Kirken Update 2017

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20-08-2020 - Evangelikale ser mere egentlig fromhed hos Biden end hos Trump
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

Joe Biden Campaigns on Faith
He is viewed as having an authentic faith," said Richard Mouw, former president of Fuller Theological Seminary and professor of faith and public life. "He may not be the conservative Catholic that a lot of evangelicals would like him to be, but when he talks about his faith, it rings true." Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]

USA - Wikipedia
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17-08-2020 - Kristne i fælles kamp for ikke-vold i Belarus
05 Økumene

, Minsk Christians, the procession for peace
On August 13, a few dozen people gathered next to the Catholic Cathedral of the Virgin Mary: the Orthodox with icons, Catholics with rosaries, Protestants with Bibles.. A peace celebration took place in the Orthodox cathedral; part of the faithful attended from the square in front: in all several hundred people participated. This occurred despite the stance taken by the Orthodox exarchate of Belarus, which distanced itself from any type of demonstration, including that of its own faithful. Læs mere - []

Belarus - Wikipedia
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14-08-2020 - Splittelsen i den katolske kirke - som pave Frans kalder frem
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

, Pope Francis' critics are dividing the church and families
A Personal Commentary: Even when my relationship with my mother became strained from time to time, I was grateful to her for the faith she passed on to me. That is why our division over Pope Francis was so painful. Læs mere - [America Magazine]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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12-08-2020 - Kamala Harris - et møde mellem baptisme, hinduisme og jødedom
06 Religionsmøde

Kamala Harris brings Baptist, interfaith roots to Democratic ticket
Kamala Harris, tapped on Tuesday as Joe Biden's running mate, attended services at both a Black Baptist church and a Hindu temple growing up an interfaith background that reflects her historic status as the first Black woman and woman of South Asian descent on a major-party presidential ticket. Læs mere - [America - The National Catholic Review]

USA - Wikipedia
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07-08-2020 - Trump om Biden: Han er mod våben og for fri abort. Han er mod Gud.
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

, Trump said Biden 'hurt God.'
This week, President Trump painted a very different picture of Biden, mocking his presumptive Democratic opponent as a man hostile to religion. "Take away your guns, take away your Second Amendment. No religion, no anything," Trump said of Biden on Thursday. "Hurt the Bible. Hurt God. He's against God. He's against guns. He's against energy, our kind of energy." Læs mere - [Washington Post]

USA - Wikipedia
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06-08-2020 - Trump: Biden er i mod Gud - Biden citerer "Din nåde er mig nok"
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

Biden quotes Bible at Black church meeting, while Trump says his rival
President Trump declared in Cleveland that his Democratic rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, would create an America with "no religion" if elected, adding that Biden would "hurt the Bible, hurt God" because "he's against God."
Yet Biden spent that same morning invoking Scripture while speaking directly to religious voters, particularly Black Protestants who make up a core part of the Democratic Party's base. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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06-08-2020 - Tema: Blasfemilove og forfølgelse
07 Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, The relationship between blasphemy laws and religious extremism
Om sammenhængen mellem blasfemilovgivning og statslig forfølgelse og ekstremisters brug af den. Læs mere - []

Globalt - Wikipedia

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03-08-2020 - Billy Graham-statue skal erstatte white-supremacist-statue på Capitol
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

Billy Graham statue to replace that of white supremacist in US Capitol
A life-sized statue of the Rev. Billy Graham will be installed in the U.S. Capitol's Statuary Hall collection sometime next year, replacing a statue of a white supremacist, Charles Aycock, that both the state of North Carolina and the U.S. House want removed...Charles Aycock was one of the masterminds of the 1898 Wilmington, North Carolina, race riot and coup, in which a local government made up of Black Americans was overthrown and replaced by white officials. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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01-08-2020 - Euthanasi - på vej til lovliggørelse - debat
09 Etik - omsorg - helse

, Who should be worried about euthanasia? All of us!
Mark Maney: Euthanasia isn't just an individual right that only affects the individual in question. It actually has significant, potentially catastrophic consequences for society as a whole. Here is one of my major concerns about euthanasia, or "assisted dying": it will increasingly lead to the strong and powerful deciding the fate of those who are weak and vulnerable. Læs mere - [New Zealand Christian Network]

New Zealand - Wikipedia
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31-07-2020 - En sammensat profil: LGBT+, katolik, opstillet til kongressen
08 Seksualitet

Patriotic, Catholic and queer: Parson's unorthodox run for Congress
Parson, who would be the first woman and the first LGBT person to represent her district, is also a practicing Catholic who considers her faith an important aspect of her political views. Some see a conflict between her religious commitment and her personal and political identities, but she said that she experiences all of these as fully coherent and mutually reinforcing. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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31-07-2020 - Dåb - trilateral (katolsk, luthersk, mennonitisk) rapport
05 Økumene

, Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church
"Through baptism, Christians are brought into union with Christ, with Læs mere - []
each other, and with the church of every time and place. Our common baptism, which unites us to Christ in faith, is thus a basic bond of unity. The union with Christ which we share through baptism has important implications for Christian unity". 3 Nevertheless, baptism has been a source of disagreement and division between our three traditions.

Globalt - Wikipedia
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30-07-2020 - Trossamfund bliver forkert prioriteret i forhold til Covid19
09 Etik - omsorg - helse

'Stop ignoring faith communities': Cardinal Lacroix on Quebec's ..
In a strongly worded statement on July 26, Cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix called on the Quebec government and its health authorities to "stop ignoring the existence of" the many faith communities in the provinceChristian, Muslim, Jewish and othersand to enter into dialogue with them for the good of the whole of society.. Læs mere - [America Magazine]

Canada,Toronto - Wikipedia
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30-07-2020 - Boko Haram har dræbt flere i Nigeria end IS i Irak og Syrien
07 Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, Boko Haram has killed more than Islamic State in Iraq and Syria comb..
ACLED data finds, for instance, that in north-east Nigeria, the extreme Islamist militants Boko Haram whose impact has now spread across the Lake Chad region into several neighbouring countries from its start in 2009 in Maidugiri has killed more people than Islamic State killed in Iraq and Syria combined. Læs mere - [World Watch Monitor]

Nigeria - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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29-07-2020 - Ny aftaleindgåelse mellem Rom og Beijing nærmer sig..
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

, Vatican-China Deal: "The CCP Hacked Vatican Computers"
The renewal of the Vatican-China deal of 2018 is due in September 2020. The agreement is a matter of controversy within the Roman Catholic Church and beyond, although high-placed Vatican officers have indicated that it will be renewed. That the relationship between the Vatican and the CCP is not one of trust seems to be confirmed by a report Læs mere - [BitterWinter]

Kina - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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29-07-2020 - Facebook bortcensurer posts om "conversion therapy" (homoseksualitet)
08 Etik- Seksualitet

, Facebook censoring Christian ministry for allegedly promoting 'convers
Facebook is starting to censor a Christian ministry for allegedly promoting "conversion therapy," removing posts of men and women who were once LGBT-identified and now follow Jesus. Anne Paulk, president of Restored Hope Network, explained to The Christian Post how at the apparent behest of the liberal media watchdog group Media Matters, the social media giant is taking down posts from their most recent conference, saying that they violate "community standards." Læs mere - [Christian Post]

Globalt - Wikipedia
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27-07-2020 - Kristen dræbt - femte på to måneder i Jharkhand
07 Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, Christian woman killed, the fifth victim in two months
Suman Munda, a 25-year-old Christian, was discovered dead in a deserted place near her? (his) home on 19 July after a search by family relatives who had come to visit her but could not find her.
This sad development makes Suman Munda the fifth victim in a disturbing trend of murders of Christians in India in the past two months. Læs mere - [Vatican Information Service]

Indien - Wikipedia
Hinduisme - kristendom
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27-07-2020 - 2022 - WCC ny dato for Assembly: "opportunity to deepen visible unity"
02. Institution og organisation(er)

New 2022 date decided for WCC 11th Assembly as "opportunity to deepen
"Inspired by the theme 'Christ's love moves the world to reconciliation and unity,' our fellowship will come together as a whole in prayer and celebration in Karlsruhe," said Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca, interim WCC general secretary. Læs mere - [Oikumene]

Globalt - Wikipedia
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26-07-2020 - Afskediget fra kristen velgørenhedsstyrelse på grund af sexisme
08 Etik- Seksualitet

