Forside: 2009 - ALLE EMNER - - Tema: - Danmark 2009 - Mission globalt - Religionsmøde - Religionskonflikt - Politik - kirke/tro/religion - Organisation og ledelse - Økumene - Sekularisering - Konversion - Kirke/tro og seksualitet - Danmark - Top 10 - Global Top10

Religionskonflikter 2009

23-12-2009 - Embedsmand: "Der er ikke religiøs forfølgelse i Kazakstan

As Kazakhstan is about to begin the role of 2010 Chairperson-in-Office for the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the country continues to violate its OSCE human rights commitments. One Protestant pastor is facing criminal charges for "causing severe damage to health due to negligence" because he prayed with a woman about her health, at her request. Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Kazakhstan - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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23-12-2009 - Bombedræbte ved kirker i Irak

Two people were killed and five were wounded in an bombing near a Christian church in Mosul on Wednesday, an Interior Ministry official said. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Irak - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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22-12-2009 - Julesæsonangreb på kristne i Indien
Religionskonflikt - re-konversion

"Christmas is a favorite time for violence against Christians in India, as it intimidates the Christian community at large," said Dr. John Dayal, member of the government's National Integration Council, headed by Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. .. Hindu extremists attacked a church during worship in western Maharashtra state's Sindhudurg district and a Christmas exhibition in Gwalior city in central Madhya Pradesh state. The following day, extremists claimed having converted over 1,700 tribal (aboriginal) Christians "back" to Hinduism in western Gujarat state. Læs mere - [Worldwide Faith News]

Indien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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14-12-2009 - Kristnes ret til at kalde Gud Allah for retten i Malaysia

Lawyers for the Roman Catholic Church urged a court Monday to let Christians use "Allah" as a translation for God and overturn a government ban that has become a symbol of religious grievances in Muslim-majority Malaysia. The High Court began hearing legal arguments in the dispute, which began in late 2007 after the government blocked non-Muslims from translating God as "Allah" in their literature, saying it would confuse Muslims. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Malaysia - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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11-12-2009 - Hindu ekstremister sætter ild til kirke i Andhra Pradesh
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Local sources said a group of militants from the Hindu nationalist movement Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and supporters of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to the Jesus Lights Manna Church in Metpally around 2 am. After pouring petrol on the building, they set it on fire. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Indien, Andhra Pradesh - Wikipedia
Hinduisme - anden tro
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11-12-2009 - Eritrea har arresteret 30 kvinder i bøn
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Thirty elderly women have been arrested in Eritrea while praying together ..Most of the women belonged to an outlawed evangelical group. The government recognises only four faiths - Islam, Orthodox, Catholic and Lutheran - and bans gatherings of more than five people. Læs mere - [BBC]

Eritrea - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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10-12-2009 - Moske med minareter godkendt - vækker protest i Sydney
Religionskonflikt (Moskebygning)

Auburn Council, in Sydney's west, has outraged residents by approving the three-storey mosque with dome and minarets on a site occupied by a Depression-era Art Deco fire station. The Australian Islamic Cultural Centre, which has links to Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism, plans to demolish existing buildings - including the fire station - and construct a mosque for up to 1000 worshippers, a library and a youth cultural centre with two levels of basement. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Australien - Wikipedia
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10-12-2009 - Megakirken "Den gyldne lampe" smadret af politi og lejede folk
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Towering eight stories over wheat fields, the Golden Lamp Church was built to serve nearly 50,000 worshippers in the gritty heart of China's coal country. But that was before hundreds of police and hired thugs descended on the mega-church, smashing doors and windows, seizing Bibles and sending dozens of worshippers to hospitals with serious injuries, members and activists say Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Kina, Linfen - Wikipedia
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09-12-2009 - Buddhistiske ekstremister under mistanke for angreb på katolsk kirke
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

A mob of about a thousand people with sticks, swords and stones stormed the church when I and my parishioners were still inside. I had just finished the 7 o'clock Mass," the priest said. "They smashed statues, the altar and chairs. They destroyed everything. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Sri Lanka - Wikipedia
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08-12-2009 - Opfordring til at trodse miljøforbud mod kald til bøn fra minareter
Religionskonflikt - undertrykkelse

Mosques have been advised to ignore a recent directive by the National Environment Management Authority on noise pollution and continue making calls for prayers. Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims secretary general Alhaj Adan Wachu Tuesday said the Islamic call to prayer is usually transmitted through a loud speaker which is "controllable and unharmful to human health and environment". Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Kenya - Wikipedia
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02-12-2009 - FN kritiserer Schweitzs forbud mod minareter
Religionskonflikt - troens huse

The United Nations called Switzerland's ban on new minarets "clearly discriminatory" and deeply divisive, and the Swiss foreign minister acknowledged Tuesday the government was very concerned about how the vote would affect the country's image. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Schweitz, Geneve - Wikipedia
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02-12-2009 - Domstol forbyder baptiskkirke

Members of a Baptist congregation in the capital Dushanbe have appealed to the City Court against a ban on their activity imposed because they meet for worship in a private home without state registration. But Judge Soliya Ismailova of Somoni District Court, who handed down the ban, defended her decision and denied that this violated the Baptists' freedom of worship. Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Tajikistan - Wikipedia
Flere religioner
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29-11-2009 - Schweitz forbyder minareter - Dansk Folkeparti ønsker folkeafstemning
Religionskonflikt - troens huse

