Forside: 2009 - ALLE EMNER - - Tema: - Danmark 2009 - Mission globalt - Religionsmøde - Religionskonflikt - Politik - kirke/tro/religion - Organisation og ledelse - Økumene - Sekularisering - Konversion - Kirke/tro og seksualitet - Danmark - Top 10 - Global Top10

Politik - religion, tro, kirke 2009

20-12-2009 - Utilfredshed med COP15. Kirkegrupper opforder til fortsat klimapres
Politik - miljø - klima

Faith groups have expressed disappointment and anger over the outcome of the United Nations talks on climate change that have ended in Copenhagen, pledging to continue to press for climate justice. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Schweitz, Geneve - Wikipedia
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19-12-2009 - Reaktioner på The Outcome fra klimakonferencen COP15
Politik - miljø - klima

Christian Aid and CAFOD are among the aid agencies warning that poor people in the developing world will die as a result of the limited deal that emerged from the UN climate change summit in Copenhagen on Friday...The chief negotiator for the Pacific island of Tuvalu Ian Fry was quoted by the BBC as saying: "Can I suggest that in biblical terms, it looks like we're being offered 30 pieces of silver to sell our future." Læs mere - [Christian Today]

Globalt - Wikipedia
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16-12-2009 - Lavest boende burde have højest prioritet på COP15
Politik - miljø - klima

Falani is the head of the largest non-governmental organisation in his country as president of the Christian Church of Tuvalu (Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu or the EKT), so he engages with the leaders and the people at every level. He tells Ecumenical News International his message is simple and clear, "Don't give up on us." Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Tuvalu - Wikipedia
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14-12-2009 - Økumenisk klimagudstjeneste
Politik - miljø

Den anglikanske Ærkebiskop Rowan Williams prædiker. Ærkebiskop Desmond Tutu, kirkeledere fra Grønland, Malawi og Stillehavsøerne deltager sammen med repræsentanter fra Den Romersk-Katolske Kirke og Den Ortodokse Kirke. Tre kor synger med menigheden. Gæster fra Kongehuset, de politiske delegationer under topmødet, fra dansk og internationalt kirkeliv er med i menigheden denne søndag eftermiddag. (Fra Danske kirkers råds pressemeddelelse inden). Konferencen set med økumneiske øjne: (Se her) - Kristeligt Dagblad refererer gudstjenesten Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark, København - Wikipedia
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07-12-2009 - Klima-klokkeringning indleder at tro forbinder sig med videnskab
Politik - miljø - klima

When church bells start ringing in Copenhagen, and all around the world, on 13 December, they will not be heralding an early arrival of Christmas. Rather they will peal out a call to action and prayer to respond to impending climate change. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Danmark, København - Wikipedia
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21-11-2009 - Kirkeklokker verden over vil ringe for klimaet i december
Politik - miljø - klima

As nations are spelling out their bargaining positions for the negotiations on a new international climate deal to take place in Copenhagen next month, churches around the world are trying to ring home the message that climate protection is an ethical and spiritual issue. Læs mere - [Christian Today]

Globalt - Wikipedia
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18-11-2009 - Modsat i USA anerkender evangelikale verden over klimakrisen
Politik - miljø - klima

Unlike in the United States, there is little controversy among evangelicals around the world on whether climate change is real, said an evangelical representative at a press briefing on Capitol Hill. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - evangelikal
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14-11-2009 - Mali - et af verdens fattigste land. Mission og micro-enterprise
Politik - økonomi

Mali has occupied an almost permanent position on the list of the 10 poorest countries in the world. Micro-enterprise can be part of the solution. But how? Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Mali - Wikipedia
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14-11-2009 - Life - kirke, moske og tempel i samarbejde om tro og miljø
Politik - miljø

Building on already existing links between churches, mosques and temples in the area (Borough of Lambeth), the aim is to promote greater mutual awareness of local ecology, global climate change and the role multi-faith groups can play in nurturing sustainable living on a local and regional level. Læs mere - [Christian Muslim Forum]

England, London Borugh of Lampeth - Wikipedia
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12-11-2009 - Grøn patriark i kamp for klimaet
Politik - miljø

Fokus var på klimakampen, da det ortodokse kristne overhoved, patriark Bartholomæus I, mødte den amerikanske præsident, Barack Obama, i Det Hvide Hus. Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

USA, Washington - Wikipedia
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12-11-2009 - De østtyske kirkes kamp for demokrati inspirerer kristne i Betlehem
Politik - magtkritik

For de kristne palæstinensere i Betlehem er Berlinmurens fald blevet et symbol på håb. Hvis det kan ske i Europa, så kan det også ske hos os, siger de. Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Israel, Betlehem - Wikipedia
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11-11-2009 - Toregimentelæren i spil i dansk kirke-politik debat
Politik og kirke

Et debatindlæg søger at afgøre spørgsmålet om klokkeringningen ved klimagudstjenesten ved klimakonference med reference til Luthers toregimentelære. Det forbliver ikke uimodsagt - det almindelige forsøg på at sætte skel mellem religion og politik er udtryk for en Sekularisering af toregimentelæren Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark - Wikipedia
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09-11-2009 - 20-året for Berlinmurens fald og kirkens rolle mindes
Politik og kirke