Ted Yoho removed from board of Christian charity
A Christian nonprofit organization that fights world hunger asked Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) to resign from its board after he confronted a female colleague and then reportedly used a sexist expletive after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was out of earshot. Læs mere - []

USA - Wikipedia
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23-07-2020 - Organisation bekymret over Yohos behandling af Alexandria O-C
08 Seksualitet

Bread for the World 'deeply concerned' by board member Yoho
Bread for the World, a prominent Christian advocacy group for which Florida Rep. Ted Yoho serves as a board member, said the Republican lawmaker's recent behavior toward Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not reflective of the "respect and compassion that Jesus calls on us to exhibit every day." Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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23-07-2020 - Kommentar: Hvordan USAs kristendom blev "hvid" kristendom
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

How American Christianity became white
A non-christian commentary by Simran Jeet Singh: "In Khyati Joshi's new book, "White Christian Privilege," Joshi brings religion into the conversation about privilege, arguing that our perception of whiteness suffers from an "optical illusion": that religion is one place where there is equality in America. Because it is enshrined in the First Amendment of the Constitution, we presume that religious equality is manifest in our society as well..." Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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22-07-2020 - Ærkebiskopper: Kærlighed i stedet for vold og had

, US Bishops urge love in response to hatred
"Whether those who committed these acts were troubled individuals crying out for help or agents of hate seeking to intimidate, the attacks are signs of a society in need of healing," the Archbishops say. Læs mere - [Vatican Information Service]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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22-07-2020 - Hagia Sophia - fra museum til moske
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

, The Hagia Sophia Was a Cathedral, a Mosque and a Museum. It's..
On Friday, after 86 years as a museum, the great Hagia Sophia in Istanbul will once again echo with Muslim prayers. To Turkish Islamists, the conversion marks the fulfillment of a long-held dream of restoring a symbol of Ottoman grandeur. For many others around the world, the change is a dismaying setback for one of the world's greatest architectural and cultural landmarks. [Further commentary - in danish: Mogens Mogensen]. Læs mere - [New York Times]

Tyrkiet - Wikipedia
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19-07-2020 - Baggrund: Frankrigs kirker brænder, vandaliseres [NB 2019]
07 Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, France's Other Burning Churches
While arrests are few, a mix of ideologies and motives is readily apparent from the graffiti the vandals often leave. They are shown to be radical secularists, anarchists, leftists, feminists, sexual libertarians, Islamists, radical Muslims and a Satanist group Læs mere - [Hudson org]

Frankrig - Wikipedia
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15-07-2020 - Den civiliserede er ikke religiøs
07 Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, In China, 'Civilized' Means Having Nothing to Do with Religion
Offering monetary rewards and praises, the CCP encourages communities to do away with religions to be named a "civilized village, town, or city." Læs mere - [Bitter Winter]

Kina - Wikipedia
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15-07-2020 - CEC beklager beslutning om at omdanne museet Hagia Sophia til moské
07 Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

CEC regrets decision over Hagia Sophia, engages with UNESCO and the..
The Conference of European Churches (CEC) has witnessed the recent decision of Hagia Sophia's conversion into a mosque with deep regret... Læs mere - [CEC]

Europa - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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14-07-2020 - Racisme - en sag som ikke er gjort færdig i dele af kirken i USA
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

The mark of Cain
Another explanation [why so relatively many christians support Trump], argues a new book by Robert P. Jones, an authority on American religion and politics, and head of the Public Religion Research Institute, is that white Christians were especially receptive to Mr Trump's race-baiting. Mr Jones also offers a grim theory for why this was the case. Læs mere - [The Economist]

USA - Wikipedia
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14-07-2020 - Propaganda for homoseksualitet skal "monitoreres" (Putin)
08 Seksualitet

, President Putin Says Homosexual Propaganda Needs to be Publicly Monito
"You can't monitor everyone, who thought up which label and where, and so on. If there's a reason to assume that this is propaganda of values not traditional for us,..then such public monitoring should be properly built, not aggressively though.." Putin says Læs mere - [Russian Faith]

Rusland - Wikipedia
Ortodoks, russisk
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14-07-2020 - 1202 kristne dræbt de første 6 måneder af året
07 Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, -killed-
A Nigerian civil society group estimates that 1,202 Christians have been killed in Nigeria in the first six months of 2020 ... Læs mere - [Christian Post]

Nigeria - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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10-07-2020 - Yesu Mekane kirkens arbejde for fred i Ethiopien / LWF
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

Junge reminds EECMY of its "pivotal role in preventing more loss of li
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has expressed gratitude to the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) for its consistent appeal for peaceful approaches to address grievances and conflict amid ongoing unrest in the country. "I am grateful for your voice, raised consistently in the church and in the public," LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge said in a letter to EECMY President Rev. Yonas Yigezu Dibisa. o Læs mere - [Lutheran World Federation]

Etiopien - Wikipedia
Kristendom -luth.-evangel.
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10-07-2020 - Hjemmeliturgi under pandemi
01 Kirkens liv, trospraksis

, Without church or net, many South Africans turn to liturgies at home
Manyike was determined, however, that he and his family wouldn't be starved of the celebration of Mass. I want you to feel like you're at church," he told his skeptical grandmother to convince her to celebrate Easter under his direction. Finally, he prayed.. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

Sydafrika - Wikipedia
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10-07-2020 - Forfulgte kristne ladt i stikken
07 Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Evangelical, Catholic leaders say Trump has left persecuted..
For years, Donald Trump and administration officials have championed protecting religious freedom abroad including for Christians persecuted for their faith as a key foreign policy goal.
But according to a new report released Friday (July 10) from two Christian groups, the president is falling short of that goal..
"The number of persecuted Christians to whom protection is available through the U.S. refugee resettlement program and the application of asylum laws has still been dramatically curtailed," the report reads. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

Syrien - Wikipedia
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07-07-2020 - Udviser ikke-tyrkiske kristne præster
07 Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, Expelling 2 US Christian workers after deporting 16 others this year
These workers had all the necessary legal documentation to live and work in the country, yet they are being deported by a government that continues to crack down on Christianity in line with a guiding ethos that equates being Turkish with being Muslim," Thomas said. "Worse still, in several cases deportation may result in the separation of families." Læs mere - []

Tyrkiet - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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06-07-2020 - Sæt ikke fædreland og nation over Kristus
10 Teologi

Warns Christians against patriotism over Christ
"Obviously, as Christians we are to live as strangers, exiles, aliens, and pilgrims on this earth. Is there an appropriate place in the Christian life to be patriotic? If so, what is it? And at what point does our patriotism go too far?" inquired Matt. John Piper responded that patriotism, a love for one's country, "can be right and good" even as Christians should identify as "exiles, refugees, sojourners." Læs mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
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06-07-2020 - Nægter nadver til medlemmer af Black Lives Matter
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

, Priest Denies Communion to All Members of Black Lives Matter
Therefore, as a priest in the Orthodox Church, it is my duty to ban all members of Black Lives Matter from receiving Communion. I will not desecrate the precious Body and Blood of Christ, by allowing it to touch the unclean lips of those who are members of that satanic organization. Læs mere - [Russian Faith]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom, ortodoks
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04-07-2020 - Sort Jesus på alterbillede i Saint Albans Cathedral
10 Teologi

, St Albans Cathedral's black Jesus is a 'bold statement'
The print, by Lorna May Wadsworth, has been placed at the Altar of the Persecuted in the North Transept of St Albans Cathedral. The church said it was in "support of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement"." Læs mere - [BBC]

England - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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04-07-2020 - Hejse flag, afsynge nationalhymne før tilladelse til at genåbne kirker
07 Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, Must Raise National Flag and Sing Anthem to Reopen Church
Some state-run churches were allowed to reopen in China after a 5-month lockdown. But only after proving their loyalty to the Communist Party. Læs mere - [BitterWinter]

Kina - Wikipedia
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02-07-2020 - Racisme - mere end individuel synd
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

, Black pastors urge evangelicals to admit systemic racism
In a letter to Southern Baptist Convention leaders, an African American pastor from Texas urged the denomination to meaningfully increase the number of Black people in positions of leadership across its various institutions.
But for that to happen, wrote Rick Armstrong, the pastor of a start-up church in Arlington, Texas, Baptists "must understand that racism is much more than an individual sin." Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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01-07-2020 - Præst fyret for at kalde Black Lives Matter-organisatorer parasitter
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