Søndag gik borgerne i Schweitz til stemmeurnerne for at tage stilling til om landets fire minareter skal forbydes. Det mente et flertal på 57,5 pct. af stemmerne. Forinden havde det højrepopulistiske Schweizisk Folkeparti (SVP), som er landets største parti, indsamlet de 100.000 underskrifter, der ifølge schweizisk lov baner vej for en folkeafstemning om et givent spørgsmål. Se også Religiøse ledere i Schweitz.. og FN kritiserer.. Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Schweitz - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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27-11-2009 - Religionsfriheden i Tyrkiet - en oversigt

Ahead of the UN Human Rights Council May 2010 Universal Periodic Review of Turkey, Forum 18 News Service has found that the country continues to see serious violations of international human rights standards on freedom of religion or belief. Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Tyrkiet - Wikipedia
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27-11-2009 - Pakistansk kristen
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

..defended Christianity by citing verses from the Bible,..Islamic militants viciously beat him - breaking his left leg and some ribs and leaving his left hand non-functional. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Pakistan, Lahore - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden

26-11-2009 - Huskirkeledere i dømt lange fængselsstraffe
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

A court in northern China has sentenced five leaders of an unauthorized Protestant church to prison terms of up to seven years on charges including illegal assembly, rights groups reported Thursday. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Kina - Wikipedia
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23-11-2009 - Var foreslåede restriktioner overfor mission kun en papirtiger?
Religionskonflikt - frihed til mission

Justice Ministry proposed amendments to the 1997 Religion Law and the Administrative Violations Code imposing draconian controls on religious activity have provoked protest from religious communities and have now been removed from the Ministry's website. Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Rusland - Wikipedia
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23-11-2009 - Bibelsk temapark "Harmony World" planlagt / chikane/forfølgelse i Kina

Leoung's theme park should be built in Liaoning province. A Christian convert in 1996, the entrepreneur wants to build 'Harmony World' in which Christianity and Chinese traditional culture are combined. Other Christian entrepreneurs are involved in the 2.3 km2 project salted to go up in Tieling. - Given the amount of money involved, the central government might actually be interested. However, it would hardly be a sign of openness towards religion.... Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Kina, Hongkong - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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13-11-2009 - Vi har ortodokse, katolikker og muslimer - alle andre er sekterere

At the request of Minsk City Executive Committee, local police in the capital Minsk visited the Kagramanyan family, who are Pentecostals, and asked intrusive questions about whether they use their home for worship, which church they attend and why they are believers, Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Belarus, Minsk - Wikipedia
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13-11-2009 - Egyptens koptere forfølges i stigende grad
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Cairo, Egypt - A new report on religious freedom in Egypt says Coptic Christians, who make up about 10 percent of the 80 million population (CIA factbook), face major rights violations and are being increasingly persecuted. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Ægypten, Cairo - Wikipedia
Kristendom - koptisk
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12-11-2009 - Nye antikonversionslovgivning vanskeliggør forholdene i Indien

New anti-conversion legislation coupled with more "extreme" Hindu extremist cells rising up across India make the future of Christians throughout the country look much more challenging. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Indien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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07-11-2009 - Malaysias kirke kræver 15.000 bibler frigivet

"It is baseless to withhold the Bibles in Bahasa Malaysia (Malaysian language) on the ground that they are 'prejudicial to public order,'" Læs mere - [Christian Today]

Malaysia - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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26-10-2009 - Taleban giver kristne ultimatum

Kristne bør betale særlig skat og konvertere til islam eller forlade landet, lyder det i ny erklæring fra Taleban i Pakistan. Shiamuslimer trues også Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Pakistan, Karachi - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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21-10-2009 - Evangelikale forfulgte i Eritrea
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

More than 2800 Christians remain behind bars for worshipping outside of the state-sanctioned Orthodox, Lutheran and Catholic churches. At least ten believers have died while being incarcerated. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Eritrea - Wikipedia
Kristendom - evangelikal
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16-10-2009 - Israel forfølger messianske jøder
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

De israelske myndigheder beskyldes for at benytte sig af ortodokse håndlangere for at bekæmpe de messianske jøder, som tror, at Jesus er Messias Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Israel - Wikipedia
Jødedom - kristendom
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16-10-2009 - Ingen ændring af blasfemilov i sigte

What is blasphemy for a Muslim can be completely alright for a Christian. For instance, if you say that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that is our belief as a Christian. But for a Muslim, they're still offended by it. Læs mere - [Mission Networks News]

Pakistan, Karachi - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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12-10-2009 - Anklage for aktivitet mod staten ændres til anklage for frafald
Religionskonflikt - konversionsspørgsmål

judge is dropping anti-state activity charges against two Christian women. Instead, Maryam and Marzieh face charges of apostasy and propagation of the Christian faith...actually good news for Maryam and Marziah. "Previously, when people charged with apostasy had their case looked at in the regular court, there was a high chance that they could be set free. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Iran - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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08-10-2009 - Genbrug - af restriktiv lovgivning

Kazakhstan's proposed new Code of Administrative Offences - which proposes continuing existing punishments for exercising freedom of religion or belief without state registration - has been approved by the government and reached the country's Parliament today (8 October) Læs mere - [Forum 18 - Norge]

Kazakhstan - Wikipedia
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06-10-2009 - Undergrundsbiskop James Lin Xili dør 91 år gammel

Mgr James Lin Xili, bishop of Wenzhou (Zhejiang) died on 4 October at the age of 91. For his faith he spent 16 years in labour camps and in recent years, though ill and immobilised in bed, he was constantly under police surveillance. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Kina, Hongkong - Wikipedia
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02-10-2009 - To baptist præster idømt bøder for at prædike i Kaliningrad

