ukraine -
Til top på siden