, suspends priest who compared Black Lives Matter to 'maggots and parasi
A bishop suspended a suburban Indianapolis Catholic pastor from public ministry Wednesday for remarks in which he compared the Black Lives Matter movement and its organizers to "maggots and parasites." Bishop Timothy Doherty of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana took the... Læs mere - [America Magazine]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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01-07-2020 - Kunstig Intelligens - CEC kommentar
11. Teknik, videnskab

, White paper on Artificial Intelligence
As Christians, viewing the human being as God's own likeness on earth, we emphasise the concept of human dignity as foundation stone of human freedom and responsibility. Thus, in a Christian perspective freedom is not just the individual right to be free of duties and responsibilities. It also implies the notion of freedom as a communal and communicative concept in our relationships with one another: freedom must be seen together with love as the driving force of God's actions. Læs mere - [CEC]

USA - Wikipedia
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01-07-2020 - Baptistpræsts overvejelser: Fjernelse af statue
03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

, British Baptist Reflects on Removal of Slave Trader Statue
As people in Bristol, England, joined global rallies against racial injustices, some protesters on Sunday (June 7) toppled a statue of 17th century slave trader Edward Colston and tossed it into the city's harbor. A British Baptist leader who lives in Bristol told Word&Way the statue should've previously been removed. Læs mere - [Word and Way]

England - Wikipedia
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30-06-2020 - Hvorfor er den hvide Jesus et problem?
10 Teologi

Editorial: Why white Jesus is a problem
An exclusively white Jesus not only narrows our understanding of him, it sends a message that connects Jesus to the powerful, not the oppressed. "If Jesus is white and God is white, then authority is white," Anthea Butler, an associate professor of religious studies and Africana studies at the University of Pennsylvania says Læs mere - [National Catholic Reporter]

USA - Wikipedia
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11-06-2020 -

15. Andet

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- Wikipedia

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11-06-2020 -

11. Teknik, videnskab

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- Wikipedia

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11-06-2020 -

09 Etik - omsorg - helse

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- Wikipedia

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11-06-2020 -

10 Teologi

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- Wikipedia

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11-06-2020 -

08 Etik- Seksualitet

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- Wikipedia

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11-06-2020 -

07 Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

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- Wikipedia

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11-06-2020 -

06 Religionsmøde

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- Wikipedia

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11-06-2020 -

05 Økumene

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- Wikipedia

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11-06-2020 -

04 Mission

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- Wikipedia

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11-06-2020 -

03 Samfund offentlighedsteologi politik

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- Wikipedia

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11-06-2020 -

02. Institution og organisation(er)

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- Wikipedia

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11-06-2020 -

01 Kirkens liv, trospraksis

Til kategorien: Kirkens liv, trospraksis: Både offentlig, store arrangementer, gudstjeneste mm og det personlige trosliv Læs mere - [Om kategorierne]

- Wikipedia

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04-06-2020 - Tre-selv-kirkerne søges integreret i kommunistpartiets propaganda

, Three-Self Churches Ordered to Unite with the Communist Party
In May, Three-Self preachers in Xinyu, a prefecture-level city in the southeastern province of Jiangxi, received from the government propaganda materials promoting "Mao Zedong's revolutionary spirit." They were told to first copy the texts by hand and then write about how they understood them. The preachers were also instructed to integrate this propaganda into their sermons.According to one of the preachers, the official who distributed the materials told them that "Christians must unite with the Communist Party and be ruled by it." Læs mere - [BitterWinter]

Kina - Wikipedia
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04-06-2020 - København: From Copenhell to Copenheaven
Kirkens liv

, Danish Church Takes Over Heavy Metal Venue
Houses of worship have struggled to adapt to a socially distanced world. But in Denmark, one congregation set up a drive-in church at the site of a heavy metal music festival. Læs mere - [New York Times]

Danmark - Wikipedia
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03-06-2020 - Uyghurer - især muslimer, men..

, "No one is immune from the roundups"
But nothing really explains the draconian sinicisation drive since president Xi Jinping removed presidential time limits in 2018, making himself leader for life.
He has made it his mission to repress not only Islam but every religion with a severity and determination not seen since Mao. Not only mosques, but churches and Buddhist temples have been torn down throughout China, leaders imprisoned and congregations forced to recite atheist slogans and propaganda as they worship. Læs mere - [Forbinfull]

Kina - Wikipedia
Islam - anden tro
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03-06-2020 - Overfor Covid19 hersker religionslighed
Kirkens liv - helse

, Nigerian govt sets strict conditions for churches, mosques to reopen
Mr Aliyu said church or mosque facilities must be structured to ensure observation of physical distancing by members.
He urged all worshippers to wear a face mask as part of measures to limit the spread of the virus.
"It is important to note that due to the nature of religious congregations, places of worship are particularly recognised to have a major potential for spreading COVID-19 infections amongst worshippers. Læs mere - [Premium Times, Nigeria]

Nigeria - Wikipedia
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03-06-2020 - Helgenkåring på vej af offer for coronavirus - i 1890
Kirkens liv

, Coronavirus victim and soon-to-be Blessed
The American priest died from pneumonia in 1890 during what some in the scientific community now say was likely a coronavirus pandemic. Some 1 million people died in that outbreak.
Pope Francis recently recognized a miracle attributed to Fr. McGivney, clearing the way for his beatification. Fr. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus, a fraternal service organization of Catholic laymen. Læs mere - [Vatican Information Service]

Vatikanet - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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02-06-2020 - Trump foran St. Johns med bibel - præsterne protesterer
Politik - religion

Ahead of Trump Bible photo op, police forcibly expel priest from St. J
The Rt. Rev. Michael Curry, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, also criticized the move, accusing the president of using "a church building and the Holy Bible for partisan political purposes." "This was done in a time of deep hurt and pain in our country, and his action did nothing to help us or to heal us," Curry said in a statement. "We need our President, and all who hold office, to be moral leaders who help us to be a people and nation living these values. For the sake of George Floyd, for all who have wrongly suffered, and for the sake of us all, we need leaders to help us to be "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all." Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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02-06-2020 - Præsidenten trækker kirken ind i en kulturkamp
Politik - religion

, The president is dragging the church into a culture war. We shouldn't
The president held up a Bible with the same confidence that I have when I use a power tool-which is to say, very little. "Is that your Bible?" a reporter shouted to him. "It's a Bible," he muttered back, in a true you-have-to-see-it moment:[Embedded video]
Then he left. He did not pray. He did not go inside. He had not even informed the rector of the church nor the governing bishop that he would be coming. Perhaps in the president and his advisors' eyes, he didn't need to. He had his picture taken holding the Bible in front of one of the country's most famous churches, boarded up.
The message was not difficult to parse... Læs mere - [America - The National Catholic Review]

USA - Wikipedia
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02-06-2020 - Med bibelen i hånd - bespottelse!
Politik - religion

, Trump's Bible walk to church was an act of 'sacrilege,' says former Bu
Posing for the cameras, President Donald Trump held a Bible at St. John's Church near the White House on Monday evening after law enforcement cleared protesters out of the area with tear gas before his visit. The protesters appeared to be acting peacefully before they were dispersed by force. Tear gas canisters could be heard exploding as Trump spoke in the Rose Garden. He then walked over to the 200-year-old church that over the weekend was set on fire as demonstrators clashed with police. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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01-06-2020 - Uroligheder: Satte ild på St. Johns Church i Washington
Politik - tro

, Historic St. John's Church near White House torched by rioters
The parish office at the historic St. John's Episcopal Church in Lafayette Square near the White House in Washington, D.C., was torched as riots escalated Sunday night...Fox News host Shannon Bream explained that the church is a place presidents have gone to for spiritual guidance in challenging moments in the nation's history. "Numerous presidents ... have sat in those pews. They have gone there in times of national trouble, they've gone there for regular Sunday services. For generations, presidents and their families have walked across Lafayette Park and gone and sat in the pews of St. John's," Bream said. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
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01-06-2020 - Minnesota-megakirkes reaktion på drabet på George Floyd
Politik - religion

Megachurch pastors offer biblical response to George Floyd's death
There is a racial divide . and it breaks Jesus' heart," Pastor Phil Print said, adding that Jesus died "so that there's no more of that." It should also break our hearts as followers of Jesus, the megachurch pastor said. "What happened to George Floyd happens far too frequently in our country. And it's unacceptable. And we have to do better. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
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01-06-2020 - Fattigdommens pandemi
Politik - sociale forhold