Two Baptist preachers in Russia's Baltic Sea exclave of Kaliningrad have been fined after their community "sang psalms and spoke about Christ" in the street Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Rusland, Kaliningrad - Wikipedia
Kristendom, baptist
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22-09-2009 - Kinesisk "hus"-kirke ryddet
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

A religious freedom advocacy group has called on the international community to put pressure on China to respect the rule of law after the destruction of an unofficial Protestant church in the country's Shanxi province. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Kina, Shanxi - Wikipedia
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21-09-2009 - Troende fængsles uden dom i Eritrea
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Around 2800 sit in prison cells, military and labor camps, or metal shipping containers because prisons have run out of cells. Aside from Orthodox, Catholic and Lutheran, any Christian gathering has been deemed "illegal" there because they have not been registered. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Eritrea - Wikipedia
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20-09-2009 - Kristne bekymrede over ny lov, der straffer med stening

The law - which also allows punishments of up to 400 lashes for child rape, 100 lashes for homosexual acts and 60 lashes for gambling - was passed unanimously on Monday by lawmakers in the region at the northern tip of Sumatra island Læs mere - [Christian Today]

Indonesien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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18-09-2009 - Lukninger af moskeer - og baptisters sommerlejr for børn
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Just days before the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, the authorities in Azerbaijan's second city, Gyanja [G„nc„], suddenly closed a Sunni Muslim mosque..Meanwhile, Council of Churches Baptists complained that in July the authorities broke up the children's Christian summer camp they had planned to hold in Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Azerbadjan - Wikipedia
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18-09-2009 - Drab på fillipinsk præst er et angreb på kristenheden
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

The extrajudicial killing of church workers is an attack against Christianity, say Filipino church leaders, who have demanded an impartial probe of the recent slaying of a Roman Catholic priest. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Fillipinerne, Manila - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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16-09-2009 - Konvertit i fængsel for at dele bibeler ud
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

A convert from Islam who has led a push for Muslim-Christian understanding in Ethiopia has been in jail for nearly four months since his arrest for "malicious" distribution of Bibles. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

Etiopien - Wikipedia
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15-09-2009 - Irak-krigen presser kristne ekstremt
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

At the height of Iraq's sectarian war, Hana Hormoz's Baghdad neighborhood of Dora became a Sunni Muslim stronghold hostile to him and his fellow Christians. Women were forced to wear hijab; priests were kidnapped for ransom. Their local church was bombed. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Iraq, Arbil - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
Til top på siden

08-09-2009 - Kristen stamme vil konvertere tilbage til hinduismen
Religionskonflikt - konversionsspørgsmål

Some 200 tribal Christians in Tamil Nadu have expressed their willingness to become Hindus to help them enjoy government reservations and other benefits meant for Scheduled Tribes, a news report said. The members of Paliyar Hill tribe, who live near Kodaikanal, a hill station 450 km south of Chennai, had converted to Christianity more than two decades ago. Læs mere - [All India Christian Council]

Indien, Tamil Nadu - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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08-09-2009 - Dansk Missionsråd støtter opførelse af moské
Religionskonflikt - troens huse

Fri os fra dobbeltmoral - "Dansk Missionsråds medlemskreds består af 34 kirker og missionsorganisationer med baggrund i såvel folkekirken som frikirker. I flere århundreder er der udøvet dansk missionsvirksomhed i mange lande med det formål at forkynde budskabet om Jesus Kristus. Missionsarbejdet har været båret af enkeltpersoner, menigheder og kirker og i sin oprindelse også af staten/kongen. Vi har plantet kirker i den tredje verden. Byggeriet af de lokale menigheders gudshuse er som en naturlig del af vores evangeliske tjeneste blevet betalt helt eller delvist ved gaver fra kristne i Danmark. (Moskebyggeplanerne har vakt stor debat: (Se her)) Læs mere - [Dansk Missionsråd]

Danmark, København - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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04-09-2009 - Svejtsiske kristne, jøder og muslimer forkaster forbud mod minareter
Religionskonflikt - troens huse

The Swiss Council of Religions, which groups Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders, has issued a statement rejecting a call for the country to ban the construction of minarets at mosques. "For the members of a religious community, religious buildings are not only places to gather but also a symbol of their faith and an expression of their reverence for God. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Schweitz, Geneve - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
Til top på siden

27-08-2009 - Politiet bryder ind i husmenighed
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Politi-inspector:"They were imposing their religion on the residents of the town by saying that 'Jesus Christ is the only God and you must believe in him'." Asked what was wrong with sharing one's beliefs with others, he said: "Such preaching is prohibited by our law." Læs mere - [Forum 18 - Norge]

Kazakhstan - Wikipedia
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27-08-2009 - Kristne vil generobre landsbyer i Tyrkiet

Under denne overskrift fortæller Kristeligt Dagblad om Syrisk-ortodokse kriste, der prøver at få lov til at vende tilbage til deres landsbyer i Østtyrkiet. Formelt byder Tyrliet de kristne velkommen.. Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Tyrkiet - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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26-08-2009 - Politiet afbryder gudstjeneste i registreret protestantisk kirke
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Some twenty Anti-Terror Police officers raided the regular Sunday afternoon worship service of the registered Donam Protestant church in the capital Tashkent on 23 August, claiming it was "unauthorised". Seven church members were arrested and Christian literature was confiscated Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Uzbekistan - Wikipedia
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24-08-2009 - Kristne vender tilbage til deres landsbyer i det østlige Tyrkiet