Kirkerne i det tidligere Østtyskland var centrum i opstanden mod regimet, og en afgørende faktor i kommunismens sammenbrud for 20 år siden. Se også (her) Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Tyskland - Wikipedia
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08-11-2009 - Kristne skal i aktion når det gælder klimaet
Politik - miljø

Scientist Sir John Houghton has called on Christians to take action to save the planet. Speaking at the latest in a series of debates on faith and development, he said there was a "moral imperative" for the Western world to address dangerous climate change. Læs mere - [Christian Today]

England - Wikipedia
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07-11-2009 - Ærkebiskop går ind for vedvarende energi
Politik - miljø

The Archbishop of Cape Town has called on South Africa's troubled energy provider Eskom to drop its plans to build more coal-fired power plants and invest in renewable energy instead, following the resignation of its chief executive this week. Læs mere - [Christian Today]

Sydafrika - Wikipedia
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06-11-2009 - Religiøse ledere fremlægger 60 planer for klimapolitik
Politik - miljø

Leaders of nine major faiths have presented 60 ideas to lessen carbon emissions to the United Nations after Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon singled out the religious community as key in fighting climate change. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

England, London - Wikipedia
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03-11-2009 - Troende kan ændre planetens skæbne
Politik - miljø

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, has told leaders from the world's major faiths that they occupy a "unique position" in future discussion on the fate of the planet, and that their communities count on this crucial issue. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

England, London - Wikipedia
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26-10-2009 - Politikere misbrugte gudstjeneste i Tingbjerg
Politik og kirke

Politikernes behørigt annoncerede kirkegang i Tingbjerg er ikke bare sammenblanding af religion og politik - det er gudstjenestebesættelse og højtråbende selvpromovering, skriver sognepræst Gudmund Rask Pedersen Læs mere - []

Danmark, København - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
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21-10-2009 - Den katolske og den presbyterianske kirke inddraget i narkokrigen
Politik - kirkens vilkår

Police raid on service shows that churches are no longer neutral observers...Most pastors don't address the drug violence during church services, except when a kidnapping or other crime hits close to home. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]
"A few denounce the drug violence, but not many." said Ortiz. "Mostly what they preach is asking God for help or refuge; not a holistic vision of what we as Christians can do to start changing this"..."We have to take part and be a prophetic voice and speak out. We don't just want the kidnapping of pastors to end; we want a transformed society."

Mexico - Wikipedia
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13-10-2009 - Ærkebiskop: grav din egen have for klimaets skyld
Politik - miljø

The Archbishop of Canterbury has called for "unsustainable" air-freighted food to be replaced gradually by homegrown produce from thousands of new allotments. Læs mere - [Timesonline]

England - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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09-10-2009 - Evangelikale støtter reform af immigranters forhold
Politik - sociale forhold

The National Association of Evangelicals on Thursday endorsed comprehensive immigration reform, saying new policies should reflect "biblical grace to the stranger." The National Association of Evangelicals on Thursday endorsed comprehensive immigration reform, saying new policies should reflect "biblical grace to the stranger." Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]

USA, Washington - Wikipedia
Kristendom - evangelikal
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07-10-2009 - At være katolik sætter ikke én uden for loven ved skilsmisse
Politik og kirke

Uganda's law drafting body, the Law Reform Commission yesterday said, while it was aware of the concerns of the Catholic Church on divorce and separate acquisition of property, being a Catholic does not take away the rights of individuals in a marriage. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Uganda, Kampala - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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01-10-2009 - Kristne for social retfærdighed
Politik - kirkens vilkår

A Christian working in a secular human rights organization started a discussion group for expatriate Christians interested in issues of faith and justice. He did so partly to give himself an outlet for thinking about faith and justice, as any attempt to discuss how his faith impacted his work was met with hostility by other expatriate human rights workers. Three years later, the group has had surprising results as it serves as a bridge that is breaking down barriers between the expatriate Church and secular human rights workers with positive results for the communities that both wish to serve. Læs mere - [Lausanne World Pulse]

Cambodia, Phnom Penh - Wikipedia
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01-10-2009 - Klima i klokkeringning
Politik - miljø

I forbindelse med klimatopmødet i december vil kirker i både Danmark og resten af verden ringe med kirkeklokkerne 350 gange for at kalde til alarm, bøn og håb for skaberværket.. Nogle præster har protesteret mod politisering. To biskopper forsvarer sagen. Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
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01-10-2009 - Fra geværer til hakker
Politik - fredsappel

Seventeen years after the war ended in Mozambique, churches are still collecting and destroying weapons, cleaning up areas of unexploded bombs and shells so the land can be farmed. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Mozambique - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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29-09-2009 - Kirken skal kritisere regeringen, når den tager fejl
Politik - magtkritik

The much-praised African leader, president Paul Kagame, said the role of the church in Rwanda's reconciliation process was to be a voice to point out when the government was wrong. But during the genocide, the church and government "were almost one and the same" so the church could not distance itself from the action of the government, he explained. Læs mere - [Christian Today]