May we bring an end to the pandemic of poverty
The Holy Spirit "comes to heal our wounds", continued the Pope, including the wounds we inflict on each other. "He comes to transform us" into courageous "missionary disciples" in order to preach the Gospel of Jesus, he said. Today we need the Holy Spirit "more than ever", continued the Pope. We live in a suffering world, he explained, one that is "severely wounded". This suffering is felt especially by the poorest of our society Læs mere - [Vatican Information Service]

Vatikanet - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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24-05-2020 - Over 100 lokalesmittetilfælde af corona efter gudstjeneste
Kirkens liv - helse

, Corona-Infektionen nach Gottesdienst steigen auf über 100 an
Minister Klose betonte: "Diese Situation zeigt, wie wichtig es ist, dass wir alle - gerade w„hrend der Lockerungen, die jetzt wieder m”glich gemacht werden - wachsam bleiben und nicht leichtsinnig werden." Denn: "Das Virus ist weiterhin da und will sich verbreiten." Læs mere - [HessenSchau]

Tyskland - Wikipedia
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23-05-2020 - Florida - drive-in nødfødvareuddeling
Kirkens liv

, Central Florida parish steps up to needs during coronavirus pandemic
St. Rose of Lima Church here was closed. There was no Mass, but hundreds of cars began to wind their way through the 33-acre campus, quietly filling the parking lots. It was a balmy, spring morning as a huge refrigerated tractor-trailer truck pulled up, with a second truck full of healthy produce, both sent by Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida. An army of volunteers went to work unloading the trucks and setting up a gauntlet of food, and the cars kept coming. Læs mere - [National Catholic Reporter]

USA - Wikipedia
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13-05-2020 - Kirker contra stat
Politik - religion

, ..vow to reopen on Pentecost Sunday, regardless of gov. orders
Around the nation, a robust debate has emerged as to how much state entities can restrict certain freedoms, particularly religious worship by deeming it "nonessential" in order to prevent further spread of a disease and stem a public health crisis.
"Our fear is simply this," Governor Gavin Newsom said, as was reported by The Center Square Saturday, "Congregations of people from far and wide coming together in a closed space at a large scale remains a point of concern and anxiety for us. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
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12-05-2020 - Diskussion om koronarestriktion og messefejring
Kirkens liv - helse

, Theologians concerned over bishops' plans for 10-person pandemic Masse
Among the main worries: how a plan for Masses with fewer than 10 people might unfairly segregate peoples' access to the sacraments, whether such celebrations would downplay the liturgical role of the participating assembly, and if priests might burn themselves out in seeking to lead as many of the small celebrations as possible. Læs mere - [National Catholic Reporter]

USA - Wikipedia
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11-05-2020 - Israel vil lukke kristen tv-kanal pga "proselytering"

, GOD TV says Israel gov't wants to shut new Christian channel down
The head of the international Christian television network GOD TV confirmed that Israeli authorities are looking to "shut down" its new Hebrew-language Christian channel after concerns were raised about whether the channel will proselytize to Jews. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

Israel - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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22-04-2020 - Morderisk angreb på helsearbejdere

, Extreme concern after deadly attack on health care workers in Myanmar
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) together with 15 aid organizations has expressed "shock and sadness" upon receiving the news of a fatal shooting incident involving a vehicle of the World Health Organization (WHO) carrying COVID-19 test samples in Rakhine State, Myanmar.The aid organizations, all of whom work in Myanmar, call for an immediate ceasefire and unhindered humanitarian access to all populations and camps in Rakhine state. They are also urging all actors to "uphold the rights of conflict-affected populations to safety and protection", and "improved and equal access to health care and other crucial services in Rakhine State and elsewhere in the country". Læs mere - [Lutheran World Federation]

Myanmar - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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22-04-2020 - Earth Day - 50 fejret interreligiøst online
Kirkens liv

, How to faithfully celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day without
Here are some .. Earth Day events that people of faith can join from home this year. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

Globalt - Wikipedia
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21-04-2020 - Voldsom eskalering i forfølgelse i Indien

, Christians in India see dramatic increase of attacks in 2020
Attacks on Christians and their places of worship in India continued to escalate in both number and severity in the early months of 2020, with 27 violent incidents reported in March alone.
United Christian Forum in India, a Christian organization that advocates on behalf of Christians in India, documented 56 threats against Christians as well as 78 incidents of violence between January and March of 2020. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

Indien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - andre religioner
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21-04-2020 - Hold afstand! - til "verden"
Kirkens liv - helse

, Social distancing for the temple of God
Social distancing: a viral term that has spread as quickly as the coronavirus itself during the COVID-19 pandemic. As Christians, we are commanded to practice social distancing of a different kind: we are warned to keep a safe distance from another type of virus, one that is also global, contagious, and one that does not originate from flesh and blood: the virus of lawlessness, darkness, Belial (wickedness or worthlessness), or unbelief. 2 Corinthians 6: 14 - 16 says: [Michael Yussef] Læs mere - [Christian Post]

Globalt - Wikipedia
Flere religioner
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20-04-2020 - Underholdningskirken leder direkte til helvede
Kirkens liv

warns entertainment-driven church 'making people feel good all the way
Prominent pastor and author Michael Youssef issued a blistering condemnation of the entertainment-driven church, warning that the judgment of God will fall heavily upon the Church if it fails to return to His plan for discipleship. Læs mere - [Christian Post]
"The Apostle Peter said that the judgment of God begins in the household of God, so we really need to start with the Church and begin to clean house,"

USA - Wikipedia
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20-04-2020 - Påskefejring nedtonet både i Jerusalem og Ægypten
Kirkens liv

, Eastern Christians mark Easter in shuttered Jerusalem church
A handful of Eastern Orthodox priests held mass for the Christian holiday of Easter on Sunday in an empty Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem due to restrictions in place to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

Mellemøsten - Wikipedia
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20-04-2020 - Mindes ofrene for terrorangrebet påskedag for et år siden

Sri Lankan cardinal calls for moment of silence for victims of Easter
Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith has called for a moment of silence and ringing of the bells of churches and temples on Tuesday, to remember the dead in the suicide bomb attacks on Easter Sunday a year ago. Læs mere - [Vatican Information Service]

Vatikanet - Wikipedia
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20-04-2020 - Konference afholdt: Retfærdighed for romaer og sinti

, Justice for Roma and Sinti: a challenge for churches
Rev. Miki Kamberovic of the Serbian Pentecostal Church, a Roma himself, commented: "I have never been in a conference with so many different church and denominational backgrounds but yet I felt so much of a sense of unity and love for one another, especially for the Roma where each of us is involved and serving." Læs mere - [CEC]

- Wikipedia

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17-04-2020 - Bog om "Modern Religious Left i USA
Politik - religion

, How a rally for the right in Charlottesville emboldened a resurgent Re
"American Prophets: The Religious Roots of Progressive Politics and the Ongoing Fight for the Soul of the Country" by author and Religion News Service reporter Jack Jenkins. The book, which publishes on April 21 with HarperOne, offers a sweeping look at the modern Religious Left, uncovering untold or long-ignored stories of how faith-rooted liberals have made a lasting impact on contemporary progressive causes. The text below is adapted from its fifth chapter, which focuses on the intersection of religion, race, and the Black Lives Matter movement. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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15-04-2020 - Storgudstjeneser trods pandemi
Kirkens liv

Some California churches call in-person services essential despite pan
The faithful stood in line for about two hours to receive Communion at Godspeak Calvary Chapel in Thousand Oaks. Some were in tears as they approached the Communion table. The church, which typically dispenses about 400 Communion cups on a regular Sunday, served over 700 that day. Pastors from other churches attended. Protesters and police were there. This was the scene pastor Rob McCoy witnessed April 5 when he decided to open his sanctuary for Communion on Palm Sunday, despite a statewide stay-at-home order that bans group gatherings and shut down businesses except for those deemed essential. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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11-04-2020 - Covid19 er Guds straf for vore synder

COVID-19 is God's Judgment for Our Sins, Says Leader of Mt. Athos Mona
God sent this pandemic as a serious wake-up call. As a loving Father, God firmly disciplines us, encouraging us to repent of our sins. This is the message from Archimandrite Ephraim, Abbot of the Vatopaidi Monastery. Læs mere - [Russian Faith]

Grækenland - Wikipedia
Ortodoks, russisk
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09-04-2020 - Kirkerne for alvor online i påsken (Rapport USA)
Kirkens liv