Syrisk-ortodokse kristne vil erobre de landsbyer tilbage, som de og deres forfædre blev tvunget til at forlade. Men selvom Tyrkiet formelt byder de kristne velkommen, møder tilflytterne modstand Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Tyrkiet - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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20-08-2009 - Bog sætter spørgsmålstegn ved den indiske stats sekularisme

The book "Kandhamal a blot on Indian Secularism" cautions that, "Despite winning a massive secular mandate, the Orissa government seems to be succumbing meekly to the fundamentalists instead of tackling them head on". Akkara says the Kandhamal administration in July "transplanted" 50 Christian families from Beticola to Nandapur - 17 kilometres away - and allotted them plots of government land. This was because extremists in Beticola would not let the Christians return unless they became Hindus and withdrew the cases they had filed regarding destruction of their houses and the church. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Indien, Orissa - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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19-08-2009 - Tyrkiet kommer sine religiøse mindretal i møde

I lørdags mødtes premierminister Recep Tayyip Erdogan og fem af hans ministre med lederne af en række ikke-muslimske trossamfund, herunder den græsk-ortodokse patriark Bartholomæus, den jødiske overrabbiner og det armenske samfunds ærkebiskop.. Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Tyrkiet - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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18-08-2009 - Indien på USCIRFs liste over lande med religiøs undertrykkelse

With the release of its 2009 country report on India, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) placed India on its "Watch List" today for the government's largely inadequate response in protecting its religious minorities...The report recommends that the Obama Administration urge the government of India to take new measures to promote communal harmony, protect religious minorities, and prevent communal violence. Læs mere - [U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom]

USA - Wikipedia
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14-08-2009 - To muslimske kvinder konverteret til kristendom afventer dom
Religionskonflikt - tvangskonversion

The women were arrested because of their work in Iran's house church movement and because they were raised in Muslim families. In their trial, however, they argued that being raised in Muslim families did not make them Muslim - therefore they are not apostates from Islam. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]
"They made a distinction between being born in a Muslim family and actually making a conscious decision to follow Islam, to follow the teachings of Mohammad .. The judge and the prosecuting attorney didn't really go for that because, in their minds, if your parents are Muslims, then you're a Muslim; it's not a conscious decision." Se også reportage.

Iran - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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13-08-2009 - Protestanter, Hare Krishna og muslimer får forbud mod gudstjeneste
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Unregistered communities of Protestant Christians, Hare Krishna devotees and Ahmadiya Muslims in many parts of Kyrgyzstan have been ordered by the authorities to stop meeting for worship Læs mere - [Forum 18 - Norge]

Kirgisistan - Wikipedia
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13-08-2009 - Højeste beredskab på årsdagen for anti-kristen progrom

Parish priest Fr. Chanda survived the violence, and today continues to live among the people of the village "after one year not without tribulations and sufferings, but in which the community and the priests were able to experience the grace and love of God in their lives." Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Indien, Orissa - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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07-08-2009 - Statsgodkendt islam og kristendom favoriseres

Officials continue to put into practice the Macedonian Religion Law's Læs mere - [Forum 18]
hostility to some religious communities, Forum 18 News Service has found. Discrimination continues against the Serbian Orthodox Church and Bektashi Muslim community, and in favour of the two "state faith communities" - the Macedonian Orthodox Church and Islamic Community of Macedonia. Smaller religious communities' main problems are the continuing official obstacles against them acquiring, regaining, expanding and using places of worship

Makedonien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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06-08-2009 - Medvirkende i anti-kristne optøjer skal for domstol

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Thursday vowed to bring those responsible for last week's deadly violence against Christians in Punjab province to justice. A Muslim mob attacked a Christian neighbourhood in the town of Gojra Saturday after maliciously accusing members of the minority community of desecrating the Koran. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Pakistan, Islamabad - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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04-08-2009 - Politi øver tortur mod præst
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Police told us, 'We will teach you in the camp how to forget your Christ.. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Bangladesh - Wikipedia
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03-08-2009 - Religiøs og etnisk vold i Nigeria - kronologisk oversigt

.. fra 2000 til juli 2009 Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Nigeria - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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03-08-2009 - Kristne skoler i Pakistans lukker i sorg og protest over vold og drab

Hundreds of Muslims, allegedly spurred on by a radical Islamist group, stormed a Christian neighborhood in the eastern city of Gojra on Saturday, burning dozens of houses after reports surfaced that some Christians had desecrated a Quran. Six Christians died in the flames, while two were killed by gunshots, as police did little to stop the attackers. Christian leaders and Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah said an initial probe had debunked the Quran defilement rumor. "We are closing the schools to show our anger and concern," Bishop Sadiq Daniel tells. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Pakistan, Islamabad - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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31-07-2009 - Lovlighed af Walter Scott og russisk koranoversættelse undersøges
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Baptistisk familie får beslaglagt bøger af Walther Scott og russisk koranoversættelse - mulig illegal religiøs litteratur Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Uzbekistan - Wikipedia
Kristendom, baptist
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29-07-2009 - Trusler mod katolske kristne i Dong Hoi
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

According to witnesses, the police and groups of thugs are roaming the streets and attacking those who visibly wear Catholic religious symbols... In recent weeks a group of faithful tried to repair the ruins of Tam Toa, but were stopped by police, brutally beaten and arrested. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Vietnam, Dong Hoi - Wikipedia
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27-07-2009 - Nordkorea henretter kristne
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