Rwanda - Wikipedia
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23-09-2009 - Højrekristne opruster overfor Obamas helsepolitik
Politik og kirke

Skuffelsen var enorm blandt USA's højrekristne, da Barack Obama for knap et år siden vandt præsidentvalget.. Oversigtsartikel: (Se her) Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

USA - Wikipedia
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22-09-2009 - Skal Brorsonkirken genindvies?
Politik og kirke

Spørgsmålet har været rejst - i øvrigt af diamentralt modsatte grunde - men det afvises af de fleste kirkefolk Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark, København - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
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22-09-2009 - Jesus ville have stået i kassekøen i Aldi
Politik - sociale forhold

siger engelsk biskop Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

England, Reading - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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21-09-2009 - Church of England opretter "Climate Justice Fund"
Politik - miljø

Count the cost of your carbon footprint for the sake of the developing world is the message from the Church of England's Climate Justice Fund launched last week with support from the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Government's Department of Energy and Climate Change, DECC. Læs mere - [Christian Today]

England - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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19-09-2009 - Premierminister støtter "fattigdoms- og retfærdighedsbibel"
Politik - sociale forhold

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has expressed his support for a Bible that highlights verses dealing specifically with poverty. He said the Poverty and Justice Bible was an "extraordinary" work that drew attention to "the challenge facing us all". (When it comes to poverty and justice, God got there first.) Læs mere - [Christian Today]

Australien - Wikipedia
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17-09-2009 - Politiske partier vil forbyde foreningen Kirkeasyl - CEPOS betænkelig
Politik og kirke

Foreningen Kirkeasyl skal forbydes. Det mener et flertal bestående af Venstre, Konservative og Dansk Folkeparti. Venstres integrationsordfører Karsten Lauritzen meldte i går ud, at både Kirkeasyl og Støttekomitéen for Skjulte Flygtninge handler i strid med loven, derfor bør de forbydes og medlemmerne retsforfølges. Senere viste det sig, at det er grundlovsstridigt at forbyde foreninger ved lov.. Læs mere - []

Danmark - Wikipedia
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16-09-2009 - Ærkebiskop savner anger i finansverdenen over finanskrisen
Politik - økonomi

The Archbishop of Canterbury has expressed his disappointment at the lack of repentance among bankers for their part in the financial crisis. Læs mere - [Christian Today]

England - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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11-09-2009 - EUs støtte til fattige lande ramt af klimaproblemer alt for lille
Politik - miljø

The Commission has suggested the EU set aside a fund of between 2 and 15 billion a year to help poor countries adapt to climate change and reduce their carbon emissions. Christian Aid believes, however, that the real amount needed is closer to 35 billion a year. Nelson Muffuh, advocacy coordinator at Christian Aid, said if the Commission's estimate was accepted, the goal of limiting global warming to two degrees celsius would become "ever more remote". "Pollution from rich countries is already having devastating effects in developing countries, through droughts, floods and tropical storms. Rich countries have to face up to their historic responsibility for the emissions that have caused climate change," he said. Læs mere - [Christian Today]

Europa - Wikipedia
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10-09-2009 - Klimaet rager mig
Politik - miljø og kirke

Nyt tværfagligt klimaprojekt skal via bloging mellem elever og volontører i Malawi gøre eleverne bevidste om global ansvarlighed. En række folkekirkelige skoletjenester, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp, mfl. står bag projektet Læs mere - [Kirken i København]

Danmark, København - Wikipedia
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10-09-2009 - Klima samler religioner
Politik - miljø og kirke

Interreligiøst møde i England til november, samler de elleve største religioner og forener dem i et fælles klimamål Den britiske organisation The Alliance of Religion and Conservation (ARC) planlægger sammen med FN et interreligiøst møde på det engelske slot Windsor 2.- 4. november. Læs mere - [Kirken i København]

England, London - Wikipedia
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09-09-2009 - Ærkebiskop spørger efter priskontrol på fødevarer
Politik - sociale forhold

Kenyan Roman Catholic Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth has urged the government to introduce price control for essential commodities, and suggested a list of measures to ensure food security for ordinary citizens in the east African country. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Kenya - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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09-09-2009 - Ærkebiskop opfordrer politiske ledere til at sætte folket først
Politik og kirke

Anglican Archbishop Ian Ernest of the Indian Ocean Province, who is based in Mauritius, is calling on political leaders in Madagascar to set aside their political agendas, and put people first. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Madagascar - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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05-09-2009 - Kirke og stat forholdet bringes i uro af politikere
Politik og kirke

Dansk Folkeparti med retsordfører Peter Skaarup i spidsen går over stregen ved at kræve præst i Brorsons Kirke Per Ramsdal fyret, mener eksperter. De forudser, at den slags politiske udtalelser bidrager til adskillelse af stat og kirke Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
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02-09-2009 - Kirkernes Verdensråd arbejder på stop for bosættelser på Vestbredden
Politik - fredsappel

he World Council of Churches has called upon the Israeli government to "implement an open-ended freeze" on all settlement construction and expansion in the West Bank and East Jerusalem "in preparation for negotiating peace in good faith" in the region. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Israel - Wikipedia
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27-08-2009 - Afgående biskop forudser adskillelse mellem kirke og stat
Politik - kirkens vilkår