, Easter - The Church Online
As a pandemic peaks at Christianity's Easter climax, churches adapt online Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

- Wikipedia
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06-04-2020 - Evangelist fremkommanderer overnaturlig varme i kampen mod Corona
Kirkens liv

Televangelist calls forth 'supernatural heatwave' to kill coronavirus
Declaring his authority over the weather and his ability to command it, Texas-based prosperity preacher and televangelist Kenneth Copeland called forth a "supernatural heatwave" last Thursday to kill the new coronavirus in New York City and "the rest of the world where it's needed." Speaking on the first day of his Virtual Victory Campaign on Facebook Live, the leader of Kenneth Copeland Ministries called the weather "God's weapon" and revealed that "we learned . 45 years ago that we have command, authority over the weather." Læs mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - prosperity
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06-04-2020 - 3 præster døde - en af dem kan have udsat hundreder for smitten
Kirkens liv

Coronavirus claims 3 more pastors; one may have exposed hundreds to di
At least three more pastors have lost their lives to the new coronavirus in just over a week, leaving more churches across the nation mourning in the fallout from the pandemic...Prior to his diagnosis, Bishop T. T. Scott may have also unknowingly exposed about 300 people to the virus at a funeral held at his church on March 14, Læs mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
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03-04-2020 - Med pandemien som baggrund arresteres præst på falsk anklage

, Police in Nepal Falsely Charge Pastors with Violating Coronavirus Lock lsely-charge-pastors-with-violating-coronavirus-lockdown-sourc es-say/ Læs mere - [Morning Star News]

Nepal - Wikipedia
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03-04-2020 - Frihedsrettigheder - kirkers ret til at samle menigheden
Politik - tro

Orig tit
In mid-March, Pastor Howard-Browne, head of the River at Tampa Bay Church, declared before his packed congregation: "I've got news for you: This church will never close." - A little over two weeks later, he was under arrest.- It was the first chapter in an ongoing drama playing out in Florida, where the Hillsborough County pastor was arrested on Monday (March 30) for continuing to hold worship services at his church despite local regulations prohibiting large gatherings amid the ongoing pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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02-04-2020 - Syditalien vender sig mod helgener og pave for støtte
Kirkens liv

As pandemic spreads, Italy's south turns to Pope Francis, saints
- Positive coronavirus cases have started to grow in Italy's very religious south, where high levels of unemployment and organized crime complicate the application of stringent rules to prevent the spread of the pandemic. In some southern cities, fights have started to break out and people have been robbed while leaving the supermarket. While the threat of the virus makes its way down the Italian peninsula, many have turned to their faith for sustenance. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

Italien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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02-04-2020 - Arresteret for tvang til konversion under nødhjælpsaktion

, Christians arrested for 'forcible conversion' while providing aid to t
Christians in southern India's Tamil Nadu state were arrested on false charges of "forcible conversion" while providing food and other aid to the poor amid escalating persecution in the majority Hindu country. Morning Star News reports that pastor Perumal Kanagaraj and about 30 young adults from Viluppuram Church of South India were serving the poor in the nearby slum area of Anumandai village when a member of the Hindu Munnani extremist group showed up and began shouting obscenities at them. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

Indien - Wikipedia
Hinduisme - anden tro
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01-04-2020 - En muslimsk, 196 kristne publikationer destrueret

, More court-ordered religious literature destruction
In 2020, courts ordered destroyed one Muslim and 196 Christian publications. The owners were each fined one month's average wage. Punishing an individual for importing one religious book ("Selected Hadiths") for personal use is a "clear violation" by the court, a legal specialist noted. "Normally [the Police] destroy books by putting them in a stove, but I can't say if they've already destroyed the book," the judge told Forum 18 Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Kazakhstan - Wikipedia
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30-03-2020 - Megakirkepræst arresteret for at holde gudstjeneste trods coronarestri
Kirkens liv

Arrested for holding church service, defying 'safer-at-home' order
Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne, leader of Revival International Ministries and The River at Tampa Bay Church in Tampa, Florida, was arrested Monday for what officials say was the violation of a "safer-at-home" order, which prohibits large worship services during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister said that when he saw images from a crowded Sunday service at the church posted online, he was furious. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
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27-03-2020 - Regering udleverer lastebil efter 8 år

, Baptist Church Recovers Truck Confiscated Eight Years Ago
Christian leaders in Sudan rejoiced when the new transitional government on Wednesday (March 25) released a truck confiscated eight years ago from a Baptist church...Christians in Sudan are still awaiting the return of properties seized by the government under Bashir, with some church leaders voicing concern over empty promises and lack of action."We need actions, not promises," the Rev. Yahia Abdelrahim Nalu Læs mere - [Morning Star News]

Sudan, Khartoum - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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27-03-2020 - Ingen indvending mod begrænset gudstjenesteaktivitet - men ingen legal

, "No objection" to limited worship, but no legal right
After 25 years, Aliabad's Baptist community, denied legal status the longest, finally began open worship in January. The State Committee for Work with Religious Organisations wrote that it had "no objection" to meetings once a week for two hours. Shia Imam Sardar Babayev, freed after a three-year sentence for preaching in a mosque with foreign education, will not resume preaching for fear of renewed criminal prosecution. Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Azerbadjan - Wikipedia
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27-03-2020 - Evangelikale frygter Corona mindst
Kirkens liv

, Pew: Most white evangelicals don't think COVID-19 poses a major threat
White evangelicals are less likely than most other groups to say COVID-19 poses a major threat to the health of the U.S. population, according to a new study released by the Pew Research Center.
According to the Pew survey gathered as part of the Election News Pathways project, only about a third of white evangelical Protestants (32%) say the virus poses a major threat to the health of the U.S. population. Additionally, white evangelical Protestants (76%) are the most likely to think the media has made a bigger deal of the coronavirus crisis than is warranted. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - evangelikal
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25-03-2020 - Kirkegang under shut-down diskuteres world wide
Kirkens liv

, An Easter Without Going to Church
However, even if we do practice stringent hygiene and social distancing, coming together as congregations in the face of this pandemic actually mars our witness. Rather than looking courageous and faithful, we come off looking callous and even foolish, not unlike the snake handlers who insisted on playing with poison as a proof of true faith. Better the recent encouragement from Wheaton College's Esau McCaulley: "The church's absence, its literal emptying, can function as a symbol of its trust in God's ability to meet us regardless of the location. The church remains the church whether gathered or scattered." The church remains the church online, too. During a season of illness when I couldn't attend church in person, I benefited from what theologian Deanna Thompson calls "the virtual body of Christ." Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]

Globalt - Wikipedia
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25-03-2020 - Forfatningsdomstol dømmer statsindgreb i patriarkvalg ulovlig

, Constitutional Court judgment on Armenian Patriarchal election - a pre
Turkey's Constitutional Court (Anayasa Mahkemesi - AYM) issued an important judgment in May 2019 addressing state interference in the election of a religious leader, namely the long-standing obstruction of the election of a Patriarch for the Armenian community in Turkey. The Court found such interference not prescribed by law and not necessary in a democratic society. The Armenian Apostolic Church community is the largest Christian community in Turkey. State interference in the internal affairs of religious or belief communities is a long-standing concern that impacts a number of religious or belief communities in critical ways. Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Tyrkiet - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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21-03-2020 - Græsk biskop arresteret for at holde gudstjeneste
Politik - religion

, Orthodox Bishop Arrested for Keeping Church Open for Worship
Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythira is accused of the fact that during the service the doors of the temple were open to all comers, and the bell rang before the service.
On March 21, 2020, it became known that the mayor of the Greek city of Kythira, Stratos Harhalakis, ordered the arrest of Metropolitan Seraphim (Stergiulis) of Kythira and Antikythera for performing the Divine Liturgy, Læs mere - [Russian Faith]

Grækenland - Wikipedia
Kristendom, ortodoks
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20-03-2020 - Absolution mulig direkte i forhold Gud (betinget alvor og et "follow u
Kirkens liv

, Vatican says general absolution may be permissible during pandemic
..echoing what Pope Francis had said that morning in his homily, the Apostolic Penitentiary urged priests to remind their faithful that when they find themselves with "the painful impossibility of receiving sacramental absolution," they can make an act of contrition directly to God in prayer.
If they are sincere and promise to go to confession as soon as possible, they "obtain the forgiveness of sins, even mortal sins," the notice said. Læs mere - [Catholic Herald]

