Forside: 2009 - ALLE EMNER - - Tema: - Danmark 2009 - Mission globalt - Religionsmøde - Religionskonflikt - Politik - kirke/tro/religion - Organisation og ledelse - Økumene - Sekularisering - Konversion - Kirke/tro og seksualitet - Danmark - Top 10 - Global Top10

Konversion 2009

22-12-2009 - Julesæsonangreb på kristne i Indien
Religionskonflikt - re-konversion

"Christmas is a favorite time for violence against Christians in India, as it intimidates the Christian community at large," said Dr. John Dayal, member of the government's National Integration Council, headed by Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. .. Hindu extremists attacked a church during worship in western Maharashtra state's Sindhudurg district and a Christmas exhibition in Gwalior city in central Madhya Pradesh state. The following day, extremists claimed having converted over 1,700 tribal (aboriginal) Christians "back" to Hinduism in western Gujarat state. Læs mere - [Worldwide Faith News]

Indien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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10-12-2009 - Kvinde forfølges for at have konverteret

I'm afraid of my brother finding us," said the 38-year-old Ali, who has moved to another area. "Their aim is to take us back to Sudan, and there they will force us to return to the Islamic faith or sentence us to death according to Islamic law. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Ægypten - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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23-11-2009 - Ung kristen henrettet, anklaget for at have forsøgt at omvende

Islamic extremists controlling part of the Somali capital of Mogadishu this month executed a young Christian they accused of trying to convert a 15-year-old Muslim to Christianity. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

Somalia - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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14-11-2009 - Mobiltelefon invitation til islam - på saudiarabisk

Any person can suggest names of non-Muslims he thinks they might convert to Islam through text messages to the hotline, along with their numbers and the language they speak. Læs mere - [Earth Times]
Later, preachers would call these non-Muslims and try to introduce them to Islam, without revealing the number of the person who suggested their names

Saudiarabien - Wikipedia
Islam - anden tro
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10-11-2009 - Kenyansk leder går under jorden efter konversion

A Pentecostal bishop who aided the conversion to Christianity of the leader of a violent religious group says she has advised him to go into hiding after he received death threats. Maina Njenga, the leader of Mungiki, which is the Kikuyu-language word for multitude, said he converted to Christianity together with hundreds of other members on 25 October. Two days earlier Njenga was released from prison after murder charges he had faced over the killing of 29 people who were massacred in Mathira in April were dropped. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Kenya, Nairobi - Wikipedia
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22-10-2009 - Ateisters re-konversion

..prominent British atheists seem to be having second thoughts. Is there some revival sweeping England? No; they are examining the rationality of Christianity, the very beliefs Dawkins and others are so profitably engaging, but are coming to opposite conclusions. Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]

England - Wikipedia
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22-10-2009 - Anglikanere på vej ind i den katolske kirke
Konversion til anden kristen trosretning

Leaders of more than 400,000 Anglicans who quit over women priests are to seek immediate unity with Rome under the apostolic constitution announced by Pope Benedict XVI. Læs mere - [Timesonline]

England - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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12-10-2009 - Anklage for aktivitet mod staten ændres til anklage for frafald
Religionskonflikt - konversionsspørgsmål

judge is dropping anti-state activity charges against two Christian women. Instead, Maryam and Marzieh face charges of apostasy and propagation of the Christian faith...actually good news for Maryam and Marziah. "Previously, when people charged with apostasy had their case looked at in the regular court, there was a high chance that they could be set free. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Iran - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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08-09-2009 - Kristen stamme vil konvertere tilbage til hinduismen
Religionskonflikt - konversionsspørgsmål

Some 200 tribal Christians in Tamil Nadu have expressed their willingness to become Hindus to help them enjoy government reservations and other benefits meant for Scheduled Tribes, a news report said. The members of Paliyar Hill tribe, who live near Kodaikanal, a hill station 450 km south of Chennai, had converted to Christianity more than two decades ago. Læs mere - [All India Christian Council]

Indien, Tamil Nadu - Wikipedia
Kristendom - hinduisme
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14-08-2009 - To muslimske kvinder konverteret til kristendom afventer dom
Religionskonflikt - tvangskonversion

The women were arrested because of their work in Iran's house church movement and because they were raised in Muslim families. In their trial, however, they argued that being raised in Muslim families did not make them Muslim - therefore they are not apostates from Islam. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]
"They made a distinction between being born in a Muslim family and actually making a conscious decision to follow Islam, to follow the teachings of Mohammad .. The judge and the prosecuting attorney didn't really go for that because, in their minds, if your parents are Muslims, then you're a Muslim; it's not a conscious decision." Se også reportage.

Iran - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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04-07-2009 - Realityshow: omvend ateister til buddhisme, jødedom, kristendom, islam

The programme's makers say they want to promote religious belief while educating Turkey's overwhelmingly Muslim population about other faiths. "The project aims to turn disbelievers on to God," the station's deputy director, Ahmet Ozdemir, told the Hrriyet Daily News and Economic Review. Læs mere - [The Gaurdian]

Tyrkiet - Wikipedia
Flere religioner
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24-06-2009 - Kristen-muslimsk enighed om ret til mission og konversion

Christian Muslim Forum launches its Ethical Witness guidelines, otherwise known as 'the 10 Commandments of Mission'. "Ethical Guidelines for Christian and Muslim Witness in Britain": (Se her) Læs mere - []

England - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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25-05-2009 - 90-årig døbt efter grundig dåbsoplæring

The man declared as the world's oldest pupil, Kimani Ng'ang'a Maruge, says he has embraced Christianity and has been baptised, five years after he began studying at primary school at the age of 85 and learned how to read the Bible. Læs mere - [Ecumenical News International]

Kenya - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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16-05-2009 - Kristne tvinges i hellig krig
Religionskonflikt - tvangskonversion

Som 20-årig blev pakistanske kristne Zeeshan Gill kidnappet og tvangskonverteret til islam. Hans kidnappere ville træne ham til jihad, men han nåede at flygte Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Pakistan, Karachi - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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03-03-2009 - Anti-konversionslovene på SriLanka kritiseres af USA

The Jathika Hela Urumaya political party, whose leadership is comprised of Buddhist monks, drafted the bill. According to Gospel For Asia, a leader of that party went on record saying that US-funded Christian missionaries are one of the greatest threats facing Sri Lanka. Ironically, Sri Lanka's constitution guarantees freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Sri Lanka - Wikipedia
Kristendom - buddhisme
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03-02-2009 - Anti-konversionslov i det buddhistiske Sri Lanka

The proposed anti-conversion law calls for penalties including fines up to 500,000 Sri Lankan rupees ($4,425) and/or seven years in prison for anyone who tries to convert a Sri Lankan citizen from one religion to another by using "force, fraud or allurement." .. Buddhist monks lead the Jathika Hela Urumaya political party, which drafted the bill. Buddhism is the official religion of Sri Lanka, followed by 72 percent of the population. Since the number of people choosing to follow the Buddhist teaching has declined, Buddhist leaders have expressed concern about the growth of Christianity. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

Sri Lanka - Wikipedia
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12-01-2009 - Fra folkekirke via pinsekirke til islam

Interview med begrundelse for bevægelsen: "I kristendommen havde jeg savnet svar på en masse spørgsmål om livet. Dem kunne jeg finde i islam, fordi islam er et helt system". Læs mere - [Kristeligt Dagblad]

Danmark, København - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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