Erik Normann Svendsen siger blandt andet: "Det kan ske meget hurtigt. Det er ikke til at sige. Men det behøver ikke kun at være negativt. Den svenske kirke har godt nok mistet mange medlemmer siden adskillelsen fra staten ved årtusindskiftet. Men det er også min vurdering, at de er blevet mere selvbevidste som kirke" Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark, København - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
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26-08-2009 - Grøn kirke i Skotland - ny kirke bygget af øldåser og bildæk
Politik - miljø

Designed by architect Lee Ivett, the proposed new building for Colston Milton Parish Church, in the north of Glasgow, is part of a larger community campus to be owned and built by the people of Milton. The sanctuary will be constructed in large part from old car tyres, while other parts of the building will be made from straw bales and old shipping containers. Se initiativtagende præst: Canned ... Reverend Christopher Rowe... Læs mere - [Christian Today]

Skotlands, Glasgow - Wikipedia
Kristendom, presbyteriansk
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14-08-2009 - Rydning af Brorsonkirken for asylsøgere deler kirken og kulturlivet
Politik og kirke

Flertallet af biskopper støtter - samtidig med at de med forskellige synsvinkler beklager omstændighederne - at politiet måtte gribe ind. Århus' biskop Kjeld Holm er en undtagelse. Mange protester blandt præster og kirkefolk - både mod brud på kirkerummets fredhellighed (et begreb, som ikke er juridisk, eller i hvert fald befinder sig i juridisk gråzone, og som ved denne lejlighed diskuteres teologisk (er det uluthersk?) og mod behandlingen af flygtninge og fremmede generelt i Danmark. Carsten Jensen kommenterer i Information: "Der skete en skilsmisse i Danmark i nat: Det var skilsmissen mellem lovens ånd og dens bogstav". (Se her) - Sagen set udefra: (New York Times) Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark, København - Wikipedia
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14-08-2009 - Præsidenten en forrædder - kors skal fjernes fra offentlige rum
Politik og kirke

Katolsk magasin kalder Kroatiens præsident forrædder. Præsidenten svarer med forslag om forbud mod kors. Se også Croatia Times: (HER). Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Croatia - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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27-07-2009 - Forbud mod kirkekonference
Politik - kirkens vilkår

The military government of interim prime minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama has agitated the normally harmonious voice of Fijian Methodists by attempting to stop the church's conference from taking place in late August. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Fiji - Wikipedia
Kristendom, metodist
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23-07-2009 - Rundskrivelse "Caritas in veritate" kritiserer verdensøkonomien
Politik - økonomi

Rundskrivelsen blev udsendt i begyndelsen af juli. Oversigtartikel om linien tilbage til rundskrivelse "Rerum Novarum" i 1891 og sammenhængen med katolsk samfundspolitik i det hele. Selve rundskrivelsen: (Se her) - Kommentarer, Viggo Mortensen: (Se her) - Peder Højen: (Se her). Se også pavens opfordring til G8-landene om global orden baseret på moralske værdier (Se her) Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Italien, Rom - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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16-07-2009 - Kirker er nøglen til fred i Mellemøsten - som de var i Sydafrika
Politik - fredsappel

Jerusalem Lutheran Bishop Munib Younan has appealed to leaders of churches in Europe to stand by Christians in the Middle East in their struggle for justice and peace by remembering how injustice was fought in South Africa Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Frankrig, Lyon - Wikipedia
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11-07-2009 - Positiv sekularisme - rød konservatisme
Politik - tro

Analyse og beskrivelse af trends i Europa, hvor politiske partier - "ved en selektiv påberåbelse af religion" prøver at skabe sig en ny stil. Docent Jan-Werner Mller, Princeton. Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

USA - Wikipedia
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09-07-2009 - Fald og anger i amerikansk politik
Politik og kirke

.. eller hvordan de liberale fejlvurderer evangelikales politikeres chancer, når de har fejlet moralsk.. Anger og løfte om forbedring er en betydende faktor i politik på denne fløj. Læs mere - [Christian Science Monitor]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - evangelikal
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01-07-2009 - Præsident Kibaki inviterer kirken til kritik
Politik og kirke

The Church should not shy away from issues of governance and its leaders were free to engage the State in constructive dialogue. Læs mere - [Daily Nation]
"Religious leaders, no matter their denomination, are free to work with the government in helping improve the lives of our people. You should not hesitate to tell us where we go wrong.