Vatikanet - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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16-03-2020 - Giv kejseren .. og da særligt i sygdomstider

Dispatches from Rome in the time of coronavirus
"Render unto Caesar" seems to be the approach taken by the Catholic Church in Italy, quoting Italian regulations in its documents and dispositions. Even Pope Francis has called faithful "to a strong sense of responsibility and collaboration with the competent authorities," in a letter announcing the Via Crucis meditations on Monday. - Of course, the Catholic Church continues to be active in the field of charity and assistance to the sick. The Catholic nonprofit charity Caritas and the movement of St. Egidio have been active since the beginning in bringing meals and spiritual support to those in need... Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

Italien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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14-03-2020 - Græsk-ortodoks: I coronatider - vi begrænser fælles gudstjeneste
Kirkens liv

, Further Guidance From The Holy Eparchial Synod
The Holy Eparchial Synod convened via a teleconference to continue assessing the spread of COVID-19, commonly known as Corona Virus, and decided the following:
1) For the benefit and protection of the faithful, and taking into account the recent scientific findings, we advise our faithful not to be exposed in places of public assembly (including attending church) during the next few weeks. We recognize that this is an unprecedented situation and one that calls upon each of us to take steps to protect our fellow parishioners and larger communities... Læs mere - [Great Orthodox Archdiocese of Ameria]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - græsk-ortodoks
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13-03-2020 - Evangelikal leder kritiserer Trump for hans Corona-løgne
Politik - religion

Influential Evangelical Calls Out Trump's 'Sloppy & Dangerous' Coronav
Influential Evangelical Calls Out Trump's 'Sloppy & Dangerous' Coronavirus Lies Læs mere - [Huffpost Religion]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - evangelikal
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12-03-2020 - LGBT+ gudstjeneste signal til Lambeth konference
Seksualitet - det civile liv

Lesbian priests to lead church service on eve of Anglican summit
LGBT+ campaigners will hold a church service led by two high-profile married lesbian priests on the eve of the Lambeth conference .. An "inclusive" eucharist at a church in Canterbury will be presided over by the Rt Rev Mary Glasspool, the assistant bishop in New York. The preacher will be the Rev Canon Mpho Tutu van Furth, a daughter of Desmond Tutu, the veteran South African anti-apartheid campaigner.The service is intended to send a strong message to up to 1,000 bishops from 165 countries who are due to gather at the University of Kent at the end of July for almost two weeks of prayer and discussion about issues facing the worldwide Anglican church. Læs mere - [The Guardian]

England - Wikipedia
Kristendom, anglikansk
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12-03-2020 - Hvordan vurderes Trump
Politik - tro

, White Evangelicals See Trump as Fighting for Their Beliefs, Though Man
Heading into the 2020 election season, a new Pew Research Center survey delves into the relationship between religion and politics, including perceptions about President Donald Trump among white evangelical Protestants, a key part of his electoral base. Læs mere - [Pew Research Center for the People & the Press]

USA - Wikipedia
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11-03-2020 - Moskva den by hvor der bygges flest kirker
Kirkens liv

, Moscow Leads World in Construction of Temples, Especially Christian On
"Moscow is a unique city. Dozens of churches are being built there at the same time, and there is not a single city anymore in the world, much less a capital, in which so many churches would be built at the same time," TASS quoted the head of the press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, priest Alexander Volkov. Læs mere - [Russian Faith]

Rusland - Wikipedia
Kristendom, ortodoks
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09-03-2020 - Græsk-ortodoks: I coronatider - Vi fortsætter med hellige nadver
Kirkens liv

, In era of coronavirus, Greek church says Holy Communion will carry on
Debate has raged in deeply religious Greece on whether it would be prudent for the Church to continue the ritual, where worshippers sip from the same spoon. The Greek Orthodox Church attempted to put a stop to the chatter on Monday: "This cannot be the cause of the spread of illness," the Holy Synod, the ruling body of the Church, said in a statement. Læs mere - [Reuters]

Grækenland - Wikipedia
Kristendom - græsk-ortodoks
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06-03-2020 - Nye tider? Søndage ikke arbejds- og eksamensdage?

, Sudan to Consider Christian Holidays in Setting Student Exam Schedules
Sudan to Consider Christian Holidays in Setting Student Exam Schedules, Official Says Læs mere - [Morning Star News]
Church leaders seek action. - - Christian leaders in Sudan were skeptical about a government statement this week that it will consider removing Sundays as a student exam day.

Sudan, Southern - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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02-03-2020 - Muslimske ofre overses, kristne tør protestere
Politik - sociale forhold

, Kaduna Killings: Shehu Sani calls on northern governors to buck up
The former senator who represented Kaduna Central at the last 8th assembly said the north must wake up to the incessant killings or perish. He alleged that the figures of casualties on Muslim victims are not seen to be much because the Islamic leaders massage the ego of governments, while the Christian leaders are speaking out and staging protests.He said: "Northern governors are still playing the ostrich, afraid of confronting the federal government and taking independent action to protect their people while the killings and the kidnappings go on. Læs mere - [Premium Times, Nigeria]

Nigeria - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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02-03-2020 - Hjemvendt fra tyrkisk fængsel advarer mod fjendskabet om kristendom i

US 'increasingly hostile' to Christianity; following Jesus will come a
American pastor Andrew Brunson, who was imprisoned for his faith in Turkey for two years, warned that being a Christian in the U.S. may soon come with great personal risk as the culture becomes increasingly "hostile" to believers. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

USA - Wikipedia
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01-03-2020 - Historisk sensationelt: Koreas kirker aflyser gudstjenester
Kirkens liv

, Korean Churches Close for First Time as Coronavirus Cases Hit 3,700
Although March 1 usually marks one of the most joyous services in South Korea, in celebration of Independence Movement Day, an unprecedented number of churches will be closed Sunday in response to an escalating coronavirus outbreak now second in scale only to China. "This is the first time that churches are officially postponing services in the 100 years of Protestant history and 200 years of Catholic history..Christian apocalyptic sect epicenter! Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]

Sydkorea - Wikipedia
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29-02-2020 - I verdens største muslimske befolkning: religøs harmoni skal fremmes

, Indonesia's religious leaders urge promotion of religious harmony
Not only civil and religious leaders but also all citizens have the responsibility in promoting values such as tolerance, respect, religious harmony, which strengthen Indonesians in their daily lives. Leaders of several religions of Indonesia made the call on February 27 in the capital Jakarta, during a seminar on "Harmonious and constructive religion that strengthens national life". - Indonesia is home to the world's largest Muslim population Læs mere - [Vatican Information Service]

Indonesien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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28-02-2020 - Protestantisk kirke i Europas mest ateistiske land
Kirkens liv

, An interview with Daniel Zenatì
The Czech Republic, with its about 11 million inhabitants, is generally regarded as one of the most atheistic countries in Europe. Based on official figures on religious affiliation, more than two thirds of the Czech population do not belong to a religious community. With its approximately 75,000 members, the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (ECCB) is the second largest church in the country, after the Roman Catholic Church. Since 2004 the church a member of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). Læs mere - [Lutheran World Federation]

Tjekkiet - Wikipedia
Kristendom - ateisme
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27-02-2020 - Sanders i sort kirke: bekæmp fattigdom
Politik - sociale forhold

Bernie Sanders makes his pitch at prominent NC black church ahead of S
In a visit to one of North Carolina's most prominent African American churches, Sen. Bernie Sanders scored big points talking about poverty in the United States.The front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination spoke Wednesday (Feb. 26) with the Rev. William J. Barber II at his Greenleaf Christian Church. The talk comes ahead of Super Tuesday, when a significant segment of black voters will cast their votes - including in North Carolina, where African Americans make up 22% of the state's residents. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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25-02-2020 - Charter mod LGBT i Polen - bygger på kristne værdier
Seksualitet - det civile liv

"The charter is a response to threats from far-left ideology, social movements, the LGBT ideology, gender ideology, which are spreading ever more across the world and in Poland," Kwasniak from Ordo Iuris said. "In our opinion, this gender, LGBT ideology is hurting the Christian values on which our culture and civilisation are based. It undermines the family based on marriage between man and woman and aimed at raising children." - Paradoxically, Ordo Iuris's own work on the Municipal Charter of Family Rights could hardly be described as an entirely home-grown Polish initiative. Læs mere - [Balkan Insight]