The communist country, the world's most closed society, views religion as a major threat. Only the founder of the country, Kim Il-sung, and his son, Kim Jong-il, may be worshipped, in mass public displays of fervour. Despite the persecutions, it is thought up to 30,000 North Koreans may practise Christianity secretly in their homes. Læs mere - [BBC]

Nordkorea - Wikipedia
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22-07-2009 - De urørlige - kastesystemet i indien (dalitterne)

Dalits were said not to come from Brahma at all because they are less than human. Dalits cause pollution by being in the presence of people of a higher caste. Touching a Dalit, or even touching a Dalit's shadow, means that a member of a higher caste must cleanse themselves right away. Læs mere - [All India Christian Council]

Indien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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22-07-2009 - Beijing har vundet kampen mod Falun Gong

Li Anping, of the China Anti-Cult Association - a movement of volunteers that has government support - said that people have understood the "true nature of the movement" and that it "is [now] impossible for them to organize mass activities". Beijing, however, is maintaining a low profile on this issue, the official newspaper makes almost no mention of the campaign of repression against Falun Gong. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]
(Red. note: egentlig jo ikke KirkenUpdate - men nyheden fortæller jo så generelt om forhold, der også har betydning for kirkens vækst i Kina).

Kina, Beijing - Wikipedia
Andre religioner
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20-07-2009 - Dansk militærenhed involveret i tørklædesag

A Danish military unit has become embroiled in a dispute about Muslim headscarves after it allowed a hijab-wearing woman to complete a training course. (Tørklædesag er kontinuerligt fænomen i Danmark (som mange andre steder) - se: (Se om bogen From Cartoon Crisis to Head Scarf Row) og (Tørklæde, tro og tolkning). Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Danmark - Wikipedia
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16-07-2009 - Kirke lukket for aktivtet "uden for dens statutter"
Religionskonflikt - undertrykkelse

A registered Protestant congregation in western Belarus has been fined for activity which officials claim was "not according to its statute," local Protestants told Forum 18 News Service. The church held a special prayer service in its registered building, which church members insist was within its statute. Trouble for the New Generation Church began when Baranovichi local Ideology Department officials saw posters in the town advertising the service Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Belarus - Wikipedia
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10-07-2009 - Pinsekirke angrebet i Kazakstan
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Two officers of the Anti-Terrorism Police appear to have been leading actions against the New Life Full Gospel Pentecostal church in the town of Aktau. The officers filmed a service and questioned children.. Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Kazakhstan - Wikipedia
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07-07-2009 - Invalid chikaneret fra at komme i kirke
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Gafur Yusupov, who lives in a home for people with disabilities in eastern Uzbekistan, has been banned from attending his Baptist Church, Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Uzbekistan - Wikipedia
Kristendom, baptist
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03-07-2009 - Kina prøver at dæmme op for kirkens vækst
Religionskonflikt - undertrykkelse

Amid vigorous debate among scholars in China on the status of house churches, one prominent scholar has suggested the government offer more openness and legal standing to house church Christians, but authorities have reacted with raids, arrests, forced church closures and a ban on the Chinese Federation of Christian House Churches. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Kina - Wikipedia
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03-07-2009 - Ikke-trinitariske kirker - vil restriktiv lovgivning blive standset?
Religionskonflikt - undertrykkelse

The amended Religion Law would ban the sharing of faith, require 500 adult citizen members before a religious community could gain legal status, ban non-Trinitarian Christian communities from gaining legal status, give broad reasons for banning religious communities, and recognise the "exclusive mission" of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Armenien - Wikipedia
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01-07-2009 - To skudt ved etiopisk kirkebyggeri

Ethiopian police have shot and killed two people who were helping to build a Christian church at a site which is also claimed by Muslims, officials say. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Etiopien, Dessie - Wikipedia
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22-06-2009 - Lettere at bygge sikh-tempel end moske
Religionskonflikt (Moskebygning)

"We see that in the same city, two religions do not receive the same treatment," said Andreas Tunger-Zanetti, from the Religion Research Centre at Lucerne University and the exhibition's coordinator. According to the researcher, the public is not that familiar with the small Swiss Sikh community, but the media is full of stories of Islamic terror, making Muslims an easy target for politicians. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Schweitz - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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14-06-2009 - Konflikt i Asasa

Muslimer havde smidt sten på Mekane Yesus Kirken i Asasa, og de havde slået de kristne der med stokke. Zenebe er taget til Asasa for at mægle i konflikten sammen med repræsentanter fra de lokale myndigheder. Læs mere - [Dansk Etioper Mission]

Etiopien, Bale - Wikipedia
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12-06-2009 - Muslimer og protestanter seneste mål for restriktioner og angreb

After Tajikistan's adoption of a restrictive new Religion Law the Muslim community appears to be the main target of official hostility .. attacks on the property of religious communities continue, with the Protestant Grace Sunmin Church in the capital Dushanbe having lost its legal battle to stop the authorities evicting it from its own church building Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Tajikistan - Wikipedia
Flere religioner
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12-06-2009 - Dalit-kristne forfølges - af ikke-dalit kristne

In one corner of southern India, their (the dalit-christians) hopes for equality remain unfulfilled hundreds of years on. Called "pariahs", hundreds of Dalit Christians continue to face discrimination - not from Hindus but fellow Christians. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Indien, Tamil Nadu - Wikipedia
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10-06-2009 - Boghandler tre års fængsel for bibelsalg

A Beijing court today found Christian bookstore owner Shi Weihan guilty of "illegal business operation" and sentenced him to three years in prison and a 150,000 yuan (US$21,975) fine. Læs mere - [Compass Direct News]