Kenya - Wikipedia
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25-06-2009 - Præsident Zuma: ANC vil hersker indtil Kristi genkomst
Politik og kirke

The South African Council of Churches, which groups most of South Africa's churches and the Roman Catholic bishops' conference, issued a statement stating it is "deeply concerned" about President Zuma's repeated statements that the ANC will rule until Jesus comes. Se også ANC officielle, nedtonende erklæring: (HER)... Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sydafrika, Cape Town - Wikipedia
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22-06-2009 - Tidligere præsident Carter møder kristne ledere i Palæstina
Politik - fredsappel

The Christian leaders discussed the dwindling numbers of young Christian Palestinians who immigrate abroad for better life opportunities. Balian said Carter would use his trip to raise "international consciousness", including within the U.S. administration, of the conditions in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. The former president will also seek measures to "encourage Christian Palestinians to remain in the Holy Land". Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Israel - Wikipedia
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17-06-2009 - Vatikanet: ikke kompromis mht religionsfrihed i Kina
Politik - magtkritik

The Vatican's top envoy for China says the time has come for the Holy See to get tough with Beijing and not compromise over religious freedom. Cardinal Joseph Zen says relations are taking a "worrisome slide" and that a new phase in relations was necessary. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Kina - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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15-06-2009 - Presbyterianer formand for religionskommission i US Communist Party
Politik og kirke

The Communist Party USA has established a new Religion Commission to strengthen its work among religious people and organizations. In its leadership are activists representing various religious traditions from around the country. Tim Yeager, a Chicago trade unionist and a member of the Episcopal Church, serves as its chair. "We want to reach out to religious people and communities, to find ways of improving our coalition work with them, and to welcome people of faith into the party," Yeager said Læs mere - [People's Weekly World]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom, presbyteriansk
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15-06-2009 - Første dalit-kvinde valgt til det indiske parlament
Politik og kirke

Meira Kumar, 64, was elected unanimously as the first woman Speaker of Lok Sabha in the lower house of Parliament, where she will preside over 543 elected members. There are 58 women in the House. India's current president, Pratibha Devisingh Patil, is also a woman. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]

Indien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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08-06-2009 - Kan den religiøse være loyal både mod sin tro og den politiske magt?
Politik - tro

TheosThinkTank har udgivet Sean Oliver-Dee's "Religion and Identity" - en rapport der er blevet til på baggrund af forskning i forholdet mellem islam og stat i det britiske interesseområde: "The essay aims to show that religious and state identities can occupy different spheres or 'tiers' without either sacrificing its integrity. It argues that these tiers can and do overlap and this can result in tensions but it goes on to say that this is all part of the natural politics of a plural society. Ultimately, religious and state identities are perfectly compatible". (Download essayet - pdf) Læs mere - [Theos Think Tank]

England - Wikipedia
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29-05-2009 - Engelske kirkeledere advarer direkte mod at stemme på yderste højre
Politik og kirke

.. what is seen as an unprecedented direct involvement in political debate. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

England - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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25-05-2009 - Sydafrikansk kirke hylder stadig apartheid
Politik og kirke

A South African church suspended in 1982 from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches because of its support for apartheid is "still not ready for readmission", a meeting of the grouping's executive committee in Geneva has been told. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sydafrika, Johannesburg - Wikipedia
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20-05-2009 - Indiske kirker glade for den "sekulære" koalitions sejr
Politik - kirkens vilkår

The vibrant and responsible electorate of the Indian democracy have reaffirmed their faith in the United Progressive Alliance in a historic manner," said the National Council of Churches of India on 18 May. "It is . an expression of the wish of the people that India is a secular and democratic country," said the NCCI, which groups 30 Orthodox and Protestant churches. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Indien - Wikipedia
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13-05-2009 - Menneskeret: tilstrækkeligt mad
Politik og kirke

A group of Christian leaders who campaign for justice in the fight against hunger are calling on the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to step up to the plate and seek tangible results in realising the right to food. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Geneve - Wikipedia
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06-05-2009 - Nepals maoistiske præsident trækker sig - kristnes indflydelse i fare
Politik og kirke

"We are terribly concerned about the future of Nepal," Dr. Yohannan said, - there is a lot at stake: "We have two significant Bible colleges, and also we have a radio broadcast heard on 36 fm radio stations, which actually belong to the government. 300 churches have been planted over the years. So many people are coming to Christ like never before. Christians are even having an impact on the country. Our leader of our work in Nepal is being consulted by government officials as they are formulating the constitution as a secular nation." Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Nepal - Wikipedia
Kristendom - ateisme
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06-05-2009 - Garanteret månedlig indkomst på 11 US$ afbøder fattigdom
Politik - sociale forhold

Churches and civil society groups are urging the Namibian government to provide citizens with monthly basic income grants by raising taxes Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Namibia - Wikipedia
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05-05-2009 - Luthersk biskop opfordrer paven til at forkaste besættelse og vold
Politik - magtkritik

Although the Vatican is emphasising that Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the Holy Land in May is a pilgrimage, Jerusalem Lutheran Bishop Munib Younan said the political aspect of the visit can not be ignored. - (Se også her: Pope in the Holy Land to speak reconciliation) Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Israel, Jerusalem - Wikipedia
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28-04-2009 - Mindretals vilkår i den nutidige Verdensorden
Politik - etik (globalisering)

Grundtvigsk Forum og Folkekirkens mellemkirkelige Råd holder temadag om religiøse og kulturelle mindretals vilkår. Programmet omhandler bl.a. kristne mindretal i Pakistan og Palæstina samt Europas kulturelle og religiøse mindretal. Læs mere - [Den danske folkekirkes mellemkirkelige Råd]

Danmark, København - Wikipedia
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24-04-2009 - Konference: Varmere vejr - koldere samfund
Politik - miljø og kirke

Åben konferencedag om diakoni og klima 24. april 2009 for alle interesserede, hvor diakonien og klimaet sættes på dagsordenen. Læs mere - []
"Giver det mening at tale om diakoni og klima? Kan man tale om 'grøn diakoni'.. Helen Bjørnøy, tidligere miljøminister i Norge og Martin Lønnebo, tidligere biskop i Sverige holder oplæg.