Polen - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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24-02-2020 - Interreligiøs solidaritet over raceskel
Politik - racisme

Solidarity over segregation: Faith-based coalitions organize across ra
More than a half century after the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. challenged the Christian church to "remove the yoke of segregation from its own body," an estimated one-sixth of U.S. congregations have succeeded in becoming at least partly multiracial - but not without struggles. A handful of religious institutions, meanwhile, are pursuing reconciliation by pushing for reparations. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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24-02-2020 - "Konverteret" kardinal: drop fordommene mod at kvinder leder

Church must 'shed prejudice' against women's leadership
One of the six members of Pope Francis' advisory Council of Cardinals has acknowledged a bias among the members of the Catholic Church's all-male hierarchy against giving women more leadership roles, saying he and his peers must "shed this prejudice."
In an NCR interview, Indian Cardinal Oswald Gracias called himself a "convert" to the cause of women seeking more opportunities for responsibility in the global institution. Læs mere - [National Catholic Reporter]

Vatikanet - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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21-02-2020 - Kirke og moske konfiskerede

, TAJIKISTAN: Churches, mosque confiscated, no sign of promised kinderga
Sunmin Sunbogym (Full Gospel) Protestant Church's two buildings in northern Tajikistan have both been confiscated, one of them with a 2018 excuse that a kindergarten would open there - but in 2020 there is no still sign of the kindergarten. Similarly, Khujand's Nuri Islom Mosque has been turned into a cinema.
Sunmin Sunbogym (Full Gospel) Protestant Church's two buildings - in Konibodom and Khujand in northern Tajikistan - have both been sealed by the authorities and left empty since 2017 raids that led to the torture of Church members, the jailing of their Pastor, and the forcible closure of the Konibodom branch of the Church. Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Tajikistan - Wikipedia
Kristendom, protestantisk
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21-02-2020 - Jihadistangreb på gudstjeneste slår 24 ihjel
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, Suspected Jihadist Attack on Church Service Kills 24
In a West African country that now ranks 28th on Open Doors' 50 most dangerous countries for Christians after not appearing on the list the previous year, suspected jihadists killed 24 Christians during a church service on Sunday (Feb. 16) in Burkina Faso. Læs mere - [Morning Star News]

Burkina Faso - Wikipedia
Kristendom - islam
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20-02-2020 - Coronavirus og kirken i Hongkong
Kirkens liv

, Keeping hope alive
A few churches cancelled Sunday services on 9 February, more joined them on 16 February, and still more on 23 February. All other church programs and gatherings have been cancelled. Most kinds of pastoring and fellowship, including Sunday worship, can only be done via internet or telephone. After seven months of social conflict, we are facing another round of challenges. Læs mere - [Lutheran World Federation]

Kina - Wikipedia
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19-02-2020 - Forfølgelse på Krim

, 35 "anti-missionary" prosecutions in 2019
In Russian-occupied Crimea in 2019 there were 24 prosecutions brought against 23 individuals and 1 community for ill-defined "missionary activity", of which 17 ended with punishment, Forum 18 has found. Many of those punished were prosecuted for holding worship at unapproved venues or for sharing their faith on the street. Further cases continue in early 2020 Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Rusland - Wikipedia
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14-02-2020 - Kirkegang online på grund af Corona
Kirkens liv

, Hong Kong Catholics told to attend mass online as virus spreads
Catholics living in Hong Kong have been asked to attend mass online only as the Church takes action against the spread of Coronavirus on the Island city. So far, 56 people have been diagnosed with the virus in Hong Kong, with several more still in quarantine. Læs mere - [The Tablet]

Kina - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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14-02-2020 - Beskyldning om sexmisbrug rettet mod biskop
Seksualitet - misbrug

, Bishop accused of sex abuse test case for Church in Poland
The first accusation of sexual abuse against a Polish bishop will serve as a testing ground for the Church's new commitment to fighting sexual abuse, and how it manifests itself both locally and at the Vatican. [But it is not the first sexscandal i Poland. In 2019 Poland and the rest of the Catholic World was shaken by i video released by a victim Læs mere - [Crux - Covering all things Catholic]

Polen - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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12-02-2020 - Pavens Nej - til udpining af Amazonas - og til gifte præster
Politik - miljø og kirke

, Pope vetoes married priests in the Amazon, slams those who exploit..
A new document by Pope Francis slams countries and companies exploiting the Amazon region and calls on the Catholic Church to find new paths and methods to minister to its indigenous people.But those new paths do not include the ordination of married men to the priesthood in the region. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

Brasilien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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12-02-2020 - Bed for fred - reformerte forkaster Trumps fredsplan
Politik - fredsappel

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) strongly rejects the Middle East Peace Proposal that has been presented by the Trump Administration and calls for a plan that will take into account all peoples living within the Israeli/Palestinian area as well as displaced refugees. Læs mere - [World Communion of Reformed Churches]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - reformert
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08-02-2020 - Pavelig appel til storfinansen: reducer ulighed
Politik - økonomi

Pope urges global finance leaders to reduce economic inequality
Finance ministers from France, Argentina, Mexico, Paraguay, and El Salvador; a Nobel economics laureate; and the director of the International Monetary Fund are among global leaders who took part in a Vatican workshop on Wednesday. The event - entitled "New Forms of Solidarity" - was held at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Læs mere - [Vatican Information Service]

Vatikanet - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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06-02-2020 - Kirke lukket på grund af "manglende brandsikkerhed" - hvor længe?
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, Will church's alleged fire safety violations be resolved?
Bailiffs have closed the building of Jesus Embassy Church in Nizhny Novgorod due to alleged "fire safety" violations, but the changing number of violations claimed, and the apparent hostility of the FSB security service, raise doubts that the church building will be reopened soon. "Of course the FSB isn't interested in fire safety," Alexander Verkhovsky of SOVA Center commented. Læs mere - [Forum 18]

Rusland - Wikipedia
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05-02-2020 - Snart under 50% katolikker, mens procentdelen af protestanter vokser (

, As evangelicals gain, Catholics on verge of losing majority in Brazil
A survey released in January showed that the percentage of Catholics in Brazil continues to decline, while the proportion of evangelicals has increased at a higher annual rate in the past few years.According to the private institute Datafolha, the proportion of Catholics in Brazil currently corresponds to 51%, while the percentage of evangelicals grew to 31%. In 2013, another Datafolha survey had shown that Catholics represented 57% of the Brazilian population, and Evangelicals amounted to 28%. Læs mere - [National Catholic Reporter]

Brasilien - Wikipedia
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05-02-2020 - Romneys tro var hans grund til at stemme for at Trump skulle fjernes
Politik - magtkritik

Romney Cites Faith as Inspiring his Vote to Remove Trump
Utah senator and Republican Mitt Romney has declared his intention to vote to convict President Donald Trump of abuse of power, explaining he is compelled to do so in part by his faith as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Romney grew visibly emotional on the Senate floor Wednesday (Feb. 5), while discussing the role of his faith in the decision. "I am profoundly religious. My faith is at the heart of who I am," he said, taking a long pause to collect himself. "I take an oath before God as enormously consequential." Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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04-02-2020 - Præst i katolske Rhode Island banlyser abortlovgivere
Etik - abort

, Catholic Priest Pledges To Deny Communion, Church Roles To Pro-Choice
A Rhode Island Catholic priest intends to deny Holy Communion and other church privileges to state lawmakers who supported an abortion rights bill signed into law last year.
Rev. Richard Bucci, a priest at West Warwick's Sacred Heart Church, created a flier listing the names of 66 lawmakers who would be refused communion at his parish Læs mere - [Huffpost Religion]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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03-02-2020 - Spænding mellem Spaniens sekulare, socialistiske styre og kirken
Politik og kirke

, Tensions brew between church and Spain's 'progressive coalition'
In a conciliatory message, Cardinal Ricardo Bl zquez Pérez of Valladolid, the Spanish bishops' conference president, told S nchez that church leaders believed "authentic religious life" contributed to "the general good of Spanish society," and would offer "loyal and generous collaboration" in helping his new government "work in service of the common good.
"However, Cardinal Carlos Osoro Sierra of Madrid urged citizens to avoid being "dragged toward polarization," while Archbishop Jésus Sanz Montes of Oviedo said on Twitter he was asking the Virgin Mary to "save Spain" from coming "clouds and storms." Læs mere - [National Catholic Reporter]