Kina, Beijing - Wikipedia
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09-06-2009 - Nye straffe for religøs aktivitet

Christian, Muslim and Jehovah's Witness religious communities are also concerned at other parts of the Administrative Code, including a ban on "violating the exclusive rights of religious denominations to the publication, printing, preparation, sale or distribution by other means of cult objects" Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Moldavia - Wikipedia
Flere religioner
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09-06-2009 - Kristne forfølges stadig af ekstremister i Orissa

Tensions and clashes between extremists and police following the arrest of a leader from the Sangh Parivar, guilty of the murder of tribal Christians and officers Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Indien, Orissa - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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08-06-2009 - Politifolk fik kun fem år for at slå ihjel

Two policemen convicted of killing a Christian in Giza, Egypt have received only a five-year prison sentence for what lawyers are calling the cold-blooded murder of a Copt who stood up for his rights. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Ægypten - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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27-05-2009 - Sekterisk, protestantisk had slår ud i drab efter fodboldkamp

Disturbances broke out in Coleraine following the final day of soccer's Scottish Premier League season... - A gang of Protestants travelled to a Catholic housing estate shortly after Rangers were confirmed as Scottish Premier League champions and they attacked and killed McDaid, a father of four.. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Irland - Wikipedia
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16-05-2009 - Kristne tvinges i hellig krig
Religionskonflikt - tvangskonversion

Som 20-årig blev pakistanske kristne Zeeshan Gill kidnappet og tvangskonverteret til islam. Hans kidnappere ville træne ham til jihad, men han nåede at flygte Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Pakistan, Karachi - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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11-05-2009 - Israel begrænser kristnes muligheder for at møde paven
Religionskonflikt - undertrykkelse

Israel shut a Palestinian media centre in Jerusalem and limited entry to Christians from the Gaza Strip on Monday as Pope Benedict, on a historic visit to the Holy Land, urged open access to the city Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Israel, Gaza - Wikipedia
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04-05-2009 - Svineinfluenza anledning til at ramme Ægyptiske kristne

The Egyptian government is using swine flu as an excuse to get rid of tens of thousands of pigs raised by garbage collectors who live amid the refuse in Cairo slums. But the move has prompted accusations Monday that Muslims are attacking minority Christians, who breed the animals. The government last week ordered the slaughter of all the country's 300,000 pigs as a precaution against swine flu.. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Ægypten, Cairo - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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24-04-2009 - Samme sag - samme forfølgelse?
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Religious activity has been under very tight government control in Uzbekistan for more than a decade, but this control is now increasing. Muslim, Protestant Christian, Jehovah's Witness and Hare Krishna communities have particularly suffered in the latest official attacks, which have included raids, arrests, beatings, 15-day imprisonments, sentences of up to 12 years' imprisonment, confiscation and court-ordered destruction of religious literature, and deportations. Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Uzbekistan - Wikipedia
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23-04-2009 - Kristne dræbt i Karachi
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Pro-Taliban slogan on church wall causes clash Thursday, April 23, 2009 By Salis bin Perwaiz Karachi Chaos erupted when some unidentified people scribbled the slogan, ? Taliban Zindabad" on the wall of a church within the Surjani Town police limits. This resulted in a brutal ethnic clash with armed criminals setting on fire shops,... Læs mere - [World News]

Pakistan, Karachi - Wikipedia
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23-04-2009 - Beskyldt for forsøg på at få Obamas bedstemor til at konvertere

The Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya secretary Sheikh Mohamed Khalifa said, "Mama Sarah should not be forced by anybody to join Christianity since she is a Muslim. Conversion must take place in a voluntary manner." He said, "Muslims will not sit and watch one of their own being coerced by some religious leaders to convert to Christianity." Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Kenya - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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22-04-2009 - En undertrykt gruppe nævnes ikke i Durban II - de kasteløse i Indien

There is an untouchable word that appears nowhere in the declaration of the U.N. conference in Geneva reviewing progress on fighting racism. It is Dalit, the self-designation of a South Asian group traditionally regarded as untouchable or of the lowest caste. "Caste discrimination is one of the most important issues being left out of this conference," said Peter Prove of the Lutheran World Federation. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Schweitz, Geneve - Wikipedia
Hinduisme - anden tro
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20-04-2009 - Når præsten bliver brændt levende
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Oversigtsartikel over forfølgelser i Orissa Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Indien, Orissa - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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15-04-2009 - Kristne forfølges som følge af angst for islamistisk terrorisme
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Violence against Christians continues to rise in Uzbekistan as the government comes down hard on practically anyone affiliated with any type of religious movement. Læs mere - [Mission Networks News]

Uzbekistan - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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15-04-2009 - Fængsel og bøder for undervisning og fødselsdagsfejring
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

15-day prison term to Pavel Nenno, a deacon of a registered Baptist Church. Nenno was prosecuted after a raid involving the NSS secret Læs mere - [Forum 18]
police on his home, where he was "feeding neglected children from poor families." - Church members fined 100 times the minimum monthly salary, following a raid on a birthday party for a church member. The church had previously been warned for religious activity away from its legal address.