Danmark - Wikipedia
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22-04-2009 - Zuma is like Jesus
Politik og kirke

Stor plakat med teksten "Zuma is like Jesus" illustrer artikel om at Sydafrikas fattige stadig atser på ANC - temaet Zuma/Jesus har været på i hvert fald siden januar: (Se her).. Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Sydafrika, Cape Town - Wikipedia
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18-04-2009 - Obama's "Council of Faith-Based, Community Advisors" har nu 25 medl.
Politik - etik (globalisering)

The 25 members of the council, each appointed to a one-year term, will be responsible for advising the revamped White House Office for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships on how to direct government funds to religious and neighborhood groups engaged in social service work. In February, Obama said the new office would work with nonprofit organizations "both secular and faith-based" and would help them determine how to make a bigger impact in their cities, learn their obligations under the law and cut through government red tape. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
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18-04-2009 - KFUM-KFUK sender unge til Israel/Palæstina: Journey for Justice
Politik - fredsappel

KFUM & KFUK i Danmark har siden 2000 sendt unge medlemmer til Vestbredden, nærmere betegnet Beit Sahour nær Bethlehem, for at deltage i Journey for Justice, en international solidaritetsrejse arrangeret af YMCA i Østjerusalem og YWCA i Palæstina. Læs mere - [KFUM og KFUK]

Israel, Betlehem - Wikipedia
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17-04-2009 - Protestantiske præster splittede i vurderingen af klimakrise
Politik - miljø

LifeWay Research found that 47 percent of Protestants pastors agree with the statement "I believe global warming is real and man-made" while 47 percent do not. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom, protestantisk
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17-04-2009 - Politik og kirke i Sydafrika til intern debat
Politik og kirke

Religion has always played a part in South African elections say voters, but this year the voice of churches and their leaders at times has been shrill during campaigning for the 22 April general election. Some voters say the pulpit has been used to great effect, other says it is being misused. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sydafrika, Cape Town - Wikipedia
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17-04-2009 - Biskop kritiser tysk våbeneksport
Politik - fredsappel

Germany's top Protestant cleric, Bishop Wolfgang Huber, has highlighted German's role as a major global arms exporter, and he has castigated the fact that at his country has become the top armaments exporting nation of Europe Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Tyskland - Wikipedia
Kristendom, protestantisk
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14-04-2009 - Dødstrusler mod biskop, som huser flygtninge
Politik - magtkritik

He has received several death threats and has been under guard by South African police, but that will not stop Bishop Paul Verryn of Johannesburg's Central Methodist Church from sheltering Zimbabwean refugees in the heart of the country's commercial capital. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sydafrika, Johannesburg - Wikipedia
Kristendom, protestantisk
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06-04-2009 - Biskopper og præster med blod på hænderne
Politik og kirke

Kirkernes ry i Rwanda er plettet med blod fra folkemordet. Biskopper og præster planlagde og udførte myrderierne, der begyndte i dag for 15 år siden Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Rwanda - Wikipedia
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03-04-2009 - Tutu anklaget for blasfemisk kritik af ANC
Politik - magtkritik

The ANC is increasingly disturbed by the manner in which Emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu is addressing the issue of the NPA [National Prosecuting Authority] and the pending case of the president of the ANC Comrade Jacob Zuma," said ANC spokesperson Jessie Duarte on 3 April. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sydafrika - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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03-04-2009 - Servolution eller revolution
Politik - sociale forhold

230 kirker verden over deltaqer i servolution: Servolution is a revolution that is powered by humility and servanthood," said Dino Rizzo, lead pastor of Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge, La. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

USA, Los Angeles - Wikipedia
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01-04-2009 - Kirkeappel: G20-lederne må begrænse det finansielle systems grådighed
Politik - sociale forhold

In his letter to Brown, Kobia highlighted 12 proposals for the G20 leaders. These included mechanisms to deter currency speculation and to control capital flows; the eradication of financial speculation on commodities such as food and energy; the dismantling of tax havens; a system of global taxes to finance public needs; and debt cancellation. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Globalt - Wikipedia
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19-03-2009 - Til tiden - nye "a propos teksten" sider på
Politik - miljø

Nye sektion på hedder Tekster til Tiden. De to, der foreligger nu, er artikler, som med afsæt i bespisningen i ørkenen, beskriver klimaændringernes konsekvenser - blandt andet for Genesareth sø. Læs mere - [Kirken i København]

Danmark, København - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
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18-03-2009 - Magtskifte på Madagascar berører kirken
Politik og kirke