Spanien - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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02-02-2020 - En ny, snigende kulturrevolution
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

How China's Xi Jinping destroyed religion and made himself God
Catholic churches torn down or denuded of their crosses and statues. Images of the Madonna and Child replaced with pictures of "People's Leader" Xi Jinping. Signs posted outside evangelical churches forbidding anyone under the age of 18 from entering. The Ten Commandments painted over with quotes from Xi...Not even the Taoists, China's ancient folk religion, have escaped this new Cultural Revolution. Læs mere - [Christian Persecution]

Kina - Wikipedia
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01-02-2020 - Den evangelikale base for Trump urokket
Politik - tro

Evangelicals see Trump as a way to get what they want after decades of
Trump has handed his ultra-loyal evangelical base policy victories and in return they turn a blind eye to his scandals Læs mere - [The Guardian]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - evangelikal
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31-01-2020 - Unge katolikkers skift: fra Trump to Sanders - og andre
Politik - tro

Faith influences Iowa's Catholic college voters
"Every day social workers help people get on their feet, but it's like putting a bandage on a gushing wound," Timmons told NCR. "We're not doing anything to fix the system that's causing all these problems."
Those insights led Timmons, now a college junior, not only to change his political affiliation but to volunteer for the campaign of the presidential candidate he believes talks most about systemic change: Bernie Sanders Læs mere - [National Catholic Reporter]

USA - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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31-01-2020 - Protestantiske kirker i Mellemøsten er essentielle
Politik - tro

"There has been so much pain and loss, especially in Syria, over the past few years. The challenge of the church is to be present in the midst of that pain."
"The churches there are going outside their walls and helping people in need," said Najla Kassab, one of the first women to be ordained in the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon.
The number of Christians is fewer and fewer in Syria, she said, Læs mere - [World Communion of Reformed Churches]

Mellemøsten - Wikipedia
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31-01-2020 - Paven velsigner CEC og COMECE

, Pope Francis offers blessings to CEC and COMECE on their anniversaries
At the end of 60th anniversary of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and the beginning of 40th anniversary of the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), Pope Francis offered his blessings to both organisations. The Pope conveyed his appreciation for the work of the Brussels-based Christian organisations.. Læs mere - [Council of European Churches]

- Wikipedia
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31-01-2020 - CEC: Brexit uanset - Den økumeniske forpligtelse den samme

, European churches to pray, strengthen solidarity as United Kingdom lea
The United Kingdom officially leaves the European Union on 31 January. This date marks the end of a long period of debate and hesitation, opening up negotiations on the future relations between the United Kingdom and the EU. This does not change the mutual ecumenical commitment of European churches that grew in the last century under different political contexts. On the contrary, there is a call for us to intensify the commitment of churches towards reconciliation, cooperation and solidarity in Europe. Læs mere - [CEC]

Europa - Wikipedia
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30-01-2020 - Angreb eskalerer fra muslimske fulanier
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, Violence in Plateau State, Nigeria Escalates
- At least 32 people were killed and a pastor's house and church building were burned down in two nights of attacks this week by Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Plateau state, Nigeria Læs mere - [Morning Star News]

Nigeria - Wikipedia
Islam - kristendom
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29-01-2020 - Evagelikale bifalder Trumps og Netanyahus fredsplan
Politik - religion

, Evangelicals embrace Trump's peace plan, saying it recognizes the Bibl
To many evangelicals and ardent Christian Zionists, God promised the land of Israel to the Jews and to the Jews alone. The belief comes, at least in part, from the Book of Genesis which recounts of the covenant God made with Abraham: "The whole land of Canaan, where you now reside as a foreigner, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you" (Genesis 17:8).
Yet on Tuesday (Jan. 28), when President Donald Trump unveiled his long-awaited plan for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, which calls for some land swaps with Palestinians and a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem, his evangelical advisers congratulated him for it. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

Israel - Wikipedia
Kristendom - evangelikal
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29-01-2020 - Efter selvmord: Diskussion om kirkelig rådgivning af LGBT-unge
Etik - seksualitet

, puts-focus-
Chen's death has focused attention on how religious institutions handle the question of sexuality in their counseling, especially when the counselor's faith teaches that homosexuality is wrong or sinful. Last year, Colorado banned gay conversion therapy for minors. That ban, however, exempts religious counselors.That's something Chen's mother and sister want to see changed. They believe the religious counseling Chen received contributed to her death. Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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24-01-2020 - Hindus, kristne, muslimer m.fl. i fælles protest
Religionsmøde - fælles handlen

, Protesting women in India are uniting Muslims, Hindus and religious mi
The Shaheen Bagh protest remarkably has attracted Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs and other religious minorities. These women represent nearly 600 million Indian women who believe in the democratic foundations of free speech, liberty, equality and religious freedom - ideals that seem to have come under threat by the citizenship law. Læs mere - [The Hill]

Indien - Wikipedia
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24-01-2020 - Fælles luthersk-katolsk markering af Luthers ekskommunikation

Lutherans and Catholics to jointly mark 500th anniversary of Luther's
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) held their annual joint staff meeting on 14 January in Geneva. LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge and PCPCU President Kurt Cardinal Koch co-chaired the meeting at the LWF Communion Office. At the meeting, the LWF and the PCPCU agreed to jointly mark the 500th anniversary of the excommunication of Luther, which happened in 1521. Læs mere - [Lutheran World Federation]

Schweitz - Wikipedia
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23-01-2020 - Præsidentkandidat (episkolpal) lover milliard til kamp mod antisemitis
Politik - religion

, Will spend $1 billion to fight anti-Semitism
Buttigieg, an Episcopalian who has spoken at length about his faith and has worked to articulate an alternative vision of morality to that of the Christian right, has not hesitated to reach out to religious people and religious coalitions. In December, he sought out African American church worshippers when he appeared at the Rev. William J. Barber's Greenleaf Christian Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Buttigieg took direct aim at President Donald Trump in his comments to JTA, saying he has "refused to condemn white nationalists, brought individuals holding anti-Semitic views into his administration, and unapologetically employed anti-Semitic tropes himself." Læs mere - [Religion News Service]

USA - Wikipedia
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23-01-2020 - Beretning om forfølgelse som endte med flugt
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, Chinese Christian details how gov't harassed family
Chinese Christian details how gov't harassed family... Stephen's church (which will not be named for security reasons) is one of nearly 6,000 underground churches shut down by officials in China as authorities have cracked down on the house church movement in recent years, according to Open Doors USA. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

Kina - Wikipedia
Kristendom - ateisme
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22-01-2020 - Paven hilser det kinesisk nytår
Politik - tro

Pope's greetings for Lunar New Year
At the end of his General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis greeted all those who mark the new year according to the traditional Chinese calendar. He urged for prayers for peace, dialogue and solidarity among nations. Læs mere - [Vatican Information Service]

Vatikanet - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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18-01-2020 - Boere lovpriser Rusland som tilflugtssted

, White Afrikaners Moving to Russia, Fleeing South African Genocide
"This country has something of everything," his father Leon Francois Du Toit said, referring to the weather and the quality of the soil. As the leader of a large, Christian community of Afrikaners, he says that Russia attracts Boers with its strong spiritual traditions and highfamily standards. Like many others families fleeing the ongoing genocide in South Africa, the Du Toit family is grateful that Russia is opening its doors to them. Læs mere - [Russian Faith]

Rusland - Wikipedia
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12-01-2020 - Ex-pave fastslår i bog cølibatets nødvendighed

In surprise, Benedict openly defends clerical celibacy as Francis cons
Retired Pope Benedict XVI has coauthored a new book defending the Catholic Church's practice of a celibate priesthood, in a shocking move that comes as Pope Francis is considering the possibility of allowing older, married men to be ordained as priests in the Amazon region. Læs mere - [National Catholic Reporter]

Vatikanet - Wikipedia
Kristendom - romersk-katolsk
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02-01-2020 - Undergrundskirkeleder dømt til 9 års fængsel
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, Shows China Feels Threatened by Spread of Christianity, Experts Say
On Monday, Wang was sentenced to nine years in prison for "inciting subversion of state power" and "illegal business activities" following closed-door proceedings..The pastor, who is the founder of Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu will also be "stripped of political rights" for three years and have approximately $7,200 of his assets seized, according to a government statement...Wang is a well-known Christian leader Læs mere - [Time]

Kina - Wikipedia
Kristendom - ateisme
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