Uzbekistan - Wikipedia
Kristendom, baptist
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05-04-2009 - Buddhisme er indisk, de semitiske religioner led i konspiration

Rashtriya Swaymsevak Sangh (RSS) has differentiated between reservations for Dalit converts to Buddhism, and to Islam and Christianity, saying "Buddhism is Indian but not the other two religions". Opposing reservations for and concessions to Dalits who have converted to the Semitic religions, RSS joint general secretary Madan Das Devi said in Nagpur of Maharashtra on 22 March 2009: "Buddhists are part of our diaspora, but the other two religions are part of an international conspiracy to convert our people, a part of imperialism." Læs mere - [All India Christian Council]

Indien, Maharastra - Wikipedia
Hinduisme - anden tro
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01-04-2009 - Kirke og politiske partier fordømmer nominering af kristenforfølger

The Christian community in Bhubaneswar as well as political parties have condemned the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) decision to nominate Kandhamal riot-accused Manoj Pradhan as the party candidate from G Udaygiri Assembly constituency of the riot-hit district. Læs mere - [All India Christian Council]

Orissa, Indien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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24-03-2009 - Straf for "sharing of beliefs" i det kristne Armenien

Armenia's controversial proposed new Religion Law and the proposed new Article 162 in the Criminal Code to punish the sharing of beliefs were approved by Parliament in their first readings on 19 March.. A serious setback to the development of a modern, progressive and liberal Armenia Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Armenien - Wikipedia
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23-03-2009 - Hindu-gruppe forhindrer statue af Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin, the famous British comedian and filmmaker who made the world laugh, is facing rejection in southern India because his name sounds too Christian. The late comedian Charlie Chaplin. On March 12, members of the Hindu Jagarna Vedike (Hindu awareness council) chased away people who were erecting the actor's statue in Karnataka state. The mob destroyed construction materials, filled up a pit for the statue's foundation, and hoisted a Hindu flag on the site. Læs mere - [Union of Catholic Asian News]

Indien, Mandalore - Wikipedia
Hinduisme - anden tro
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23-03-2009 - Global økumnekisk konference om retfærdighed for kasteløse
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

We came together as almost 100 participants, the great majority from churches and Christian bodies across the world, with advisers from other faith communities, to address the largest systemic violation of human rights in today's world, caste-based discrimination (CBD). As Dalits and friends of Dalits we came from caste-affected countries.. Læs mere - [Global Ministries]

Thailand, Bangkok - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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17-03-2009 - Over 3000 kristne og dalitter stadig i flygtningelejre i Orissa

More than seven months after Orissa's tribal-dominated Kandhamal district experienced widespread anti-Christian violence, 3,100 people belonging to the minority community are still living in relief camps being run by the administration. AICC har netop udgivet en årsrapport over forfølgelser og vold mod kristne i Indien: Åbn pdf-fil her. - Læs mere - [All India Christian Council]

Indien, Orissa - Wikipedia
Hinduisme - anden tro
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17-03-2009 - Militante får hårde straffe for bombeplan mod kirke i Jordan

Jordan's military court sentenced on Monday three Jordanian extremists to 22 1/2 years in jail for a plot to bomb a Catholic church last May. The judge explained that he gave the two-decade sentence because he believes the bomb plot itself, even if it failed, was a "danger to the state and its people." In general, Jordan is known to be a moderate Muslim country.. Læs mere - [The Christian Post]

Jordan, Amman - Wikipedia
Jødedom - kristendom
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16-03-2009 - Jeres døde vil ikke blive begravet

Uzbekistan's NSS secret police, the head of a local mahalla (town district) and a local imam in the north-west of the country have obstructed the burial of a Muslim, Zhumabai Smetullaev, because his widow and son are Christians... All non-state-controlled Muslim and non-Russian Orthodox religious activity in Karakalpakstan is a criminal offence. jfr. også HER. Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Uzbekistan - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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12-03-2009 - Somalia indfører sharia
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Somalia, som ligger nummer 5 på listen over lande, hvor kristne forfølges (Se World Watch List), indfører sharia, hvilket vækker yderligere bekymring for de kristne. Læs også BBC om sagen (HER) Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Somalia - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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11-03-2009 - Politisk splittelse forbedrer forholdene for de kristne i Orissa

In advance of the April elections, Orissa's ruling Biju Janata Dal has ended the alliance with the Hindu extremist Bharatiya Janata Party.. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Indien, Orissa - Wikipedia
Hinduisme - anden tro
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09-03-2009 - Dystre udsigter for Iraks kristne
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Det bliver vanskeligt at vende strømmen af kristne flygtninge - selv under relativt større ro i landet. Selv om de kristne kan have en vigtig funktion (Se her) - se også (KirkenUpdate i februar) Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Irak - Wikipedia
Kristendom - kaldæisk, katolsk
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04-03-2009 - Fornyet forbud mod brug af "Allah" for Gud i bibelen

Malaysia's government has re-imposed a ban on the word Allah in Bibles, and in Christian newspapers and religious texts in the Malay language following pressure from some Islamic groups in the southeast Asian country. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Malaysia - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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26-02-2009 - Frygt for at buldozere igen ødelægger ortodoks-kristent boligområde

Sahour, aged 42, lives with 56 Palestinian Christian families in a 10-building Greek Orthodox housing project at Jabal al-Deik, on the outskirts of Beit Sahour, a town east of Bethlehem. The first families moved in 13 years ago and an 11th building is under construction. In 2002 Israel issued a demolition order for all the buildings, which are built on property owned by the Greek Orthodox Church. The Israeli government maintained that the land is located in a zone known as Area C where Israel has complete military and civil control.. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Israel, Betlehem - Wikipedia
Kristendom, ortodoks
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24-02-2009 - Den statsanerkendte kirke i Kina forfølger huskirker