The head of the largest Protestant church in Madagascar is reported to have been freed after being detained on 17 March by unspecified military personnel following the resignation of President Marc Ravalomanana. Reports received by the World Alliance of Reformed Churches indicated that the president of the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM), the Rev. Lala Rasendrahasina, was released after only a brief detention Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Madagaskar - Wikipedia
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
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17-03-2009 - Bøn en regelmæssig ting, når Obama optræder officielt
Politik og kirke

The policy, first reported in U.S. News & World Report, appears to continue a new White House approach to religion: invite piety and spirituality at every opportunity, but with a new emphasis on interfaith participants and atheists. Obama mentioned "non-believers" in his inauguration speech and, even as he unveiled his faith-based office to religious conservatives at the National Prayer Breakfast, he noted that he did not consider faith-based social service programs inherently superior to secular ones. Læs mere - [Washington Post]

USA, Washington - Wikipedia
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16-03-2009 - Vi vil ikke betale for krisen - World Social Forums konference
Politik - sociale forhold

We won't pay for the crisis. The rich have to pay for it ! Anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, feminist, environmentalist and socialist alternatives are necessary.. - Indledning til én af erklæringerne udgået fra World Social Forum's konference i Belem, Brasilien. Læs mere - [Word Social Forum]

Brasilien, Belem - Wikipedia
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11-03-2009 - Fast grundløn i landsby i Namibia som da Jesus bespiste 5000
Politik - sociale forhold

Bishop Zephania Kameeta of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia is the project's chief patron and at the Wuppertal symposium he compared the basic income grant to the Biblical story of Jesus feeding 5000 people. "Jesus did not make his feeding of the 5000 subject to the condition that the people fulfil any qualifications," said Kameeta, who is also a vice-president of the Lutheran World Federation. "His help and his love were and are unconditional. Such a Basic Income Grant frees people to take the initiative and accept responsibility. - Kameeta har udgivet Im Wind der Befreiung 2004 Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Namibia - Wikipedia
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
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03-03-2009 - Kirken skal forholde sig til eget energifråds
Politik - miljø og kirke

Biskop Niels Henrik Arendt siger, at menighedsrådene er nødt til at forholde sig til klimadagsordenen og et muligt energifråds. Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark, Haderslev - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
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03-03-2009 - Biskopper uenige om vejen frem efter det voldsramte valg sidste år
Politik - magtkritik

Nogle ønsker prøvelse for internationalt tribunal, andre en kenyansk sandsheds- og retfærdighedskomité. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Kenya - Wikipedia
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
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02-03-2009 - Tutu og Boesak advarer magthaverne i Sydafrika
Politik - magtkritik

South African anti-apartheid icon Archbishop Desmond Tutu has warned that people who become "arrogant" and "drunk with power" will one day be nobodies in the country like the former apartheid leaders. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sydafrika - Wikipedia
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23-02-2009 - Norsk biskop foreslår moratorium i olieudvinding a h t til klima
Politik - miljø

We need to pause to reflect," (Lutheran) Church of Norway Bishop Tor B. Joergensen of Soer-Haalogaland (Bodoe) told journalists on 16 February. "If Norway is to work for a more just global climate agreement, we cannot increase emissions from our petroleum industry. An expansion of the exploration area will be irresponsible towards the world's poor," the bishop said. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Norge - Wikipedia
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19-02-2009 - Kristne og muslimske kritiserer den politiske ledelse af Kenya
Politik - magtkritik

"We are concerned enough even to rise up and march in the streets against our political leaders," Anglican Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi - But before we march and demonstrate, we have said we would come before God and pray together..Abdulgafur Al-Busaidy, the chairperson of the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims, said at the prayer meeting that political leaders had become the greatest threat to peace and development in the east African country.. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Kenya - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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17-02-2009 - De kristne rolle i Iraqs genopbygning
Politik og kirke

A group of Christian leaders meeting in Lebanon have declared that people of their faith have belonged to Iraq since the nation's birth and that they are not just a minority but an essential part of Iraqi society and deeply rooted in its history and civilisation. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Irak - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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13-02-2009 - Etisk orienteret ledelse kan ændre Afrika
Politik - etik (globalisering)

An insistence on ethical leadership could change Africa, where the credibility of governance is often questioned, says a Kenyan theologian and environmentalist from the University of Nairobi. Professor Jesse Mugambi was speaking after a conference entitled, "Care and Compassion: Sharing Values across Culture", Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Kenya, Nairobi - Wikipedia
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06-02-2009 - Blair "free to do God"
Politik - etik (globalisering)

Tony Blair gave an extraordinary speech about the global importance of religion yesterday, telling an audience which included the newly-inaugurated President, Barack Obama, that faith should be restored "to its rightful place, as the guide to our world and its future." Læs mere - [The Independent]

USA - Wikipedia
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05-02-2009 - Katolsk præst i Gaza bakker Hamas op
Politik og kirke

"Normalt ser vi kristne lidelse som vejen til frelse. Men når lidelserne overgår det normale og bliver til slaveri, må vi sige stop. Alle palæstinensere lider under Israels tyranniske metoder. Hamas, kristne, sekulære og andre. Vi er alle i samme båd, og vi lider alle på samme måde. Der er ingen forskel på os. Vi er først og fremmest palæstinensere. Herefter er vi kristne og muslimer" - siger præsten Manuel Musallam. Tidligere har han udsendt en medrivende beskrivelse af situationen i Gaza (Se her). Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Israel, Gaza - Wikipedia
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05-02-2009 - Fattigdom og udvikling
Politik - etik (globalisering)

