Forside: 2009 - ALLE EMNER - - Tema:
- Danmark 2009 - Mission globalt -
Religionsmøde - Religionskonflikt - Politik - kirke/tro/religion
- Organisation og ledelse - Økumene
- Sekularisering - Konversion - Kirke/tro og seksualitet
- Danmark - Top 10 - Global Top10
Global top10 - 2009Under redaktion - færdig senest d. 28 december kl.
05-12-2009 - International vrede over homseksuelle vielser
i Sverige Verdens store kirkesamfund truer med at
opløse samarbejdet med den svenske kirke, efter at kirken
har indsat en lesbisk biskop og tilladt vielser af homoseksuelle
Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad] Sverige, Stockholm - 29-11-2009 - Schweitz forbyder minareter - Dansk Folkeparti
ønsker folkeafstemning Søndag gik borgerne i Schweitz til
stemmeurnerne for at tage stilling til om landets fire minareter
skal forbydes. Det mente et flertal på 57,5 pct. af
stemmerne. Forinden havde det højrepopulistiske Schweizisk
Folkeparti (SVP), som er landets største parti, indsamlet
de 100.000 underskrifter, der ifølge schweizisk lov baner
vej for en folkeafstemning om et givent spørgsmål.
Se også Religiøse ledere i Schweitz.. og FN kritiserer.. Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad] Schweitz - 08-11-2009 - Kristne skal i aktion når det
gælder klimaet Scientist Sir John Houghton has called on
Christians to take action to save the planet. Speaking at the
latest in a series of debates on faith and development, he said
there was a "moral imperative" for the Western world to address
dangerous climate change. Læs
mere - [Christian Today] England - 26-10-2009 - Chilener ny generalsekretær for Det
lutherske Verdensforbund (LWF) the LWF Council elected Chilean theologian Martin
Junge as the eighth general secretary of the LWF. Junge, an
ordained pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chile, will
be the first representative from the Latin America and Caribbean
region to hold the communion's chief executive post. Læs mere - [The Lutheran
World Federation] Schweitz, Geneve - 29-09-2009 - Den evangeliske kirke vokser stærkt i
Brasilien According to IBGE (the Brazilian Institute of
Geography and Statistics), the Catholic population in the country
was 91.8% of the total in 1970. But the most recent survey, in
2000, revealed that the number of Catholics had fallen to 73. 8%
with the number of evangelicals up from 5.2% to 15.6%. Læs mere - [The
Gaurdian] Brasilien - 09-08-2009 - Flere yngre naturvidenskabelige forskere tror
på Gud I aldersgruppe 18-34 tror 42% på Gud, 24%
på en "højere magt", 32% tror ikke. Alder 35-39: 37%
- 14% - 42%. Alder 50-64: 32% - 18% - 44%. Læs mere - [Pew Research
Center for the People & the Press] USA - 10-07-2009 - Calvin 500 år Stor oversigtsartikel om den nye interesse for
Calvin i USA, i Holland - og overvejelser over hans indflydelse
i Danmark. Se også Martin Schwartz Laustens kronik om
striden mellem Luther og Calvin - dengang i Danmark. (Se her) - og: Calvin blev en større
succes end Luther (også i dansk mainstream nadversyn!?) HER. Se yderligere også om Calvins
teologis særlige betydning i Sydafrika: (HER)
Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad] Globalt - 24-06-2009 - Kristen-muslimsk enighed om ret til mission
og konversion Christian Muslim Forum launches its Ethical
Witness guidelines, otherwise known as 'the 10 Commandments of
Mission'. "Ethical Guidelines for Christian and Muslim Witness
in Britain": (Se her) Læs mere - [Intercultural.dk] England - 20-05-2009 - Indiske kirker glade for den "sekulære"
koalitions sejr The vibrant and responsible electorate of the
Indian democracy have reaffirmed their faith in the United
Progressive Alliance in a historic manner," said the National
Council of Churches of India on 18 May. "It is . an expression
of the wish of the people that India is a secular and democratic
country," said the NCCI, which groups 30 Orthodox and Protestant
churches. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International] Indien - 29-04-2009 - Kina kan blive en kristen nation inden for 10
år Jonathan Shibley: The underground church has been
at work in China, but a great deal of evangelism is also
happening in businesses. All of a sudden, there are hundreds, if
not thousands, of small businessmen fellowships taking place,
both within major corporations in China, and within homes.. Læs mere - [Mission Network
News] Kina - 11-03-2009 - Sekulariseringen vokser i USA If you want to see what America will look like
spiritually in 20 years, just basically look at the continent of
Europe UNLESS there is an intervention of God. Se også (Barack Obamas religiøse rummelighed
opmuntrer det sekulære Amerika) Læs mere - [Mission Network
News] USA - 26-02-2009 - Vanskeligt at være kristen i det
offentlige rum i England For a nation shaped by an overtly Christian
heritage, Britain has apparently become a difficult place to be
overtly Christian. The conservative press bewails a steady
erosion of Christian values. A member of Parliament has called
for debate on "systematic and institutional discrimination toward
Christians." Even former Prime Minister Tony Blair recently let
slip how aides would brusquely suppress any instinct he had to
bring his faith into public view Læs mere - [Christian
Science Monitor] England, London - 12-02-2009 - Charles Darwin og Abraham Lincoln 200
år I anledningen af 200-årsfødseldagen
for to markante personer diskuteres bog "Angels and Ages By Adam
Gopnik". Induction is a powerful method, but Gopnik offers no
critique. Has not reasoning from effect to cause, as Darwin did,
sometimes missed the mark? For instance, Confederate leaders
claimed advanced science proved "the Negro" to be inferior.
(Darwin vigorously disputed this.) As a deductive thinker,
Lincoln's rebuke - indeed, his politics - radiated from the
central sun of a single proposition: All men are created equal.
- Også i Danmark diskuteres Darwin - oversigt: (Se her) Læs mere - [Christian
Science Monitor] USA - |
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