This story comes from a Christian house church leader named Mrs. Cheng Fengying. Her house was seized illegally. Her accusation is that the government, in collusion with the TSPM (the state-supported church), has seized her house; not only that, but for a number of years, they persecuted her and her house church." Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Kina - Wikipedia
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21-02-2009 - Jesus for fed til at gå på vandet

Angiveligt som reaktion på kristnes (nogles?) fornægtelse af holocaust laver israelsk TV-vært grin med Jesus og Maria. Se (Klik her) for at se et temmelig fladpandet tv-indslag, som måske knap fortjener bevågenhed - men som altså har fået det! Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Israel - Wikipedia
Jødedom - kristendom
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20-02-2009 - Elleve missionærer arresteret pga antikonversionslov i Indien
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Chhattisgarh has an anti-conversion law, which outlines several steps that must be taken in order to change one's religion. The law is vague and offers wide leeway in arresting and punishing those charged with violating it. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Chhattisgarh, Indien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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11-02-2009 - Kirkesamfund i Albanien kræver ejendom tilbage

Albania was pronounced "cleansed of religion" in 1967, under its post-war communist leader Enver Hoxha, and declared the world's first fully atheist state. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Albanien - Wikipedia
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11-02-2009 - Flere i arrest på grund af tro i Iran - med risiko for dødsstraf
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

.. two were recently released on bail with an open case. International human rights agencies and Iranian believers fear a ruling of apostasy -- the act of leaving Islam -- which is potentially punishable by execution. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Iran - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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10-02-2009 - Menneskerettighedsforkæmper bortført (Kina)
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Nobel nominee and Christian human rights lawyer Mr. Gao Zhisheng was forcibly taken from his home last week, reports China Aid. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Kina - Wikipedia
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09-02-2009 - Kristne stadig i fokus for myndighedernes overvågning (Kina)
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

The year 2009 is the 60th anniversary of the Communist Party's rule. It's the 20th anniversary of Tienanmen Square." That's two sensitive anniversaries. Fu says, "The Chinese society entered into the most volatile time of history. The Chinese government has already tried to neutralize the so-called 'threats,' and unfortunately, the house church is still listed as their target. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Kina - Wikipedia
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06-02-2009 - Apartheid i Orissa
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Nearly half of the 100 000 Christians in Kandhamal district were displaced in 2008 after a wave of violence left more than 70 Christians dead, and more than 6000 Christian houses looted and destroyed. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Indien, Orissa - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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05-02-2009 - Forfølgelserne i Orissa får kristne til at flygte andre steder hen
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

..However, some good may yet come of it, says Dave Stravers with Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Mission India. "Christians now are looking to migrate to some other state. They're sort of at a loss at what to do. Maybe this is like the situation in the New Testament when persecution broke out against the believers in Jerusalem and they all were forced to flee to other places. And of course, they brought the Gospel with them. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Indien, Orissa - Wikipedia
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21-01-2009 - Grupper, som arbejder med forfølgelse, usikker på Obama
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Kristne grupper usikker på Obamas hodning overfor arbejdet for forfulgte kristne. Bliver den kommende "hate speech legislation" i virkeligheden et redskab til at lukke kristen tale og kritik ned? Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

USA - Wikipedia
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20-01-2009 - Moskeer, kirker, synagoger lukkes

Tajikistan is continuing to close down places of worship in the capital Dushanbe, Forum 18 News Service has learned. Unregistered mosques have been closed down by city authorities, the country's only Jewish synagogue has been bulldozed, while Protestants and Jehovah's Witnesses find it difficult to use their places of worship Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Tajikistan - Wikipedia
Flere religioner
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13-01-2009 - Massearrestationer af kristne i Eritrea
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Mass arrests of Christians in Eritrea are raising concerns for the welfare of the church. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Eritrea - Wikipedia
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13-01-2009 - Danmark prioriterer kristne flygtninge

Primært kristne kvoteflygtninge kom til Danmark i 2008, og det diskriminerer muslimske flygtninge, mener integrationskonsulent Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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12-01-2009 - Bedring i kirkens forhold i Vietnam
Religionskonflikt stadig tæt statslig kontrol Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Vietnam - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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08-01-2009 - Højsteret beordrer Orissa til at beskytte kristne

India's Supreme Court has ordered authorities there to provide security to thousands of Christians who fled their homes after some of the worst religious violence in decades occurred. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Indien, Orissa - Wikipedia
Hinduisme - anden tro
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02-01-2009 - Drab på kristne i Congo
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Rapporter om drab på kristne ved julegudstjenester i Congo. Bag drabene står The Lords Resistance Army Læs mere - [Mission Network News]
(Se Wikipedia). Denne ugandesiske terrorgruppe påberåber sig bl.a. helligåndens vejledning og opererer nær grænsen til Sudan.

Congo - Wikipedia
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01-01-2009 - Julen fredelig i Orissa
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Takket være den internationale opmærksomhed har de offentlige myndigheder i Orissa haft held til at dæmpe den hinduistisk-nationalistisk bande-prægede forfølgelse af kristne og sørge for fred trods voksende trusler efterhånden som julen nærmede sig. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Indien, Orissa - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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01-01-2009 - Baptistkirke ødelagt i Gaza

Politically, Palestinian Christians are not accepted by Israel or by their own community. The Christian community, Carl Moeller (Opne Doors) explained, is a "humanitarian and religious group caught in the crossfire of a political and military situation.
Se også om interkirkelig opfordring til våbenhvile (29.dec): Læs her på Ecumenical News International. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Israel, Gaza - Wikipedia
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