Offentligt Danidamøde med evaluering af oplysningsvirksomhed finasieret af offentlige midler Læs mere - [Kirken i København]

Danmark, København - Wikipedia
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29-01-2009 - Det frie Marked til diskussion på WSF-møde i Belem, Brasilien
Politik - sociale forhold

The first meeting of the World Social Forum took place in 2001 and was intended as a counter to the World Economic Forum, a gathering of politicians and business leaders that takes place each year, normally in the Swiss mountain resort of Davos. This year's meeting was set for Belem, in the Amazon region, to symbolise the importance of climate and environmental issues, as well as the rights of minority cultures. Since then, the world has faced a global economic crisis. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Brasilien, Belem - Wikipedia
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28-01-2009 - WSF - World Social Forum åbner
Politik - sociale forhold

"In Chinese, the word for crisis means a risk and an opportunity," said Whitaker, who was addressing a World Forum on Theology and Liberation held in Belem in advance of the WSF. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Brasilien, Belem - Wikipedia
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28-01-2009 - Paven: Holocaust kan ikke benægtes
Politik og kirke

(The pope) has warned against any form of Holocaust denial. The Pope's statement comes after outrage at his recent reinstatement of an excommunicated bishop (Richard Williamson), who has said the genocide of Jews in gas chambers never took place...Jewish leaders had said the reinstatement of Williamson threatened decades of interfaith dialogue and that it could jeopardise a planned trip to the Holy Land by Pope Benedict later this year. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sverige - Wikipedia
Kristendom - jødedom
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21-01-2009 - Grøn teologi midt i Amazonlandets biodiversitet
Politik - miljø

Theologians from around the world are converging on Belém, near the mouth of the Amazon River in northeast Brazil, to develop a theology for the "sustainability of life on Earth". Their meeting comes in advance of the World Social Forum, a global gathering addressing exploitative globalisation. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Brasilien - Wikipedia
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19-01-2009 - international, kirkelig hjælpeindsats i Gaza
Politik og kirke

Roman Catholic Church in South Africa and the country's council of churches have offered support to a local Muslim charity's mercy mission to Gaza, "to show the South African people's sympathy with our brothers and sisters in Gaza". Se også hvordan arabiske kristne har brug for hjælp for at kunne hjælpe (Læs her) Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Israel, Gaza - Wikipedia
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16-01-2009 - Musalaha appellerer til forsoning i Gaza-konflikten
Politik - fredsappel

Generalsekretær, Dansk Israelsmission, Bodil F. Skjøtt skriver kommentar bl.a. om det kristent funderede forsoningsarbejde Musalaha i Israel. Spørgsmålet er ikke, siger Musalaha, hvem der tegner det rette billede, men hvad gør vi som kristne? Hvordan være Jesu disciple, så vi bliver agenter for forsoning. Er vi så optaget af at forsvare hver vores moralske og etiske situation, at vi bliver ude af stand til at tage ansvar? Vi lever i samfund, som har valgt at løse konflikten gennem vold. Derfor er der stor brug for at tale om forsoning. Det er vores mandat at gøre det... der er to roller, som kristne må optræde i - midt i konflikten og ikke først bagefter: Rollen som præst, hvor vi går i forbøn. Og rollen som profet, der over for sine egne taler imod løgn og uretfærdighed. Læs om Musalaha her. Læs mere - []

Israel, Gaza - Wikipedia
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14-01-2009 - Kritik af bombninger i Gaza
Politik - magtkritik

Otte biskopper kritiserer Israels bombardement af en dansk- støttet klinik i Gaza. To biskopper frygter, at erklæringen kan fejltolkes som en stillingtagen i konflikten. De otte biskopper gør rede for kirkens medejerskab af de ødelagte klinikker og skriver: "Vi vil på det kraftigste opfordre til, at krigens parter overholder de internationale konventioner .. og anser de seneste dages angreb på humanitære mål .. for at være ganske uantagelige.." (red). Hele udtalelsen kan læses: HER (link nederst på siden). Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark - Wikipedia
Kristendom - folkekirken
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12-01-2009 - Kirkefolk faster for Zimbabwes lidende folk
Politik - magtkritik

Two clerics have joined Nobel Peace Prize laureate Desmond Tutu, the former Anglican archbishop of Cape Town, in fasting in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Sydafrika, Capetown - Wikipedia
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09-01-2009 - Lysandagt for ofrene i Gaza i Brorsonkirken
Politik - fredsappel

Lysandagten blev til på opfordring fra Øst Jerusalems YMCA og YWCA i Palæstina, hvor der ligeledes afholdes lysandagt for at mindes de palæstinensiske og israelske ofre for konflikten i Gaza - der blev læst kristne, jødiske og muslimske tekster. Her er links videre - bl.a. til Rowan Williams "statement". Læs mere - [KFUM og KFUK]

København - Wikipedia
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